Its an exclusive podcast episode. Since that day, I went back many times as I got older as well. Every real black belt should try that challenge as this is the ego test,please share your experience afterwards,it would be interesting maybe as another article? Jesse Enkamp ("The Karate Nerd") explains the Karate black belt meaning, grading systems and Japanese terminology Sensei Seth is a Karate teacher and ki. "The 3 types of Bunkai (Omote, Ura & Honto)." KaratebyJesse. Be a SMARTial artist. Common names for the dan ranks are thus: 1.Il dan - first degree black belt (also known as cho dan) 2.Yi dan - second degree black belt 3.Sam dan - third degree black belt 4.Sa dan - fourth degree black belt 5.O dan - fifth degree black belt 6.Yuk dan - sixth degree black belt When numbering the dan ranks, Sino-Korean numbers are used. Okay. SiFu (Chinese) - Teacher - usually 2nd-degree black belt or senior. I admit that, since then, It helped me a lot to open my mind to the different points of view and interpretation you could do about a same technique and that help me to open my eyes to what Karate really mean, that it s not a straight and simple path you walk, It has its detours you can transit and all can take you to the same destination. Ah the old dilemma and great expose for the simple fact, bravo. My body doesn't want to do what it needs to do because I'm not flexible, yet no matter how much stretching and cross training I do, there's no progress. I had a guest instructor from Italy, another one from Israel. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram, with the username whistlekick. We at my dojo have something like this: we use white belts as a tradition every 1st week of class in the year, every year. Welcome. A punch is just a punch. In the experts mind, its full of absolutesolutions and definitive answers. Enkamp, Jesse. The perception that earning a Black Belt means mastery of the martial arts has created schools in which the martial arts are little more than a sport or form of exercise rather than a means of self defense and a way of life. First, I wanted to bow to him, shake his hand, thank him for caring so much about this crazy martial arts thing that so many of us do. What is taekwondo black belt? However, I think his books have a lot of good, interesting information and observations about everything from Zen Buddhism and how it relates to body building, and all of these different things he researched to make his understanding of martial arts even better. Secondly, I really want to train with him. You've had the opportunity to train with a lot of people, and a lot of people have been fortunate enough to train with you, of course. The journey of Karate isnt so much about becoming anything. I'm imsdspeer. Your shins will thank you, and I thank you, too. Over at, you can find the show notes with some photos, links to his appearance with Master Ken - if you haven't seen that, its a riot and you've got to - his company Seishin and the great gi they produce, his social media, and more. I have have always believed that one should branch out to other forms of martial arts drastically different from their main art of study. All the luggage you acquire along the way is by choice and to keep yourself free of it is the prime mover. Sure there are different levels of understanding this but sometimes you just need to let go. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow. That's rotation sorted, now need to figure out by a way to explain by how much ???? Of course, weve had Master Ken on the show, and that took a while to make happen. Yesterday we had a new beginnerenroll in our dojo. Something completely different to what you are already familiar. Yeah. And me confirming it was ok. You should have seen the glow in their eyes. Now, if you've selected him, I'm guessing you've read a fair amount about him, as much as is out there. I think he would be pretty satisfied, because the way Karate has exploded since that time, especially now that its becoming an Olympic sport as well, is nothing short of outstanding. What do you think about belts and styles? Good read. A lot of people use tradition as an excuse to do stuff in an old-fashioned or outdated way, but that does not interest me. When we went there the first time, we stayed at this masters house, which is also his dojo, and he also has a Karate museum in this house. Because I grew up in the dojo, my parents operated a martial arts center here in Sweden where I grew up, and from day one me and my younger brother would spend our days in the dojo, practicing, playing around with each other, wrestling, looking at the other people practicing different martial arts. We were talking before we started recording a little bit about competition. Osu! Tell us about what's got you fired up right now, and what you're moving towards. My respect Sensei Jesse for such humility. Of course, the Karate Kid movies, they're classics, but for example, I really enjoyed Drunken Master with Jackie Chan. Once again I donned a white belt despite my sensei telling me that I may wear my black belt with a white stripe. The self-proclaimed karate nerd talks about his past, his goals in the martial arts and why he cares so much about what he's doing. But people call Hokama Sensei a master, of course, and he is a 10th dan, 10th degree black belt in Okinawa. After 36 years of training I found the kids to be my greatest teachers, after all "The aim of Karate-Do is not the victory or defeat, but the perfection of character of it's participants", not that we ever reach it. The Bubishi, or Wubei Zhi in Chinese, is pretty important because it is the first documented connection between southern China, Fujian Province, and Okinawa, which means that we have evidence or proof that these techniques in this combat manual, this ancient manuscript, were transmitted from China to Okinawa, and lay the foundation or the roots of what would later become Karate. 