An Egyptian obelisk sits in front of the Pantheon of ancient Rome, which housed statues of their pagan gods. He built the first basilica on the Mons Vaticanus and named it after the martyred St Peter, apostle of Jesus. The hexagram is used by pagan religions and by Luciferians. These symbols are still used today, but their true meanings are hidden. The Greek equivalent word is hades which also means place of the dead, both words mean the same thing, a temporary place where souls are kept and wait for the final resurrection and judgement (Revelation 20:11-15) gives a clear distinction between hades and the lake of fire (hell), the permanent and final place of judgement for the lost. A majority of the theories allege that the Church and its representatives are secretly controlling secular society with a Satanic agenda for global domination. It is wider than the modern pallium although not as wide as the modern omophor, made of wool with black silk ends, and decorated with five red crosses, three of which are pierced with pins, symbolic of Christ's five wounds and the three nails. Aliens? Whatever the reason, the Vatican Refugee Commission unquestionably knowingly provided Nazi fugitives with false identities. As you can see, snakes and religion aren't strangers to each other, though it's safe to say snakes have usually been linked to all kinds of dark things. During the fascinating spectacle, the frenzied churchgoers clap, dance, scream and shout some even appear to speak in tongues. claimed to have performed a staggering 130,000 exorcisms, residents of the Vatican consume more wine. LOL . Serpent energy refers to the sacred life force and those invisible electromagnetic or telluric currents that criss-cross the earth and upon which all important sacred sites of antiquity were built. Bunch of IRL Friar Tucks, these boys. Every year in the middle of August, snakes appear in the monastery church of the Virgin Mary of Langouvarda (via Greek Reporter). 9. Benito Mussolini signed Vatican City into existence.The dispute between the Italian government and the Catholic Church ended in 1929 with the signing of the Lateran Pacts, which allowed the Vatican to exist as its own sovereign state and compensated the church $92 million (more than $1 billion in todays money) for the Papal States. A great chasm divides the two places, lost souls go to the hades side. Both use wheat (an ear of wheat for Attis, bread for Christ) as a central symbol of their saviour. The same could not be said, however, of the interior of the classroom itself. Also interesting is the church of San Gaspare del Bufalo di Roma, in the Tuscolano quarter, in via Rocca di Papa. It featured an open-fish mouth on the head, with the rest of the fish body forming a cloak. Locals now take the lack of the snake's appearance as a bad sign. And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? A strange object has crashed in Antarctica Why? The story goes that they appear to "venerate" an image of the Virgin Mary, according to the Catholic News Agency. } The church is as big a part of the "great reset" as the democratic party. In this video I explore the Pope Paul VI Audience Hall and it's many alleged Snake or Serpent symbology. link += (key.charAt(ltr)) This doesn't mean there's more crime in the Vatican than any other country, just that more crimes per capita happen there (roughly one and a half crimes per person), and the gross number of crimes doesn't have to be that high for the ratio to become a pretty wild-sounding statistical outlier. An alternate story says the nuns themselves were transformed into snakes and defended their own convent. One government function it lacks: taxation. NAZI UFO -Top secret 1938-1945. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The obelisk was moved to the centre of the Vatican Plaza outside the church. Most of these escapees managed to make their way out of Europe using routes through either Spain or Italy known as "ratlines." Her cult was the most important one in ancient Babylon. Now were can I get some explosives to strap on my person so I can murder some innocent women and children . Pope Francis says he did not lose consciousness before hospitalization in March, Pope Francis warns of technological domination, threat to human ecology at university in Hungary, Hundreds of faithful gather in prayer for Pope Francis at Budapests oldest parish church. The exceptional discovery: the body of King Anunnaki for 12,000 years completely intact 4 ..KING RADOMIR-Sarcophagus with the body of ENKI ,Rodamir. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Lord LORD LORD , What POPE allowed this Not that I don't know. Eight is the number of Ishtar or Venus or Cybele. Who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:3. Published September 9, 2016. Read Luke 16:19-32, the story of the rich man and Lazarus, a poor beggar. We strive for accuracy and fairness. With Benedict XVI residing as a pope emeritus in the Vatican, the population will increase by one when a new pope is named. Today, visitors to St Peters Basilica gaze in awe at the impressive sun wheel dome inside the church. