Note that int max offset is a fixed integer value, while IDataHolder dynamic offset is an expression that defines the offset value. def highestBar = HighestAll( barNum ); Arrow.SetDefaultColor(Color.White); You need to figure out how many times "fold" needs to repeat itself, OR at what value it is going to stop churning away. Ideally it should be set to the maximum number that the dynamic index is expected to be. Flood Information. def Vol_Change =((volume / volume[1]) -1) * 100; plot Ratio_vol = Vol_Change; The other two are, the 'if-expression' and the 'if-statement', both of which are documented at. else "N/A",color.white); #hint:Plots and shows a label for the change compared to the past inputted-number-of-days. It seems like whenever the fast EMA crosses the slow EMA AND a certain amount of time passes the combination of those 3 events signals a longer term trend. else if price == volume then "Volume" input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;#hint averageType:Select the type of average desired Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, as well as its own unique risk factors. The Revenue Optimization Analyst will track revenue over time and determine how . Defines the price with which the standard deviation and distance are calculated. Situation: "I want to find the best time to enter and exit an order. To activate privacy that shows * instead of the dollar values, click the blue dot left of the 'Net Liq & Day Trades' and check the privacy square. So within that context, certain functions make no sense, like barNumber(), HighestAll() to name a few, also rec variables. The datapoints are assumed to be a normal distribution curve (is prevalent in most statistical analyses). As an example let 10 be the original value (B4) and 15 the final value (NOW). else if price == hlc3 then "hlc3" "MULTIPLE INSTRUMENTS COMPARISON" is a flexible study of ANY 10 INPUT SYMBOLS any of which can be turned of (i.e. Also if the "RATIO" (NOW/B4) is less than zero then the percent change will be negative. The tags listed under 'TAGS and their PURPOSE:' may be used to format the desired text. crossdown.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_down); You change the condition-def statements to plot statements. Those are the default parameters and cannot be changed because they are in a pre-defined study which is not editable. Using the chart settings directly What is a swing high / low? else if price == ohlc4 then "ohlc4" #The 'Inputted Parameter' has a choice of eleven different parameters def barNum = if IsNaN( close ) then Double.NaN else BarNumber(); ?-DAY and a ?? You may see both ways used in coding. d.setDefaultColor(Color.White); #hint:Uses the VolumeAvg study and adds a label showing volume as the percent of the average daily volume. This is known as the bearish regression channel. declines / advances, 2)) + ":1 Ratio"); AddLabel(yes, "Showing is the " + (if type == type. RT @egragcrypto: Thank You @XRPNews_ for sharing #XRP Chart " #XRP Regression Channel + Bollinger Band" . crossup.setDefaultColor(color.light_green); If you sort by this scan, the higher ratio stocks will have smoother trends, while reading between .30 to 0 will show very volatile stocks. The upper and lower channel lines, parallel to the centerline (the true linear regression)., indicate the furthest that the data has been from the middle line The '100' in the title means that it shows the upper and lower lines at 100% of the data difference from the centerline . crossup.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP); They are too big to include here but may be downloaded from There are many examples of coding procedures within those files. The following code will plot the close for 90 days. Portable Document Format = the type of file format of this document. This one doesnt care if the close is above the 200-day MA as long as EITHER the close is above the 200-day MA OR the 200-day MA is bracketed. Click 'studies' then 'Add Study' then 'Compare With', If none of the ready-made comparisons have what you want, then click 'Custom Symbol.'. Only a 'Study Filter' is showing now. Plot it on a stock daily chart and a 5 min futures chart and I think you will get the picture. HMA > HMA[1] , THEN paint the plot with the Up color which is defined as color(1) OTHERWISE/ELSE paint the plot with the Down color which is defined as color (2). concept applies to all aggs. \n (Default is Yes). else if price == high then "The price-variable selected is high = " + Round(high,2) The fold will do some action but that action may be subject to certain conditions. '(ifthenelse)'. The emphasis herein is for learning TOS and ThinkScript from the ground up. Plot scan = Crosses( MACD( 12, 26, 9, "SMA" ).Avg, 0, CrossingDirection.Below ), Comment: When entering the scan, the set aggregation defines the length of a bar. If most datapoints are widely scattered, the SD will be larger (i.e. We get it. The user may adjust the length of the channel as desired from within the settings panel. def HighestHigh = If(price > HighestHigh[1] and MktIsOpen, price, If(MktIsOpen and !Bar1, HighestHigh[1], price)); The impact of 'double' is that constants such as the names of the 23 ThinkScript colors, like