I am with you Im still for Marven and Avella. que ha pasado que no puedo leer los nuevos capitulos en su registro sale hasta el 3258 , pero si le das siguiente capitulo llega a 3262, al buscar actualizaciones me dice que esta hasta el 3272 pero no me deja avanzar luego del 3262 , que pasa con su pagina o esq ya no subiran capitulos, https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3259-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, Hi, interesting to know how Marven can help Hamid in Syria. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Already SPENT via coins style and was able to listen to others who converted to Mr Qasim site. It has been two days but no additional chapters yet my last chapter was 3398. i am now reading : https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3406-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3401-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/ This one doesnt excite me anymore. i really keep on laughing everytime i read a comment that marven is just a construction worker and a loser, fvck being a construction worker and a loser is better than being slave, why keep a marriage more than 2 years that it has no love? Who are all the women in this story that are under 30? May I suggest you scroll through these bits so it doesnt affect your feelings?! She has given me 3 years to marry her. Dont wanna!!! To understand how the readers of The Amazing Son in Law - The Charismatic Charlie . El libro semejante. i guess we all know why stories are completed before being published now. please publish the remaining chapters from 935 onwards. saludos. More enjoyable. You have to simply subscribe to the blog and read the novel online instead of downloading the PDF of the novel. What are you talking about. 80 capitulos dedicados al rescate de melba, creo que es un abuso, y no hay forma de conseguir la novela completa. Creo que a diferencia de varios lectores aqu, no me parece para nada aburrido que se extienda ms la historia. Me esta matando lentamente la ansiedad. Unless Marven make another trip to Syria. Right now its seems like a salad bowl, ingredients are just being added and mixed. to control the family. But now seeing him promising she LOVES him and thats what matter most. Stop complaining its free though. Just FYI. el mismo harem llega solo y quizas muchos dicen oh my god es fuerte poderoso y sabe de todo pero aqui si tuviese que rankear posibles amores legtimos es nanako y su amor de infancia sara. What happened to you? It is also a mark of a good writer that by reading his work, you get into the shoes of the characters created. Porque en el fondo de su corazn el es un macho alfa y quiere estar con todas las chicas bellas que se le crucen, sin desperdiciar a ninguna. hiddensecrets. At the sametime help Hamid destroy Front Soldiers. why do some says that no one would love a construction worker? How does Ye family escape this tragedy ? But today no chapters posted. Every aspect of human nature carries its opposite. https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-4015-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Hes already cheating her emotionally. keep on writing & ignore the negative people wanting to finish the story already. Entre tantos comentarios noto la crtica a que su esposa lo soportado incluso cuando trabajaba en la construccin, pero en si el nico que conoci sus antecedentes era el abuelo de ella y por eso arregl el matrimonio entre ellos dos , en s a su esposa no se divorci a pesar de las burlas para respetar lo que su abuelo dijo pero viendo distintas perspectivas, en el caso de Sara, cua do se reunieron en su casa aclaro que su familia lo busco y que incluso si no tena nada econmicamente igual sera tratado como hijo por el contratoatrimonial que tenan desde nios, y saban que haba una diferencia con su familia paterna , con esto entiendo que aunque lo ubieram encontrado en la construccin, igual lo ubieram llevado con la familia de Sara y casado con ella, en cuanto a que el mayordomo lo mantuvo oculto , creo haber visto que no estaba al tanto de que el abuelo de su esposa lo haba reconocido y casado con su nieta pero no interfiri cuando se entero, por lo dems la trama se volvi interesante en contraste de ser rechazado y ahora tratando de ocultar su identidad de maestro y me parece an mejor que teniendo habilidades como las que tiene no fue el clsico de que se iba a lanzar contra todos los enemigos , sino que opta por acumular fuerza econmica y demas seguidores para poder estar a nivel de sus enemigos, lo que si me pareci un poco extenso fue que para algunos temas sin importancia (ejemplo la ropa interior ajustada ) se tomaron muchos captulos en cambio para la lucha con los reyes celestiales tomo 2 o 3 , cosa que me gustara que dieran ms importancia a hecho decisivos en vez de temas poco importantes. Buscare otro libro que si este terminado y ya que le he dedicado tanto tiempo a leer este escrito, lo volver a buscar en un tiempo, a ver si ya lo acabaron. Please work on more chapters sir, its really good story than other novels in sites atleast 10chapters a day. thanks. En este punto, se desliga del planteamiento inicial (pese a dar unas pinceladas de avance muy lento entre los esposos, no tanto en la lnea del deseo como si con un enfoque ms fraternal), pasando a desarrollar dos lneas de accin: por un lado el deseo de venganza y por el otro la expansin del poder para permitirle desligarse de sus antecedentes. Me qued en el 3043, alguien pudo conseguir del 3044 en adelante!, Ya viene el santo de Charly jajajaja y se viene un fiestn ms concierto de Sara. She saved herself for Marven, and Avella hasnt given in to Marven for FOUR YEARS! . When the Family of Marven moved to Wrestville, because Changying removed himself from the Ye familys affairs and have chosen for his family to live without the riches of the Ye family, where he was eventually killed together with his wife and Marven disappeared. This will be great and I always stay up at night to get the new chapters. Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised. Does anyone know any more good reads of similar kind, hay otra parcida del mismo autor se llama el misterioso yerno hao, isnt this the same novel with different character name. But what if there were conditions for everything? The Charismatic Charlie Wade starts with a luxurious and crowded birthday banquet in the Wilson family mansion. Admin, chapters 1827 and 1828 are missing. Maybe if she was richer and had more rooms in her house (the old one) she wouldve offered you the room. 4 years of marriage and no s3x? Im starting to lean towards Sara. Will you be still uploading since it has been 6 days with no posts. Me qued en el 2750 y esperando, The story is really getting boring day by day n they written many chapters on unnecessary topics like they almost wrote 7 to 8 chapters on melbas outfit which is really worst to read., se estan repitiendo las escenas y los capitulos. because margaret is too powerful. In her eyes hes just an ordinary feng shui consultant now. Any reasons, It have been almost s week without new chapters. They set up the orphanage, hid him from all the people who were looking for him. But now it seems youre not even a man. 4 . She never looked down upon him, stood by his side despite all the odds, celebrated his birthdays. You should just leave if you think you have enough of the story. chapter seem to release lesser and lesser each day. And Zynn get to stay back in China. La novela se llevar segn el entorno en que lo quiera desarrollar el autor. She was aware that one invisible helper standing behind but never thought of her husband. As Ive stated before, how much can you really be in love when youre 6? Even though she got some hints all pointing to Charlie, she still couldnt take them seriously. Also, Avellas grandfather asked her to marry a complete stranger. Why is it 2 chapters a day only?? Even Sara is infatuated with him just because he is the son of her parents friends and from an important family. If you are rich and have power, you are loved but the moment you find yourself in a condition where you everything is snatched from you, people start making excuses to avoid being with you because you dont fulfill their expectations? LMAO what a [emailprotected] Hes just cheating and deceiving his wife. Hay que esperar, yo le todo en dos semanas, pensando que ya haban terminado, pero segn leo en los comentarios, la novela apenas est en proceso, as que no nos queda de otra ms que esperar a que la terminen y vayan agregando los capitulos. for your work, Qasim Khan and Happy New Year!!! igual el dia de hoy recibi 4 captulos pero aun asi es muy poco, espero poder encontrar la novela ya terminada, si alguien la encuentra compartan, 8 ltimos captulos de estos ltimos dos das que no dicen nada, puro relleno. me qued en el 2758, El link de los cap 1866 a1870 es igual al link de los cap 1861 a 1865. Hi Readers, please be patience. si puedes ayudarme, te lo mega agradecera <3, yo he estado pensando muy seriamente en dejar de leerla por lo menos 1 mes, y despus seguirle, de verdad que a veces siento que si se vuelve tedioso, pero creo que no voy a poder aguantar no saber el final XD, as que me ir a leer otras novelas y vendr a darme una vuelta aunque sea 1 vez en la semana para ver como va el avance soy adicta y tarde semana y media en alcanzar lo publicado, estoy atorada en el 2664 y no soy buena con la abstinencia XD XP, Hola me puedes apoyar me qued en el captulo 2668 ya no encuentro los dems tienes algn Linck o PDF del libro pilisss, Podras compartir del 2500 en adelante..por favor, Hola cmo puedo seguir buscando los dems captulos voy en el 2688 gracias, Amigo conseguime los capitulos despues del 2700, Por favor me puedes decir cmo puedo obtener los dems captulos que tu tienes por que yo he ledo hasta el captulo 2823 Jezlo te lo voy a gradedecer muchsimo por que tardan en poner los captulos, Me podra compartir los capitulos por favor. Porque hay muchos que tienen mucho dinero y poder, y no lo aparentan. Can I suggest to the author(s) to please keep all the names consistent from the first chapter till now. Also if he wasnt any promising and didnt help her father recover from cancer Im sure she wouldnt pay attention or want to disturb his marriage. Si de acuerdo, yo venia nuy emocionada pero ya me estoy cansando de tanto relleno, no veo lo interesante en que a Melba se le rompa un brasier, eso si es algo insignificante para la novela. Please load more chapters. Agree. En el mejor de los casos, solo ha habido 2-4 captulos por da. Almost makes me think the american grandparents are the villains. What the heck! A que hora se suben las actualizaciones ? ithas gone off the rails in the last few months. 2 chapters for Marven to buy clothes for Melba I think there is more to this no sane man would let his daughter wait for a man, who has a 90 percent probability of being dead, just for a verbal agreement, cmon think about it, Ok todos son team sara o team avellaneda I would pay for a full version instead of this little by little crap. creo que debera volver a leer el principio porque claramente avella solo respeta a cheyene, marven,etc no hubo amor, es solo respeto por el audaz de su abuelo y se volvi costumbre y si crees que un celibato de 3 aos durmiendo en el piso se llama matrimonio deberas plantearte todo nuevamente. Hang in there folks. This novel is really great. Ya el libro aburre se perdi, por favor sigan la trama se trata de un yerno millonario no, de un sper hroe egosta, ya el tipo cae mal. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. However, hes not that fond of the Japanese. Where are all the chapters after 3398 that seem to be misssing, https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3399-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, Estoy muy triste porque hoy no subieron captulos nuevos. A quick word to everyone leaving comments to publish more chapters; the books is still being written, which means that the translator can only translate what is available. If i were them or just the author, when all is said and about to finish- book printing and advertising for a book release, id stop sending chapters. Sana mapanuod ko to as a movie, or telenovela, Family and friends give us the elixir to face whatever ill that is about to befall us. Te apoyo, que continue, pero si dos capitulos diarios es muy poco, mejor subieran 100 o 50 una vez por semana , asi lo leemos y esperamos la proxima. If Avellas grandfather wanted to help Marven to get a benefit in Xiaos family, he should think about this reason for Marven. Hoping that you can download more chapters everyday. There is over a 1000 chapters on other sites but I prefer to use this one why aren't thir anymore uploaded after 750.

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