Taupo Co and Oculum Co each own 50 per cent of the shares in Rotorua Co. Taupo Co is listed on a stock exchange that is a recognised stock exchange within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention. 2.424 This most favoured nation clause will ensure that Australian financial institutions receive no less favourable treatment than financial institutions in New Zealands other treaty partner countries. 2.260 In the event that the operation of this Article should result in an item of income or gain being subjected to tax in both States, the country of which the person deriving the income or gain is a resident (as determined in accordance with Article 4 (Resident)) would be obliged by Article 23 (Elimination of Double Taxation) to provide double tax relief for the tax imposed by the other country. the Australian dividend paid to Milford Co will be exempt under subsubparagraph b)(ii) of paragraph 3. to the extent that such income would not be subject to tax in the other State if the recipient were a resident of that other State, For authoritative information on the progress of bills and on amendments proposed Australias experience is that the permanent establishment provision in the OECD Model may be inadequate to deal with high value mobile activities involving the use of such equipment. Residual capital gains are taxable in accordance with domestic law. On the other hand, a contract for the performance of services would, in the majority of cases, involve a much greater level of expenditure by the supplier in order to perform their contractual obligations. 2.114 Further, in calculating whether the 183 day period has been exceeded for the purposes of sub-subparagraph a)(ii) of paragraph 4 of Article 5, paragraph 5 excludes services performed through an individual who is present and performing such services in a country for any period not more than five days. In this example, the interest income would be ineligible for the benefits of the Convention. Pensions that are exempt in the country of source will also be exempt in the country of residence. For example: confidentiality rules to ensure that information exchanged is only disclosed to authorised recipients; and. Paragraph 6 of this Article provides for arbitration to be used to assist in resolving those cases. [Article 6, paragraph 1]. The wording in this provision in the Convention reflects NewZealands treaty practice and the wording used in the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between the Developed and Developing Countries. Where the property is situated is clarified under paragraph 3 of Article 6 (Incomefrom Real Property). In this example it would not matter if under the tax law of New Zealand, the third State entity were treated as fiscally transparent or as a company. the deductible amount of the undeducted purchase price of a pension annuity or annuity that is subject to section 27H of the ITAA 1936 is not included as part of assessable income; the superannuation benefit payable to a member who is over 60 years of age is non-assessable non-exempt income under section 301-10 of the ITAA 1997; the tax-free component of an employment termination payment is non-assessable non-exempt income; and. NewZealand taxes that interest income at 30 per cent as foreign income of a NewZealand resident company (assuming that no deductions are available) and gives a foreign tax credit for that foreign tax, so collecting a net 20per cent tax. it provides services in that country for a period or periods exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period. This reflects the 2005 changes to Article 26 (Exchange of Information) of the OECD Model. The pension is not of a type specified in the second sentence in paragraph 2 of Article18. 2.290 Portable New Zealand superannuation or portable veterans pension are exempt from tax under New Zealands domestic legislation in order to ensure that the country of residence has sole taxation rights to a persons pension income. The Second Protocol will enter into force on the last date on which diplomatic notes are exchanged notifying that the domestic processes to give the Second Protocol the force of law in the respective countries has been completed. The facts are the same as Example 2.5 except that New Zealand regards NZ Co as a company and resident there, while Australia regards NZ Co as a fiscally transparent partnership. Dividends, interest and royalties may generally be taxed in both countries, but there are limits on the tax that the country in which the dividend, interest or royalty is sourced may charge on such income flowing to residents of the other country who are the beneficial owners of the income [Articles10to12]. During negotiations, the delegations noted that: It is understood that the term naturally-occurring in (paragraph 2) refers to both forests and fish.. Thus, income from real property in Australia will be subject to Australian tax laws. an associated enterprise (as determined by subparagraph c) of paragraph 6 of Article 5 (Permanent Establishment), where such employment services are of a similar nature to those ordinarily performed by that employee for their usual employer. No material costs to taxpayers have been identified as likely to arise from the Jersey Agreement but there is likely to be a small, unquantifiable administration cost. Given the long-term nature of such arrangements, the Convention is expected to promote greater certainty than the existing tax treaty. Jointly, the two agreements will promote greater economic and administrative cooperation between the two countries. The term also fully encompasses the concept of fixed base, which is used in the existing New Zealand Agreement in a separate Article dealing with independent personal services. THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, international tax agreements amendment bill (no. Jasons salary is deductible in determining the profits to be attributable to that permanent establishment. This Exchange of Notes is expected to occur when Australia and New Zealand have established the underlying procedures governing the arbitration mechanism. 