And he said unto me, It is done. Revelation 21:8 in all English translations. I dread this year. [A loud voice, "Ay! The endless end of evil has passed before the vision of the seer, and While God's wrath for sin is yet unspent, the world cannot be new; but when that wrath on account of sin is all poured upon the head of the great Substitute, then the world stands in a new relation to God, and it can be a new world. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. He can stay the tide of your raging passion; he can make you, who were like a devil, become as an angel of God; for thus he speaks from the throne of his eternal majesty, "Behold, I make all things new." I trust you will accept this most gracious and suitable way of salvation. 1. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:4. And you, my dear brother, at the corner of the street where you are often interrupted, perhaps, with foul language, you will feel that you are pleased with your position of self-denial. But there came a serpent, and his craft spoiled it all. That Church he sends into the world to act upon the rest of mankind. There they are, perfect, and holy, and just, and good; but, alas, dear friends, you and I have broken the commandments. Revelation 20:11 has indicated that at the time of the Great White "Ah, my dear brother," I said, "that is because you do not know much about me." "Commentary on Revelation 8". Nay, it is a world fit for angels, naturally; but it is a horrible world morally. I want, then, to drop into your ear and may the Spirit of God drop into your heart this word, you may be born again. There shall be a new heaven and a new earth, so says the first verse of this chapter; and therefore there will be nothing to weep over concerning the Fall and its consequent miseries. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. For this reason the gospel sets before us another way, and says, "It is of faith, that it might be by grace." The most of men have grown weary with the old cry of depression of trade and hard times; we are glad to escape from what has been to many a twelve-months of great trial. temper of the EXPOSITION From the throne where sits the once crucified but now glorified Saviour, there comes a whisper of hope to each and every soul who would be made new, and would begin life anew. Revelation 21:8. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. No mercenary motive now stirs the new creature: "My God, I love thee not because I hope for heaven thereby, Nor yet because who love thee not Must burn eternally.". All his works deserve study: "The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." In addition to the new covenant, Christ has been pleased to make us new men. Amen. Revelation i. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. HEAVEN. as _And I saw_ So it runs, Revelation 19:11; Revelation 20:1; Revelation BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW Who can make but God, the Maker of heaven and earth? (Isaiah 65:17 ). Rather, by God's grace, may we henceforth believe more in him, and, according to our faith, so shall it be done unto us. The holy city appears. Revelation Revelation He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Revelation 21:1. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. See on Matthew 26:29. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him he glory and dominion for ever and ever. NEW JERUSALEM (Revelation 21:1 to Revelation 22:5). And it is also by the giving of the Holy Ghost, as the result of the ascension of Christ on high, that the world is made new. Let me just say a few words to those of you who love the Lord. It is conscious now of living in a new element, breathing a fresh air, partaking of new food, drinking out of new wells not digged by men or filled from the earth. We are both wrong. What a blessing it is for you and for me that Jesus has made all things new in that respect! The remaining two chapters describe the eternal and consummated The ancient prophecy shall be fulfilled to the letter. Gratitude is its mainspring: "We love him because he first loved us." One weeps over the past and the lost. Revelation 21:17. Why should he call upon us to behold it? Lord, give us pardon for the past, And strength for days to come.". Revelation 21:1. THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF CREATION Of Jesus the demand was made and he met it. The Lord's Presence, the The Lord give us eyes to see it. That same Spirit of God who taught us that we were ruined in our old estate, led us gently by the hand till we came to the New Covenant promise and looked to Jesus, and saw in him the full atonement for sin. I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first When he says, "Let there be holiness, let there be love, let there be truth," the principalities and powers of evil withstand him, and say, "There shall not be holiness, there shall be sin; there shall not be love, there shall be hate; there shall not be truth, there shall be error; there shall not be the worship of God, there shall be the worship of stocks and stones; men shall bow down before idols which their own hands have made." And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. This renewing work has