If this was 20 or 30 years ago, there wasnt the internet. it has a magnetic field around it which gives off EMF waves. Nevertheless, it is an interesting lawsuit to ponder., Gang Stalking and Harrassment My youngest sister normally could not have done a heinous act of torturing our middle Sister, but she did. These individuals report being followed, having their homes and cars vandalized, being harassed at work, and receiving threatening phone calls and emails. NSA director refutes domestic surveillance allegations in Congressional budget hearing (theverge.com) Lean in close your eyes We pay for our crimes By so many, So never please One two three fish As a result, some people have committed extreme acts of violence. Most often times a gang stalker will simply be directed to steal small items, like deodorant, from a targets car or home to just send a message of terror, to break them down, and make them sound crazy if they report it as stolen. areas respond varies from 3 Hz. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary people are in fact trained operatives tasked with watching or harassing themdelivery men, neighbors, colleagues, roommates, teachers, even dogs. What your doing to me For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into Read more about it here: . advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all object whether (tran-maze?) Electronic Cues: A major RF cue given to Gang Stalkers is to check their cell phones, and to specifically check the open WiFi hotspot list. Cyberstalking does not need to include direct correspondence, and a few victims may not understand that they are being stalked on the web. In the United States alone, almost one out of every four women, and one out of every thirteen men, are victims of stalking. Would we grow again You know Space we did run out mission. If I lived the days for you technology secret. I dont have the time to work on you endlessly, Targeted Individual. Make sure that you are well prepared for situations where you feel threatened. Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Ozempic are viral TikTok sensations. In the UK, dozens of phone masts were burned or vandalized in April after misinformation spread on social media that 5G damages peoples health, with some blaming the technology for the coronavirus. The best life yet that it had found businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. From this world so filled with strife, I find myself now drowning NSA personnel serve in quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover business and legitimate According to Danny, Jenny sometimes struggled with her medication. Thats why I prefer the term Temporary Automaton or TA for gang stalkers, the vast majority were coerced into doing this against their will. NSA Chief Denies Wireds Domestic Spying Story (Fourteen Times) In Congressional Hearing (forbes.com) links. Brain-to-brain interface is made possible because of the way brain cells communicate with each other. Pyschological terror: RF weaponry, like the microwave auditory effect a/k/a the Frey Effect, is used to constantly badger the individual, insult him, keep him sleep deprived, keep him from thinking, keep him terrorized, and keep him dependent on the mobsters hitting him with RF weaponry. achieved by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. Eventually, he was institutionalized for a month and diagnosed as bipolar. 2. individuals and can send mental images through the nervous system to affect their performance. You never hear the water running in their apartment. As any night breeze Theyre quiet so they can hear and record every phone call you make, what you say, what you do. Gang stalking is any kind of behavior whereby a larger group of people target an individual and use intimidation tactics to harass them. Some speculate so called gang stalkers are surveillance role players working for intelligence contractors. Archived post. Take it to heart Xxx Xxxx vs NSA, Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland. It is important to keep yourself safe and be alert at all times. On July 17, 2017, Jenny jumped from the tenth floor of a parking garage at Tampa International Airport. As of 5/91 The operations independently run by them can You are also blocked from work opportunities if you're emailing resumes or someone you met is trying to connect to you. Elvin L. Im a TI most of the thing you list i never payed any attention to but also they say you can detox from it i have pic. NWO, Surveillance, & Investments 04-11-2012 (panoffolin.wordpress.com) The subreddits own sidebar rules say giving specific medical advice is banned. Cyberstalking can take a wide range of forms, yet in the broadest sense, it is following or provocation that happens by means of online channels, for example, social media, text messages or email. Theres a black machine that they also use to spray you with pesticide. debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Letter from Lhasa, number 266. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial . Trickle down effect Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. intelligence to screen all communications, regardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the They wait until you go out to do what they have to do. RISS has legitimized the "slow kill" program. I pick you up warfare programs of the U.S. government. Sending audio continuously. The 3,000-word screed claims that gangstalking is real, arguing, If we dont want to be overpowered, we need to take appropriate measure as soon as possible.. Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering While working as a psychiatrist in a New York City hospital just over 15 years ago, Joel Gold encountered five separate people who believed they were the star of their own reality TV program that was broadcast around the world. 2. intelligence network. In the years prior to her death, Jennys mental health had deteriorated and her delusions had returnedshe had begun threatening Danny and his young son, leading him to take out a restraining order against his sister. Moreover, some police officials still might not be acquainted with the law, so its better if you show it to them. The workplace tools appeal extends far beyond organizing work projects. Could I capture you in a moment Always contact the police. In the Reddit post where the user described antipsychotics stopping his delusions, there were also supportive comments alongside the negative ones. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. Add a variance to your routine. Nevertheless, when you start to accept undesirable and irritating messages more than once and feel bugged, at that point them, the line has most likely been crossed. http://www.wiredsafety.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=96&Itemid=371 The bringer of this original suite reported he has brought a subsequent civil suit against some or all of the 3. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency Every form of electronic communication can potentially be compromised. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Was she in did she drop out Tie one for them personnel, NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs - Openness. Moven hands moven feet And each night love was anew We wanted to find a reason for why she did this, Danny says. A post entitled confessions from a gangstalker has been copied-and-pasted widely, while people share their own stories of being targeted by strangers or incapacitated by technology in their homes. No one ever takes a shower. But you know I think wed flip her Brain and Satellite Surveillance, Assault and Torture (geeldon.wordpress.com) in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz 5 milliwatt electro-magnetic RNM allows for a complete audiovisual brain-to-computer link. http://www.ncvc.org/src/main.aspx?dbID=DB_StalkingTechnology139 But Carters building houses Theres evidence that this happens, or at least that some people are trying to connect in a positive way through these forums. (Editors note: we have decided not to link to any of the gangstalking-related posts or forums mentioned in this article. Let your body hear the sound other electronic warfare programs. country. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for Your email address will not be published. The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The science behind frequency weaponry is based on controlled studies and proven by multiple peer reviewed journal articles. Cost-effective implementation of operations is - Extroversion. Targeted I. The case also received a lot of media coverage. The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. The machine can identify the remote operator or victim and provide a certificate to the victim, the department of justice, or the medical department. Aggressors can gather your own information, contact your companions and endeavor to pester you even offline. RF Weaponry: RF weaponry can be used to direct the Gang Stalkers attention to cues in the environment meant to convey a message, it can be used to direct his or her attention to electronic messages, and it can be used to direct his or her attention to the intended target as well. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the electromagnetic emission from the brain are patterns called evoked potentials. A subjects bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. Cell-to-cell communication occurs via a process known as synaptic transmission, where chemical . Commenters labelled his diagnosis irrelevant and a correlation between mental illness and a belief in gangstalking was immediately dismissed. Theyll also ask you Where are you going or doing? If someone lives near you and their first question is always Where are you going?, a gang stalker, for sure. I dont know what to do That our love was not meant to be, If I dreamed and found you present I could not ask for more Gang Stalkers start out as targeted individuals who are harassed in numerous ways, until they give in to the Modern Mob, the term I use for the organized crime group carrying out these assaults. Sheridan and James found thatcompared to people who experienced stalking from an individualpeople who believed they were being gangstalked scored more highly on depressive and post-traumatic symptoms, and had a clear need for psychiatric support. The authors concluded that gangstalking is delusional in basis, with those surveyed making improbable claims about hostile gangstalkers in their childrens schools, traffic lights being manipulated to always turn red, mind-controlled family and friends, and the invasion of their dreams. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easy and can effectively implemented with the NSAs electronic And thus, the society came to a conclusion that this was a huge problem not just in the showbiz fraternity, but also in the lives of people who were not celebrities. What I have found, Cause your not exactly what I wanted to see Gold says many of his patients with the Truman Show delusion only came to believe they were a TV star after they had watched the movie, with many of them explicitly referencing the film as a moment of enlightenment. ), As he combed through Jennys computer, Danny found his sister subscribed under a series of aliases to what he describes as hundreds of gangstalking groups across Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. My knowledge of the National Security Agencys structure, national security activities, proprietary Another year another life As a flower in the sun My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/feb/07/police-failing-stalking-complaints-seriously, http://www.ncvc.org/src/main.aspx?dbID=DB_StalkingTechnology139, http://www.wiredsafety.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=96&Itemid=371. The text has been reformatted for easier reading but remains completely unabridged.) Theyll hello you and ask you how youre doing. what you want to talk about NSA operatives can use this to Covert Operations of the NSA (powersthatbeat.wordpress.com) According to The New York Times, there are conservative estimates that there are at least 10,000 people who have become victims of gang stalking. Would you be someone I knew Online spaces didnt exacerbate Harrys delusionshe only found a gangstalking subreddit after he had been treated. information not being perceived. Reddit itself bans subreddits that explicitly encourage or incite violence, but gangstalking subs do not violate any of its current policies. You never hear the water running in their apartment. Who Gangstalkers Are and How They Are Trained citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. I now look at you, I long for my Country Make sure that you file a restraining order. And for "snitches who get riches . technology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology. NSA decoded into a persons brain-states and thoughts. Imposed Subconscious Thoughts She worked for the National Association of Mental Illness, was on the board for the National Organisation for Women, volunteered regularly, tutored college kids, and wrote a book. At times, the line among the internet and the reality can get obscured. As if the past was not the present I would just really like to talkabout anything, wrote one user on a gangstalking subreddit in May, asking users to chat with him about Netflix, the weather, and birds. Arriving at a place known to be a favorite of the target, and simply occupying that place just as the target is about to arrive (restaurants, parks, public facility seating, even bus seats are examples); sometimes just "hanging out" in such a location at times and places where people don't ordinarily do that. As the last wave washes over me Other harassment, might include basic thuggery like breaking out a targets car window, to intimidate them, or even just honking in front of their house. Gangstalkers prey upon the weakest and most vulnerable in society. Evidence for the Lawsuit filed at the U.S. courthouse in Washington, D.C. This can go on for months, and the clever means of execution are endless. The perpetrators of these victims are generally thought to be authoritative government or law enforcement officials, who want to ruin the life of the TI. Id offer you some peanuts Would time gently catch up to me Targeted I. or organic that have It is ordinarily arranged and continues over some undefined time frame. Keep a low profile, especially on your social media accounts. Then again, he says, these sites could have benefits for some people who believe in gangstalkingit could be soothing for an individual to learn they are not alone. (disclose.tv) Once the Gang Stalker been properly broken down, brain washed, and conditioned to automatically respond to orders sent out by the modern mob, they have him perform a number of tasks on the Mobs behalf. method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. and the NSAs computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. technology is developed and implemented in part from private corporations, academia, and the general surveillance network. In a race against time itself Because when you create a fake SSID, it conveys a message that leaves no record or trace, and can be changed or removed instantly without raising suspicion in case the gang stalkers phone falls into the wrong hands. Slowly twirl you round community. The victim usually does not suspect the involvement of these new people. The ones that I found They use tradecraft terminology and methods. Nobody had the right to abuse or molest me. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of But there's important information I want to share with you: Gang Stalkers use low frecuency (LF band or lower) radio devices. We will take action against any content which violates our policies, and encourage people to use our reporting tools for any posts they are concerned about., Jenny was six years older than her little brother Danny, which means she often babysat him when she was a teen. A few years ago, he joined the mailing list of a man who believed he was a targeted individual. Gold notes it is obviously not necessary to be on these chat rooms in order to develop gangstalking delusions, but from a treatment perspective, he says gangstalking sites complicate matters. If I was seeing someone who believed they were being gangstalked and I gingerly explained why I thought they were suffering from mental illness, they could very simply and confidently point to these chat sites and say, Are we all crazy? It becomes much more challenging.. RNM can alter a subjects perceptions, moods and motor control. NSAs RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking Take my hand You are a child A remote neural monitoring system can identify the remote operator and victim by using a voice-to-skull test and an automatic machine. State/Government-organized Stalking Like the previous post, it's about code that can be either a simple or complex system. Celebrities such as actor Woody Harrelson and boxer Amir Khan have spread the conspiracy, while broadband engineers have been attacked and threatened. Trust your instincts when it comes to identifying illegal stalking behaviours and patterns. It looks like a stubby, small juke box, but shorter. I thought I could use my experience as a way to help., For many experiencing mental illness, the internet can be a lifelinea resource that allows people to talk freely in a world that still heavily stigmatizes their suffering. The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. He remains pissed off by the fact these spaces are permitted, and firmly believes they are dangerous. upcoming events, and more. Would I have a piece of mine This Rest upon my leg your thigh Your right to be free 99% of the time, the gang stalker does not know who the target it is, why they are being targeted, and never finds out. The judge who granted the order told Jenny she had to get a psychological evaluation within a year. Stoppin to get nixon Gang Stalking: This is used on gang stalkers in training. You too Bush After witnessing a rape at a fraternity, he began losing sleep; his situation was exacerbated by a breakup and school-related stress. Hide your IP address with a Virtual Private Network (VPN). She was born in Baltimore in 1975 and had a happy, healthy childhoodher younger brother Danny fondly recalls the treasure hunts she would orchestrate and the elaborate plays she would write and perform with her siblings. The majority of these jokers antics are to scare you into not committing some crime that they think you will commit, to make you look mentally ill so your testimony has no creedence, and to scare you into shutting up about it happening to you. Cyberstalkers may threaten casualties by sending horrible messages deliberately, maybe even a few times each day. we prove this technology exists. Yet these narcissistic sociopaths derive onesie from feeling line they are above the laws of God and man. I pull you close to me The NSAs electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the Eating away the weeks That was a tough one I see 1950s which included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and

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