2.118 The words operation and operates have been included to clarify that only active use of substantial equipment assets will be captured by subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 4. Under the existing treaty, as MITs are considered to be fiscally transparent (where the income flows through the entity and is taxed in the hands of the participants as opposed to taxation at the entity level), Australian investors would need to be able to identify amounts derived by the MIT from NewZealand, and the character of each item of income, in order to be able to claim treaty benefits in New Zealand (such as reduced withholding tax rates). [Article 10, subparagraph (a)], 4.42 Where a taxpayer has adopted an accounting period ending on a date other than 30 June, the accounting period that has been substituted for the year of income beginning on 1 July in the calendar year next following the date on which this Agreement enters into force will be the relevant year of income for the purposes of the application of such Australian tax. The zero dividend withholding tax rate also applies where the beneficial owner of the dividends is a government, political subdivision or local authority (including a government investment fund) and they hold no more than 10percent of the voting power of the company paying the dividends. [Article 3, subparagraph 1g)], 2.46 The term enterprise is stated to apply to the carrying on of any business. The principles of this paragraph will also apply where relevant to other Articles of the Convention, such as Article 13 (Alienation of Property) in its application to income, profits or gains arising from the alienation of the assets of a permanent establishment or the permanent establishment itself. [Article 5, subparagraph 2(a)]. The first criterion that must apply is the appointment of common (or almost identical) boards of directors. This Article also reflects that approach. Analysis is initially restricted to the AusNZ DTA as it specifically addresses It is not intended that similar limitations on treaty benefits apply to temporary residents of Australia. In the above diagram, a New Zealand resident pays interest income to a third State entity that is treated as a company for Australian tax purposes. Application of the Convention to fiscally transparent entities, Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital, Eligibility for the treaty benefits will also be subject to the application of the respective anti-avoidance measures contained in the specific Article (in this example, paragraph 9 of Article 10 (, As such, in this example, the dividend income would be eligible for the benefits of the Convention. 3.9 The change in wording from necessary used in the previous version of the Article to a foreseeably relevant standard reflects the wording in Article 26 (Exchange of Information) of the OECD Model and no difference in effect is intended. However, the time limit does not apply in the case of fraud, gross negligence, wilful default, or where an audit into the profits of an enterprise was initiated by that country within the seven-year period. regularly traded on one or more recognised stock exchanges (as defined under Article3 (General Definitions) of the Convention); a company that is owned either directly or indirectly by one or more such companies; a company that is owned either directly or indirectly by one or more third country resident companies that would be entitled to equivalent benefits; or. Webthe AustralianNew Zealand Double Tax Agreement (AusNZ DTA) deals with this subject. 2.119 For example, if a NewZealand enterprise itself operates a mobile crane at an Australian port for more than 183 days in a 12monthperiod, the NewZealand enterprise would be deemed to have a permanent establishment in Australia under subparagraph c) of paragraph4. 2.77 Notwithstanding that the Convention deems certain dual residents to be a resident only of one country for treaty purposes, a dual resident remains a resident for the purposes of Australian domestic tax law. In such cases, the trustee will not be regarded as subject to tax for the purposes of paragraph 4 of Article 3. 2.7 The application of the Convention to persons who are dual residents (that is, residents of both countries) is dealt with in Article 4 (Resident). 