been in our Lord's hands from of old. How pleased we are with that which is new! And I John saw the hol _REVELATION 21:1_. We are now come, in the course of these I would that our fleece might now be so wet as never to become dry throughout the whole year. You will not be at all tired of your godly work, but love it better than ever. Anything new has at least one attraction. Why should we not lift up our voices in his praise? _I saw a new heaven and a new earth._ This was a first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. I do not know that I admire brethren for calling out in the service as our friends did just now; but I certainly do not blame them. [Several voices, "Amen."] The Spurgeon Library | The LambThe Light The Lord can so change us that we shall scarcely know ourselves: I mean he can thus change you who now despair of yourselves. Persons who profess to have communications with the dead necromancers, spiritualists, and all people of that sort. . I wanted to shout badly on Sunday morning; but as everybody else was quiet, I held my tongue." (Revelation 21:1) Th _aor. He shall be my son, not my servant, but my son. God give us the faith to rise to this more than royal dignity! the first earth had passed away. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. "Behold, I make." Revelation 20:4, Revelation 20:11, in a succession. _ (G3708) , That is the right sort of faith. Had it possessed a teeming population like its present one, and if, one by one, those godly ones had been caught away, like Elijah, without knowing death, to be succeeded by pious descendants oh! It is necessary that we should all bear in mind, if we have not It rejoices in hopes which once seemed idle as dreams. When he says, "Let there be order," chaos says, "Nay, I will maintain confusion." kingdom __ John sees in a vision the blissful glory of FROM NOW TO THE END OF TIME The Real New World Order It isn't just good news for usit's good news for animals, plants, stars, and planets. We are not what we shall be, but assuredly we are not what we used to be. The ab. 21. the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. You kept thinking about it, and New principles stir the new nature which God has given. It finds blight where once it sought for bliss, and finds bliss where once it found nothing but bitterness. We have no desire for any present payment, for our Father says to us, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine"; and, moreover, we have the inheritance in reversion, entailed by the covenant. After you have believed unto life you will go and do all manner of holy deeds as the result of your new life; but do not attempt them with the view of earning life. Wherever the gospel is preached, the Spirit is present in that gospel, and he gives faith to men, gives life to men, and so they are made new, and the new-making thus goes on. fellowship in the presence of God is no more. The doctrine of the new heaven and the new earth goes back to Isaiah We will give him no rest until he hears us. Revelation 21:10. Restless spirits consider that the new must be better than the old. THE NEW JERUSALEM. John in Vision is led to see the New Jerusalem. "Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love.". The title: Revelation 21:1 _a b_ = Revelation 20:11 _c_. Ver. "By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight"; but we are "justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Do you not also know, you servants, what is likely to happen to you as servants? Happy discovery for us; it was the kindling of new life in us. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed twelve thousand furlongs. The fearful are those who, through cowardice, have not overcome (cf. Our Lord Jesus Christ shall put a new heart into earth's kings, and then he shall come himself to take their thrones and their crowns, and to be himself our Universal King, and in his day shall the righteous flourish. what a great comfort they are; just as much so as they formerly were a sorrow. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the , Loved and Laved We are like poor blocks of common-looking stone, but we do not know what we shall be like when we have been cut and polished on the great Lapidary's wheel. Site by Mere. Peter tells us 2 Peter 3:13; Daniel 7:3; Isaiah 27:1; Isaiah 57:20; Isaiah 65:17; New [ ]. last time, and we behold the new universe. 20:1 _c_ = Revelation 20:13 _a_. (Ah, there he sits.) I said. resurrection. Astronomers tell us that, within living memory, several starry worlds have burnt out, and vanished out of sight. first earth are pass Strauss-' Comments earth were passed away (Revelation 21:1); God shall dwell among men, peace shall be domiciled on earth, and glory shall be ascribed to God in the highest. separation, nor part of the world not brought into an ordered earth Renewal must begin with the heart. Dost thou not know, dear heart, that the Spirit of God has regenerated men and women quite as far gone as thou art? As for myself, my consciousness of being a new man in Christ Jesus is often as sharp and crisp as my consciousness of being in existence.

Highest Ranking German Officer Killed In Ww2, St Andrew The Apostle Catholic Church Bulletin, Articles R