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. Screw science I go with the orgy and the virgins. In this case the similarity is excessive. Even more cautious, but equally severe, was the The Outrage to Padre Pio issue, published three years later by Angelo Maria Mischitelli, author of various historical books on the saint of Gargano. Ivan Kuzmin via Shutterstock. When a great fire leveled much of Rome in A.D. 64, Emperor Nero, seeking to shift blame from himself, accused the Christians of starting the blaze. For you are the temple of the living God. 2 Corinthians 6:14,16. But reaching back to some of the Middle Ages' less savorypopesand through the Vatican's independence from Italy being granted in 1929 by notoriously chill dude Benito Mussolini, there are definitely some less than holy stains on the Vatican'shistory. The conciliar Popes now deliver their new doctrine from the serpent's mouth. People and christians take the bible too literally. Sadly, no orgies in this one either. "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!""And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye . The statue of "The Resurrection" located in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall is receiving some restoration work which is scheduled to finish by December 9th. Go view that image the hubble is showing. Today, visitors to St Peter's Basilica gaze in awe at the impressive sun wheel dome inside the church. Shamash was the god of justice in Babylonia and Assyria, corresponding to Sumerian Utu. Initiates into the higher mysteries of this religion underwent a taurobolium (baptism in bulls blood) in the temple after which they were reborn for eternity. Lets go back to the classroom. As the home of the Holy See, the jurisdiction of the pope, Vatican City is the center of leadership for the Catholic Church, the world's oldest and largest continuously operating religious institution. Looking for ideas to upgrade my in the process of being jerry-rigged pizza delivery bag. Well I checked in 77 PAUL the VI was still pope . The one who was wounded and healed could that be the pope that allowed this . Is Antarctica a big secret. They already invented the bomb back then? Love and spiritual blessings to you Cristina in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Son of God, Amen. Because the Vatican was just an investor and not the direct insurer, they didn't have to pay back any of the money they made in this scheme. Reportedly, the only years the snakes have not appeared on the island were during World War II, and in 1953 - the year of a massive earthquake. In Greece, churches celebrate the feast of the Dormition between August 5and August 15,and it's during this period that the snakes appear every year. As Gerald Posner explains in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, efforts to get the Vatican to involve themselves in restitution efforts or even to open their war-era archives have been roundly rebuffed since at least the Clinton administration. //--> We all know what I think of ST PAUL the ROMAN . Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As a Guardian article on a book by Harvard researcher Gerald Steinacher shows, some of the travel documents that ended up in Nazi hands were given out by an overwhelmedor occasionally over-sympatheticRed Cross, but many Nazi fugitives were knowingly assisted by the Vatican. Solomons Temple was a celestial observatory. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find people claiming the Archives contain evidence of extraterrestrial life, proof Jesus never actually existed, or the true secret name of God, which has been handed down from pope to pope since 463 AD. "We are excited to have the War Serpent staying here with us for the next four . Than you have the Gosphel of Mary with this evil science type Gosphel . And the practice of celibacy is common to both their priesthoods. Aliens. The big shift was that, under Christianity, the Great Mother became God the Father. A small number of charismatic Protestant rural churches in the southern U.S. states practice snake handling as part of their services and as a test of faith (per The First Amendment Encyclopedia). The Roman Catholic Church and the Pope have fulfilled many Bible prophecies, as the antichrist beast of Revelation. Additionally, Vatican residents tend to eat communally in large groups. Updated: October 29, 2018 | Original: March 12, 2013. They even left the city altogether in 1309 when the papal court moved to Avignon, France, after King Philip IV arranged for a French cardinal to be elected pope. Some traditional Catholics but perhaps we should call them Catholics and thats it are very critical of both Paul VI and his predecessor John XXIII, and against all the popes who succeeded them. (Solomon comes from the words sol and amun meaning the sun and the moon). Its name means oracle or prophecy, it is a mountain close to water, and its deity was the serpent or Great Mother who carries the secret of life, death and rebirth. This book revealed an inside look at the inner workings of the Vatican not normally afforded to the public, includingas The Huffington Post explainsevidence of widespread corruption and revelations the Holy See is home to rampant jealousy and backstabbing. Leaders of a Christian Church should not have anything to do with the symbols of pagan gods. Read the New Testament (KJV is best translation or the original Greek). At the center of St. Peters Basilica, the Pope sits in the middle of eight 8-sided stars. Pine cones are associated with spiritual enlightenment by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Greeks. Mussolini, the head of the Italian government, signed the treaty on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III. Gods 1st commandment says You shall have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, What The Bible Says About The Roman Catholic Church. The works were started in 1966 and the inauguration took place on June 30, 1971. if (key.indexOf(coded.charAt(i))==-1) { JavaScript is disabled. That's because that pic of his pallium has been altered. The Vatican only has one jail, which is generally meant to be used for pre-trial containment but which is apparently used more often as a storage shed, and most