This can be a very intense period in your life, that will reveal to you a deeper truth about yourself and the people around you. The Venus in Scorpio man has a tendency to be possessive with relationships and their loved ones. Thats what they want. They are passionate about mysteries, they can be psychologists, therapists or good investigators. Venus in Scorpio Couple: intense and possessive. Photo by Adina Voicu The first secret to know about a Scorpio in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Scorpio person. Only someone with the planet Venus in Scorpio will be a Scorpio in love. ( Venus Sign Calculator) As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This article cleared up a lot. They leave me starving. Have a fantastic whoever finished this comment After I read this I kind of understand his behavior. Let them know that you want something deeper and more serious than a casual relationship. She only reveals what she has premeditated to reveal. Can someone explain more his chart? We all become more passionate, sensual and dramatic. Go with your heart. I sent it yesterday, he saw the message, sent a thumbs up, and so far. I feel the same. Interacting with her is never boring, as she is a very exciting partner for any man. On the contrary! If you are shallow, light-hearted, and fun, you will lose them. RELATED:What He Wants Most In A Woman, Based On His Venus Sign. They are attracted to a partner who is capable of They have a need to experience power, but can also get jealous if their partner isnt faithful. So lets waste no time and find out how you can be a Venus in Scorpio man ideal woman! The Venus in Scorpio man in love does love deeply but not loudly. Unlike Venus in Leo. But loudly does not automatically mean better. Most people are aware of Scorpios being secretive in nature. They choose to just be in the background, observing. Your articles are help full but i might be the one who will be single. However strong their urges, they will skip sex if they dont trust you. As for woman, it shows her own charm, a strong side that allows her to win hearts. be sincere and honest about your feelings and affections. Dont do that to yourself. Venus in Scorpio is capable of hating you with the same level of passion as they once loved. Transits of planets affect all people without exception. I This is terrible! Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Yet, shallow guys are not substantial enough. They seek and want everything in a partner. So me as her ex girlfriend I discovered it , I was two timed, and I was right all along. He seems happy to see me, always smiles, touches me etc. All of these cheating stories from scorpios. Omg Im a venus in Pisces + Jupiter and this touched me omg. Cap moonunemotional? Its like we both pretend not notice each other and thats frustrating as hell. One of the negative drawbacks that come with having this placement is your propensity for jealousy. my god. Hi I never know where to post comments on these articles! Hi Ms. M. I didnt really do anything. Venus in Scorpio can be a shadowy transit that awakens your unconscious. They have compulsive desires when it comes to love. People will say that it is a highly volatile transit causing all kinds of emotional and relationship discord. the last day he hugged me passionately, kissed me on a cheek and said come visit me in august. Am in love with a man 7,000 miles away but in my heart. I hope Ur amazing story and energy bad a happy ending. He doesnt know that I love him, but there is an attraction between us. Hes very protective. I felt as my soul was dead since, I chose my heart to suffer for the sake of partnership. I dont understand what happened? Venus In Scorpio Men Attraction: Who Is Their Ideal Woman? :(. Im gonna have to live life not feeling this intensified love for someone else ever again. Prove them wrong. They have no respect for weakness of any kind. He is soooo intense and passionate but I love it!! Thank you for reading ! From a Venus conjunct Pluto Scorpio 8th house (ARGHHH)! So I painfully suffer the thorns and cuts of my hidden desires but at the same time joyously expand in a deep open hearted love that I can never inperienced before. Her seductive Scorpio charm draws people in, before she reveals her underlying vulnerability and insecurity when they get to know her better. our lives crossed for a reason and Im so glad they did, Iam a Scorpio and that is everything me sag sun Venus/Pluto /Saturn Scorpio 8th house. People say they are very jealous but this one, not so muchhes more possessive than anything. I have a Pisces moon and SN. He is Virgo sun, Scorpio venus, Taurus mars , gemini moon . Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. After we had created an emotional bond. It also explains why so many Scorpio men and women are drawn to me. For example, you can be a great top manager, politician, fundraiser Or just the beloved daughter or wife. I was in a 3 year long relationship with a violently abusive lying controlling cheating and manipulative venus in scorpio (he was also moon in scorpio) who stalked and mentally abused me after we broke up. so much more I cant even find the words because there are non. I cut people off easily. I will see him again in August. Then again , from 4 months of visits , he start to make first informative talk to me . Jet , I understand why , I also yearn for this kind of transformative bounding. The influence of Venus transiting Scorpio is extremely intense and powerful. I am very proud of him :-) (I am a pisces sun but Aquarius Venus) he cares so much for me but he is very secretive about his feelings! While the rest of your chart can have a major influence on you, especially your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, having your Venus in these two houses would make for a good relationship. It was 4 days ago and still nothing, no text from him. Have found so many beautiful kindred souls here at this site. Even though the circumstances were different, the relationship was doomed from the start. Scorpio is a water sign, and water is your feminine element. Why did you choose me? He replied maybe because youre my soulmate? There are Scorpios who manipulate others to the detriment of them, or even to themselves. Dont declare your love in the middle of a football game on the big screen in front of the entire stadium. Also, he shared some of his future plans, fears, past experiences with me. The bad news is, what is left after you both bleed? I was married once to a girl who I knew was bad for me, but the Libra in me wanted a relationship and was tired of being alone, so I stuck in it for a year. Do you guys still talk? Thinking about it, it was inevitable that he would attempt to take his life. They will not take that lightly. I agree, the Moon, for men, affects their love-life. Your Venus is an active initiator as a Cardinal sign. You have an easy vibe about you, which lends you to be a natural flirt in a lot of ways. I cant think now about what can happen in the future with the two of us. Born aquarius, but love in the intense of Venus-Scorpio. I wont say in advance all Taurus women, all Aries men, all Scorpio men, all Libra women are the same so for now, Ill give him the benefit of the doubt. They might be discreet in showing their initial interest, but someone with their Venus sign in Scorpio is not to be toyed with. Well I was with this guy for 6 months. Im just so stressed because of my work and opportunities that is coming to my way and I feel that we lack time together. There could be dramas in relationships, as well as secret attractions drawing you toward someone new. It was all so quick and intense. I put my heart out for him cause I noticed he loves honesty and so do I, I adore honesty and when I find out he lies to me he doesnt think it is a big deal! He is Scorpio Sun, so so I keep thinking hell hurt me eventually. But when I want him badly, I get obsessive and jealous and feel the floor is gonna go from under itand Ive found so many painful, cant work out passionate connections im Wondering if thats the curse of it, that we sense who can torture us and only want them. Good luck. No issue so far.Love it!! I cant even understand myself until knowing the Venus Sign thing. The pain hurts yet feels good at the same time, love is. You like keeping people on their toes. Thank you to the author for this article. You know youre hot, and always RSVP 'yes' tohot girl summer. Strong, for them, means having the confidence to experience deep emotional bonding. You like making it very obvious that you love this person, and you want every single girl at the club to know it too. I am Venus in Cancer and my lover is Venus conjunction Sun in Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio will rekindle your creativity and artistic pursuits. Haha call me weird I know. In a relationship, they will put up with a lot from their partners but it will not take a lack of intimacy or quality time from them. It takes someone truly special. WebVenus in Scorpio prefers women who are determined, intensive, and impassioned by what they are doing, but not unpredictable or unanticipated. He can be so light and carefree but yet intense and hides his feelings which makes him hard to read. If Venus in Scorpio loves you, they will risk anything, even their own life, for you. Note: Your Venus sign shows your characteristics in close relationships, not necessarily in any other area of your life. Anyways I think its the best feeling having the romance alive. We do not have a proper closure. Of course, having Venus in scorpio means that they wont say anything about it! I felt like I could have written this post myself. I have to logically talk myself out of it but even that isnt enough. They can see into your soul. Venus in Scorpio women are loyal, loving, passionate and sensual. Theyre mysterious! Ideal Woman for a Man He may not be aware of the type of woman he is looking for by his Venus sign. Venus in Scorpio looks like the TV series, full of strong emotions, seething passions, and mysterious love affairs. This article was very helpful, it made me understand him better. I think hes very shy and was hurt before, so maybe hes being cautious and doesnt want to rush things, dont know :/. Its all good, let