5.11 Taxpayers would also suffer from greater uncertainty in their tax affairs if other aspects of the tax treaty were not updated. However, it does not include arrangements that have as one of their main purposes the obtaining of benefits under this rule. 2.315 Accordingly, effect is to be given to the tax credit relief obligation imposed on Australia by paragraph 1 of this Article by application of the general foreign income tax offset provisions (Division770 of the ITAA 1997). In this example, the royalty income would, Note however to the extent that the Australian tax paid by the trustee is subsequently refunded to a non-resident beneficiary, the income will not be regarded as beneficially owned by an Australian resident (see the explanation on paragraph 4 of Article 3 (, Eligibility for the treaty benefits will be subject to the application of any anti-avoidance measures contained in the specific income Article (in this example, paragraph 7 of Article 12 (, [Article 24, paragraph7, Article26, paragraph 1 and Article 27, paragraph 2], [Article 24, paragraph7, Article26, paragraph 1, and Article 27, paragraph 2], enterprise of the other Contracting State, to ensure that trusts may be covered by a reference to a person that is fiscally transparent in paragraph 2 of Article 1 (, A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, Dividends, interest or royalties derived by or through trusts, It is understood that, although the Convention does not provide for mutual agreement as the final tie-breaker step for individuals, it remains open to the competent authorities to enter into mutual agreement procedure discussions under Article 25 (, Residency of participants in dual listed company arrangements. 2.57 In the case of a resident of Australia, any penalty or interest component of a liability determined under the domestic taxation law of NewZealand with respect to income that NewZealand is entitled to tax under the Convention would not be a creditable NewZealand tax for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article 23 (Elimination of Double Taxation). 2.36 Although Australia considers the petroleum resource rent tax to be encompassed by the term income tax, a specific reference to this has been included in the Convention to put beyond doubt that it is a tax covered. It was also agreed that in the case of Australia, a payment by the Commissioner under the, Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999, Pensions and lump sums not subject to tax still counted for certain purposes, It is understood that pensions, other similar periodic remuneration and lump sums referred to in Article 18 (, the income earned by that student as a consequence of that employment may, as provided for in Article 14 (, Double Taxation Convention between the Developed and Developing Countries, Esk Co, an Australia resident company, derives business profits from the sale of merchandise through an independent agent located in NewZealand. 3.11 Under the new Article 26, the range of taxes for which information may be exchanged has been expanded. 2.70 For example, where a trust derives foreign income to which no beneficiary is presently entitled, the trustee is assessable on that income if the trust is an Australian resident trust. 2.55 The definition of person in the Convention generally accords with Australias normal tax treaty practice and includes individuals, companies and any other body of persons. the extra-territorial application by either country of taxing rights over dividend income is not permitted. In the case of Jersey, residence is determined accordingto Jerseys taxation law [Article 4, subparagraph 1(b)]. [Article 3, subparagraph 1(e)], 4.16 Person includes an individual, a company and any other body of persons. However, services provided through employees for periods not exceeding five days are generally disregarded for this purpose; it carries on activities (including the operation of substantial equipment) in the exploration for or exploitation of natural resources for a period or periods exceeding in the aggregate 90days in any 12-month period; or. In the course of negotiations, the delegations noted: It is understood that paragraph g) of paragraph 5 of Article 24 (NonDiscrimination) applies to existing and future provisions of the laws of a Contracting State.. The existing treaty does not provide any such protection. [Article 25, paragraph 7]. Once it enters into force the Jersey Agreement will apply as follows, New Business Tax System (Consolidation, Value Shifting, Demergers and Other Measures) Act 2002, Updates the meaning of permanent establishment in Article 5 (. it carries on activities connected with the exploration for or exploitation of natural resources or standing timber; it carries on supervisory activities for more than six months in connection with a building site, or construction, installation or assembly project; or. In this example, the royalty income would prima facie be eligible for treaty benefits. As discussed in relation to dividends in paragraph 2.184, this ensures that interest derived by Australias Future Fund (and other Funds) from sources in NewZealand is exempt from NewZealand tax. Date of effect: This amendment applies to capital gains tax events happening on or after this Bill receives Royal Assent. By treating the MIT as an Australian resident for treaty purposes, the MIT is able to claim treaty benefits in respect of items of income flowing from New Zealand to Australia. Therefore, Australia has the primary right to tax in these circumstances. 1.4 By failing to be defined as a DLC arrangement, the shareholders of the DLC must take into account the DLC voting share when determining whether they meet the requirements for capital gains tax (CGT) demerger relief. When will the Convention enter into force, and from what date will the Convention have effect? In these circumstances, payments from abroad received by the students or business apprentices solely for their maintenance, education or training will be exempt from tax in the country visited. 