LIGHT_RED, BLUE, UPTICK, etc., are not floating point numbers and hence cannot be used in this immediate-if. onceperchartup.setLineWeight(3); Visit the site, If aggregation is 'week' then 'agg-bars ago' is 2 weeks ago. def price = close(period =; A chart may also have one or more secondary aggregations. def previousDay = if CountTradingDays(CurrentDate, LastDate ) == 2 then yes else no; Comment 1: The '==2' may be changed to represent any previous days-ago, Comment 2: CountTradingDays includes the CurrentDate and the LastDate in the count, Usage: The above two line are conditions that you use to restrict your data. Specifying no parameters will use all the default values. $795 Market Skills Workspace Bundle When I say "long" I mean like half a day for day trading". EMAs are great but so many times a fast line will cross a slow line but then turn right around and un-cross. Clients must consider all relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation, before trading. add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private . If you do nt distinguish which you want like Harami() the default bearish Harami will be returned. You may find these especially beneficial to learn and comfortably use them. With thousands of topics, tens of thousands of posts, our community has created an incredibly deep knowledge base for stock traders. def count = if crossingdown or crossingup then barnumber else 0; plot onceperchartup = if MostRecentOnly and crossingUP and count == highestall(count) then low else double.nan; plot onceperchartdown = if MostRecentOnly and crossingdown and count == highestall(count) then high else double.nan; onceperchartdown.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_down); The code is presented here so you may change it to your liking. case NYSE: SUMMARY. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We are all grateful to them for their selfless contributions. You may want to see how its price varies with the oil futures. 'Percentage view' may be initiated in three ways: By going to 'chart settings/price axis' tab and checking the boxes per the picture below. Hope you find this document useful. to this work for ideas and techniques. Also a S&P 500 sector comparison tool may be had at S&P 500 Sector Comparison. VolAlert.SetPaintingStrategy( PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP); Example: Comment: This is the built-in 'AdvanceDecline' study. === below items not needed for a scan # Def Example1 = sum(low > Average(close, 21), 5) == 5;# Is true when the 21-bar-average-of-the-close exists (is true) for the last 5 consecutive bars. The PDF format was selected, with extra features, like the hyperlinked Table-of-Contents, to make subjects easily found. We'll run it in the context of three different indicators. script. Regression channel consists of two parallel lines plotted equidistantly above and below the Regression Line. #. An example is -- #hint: Plots a trend line between the two input dates. 1 to 366, 1 to 53, 1 to 12, and the year respectively. advances = close("$ADVN"); You can edit the study to change the symbol or the type of plot, i.e. This study indicates "+1" when the current value of Linear Regression Curve is equal to or greater than that of the previous bar and "-1" otherwise. A time is always associated with a bar. Show label. Comments from donor BDPonydoc on Yahoo Groups #(18563). input Ref_val = 25;#hint Ref_val:The reference percent. low dispersion or deviation). A Doji() is neither bearish nor bullish so Doji() is used alone. declare lower; else if price == ohlc4 then "ohlc4" Plot scan = high > average(close,200) && low < average(close,200), Alternate 2: Price crosses the 200-day MA. d.setLineWeight(2); Comment: The builtin 'PercentChg' has been altered to allow inputs for loAlert and hiAlert to be less than one. Line, Bar, Candle, or the color. The average daily volume length is based on the variable inputted length. case AMEX: Below you see 5 conditions and plots showing when each condition is true or false ( 1 or 0). NO BAR THEN THE DATE/TIME RETURNED VALUES ARE NOT RELIABLE. def . A number. The green sloped bar in the watchlist column wil then be activated. Comment:The three following comparison studies herein that are different as clarified below: "COMPARISON OF ALL SECTORS OF THE S&P 500 (SPX)" plots all sectors of the S&P 500 (SPX) as absolute percent change all starting at 0 percent. Cookie Notice Comment: In the label, note the retrieval of the literal AverageType selection. All date/time functions having parameters, except for SecondsFromTime and SecondsTillTime, use a parameter format of YYYYMMDD. So when/why would you include this. If-statements may be nested without limits. plot Data = ( price - close1) / close1 * 100; Draws the linear regression curve using the least-squares method to approximate data for each set of bars defined by the length parameter. If you look at the actual code of StochasticSlow study youll see that it has a series of "input" variables. Using the charts lower-right symbol For example 4-days is a column agg choice but is not a choice of the chart A simple example is: plot MyMACD = reference MACDHistogram; Occasionally a study and a function may have the