1 . That motivated me. It seemed like most karate uniforms were not made for practitioners who enjoyed every aspect of karate; including kata, kihon, kumite, bunkai and self-defense. I felt dizzy, I was bristling like a Rhino and oh gosh, my body still hurts. What is it about that that really resonates for you? Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the mind behind all of the wonderful material coming out of Karate by Jesse, and he's as passionate a martial artist as we've ever had on this show. Beautifully written. Consult a health professional before engaging in any exercise or martial arts program. But sometimes it makes me sad to see all thoses "master" having answer to everything and only thinking one way, like a block its only a block. Jesse Enkamp (\"The Karate Nerd\") explains the Karate black belt meaning, grading systems and Japanese terminology Sensei Seth is a Karate teacher and kicking / tricking expert famous from Instagram. In my style, Sensei is a title earned with a third-degree black belt and extensive study of all aspects of martial arts. Now, if you do, you should check out our shin guards. I would say if I had to do my black belt over, I would try to relax a bit more, and pick my moments where I would go in and attack, and then I would basically chill out a bit more, so I could last longer and have better efficiency and economy of movement. Relieved I'm on the same side as you. To me, competing is just a vehicle, or a tool, something I use for a different purpose than just the trophy at the end, because a lot of times, the biggest lessons come from when you don't even get that trophy, when you fail or lose, and you have to look yourself in the mirror and think, Hey, why didn't that go as planned? That teaches you a lot. It was like a vacuum. Its funny we spend years striving to achieve a high level in Karate. I don't think so, and that's why these things had to be removed. Don't just try to copy everyone else and just go through the moves mindlessly, but put a little bit more effort into thinking about what you're doing as well, and that whole combination of theory and practice will get you much further. It made all my errors come out instantly. I have had the pleasure of being a white belt twice! I decided to compete because I like challenging myself. In Japan, as martial arts became more popular, they decided to limit black belt rank to just 10, keeping Judo, Karate and Jiujitsu the same, with only 10 levels. Thank you for throwing light on this! That's a pretty important book. I try to read a lot of stuff, not just Karate and not just martial arts. It all started in the dojo. Every child is an artist. That you're - maybe hoping is a little bit too diminishing of a word - that you are going to accomplish. I stopped wearing a belt in 2006, haven't looked back since And it only improved my art by removing it and its implications, weight and chains. I publish educational content and teach seminars around the world, in an effort to elevate the collective consciousness of Karate - regardless of style, age or experience. Teaching karate is like learning all over again. Body now slowing down at the age of a retired 64 and training in a tiny dojo once a week with 'lower' grades, I felt like giving up and just doing home practice. Great article Jesse-san, thank you, it's what I needed to hear today. Check out our shin guards, Since that day, I went back many times as I got older as well. I usually have this metaphor that Karate is like a mountain, but to see your own mountain better, you have to climb the mountains around it, right? Don't pick up the dojo where everyone knows you and respect you,that would not make the point ;) After that you can find your real karate :D Belt is just holding your trousers no matter of colour ;) your real karate is inside you.Oss! I'm what you could call a slow learner and you know what, I like it. Wow. I mean, you've traveled the world. Its not just a sport, or a hobby, or a business, but it is truly my way of life, which means that I have the privilege of, for example, going to Japan, or Okinawa, thebirthplace of Karate, to do my own research and to be the Karate Nerd that I love to be. But it would be really interesting to hear what he would think about the way Karate evolved thanks to him, and I guess that he never even saw it coming. Well, why not talk about my black belt test, because to me, that was a real test of my spirit, because the whole thing about my black belt test was that there was this Russian MMA fighter invited to our dojo, and I don't know why, but I was so scared of him because he didn't say anything. So, is where you'll find my blog, and many of my other projects and videos and stuff, and of course I'm on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as well, and you could include those links in the show notes. Yes, even the art of the empty hand has its sparkling star of the web. I now am 2nd kyu and heading towards 1st kyu and eventually that coveted black belt and the more I train on my own in front of the mirrors I can see all my flaws so clearly that it's disheartening. That told me that this whole thing about connecting other people, and bringing together like-minded practitioners is such a powerful thing. You can download the transcript below or download here. Ossu! Sensei Enkamp, welcome to whistlekick Martial Arts Radio. For a lot of folks, they'd stop. Yeah, so the things that I'm doing right now, I am Like I said before, I love to do different kinds of projects around Karate, and one of the biggest ones that I've started and I'm still doing is called Seishin, which is Japanese for spirit. If you study sport karate or mma take up escrima or Silat. You see, when you teach a beginneryoure forced to think like a beginner. He had no idea of what my defenses would be. If you don't like competing, I think that it would give you even more, because there's probably a reason you don't like it, and facing stuff we don't like usually turns out well, because that teaches you something about yourself. You have a great way with words