2.233 Payments for design, engineering or construction of plant or building, feasibility studies, component design and engineering services may generally be regarded as being in respect of a contract for services, unless there is some provision in the contract for imparting techniques and skills to the buyer. Webaustralia new zealand double tax agreement explanatory memorandum. 2.222 The source country rate limits and exemptions available under this Article will not apply where an assignment of the interest, or a creation or assignment of the debt-claim or other rights in respect of which the interest is paid, has been made with the main objective, or one of the main objectives, of accessing the relief otherwise available under this Article. However, both expressions refer to what is commonly known as knowhow, and no difference in meaning is intended. Income from employment (that is, employees remuneration) will generally be taxable in the country where the services are performed. 2.276 The term fringe benefit is defined as including a benefit provided to an employee or to an associate of an employee by: a person under an arrangement between that person and the employer, associate of an employer or another person in respect of the employment of that employee. In such cases, the provisions of Article 7 (Business Profits) or Article 14 (Income from Employment) are to apply. It is understood that paragraph 7 of Article 4 (. The amendments made by this Bill will take effect from the date of RoyalAssent. However, Australia generally agrees to limit these withholding tax rates, on a reciprocal basis, in its bilateral tax treaties. [Article I, paragraph 4 of new Article 26]. This allows the MIT to claim treaty benefits directly under Articles 6 to 21 of the Convention. Where cases involve both unresolved issues of fact and other unresolved issues (for example, the interpretation to be given to a particular provision in the Convention), only the issues of fact may be resolved through arbitration. In the course of negotiations, the two delegations noted: With respect to taxation of income from insurance, it is understood that the term insurance includes reinsurance., 2.156 The principles of this Article will apply to profits which are derived by a resident of one of the countries (directly or through one or more interposed trusts) as a beneficiary of a trust, except where the trust is treated as a company for tax purposes. Subject to that rule and other specific rules in relation to business assets and shares or other interests in land-rich entities (which may be taxed by the country in which the property is situated), all other capital gains will be taxable only in the country of residence [Article 13]. 2.52 The definition of international traffic covers international transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of one country, as well as domestic transport within that country. 5.75 Businesses with New Zealand resident employees or with employees or professionals performing services in New Zealand may need to make business system changes to calculate days during which services are provided in the other country, as under the Convention very short periods of service (five days or less) are disregarded and other provisions to moderate compliance costs are provided. Provides for mutual agreement procedures to determine residence in respect of persons other than individuals, where place of effective management does not provide an outcome. 25. 2.279 Income derived by visiting entertainers and sportspersons from their personal activities as such may be taxed in the country in which the activities are exercised, irrespective of the duration of the visit. Royalties include payments for the supply of information concerning technical, industrial, commercial or scientific experience but not payments for services rendered, except as provided for in subparagraphc) of paragraph3. However, it does not include any income which is treated as a dividend under Article10 (Dividends). Consistent with the OECD Model Commentary on Article 8 (Shipping, Inland Waterways Transport and Air Transport), paragraph 1 also covers profits from activities directly connected with such operations as well as profits from activities which are not directly connected with the operation of the enterprises ships or aircraft in international traffic but which are ancillary to such operation. Other than in relation to time limits and priority (seeparagraphs2.405 to 2.408), the requested country is required to collect the revenue claim as though it were its own revenue claim. [Article 4, paragraph 6]. In conjunction with the Jersey Information Exchange Agreement, the Jersey Agreement will provide for greater cooperation between tax authorities to prevent tax avoidance and evasion. Australia is defined to include certain external territories and areas of the continental shelf. [Article 24, paragraph 2]. Any time during which the substantial equipment was used for such purposes in that country is also counted for the purpose of computing the number of days in this paragraph. 2.135 The principles set out in this Article are also to be applied in determining whether a permanent establishment exists in a third country or whether an enterprise of a third country has a permanent establishment in Australia (or NewZealand) when applying the source rule contained in: paragraph 7 of Article 11 (Interest); and.

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