judicial actions for violent crimes are actually carried out by Italian authorities. They each represent their saviours as shepherds (Attis was known as the good shepherd). Considering normal priests and bishops can apparently deal with confessions of genocide, you might wonder what kind of mega-sins get brought before this secret court. The mysteries of the Siberian Valley of Death Siberian UFO.part1. A temple known as the Phrygianum was built on Mons Vaticanus in her honour. [2] [3] Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war, [1] La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of . It is surrounded by a sun wheel, with the points lining up with the Vernal Equinox, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. The hexagram has been used by people such as the pagan Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians, to directly or indirectly worship Satan. When Italian troops were present in St. Peters Square, popes even refused to give blessings or appear from the balcony overlooking the public space. This leak scandal became known as Vatileaks, because of course it did. A second round of leaksknown, naturally, as Vatileaks 2hit in 2015, again with a book by Nuzzi at the center of it, but as The New Yorker asserts, the sequel didn't have quite the same spicy excitement of round one. The enlightened understand the meaning behind the symbols, and they use them to communicate with others. And then there's Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick, who managed to banish all snakes from the island after being attacked by them (per History). Declare that you desire to have a real relationship with Him. As The Telegraph explains, the Apostolic Penitentiaryalso known as the "tribunal of conscience"was founded by Pope Alexander III in 1179 and was basically shrouded in secrecy until 2009. In 2012, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi published a book called His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI, which was made up of pieces of private correspondence and other classified documents of the then-pope leaked to Nuzzi by Benedict's personal butler. But this is another boring speech, better not to know the difference between the pre-conciliar Church and that of today (better for Freemasonry, of course!). Roman Catholic Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pastor John MacArthur On The Ecumenical Jihad, Catholic Teachers In Germany Abused Over 500 Students. Other versions say that the nuns prayed that the monastery be infested with snakes so as to scare away the pirates. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. This is the all-seeing eye. Friend, its obvious that the Roman Catholic Church is worshiping other gods, which is forbidden by the Bible. You gotta see this! For thousands of years Pagan religions have used symbols to show which gods they worshiped. The pine cone staff is a symbol of the solar god Osiris and originated in Egypt where he was their messiah who died for his people and whose Mother, Isis, was worshiped as the Virgin Mother. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! The tribunal hears cases regarding sins so grievous, only the pope can grant absolution for them. Read this study to learn the truth: What The Bible Says About The Roman Catholic Church,, Ask yourself, why do Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and the Pope, all wear the mitre of Dagan? So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9. Now it is destined to discuss the first volume that deals extensively with the subject, The mystery of the Church of San Pio from today in Italian bookshops. In his book God's Bankers, however, Posner investigates the possibility the war-era Vatican was up to something that wasshockingly, impossibly, somehoweven grosser than helping Nazis keep looted family heirlooms they had stolen from their murder victims. The Resurrection ( La Resurrezione) is an 800- quintal (80-metric-ton) bronze /copper-alloy [1] sculpture by Pericle Fazzini in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome. Theories involving the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II's 1981 attempted assassination, List of conspiracy theories Anti-Catholic conspiracy theories, Learn how and when to remove this template message, 1981 Pope John Paul II assassination attempt, List of conspiracy theories#Anti-Catholic conspiracy theories, "The man who says Pope John Paul II was a fraud - and why he tried to thump me", "Turkey's pivotal role in the international drug trade", Online version; also online at ACLS History e-Book, "Vatican's newspaper dismisses 'evidence' Jesus had a wife", "Top 10 Things Possibly Hidden In The Vatican Secret Archives", "Why the Ark of the Covenant is one of history's enduring mysteries", "The Very Holy and Very Lost Foreskin of Jesus Christ", "6 Creepy Conspiracy Theories About the Vatican's Secret Archives | Realm Blog", "Does the Vatican have the world's largest pornography collection? Vatican Hill was the site of the largest ancient temple to Cybele. The Vatican Observatory owns a telescope in Arizona.As Rome expanded, light pollution from the city made it increasingly difficult for astronomers at the Vatican Observatorylocated 15 miles from the city at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfoto view the night skies, so in 1981 the observatory opened a second research center in Tucson, Arizona. Video -Top 5: Forbidden Archaeology Incredible Discoveries. Among those crucified was St. Peterdisciple of Jesus Christ, leader of the Apostles and the first bishop of Romewho was supposedly buried in a shallow grave on Vatican Hill.

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