Enkamp-san: succinct, coherent and to-the-point. At some point, we are all beginners. great article Jesse-san, thanks for sharing this great tip. The best tip I learned was from a 5-yr-old who always got it right. Until we reach a point where we get fed up. If I had to pick Karate or martial arts books, first of all, the Bubishi. You do a lot of writing. I think you hold the title so far of furthest guest. In fact I think a lot of us here do. Can't wait to see you in Canada in May :), That pain of knowing "too much"! That gives you a new perspective. Generations of masters have come before us, and to not use their collective knowledge to improve our current understanding and practice of karate would be foolish in my opinion. I don't know if this resonates with the listeners, but for me, it was a pretty big moment. You see, when you teach a beginner . If we start from the beginning, one name that pops into my head is Sensei Hokama Tetsuhiro from Okinawa. To me, its now a natural part of my life, but to others it might seem strange, but the whole thing about being a karate nerd is that it never gets boring, because when you're a nerd, you're not just focused on one part of your obsession - which is Karate, right? If you spend any time on social media looking at martial arts content, you'll know today's guest. it. I like that. Movies - The Karate Kid, Drunken Master, Iron MonkeyActors - Jackie ChanBooks - Bubishi, Bruce Lee's books from TuttleYou can find Sensei Jesse Enkamp and what he does at, or on Instagram and Facebook.You can find the episode Sensei Enkamp did with Master Ken here, or listen to our episode with Master Ken. Nevertheless, if you really want to know how long it takes to get a black belt, learn basic skills or master an entire . Keep Thanks for the heartfelt article! The best English equivalent is ignorance is bliss. Really in line with what I tell the instructors at our dojo: I will teach only punching to beginners until I feel the magic again :(, Absolutely correct. Jesse-Sensei, couldn't agree with you more about teaching kids & beginners! Tell us about your goals. This is what we call commercial time. ., if you're new. What a lovely sentiment, and I agree 100%. I made these people connect with each other on such a deep level. That bond They're still friends to this day, and that was in 2014. If you do, you should check out our shin guards. At a young age, Jesse earned a black belt in karate and he also taught karate in his parents' dojo. And yes, maybe that's a very nice state to be in. It was all or nothing, and that's why, of course, the stronger man won, because I didn't have that physical capacity that was needed to go all-in against this particular opponent. This was the first time they ever met. If you had it to do over again, how would you handle that match, that fight, with what you know now? Quick-Rip Tag makes it easy to manually remove the size tag. On asking how she remembered, she said that she puts her arm up for the block (kihon-kata) and turns by following the direction of her elbow. talprofs. My warmest wishes to you on your journey! Do take heart and keep training. I'm all about progress, so I use tradition and the wisdom of the past to propel myself forward, and to go into the future with an even better understanding of what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and how it should be done, in order to progress to higher levels and elevate my understanding and the collective knowledge of people around me as well, because a lot of people don't have the ability to research the old ways or the traditional ways. He saw that it could be used as physical education as well, to improve the motor intelligence, of kids especially, by introducing it to schools. My senior instructor knew this would be a challenge for me -- which is precisely why he did it. "The Karate Nerd". Training a few more times with the painful realisation I truly DID suck and was nowhere near where I pictured myself, I went back to that discussion and realized a few words of a famous physician: I like to keep an open mind but not open enough for my brain to fall out. Learning and never thinking I know it all. Lately, I've been given the opportunity to teach to young white and yellow belts. My point is, don't beat yourself up with nostalgia. Sensei means teacher, but in martial arts, reaching that title is more than knowing how to hurt people. It's particularly satisfying when one of my oldest students, who has an immense, learning does so well against her peers. I'm a beginner as well and I don't really like it that much. It was a lot of fun. You wont find that content anywhere else, and its yours free, just for saying, Hey, I want to know what's going on with you guys. Were not going to spam you. They would say, Hey, I've done what I came here to do. But you're still going strong, so I'm guessing there are other things you're hoping to accomplish. He has more than 500 thousand subscribers on his YouTube channel by the name Jesse Enkamp. Now, anybody that's seen your online content knows that you're really passionate about the traditional aspects of Karate. Each individual belt is called a 'Degree' of Black Belt (1st Degree being the lowest). I appreciate you sharing such wonderful and personal stories. Do you like your shins? I studied Japanese at University here in Sweden, then I continued studying in Okinawa, but that whole thing was just an excuse just to get the visa so I could actually live in Okinawa and practice with these masters. Yeah, those are two of my favorites. It wassurreal. I've learned (re-learned) so much technical dynamics from teaching kids, especially the little ninja's (4 - 7 year olds). After talking with Sensei Enkamp, I had two, overwhelming I guess, thoughts. Sat. I think that's pretty much a classic as well. Lets welcome him to the show. I am a nerd about Karate, and as you know, nerds don't do anything else other than the stuff they're nerdy about, right?

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