same name e.g. has been a great help in my thinkscript development journey. You can also use color changes to identify various plots. Following the same logic the sdcL would be : Scan for stocks above their 20 day MA for 65 days. input VolAvgLength = 50;#hint VolAvgLength:Insert the base agg-bars volume length As shown above the study list and the inputs have info bubbles. ), your script only runs once and only against the current (latest) bar. Open a new study. See, image::12-1.png[]Click the Scroll] For intra-day only. else if price == high then "high" Comparison to another stock, index or any instrument having a symbol. In this example, 'nice' was used. To make the line invisible, paint it the same color as your background. This is useful when assessing price changes and comparisons. Otherwise an error is produced. input WithinBars = 15;#hint WithinBars:The number of bars-back to evaluate. Subjects are often named differently. Formatting is possible using HTML tags. My Motivations: I found the pdf hard to read at times and I want the great work In words, the change difference (NOW minus the B4) divided by the original (B4) value times 100. Two different secondary aggregation periods cannot be used within a single variable. declare lower; input length = 30;#hint length:the number of trading days-ago for the change addLabel(1,"Yellow line = " + Ref_val + "% reference line" , Color.yellow); This means that 'nice' is the with that fold has been keeping tract of internally and '+ idx3' is the current loops calculated value that is to be added to nice. However, at times, clicking the right location can take many tries. The distance at which the lines are plotted can be calculated using different algorithms. This is the bubble in the right margin and not onthe chart itself. crossUp.setLineWeight(3); input length = 10;#hint length:The length of the average volume plot Simply hold- down the The heart of the fold function is the 'do expression' which is crucial for success but is not naturally intuitive. Bullish Scan: The MACD value crosses above the MACD average while both are below zero. ADXCrossover: Scan for the ADX (bullish or bearish) crossing a specified level (threshold). then. Perhaps you can do that with the title of the custom column. advnDecl = advances / declines; If the is at 0 and the is at 5, then the calculation will repeat 5 times. If you use a '1' or 'yes' here it will always show the label, Otherwise you define a condition or an input selection-value that evaluates to 'true' or 'false' and reference that condition statement here. VolAlert.SetLineWeight(2); Such rules may be simple or complex but, regardless, are not easy to remember. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. "DI-", Scan for the MACD Histogram value crossing from positive to negative or vice versa. Comment: The above plots a light_green point (dot) whenever there are two consecutive lower closes. Cut the selected item. To avoid that, you can plot a line at the top of the chart at a value above the plots data. Not to mention the rainbow of colors. The default is length = 14. AddLabel(yes,"% Change compared to " + length + " days ago = " + Round(PctChange, 1) + "%",color.PINK); Alternate = current close as percent of the last-52-week-range. This is interesting because it illustrates the concept of the fold and def being applied to every bar. When GetYYYYMMDD() is compared to an inputted date the commas are omitted in the input date. The next question is always on your mind, helping you to understand how data science fits in the big picture of a project. Then I select 10-15 stacks and watch it on the second monitor. Uses the data of the entire chart. A powerful signal is present when both speeds are simultaneously below OS or above OB. The name "normal" above is unique to the RSI plot. Script show, Example 13 #hint:Projection bands are narrowing for 5 bars, Example 14 # Hint: Plots consecutive higher-highs AND lower-lows, Example 15 #Scan for stocks with the consecutive number of higher-highs(plot scan1) or lower-lows (plot scan2), Example 16 #HINT: scan filter that searches for up-trending symbols. You will find that complex texts with numerous segments are much easier to compose using the '' symbol. Granted using this does not allow you to easily put stocks into a TOS watchlist but, nonetheless, this is very useful data. 'decrease'. The concept is to define each of your conditions in the format of '1 when true' and '0 when false'. I think the settings I use are the best ones, I have tried different values over the last several years, but these seem to work the best across all time frames. The space you panned for will be recorded in 'Chart settings/time axis/expansion area'. then when none of the nested if thens produce a result. Conversely, if arrows are not desired at a particular location, you then will see what condition to change. When evaluating equality in an 'if' statement, two equal signs must be used ('=='). There are two way to compose this text using 'concat' or '+' syntax(known as the string concatenation symbol). Comment: 'NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES', 'NumberFormat.THREE_DECIMAL_PLACES' and 'NumberFormat.DOLLAR' are the three