it be, it is what it is so stop chasing around fake people trying lure you into sex and leave, my people! With his gemini moon ,a little chitchat make the situation more relief ! Whole page is truebest ViS page in my opinion. Then comes the touch of the skin, The hand should be gentle and steady Both of these planets square my Pluto (sag) . Thank you!! its not easy being us. You still need to examine your man. WebVenus and Mars in side-by-side signs: The things that please you romantically and the things that please you sexually are quite different. If you not yet have found her, haha Im a libra sun with my venus in scorpio and cancer rising it has been real hard having some toxic relationships but now I know how I can become liking someone Im real careful. And maybe it wont even matter because hes not taking any action, and I think Ive done my fair share and I dont plan to do it anymore. Venus in Scorpio often gets a bad rap for being a difficult transit. These people are exceptionally loyal and keep friendships for life. Im in fear this is my soul mate and because he already found someone before we met, he will settle for her. We get along so well but that cap mars really tames his scorpio characteristics along with his cap moon tooso unemotional. If a mans Venus is in Scorpio, the femme fatale is just fine for him. He is especially attracted to women who ooze sensuality, who are perhaps a little dark and mysterious, and who have a magnetic and powerful aura. If a mans Venus is in Sagittarius, an energetic, happy aura in a woman is often most appealing. They respect being proven wrong, but this may take you a lifetime to prove to them. This is the line where good and bad cease to exist where time is re birthed into eternity. You would never let anyone walk all over them. This happens to you too? They are always in psychological control, which hinders emotional connections even though as water signs they crave an emotional connection. Venus is known to be in her detriment when she is in Scorpio, which means that she takes on a much different energy than she is normally used to. I have loved two Scorpio men. I thought there was something wrong; kept all this in and locked up but once I read about the Scorpio in Venus and the description above WOW! We tend to hyperbolize our emotions, pay more attention to bodily impulses. I wont stay in a bad relationship, I wont even start one. Venus is Scorpio is a bit of a curse. We are talking about wild, unbridled sexuality, which is hidden by some mystery. If intrigued, he or she will observe closely, in many situations, In his search for perfection, his standards are very high indeed, indeed he may expect no less than perfection from others. Lol but Im Libra sun Venus (conjunct Uranus!) Venus is considered to be in detriment in the sign of Scorpio. Dont ever flirt, not even with them because they are turned off by light, meaningless flirting. He is a totally jerk. While blindsiding you, the contradictory is that a mature Scorpio will actually be extremely protective of you forever. My boyfriend is a scorpio in Venus (so is my mother, shes virgo sun) and hes a scorpion sun himself! So if you really love a Venus in Scorpio, simply hand them your heart. Be careful not to let haters sway your opinion of the people in your life and make your own decisions on them. Its so sad :/ It seems that Scorpios have very few positive traits :/ Not that it matters, since not a word from my Scorpio, after I gave him that letter about my feelings. Please read below. But Im hoping it will help in making those extreme relationships that I focus on and crave more fulfilling, more whole, and more lasting. Incredible!! Venus in Scorpio men prefer women who are seductive and mysterious. This happened after a few traumatizing incident all in one week and he just dropped me without a word. How to Attract More Followers on Instagram. Scorpio is a very sensual zodiac sign, responsible for our wild, animal side, as well as for everything secret and mystical. Venus fosters cooperation and reconciliation and a willingness to let go of some negative and vindictive emotion. This feels like fate. Unlike the fixed Taurus lovers, Scorpio is not tempted by pleasure because Scorpio doesnt mind a little pain. Venus In Scorpio Man In Love: An Overview The Venus in Scorpio man in love does love deeply but not loudly. No need for trapeze-like shows If youre lucky enough to score their trust though, youll never let them go. Tomorrow after that conversation, I send him a message telling him I really missed him, and to stop pushing me away and let me get close to him. He wants to be the WebA sexy, magnetic, deliciously irresistible intimate encounter. He knows how to treat a woman. If you are single, this is a good time for brooding and questioning what it is thats missing from your love life. I want the better life possible I lost to much time on people and they just decided to leave or mistreat me , physically assaulted me I dont want it !!! I am a sun in aquarius, moon in virgo, Libra ascendent and venus in Pisces at the exact exaltation of 27 degrees. Here Are The Zodiac Signs Most Compatible With Venus In Scorpio For Love, Marriage Or Relationships And What It Means If You Have This Zodiac Placement I feel like it is getting better though. In addition, Scorpio is the deepest water. Its very intense, I just love it! The most important thing in my life is to find someone I can connect with, someone who can share the deep emotional bond of intimacy and affection that I feel. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. It hurts.. and the pain feels almost unbearable at times. So if he turns out to be a liar and a cheat, thats it for me. If you have your eye on someone and you know their Venus sign, keep track of where Venus is in the sky from day to day. Both men and women fall under her spell when she walks into a room. Although Im not a young impressionable girl anymore I am still attractive and turn heads. And Im stuck here, so I dont see the point in making future plans, thinking ahead etc. In the case of Venus in Scorpio, instincts come to the fore the wild and free energy of our true essence, unlimited by social norms. I told him openly that I care, that hes special, and that we should go out. Venus in Scorpio people are strong, intelligent, and sensual. I found out that he lied to me. :). Virgo with Vorgo rising Venus in Scorpio. 2 Weekly Horoscope, April 30, 2023 May 6, 2023: Scorpio, Aries, Pisces and other signs check astrological prediction. Your future partner will have good qualities that govern your love. Adored by some, hated by others, she never backs down or gives up. Your description is right on the money. Im possessive as in Im loyal and want to protect her not own her or control her. Unlike Venus in Leo. How to wait for the right person, and not settle which almost happened once. Venus in Scorpio woman The I feel like Ive done everything possible under these circumstances and theres nothing left to do but wait. We are one. Of course, the sexual theme intensifies in our lives. Let them know you want to be with them forever and ever. The first sentence of this article sums me up concisely. Maybe were each others soulmate. Considering that he has a lot of girls flocking to him giving themselves to him even though some of them are not even single, it all just melts my heart :-) After months I found out that I was his first to get on an intimate level:-) I adore him especially for all those reasons! A stalker!!! With negative aspects, vivid manifestations of negative emotions are possible. And i ll add that i am a flirt, i am like never serious, its because maybe the other person too is not serious, right? Venus in Scorpio has the power to elicit all of this and more. Thats a tough road to walk A complex woman with deep mood swings, unexpected twists and turns, she is slow to trust anyone other than herself, yet she once this trust has been earned makes an ideal partner for any man. It is important to him that he never falls short of his own expectations. They are capable of cold-hearted, bloody vengeance if you cross their invisible, psychological line. Rationally, I said hey lets be realistic about this whole love at first sight. You are very much in tune with your sexy side. You have the ability to influence others with your magnetism but exert care, as this may be too much too handle for some. Some may literally have a fetish for pain or death; they can be masochists, sadists, suicidal, and/or antisocial. Pisces feel so very deeply but unlike Scorpio Pisces can and do forgive. WebIf a mans Venus is in Scorpio, the femme fatale is just fine for him. He is charming, charismatic and enigmatic indeed, his appeal can be very intoxicating. Youve said that hes the best boyfriend you ever had. What makes you feel loved and desired does not necessarily satisfy you on the level of desire and instinct, and vice versa. I just wish we had the courage to talk and not freeze up around each other and see if we really have something worth surrendering our little egos for. i (sun in taurus, venus in gemini) fell for a sun and venus in scorpio male, who gave me the most intense looks. Once you understand the Venus in Scorpio woman, it is easy to cope with her uniqueness. Im 45 now. My sun sign is Virgo, moon Aquarius and Venus in Scorpio as well. There are these long stares, where he practically turns his head around to keep an eye on me. You see the best in them the majority of the time. Maybe we both have already spy on each other a couple months before this . He cares about me, wants everything with me, Im special etc.etc.etc. But for now its all in my mind because Im scared and apparently if Im readying him right so is he. I am in a relationship now and he is wonderful to me, but the passion is not there. He likes you girlll he likes you a lot! Scorpio love is not lighthearted, nor playful, but rather heavy and serious. If you earn their trust, they are capable of deep tenderness and open intimacy. I believe souls were meant to merge in a deep soul love connection. Venus in Scorpio love is intense, loyal, passionate, deep, focused, private, dark and obsessive. The thing is that i broke up with him because he was a flirt too and now i cant stop