choices that can be used with 'AsText'. else if price == open then "open" This study presents the 200 day moving average plot and a scan for within 10% of the MA(200). Set agg = day. You will then be presented with the following dialog: If you have forgotten or are unsure of the symbol, you can find it easily as follows: The comparison will be overlaid on the upper panel using the left-hand price scale. Example: plot MyVWAP1 = VWAP(); In studies, you may reference built-in studies but not user-defined studies in (currently). Set agg = day. As converting from PDF is a lot of work, This is a work in I'm looking to further improve it by adding another angle label that changes the angel value as I hover my pointer over the slope line. Go to 'Drawings' and select the 'Pan' tool . //println "l2>${l2.split(/\-/).size()} open then close else open; An example is: plot Maximum2 = if close > open then close else open; An IF.THEN.ELSE are all required. If you are new, or just looking for guidance, here are some helpful links to get you started. Using the '+' formatting syntax is recommended and has replaced the original 'Concat' syntax used by the author. Clusters are powerful points for buy/sell decisions. Plot RSI_Cross_Below = RSIWilderCrossover(threshold = 30, crossingType = "Below").signal; The above reads 'scan for when the RSI Wilder crosses below 30'. You adhere to the main client requirements and use basic features to build the initial. addLabel(ShowBubble,"Bubble percent shown when above the " + Ref_val + "% reference line" , Color.Green); #Hint:For intraday values, plots the days highest cloud and overlays the current price cloud. #VolPct.SetDefaultColor(Color.PINK); plot VolAlert = if volTest then volume * 1.30 else Double.NaN; The code is written so that it takes profit after a .2% increase from entry, for scalps. A tick chart seems to present a neat plot. 5 min, hour, day, etc. The user may select any polynomial factor between 1 (a straight line) and 6. It has been observed that using more than one secondary aggregation may affect the proper plotting. cannot be normalized. Trading Systems based on ThinkorSwim Indicators. Clicking the 'finger up pointer' as shown below: Clicking 'style' then 'Chart Scale' to bring up the same menu as above. thinkScript code indicators for use with ThinkorSwim platform. Lets say you want a calculation to repeat 5 times. This function goes and gets data used in the do . : i think more important than anything is your linear regression blue line . Defines an action to be performed, for each loop, when calculating the fold function. You start with the first input value as the left most value in the reference. else if price == ohlc4 then "The price-variable selected is ohlc4 = " + Round(ohlc4,2) #scan.setpaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN); Perhaps this document can, more appropriately, #Give an up arrow where true Most . To re-establish, click 'Add Fundamental Filter'. Try them out and you may adopt them as your standard way of editing in combination with using the mouse. Any enum item having a space should have that item enclosed within quotes whenever used. plot LevelLine = level; Below is a picture of the setup. GetDay, GetWeek, GetMonth and GetYear all relate to the CURRENT BAR and return values that relate to the ENTIRE YEAR: i.e. Usage example: You may have a stock plotted on the upper panel:Say an oil company, CVX. Choose any aggregation but 'day' is most meaningful. The names assigned and are persistent variables. It would be OK to set it a little higher than you know is needed. In the menu presented, select 'Set bar as 0%'. Giving the grid a name allows you to call it up whenever you want. Did the script actually test a strategy, then return the results in Excel? The study by default only shows the latest crossing to free up screen space for more awesome studies.\n Enjoy - Jesse (author on the Mr. where ???????? With the Polynomial Regression Channel, you have the upper band, the lower band, and the neutral band. Inside the red box you can trade off both sides of the channel. Of the five sub-disciplines of Marketing Science-tracking and measurement, data visualization, testing and evaluation, data integration, and statistical modeling-you're a rock star in at least two. No matter what the timeframe, in those contexts (scans, etc. Working perfect now! def data = plotPrice; Many coders add all kinds of conditions to supplement the simplified code herein. Programmers use the yes/no input in condition statements to display or not-display certain features such as the labels or plots. We'll have the moving linear regression used alongside the Aroon indicator and a basic simple moving average (SMA). Comment: A good example of a nested fold. Its not likely that you will ever use a def value in a do statement of a fold like this. That scenario gave rise to a request for a custom column that tells the minutes since a stock made a turn up. Fibonacci Extension and Retracement In One Script? CustomColor color' defines the background color of the label box. michael walker death parkersburg, wv, anatomy and physiology of sensory system ppt, robert labranche obituary,

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