thinking ov him, n its painful! Thank you so much! I wrote him an open letter about my feelings and our situation, told him to read it, he said he would. I am brave an I accept the consequences of being who I am and loving the way I do. They are always expecting you to stop loving them. She is a mysterious woman who never gives too much away. So as its written in the article that we are psyches, is it true that the way i think he feels for me is true? This is a very erotic sign, and in partnership with the planet of love Venus, sex acquires a key role. This is where the Romeo and Juliet analogy comes in. I would, and have; done anything for the women I loved, and I am willing for fight to the bitter end and all my strength to make happen what I need to, to see that I have my chance. But loudly does not automatically mean Im jealous and in alot of pain from it. Now that you know these amazing reasons why having your Venus in Scorpio is a good thing, lets talk about your perfect Venus sign love match. Also, we are different ethnicities so double stares! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), 7 Warning Signs of Knee Issues You Must Take Seriously, 6 Aspects Of Delivering A Reliable Software Program. Venus in Scorpio women are known for their seductive charm and intensity that leaves men captivated. In addition, it contributes to the conclusion of excellent profitable transactions wherever money and resources appear. We talked the entire time I was there and he really opened up, said a lot about himself and asked me questions about me. So accurate!!! I become consumed with thoughts of them to the point I cant even focus. They are attracted to a partner who is capable of deep emotional intimacy. BUT (theres always a BUT) Although scorpio and leo square to each other , both venus are so similar , they highly need intention/ intensity /loyalty from their partner , but scorpio sun and leo venus are totally different person/ life style. Venus in Scorpio is a strong, vivacious personality whose sexuality is her greatest force. Hi, all This transit often indicates major transformations in relationships. I think he feels the same way but Im still unsure. They are naturally mysterious and possess a magnetic charm. They do not blow up like the fire signs; rather, they silently premeditate their vengeance. She is mysterious. Should I kiss him first? And yes this is true that wherever i go people stare at me and sometimes it makes me uncomfortable! Wow Iris your relationships sound just like mine. You have an alluring sense about you, one that makes people want to get to know you, whether it be to go to bed with you or just be your friend. In fact our Venuss are conjunct! Rumi said, When you fall in love with yourself you will have discovered a life long romance. I rarely ever fall in love. By Kayla Baptista Updated on Aug 17, 2022. Im 33, hes 37. My first relationship between the age of 17 21 was quite abusive. Thank you so much. If you have a fear of commitment, you shouldnt even be reading this article. The planet Venus is considered to be in detriment when in the sign of Scorpio; this makes love and pleasure difficult. Pour out your soul to them. DAAAAAAMMMNN!!!! They can wait a lifetime for the one they want; they dont change their mind often. We played doubles together once and he couldnt even look at me and I could hardly look at him. He does all of the above, seems glad to see me, always says Hi with that big smile of his.. and everyone says theres sth going on here but he doesnt want to go out, just the two of us, alone, somewhere else. Scorpios are fierce, passionate, and dedicated, but they are also known for their extreme emotions and their high tolerance for jealousy. Going through something similar as you did in 2016. He never asked me out. Sex was frequent but awful because there was no love for her. Do not let this relationship stew too long even if they care for you deeply, love you , feel everything for you. I have met my Juliet, and was involved with her twice. Im tryna spread love, not hate because I chose peace over war, tenderness over violence. Hi, I understand that yeah, I have high standards due to the fact that I have been hurt before but it doesnt necessarily mean that I dont want to spend my life with someone. A man with Venus Aquarius respects free thinkers and women who let their freak flag fly! Im a Sagittarius sun though, so when I catch these feelings, its very much weird and confusing, basically because Im not used to them. They also dont like people who are too loud and they like to chase or hunt whoever interests them. Should I let go, or fight? They are often very hard to figure out. Venus in Scorpio Deep, meaningful and super intense is the name of the romance game for Venus in Scorpio. I see your point, but I dont know how to let him know that my intentions are serious if he doesnt ask me out??? Quite the contrary, this woman feels deeply and passionately about everything that happens in her life. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need to be Thanks for the insight! I agree.

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