Sun gives deep morality and ethical grounds, righteousness, great life goals. She is very much modest but her husband may ignore her. They are very likely to build a sense of trust and faith in anyone they meet with. The position also shows ego battles with in laws. Jupiter, Mars, and Sun indicate a Medium Fair complexion. Even the malefic will produce good results because it protects its own house but the results will be delivered in their way. Theos (They Help Each Other Spiritually) First Presbyterian Church of the Cross. You can reach our office in Palashdiha, Asansol-713341, Nature and Appearance of Spouse from Navamsa (D-9) Chart Prediction, Spouse Prediction from Navamsa (D9) Chart, How D9 Chart influence the Marriage Partner, Spouse Nature and Characteristics from Navamsa, Spouse Prediction from Sun in 7th house Navamsa, Spouse Details from Moon in 7th house Navamsa, Spouse Nature from Mars in 7th house Navamsa, Spouse Nature from Mercury in 7th house Navamsa, Spouse Character from Jupiter in 7th house Navamsa, Spouse Nature and Appearance from 7th Sign of Navamsa or D9 chart, Some important Combinations for judging Spouse from D-9 Chart, Rahu and Venus Conjunction in Navamsa Chart, How to Improve your Marriage and Fortune through Navamsa. Effects of Sun in 7th House Sun Generally Gives Beneficial results in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio Signs. But your spouse can be dominating at times. If Moon is also Associated with this or if this conjunction is in Signs Like Leo or Taurus or Libra, the creative skills will be even more. The sun in the 7th house means the person will have outstanding success in their life but at a slow pace. He/ She will bring Luck and fortune. Their money or income increases with good health of spouse and when health of mother is good, they gain from fixed asset and incomes. They also want to get married in a wealthy family. We provide you the Most Accurate Information About Vedic Wisdom. Signs where Mercury is placed in the D9 chart is also important. But the only problem is spouse would be moody and too emotional. After Going through this, I believe, You will be in a Position to understand your Own D9 chart. Facing financial problems? The appearance of a spouse in astrology is mainly influenced by Planets in the 7th house and the placement of Venus as per Vedic astrology. Sun in Astrology denotes our Atman or the Soul, biological Father, and our divine father. It also shows losses in foreign land. If your Chart has Strong Love Marriage Yoga, it will help you. Sun in the 7th house indicates a life partner who is full of passion, enthusiasm, and eagerness to lead an active life. Sun may impact their interest in spirituality and occult. If Saturn is conjunct with Darakaraka Planet or Venus in the 7th house of D9 chart, it can give you Marriage with Someone from different caste. His genuine effort and True knowledge of the subject has not only made him as one of the best astrologer in kolkata or One of the best online astrologer in India but also it has established Astrologylover a Leading, most trusted and reliable Online astrology solution. Sun in 7th house does not promote very active or pleasureful sex life or physical intimacy at least for a consistent period of time. I have also discussed How to apply these Principles to understand the Nature and Character of your spouse in this Video. The Main House for Spouse Prediction is 7th House and 7th Lord. Venus in the venuss Rashi could make natives attracted to the partner based on how family-oriented the person is and also their cooking ability and the balance of their mind. These are as below. At the same time, s/he will be very particular about health, reputation and appearance. Sun in the 7th house of D9 chart will give you a Strong and confident Life partner. These people have great respect in society, but alongside this, they also have a negative approach to them. Sun performs well in the tenth house in Navamsa chart. The D9 chart is said to be one of the most important charts as it significantly helps in the reading of the main birth chart. Native will be attached to their learning new things in life, their family traditions and lineage. The spouse is very fond of gold and conservative. The planet should not be debilitated or afflicted by Malefic in Navamsa. Native will inherit great deal of money and wealth through spouse, mother and sometimes siblings as well. The natives have a great dedication towards their education from a young age and also towards their work in the career. You can Refer our article to know the appearance of your Spouse from D1 chart. Sun in 7th house and spouse characteristics: If there is the sun in the 7th house of a native, the spouse will be of dominating nature. Spouse is very dominating and it will always leave a mark in marriage. If the sun is afflicted such as being in the house of Saturn or with Rahu and Ketu then the person can marry twice. Sun in this fifth house makes the native highly conscious about looks, reputation and health. Spouse will have good wisdom, and health if it is not afflicted. Sun blesses creative talent in Music, dance and other art forms. Sun makes the native tender most respect to their Guru or ultimate surrender to their spiritual Guru. The natives should be careful of their behavior and adjust according to the spouse for a happy and successful marriage. But they need to wait to achieve success in work, their impatient behavior can tear them down. Because the planet is bound to protect its house and blesses the good married life to the person and also the native will get good looking spouse with beautiful nature. Sun in the sixth house can bless the native to become a good politician with charisma that attracts mass people following. Their interest in Vedic texts, scriptures, and philosophical path will take them to good position in the community. Which house is connected to spouse in Navamsa Chart? They will be very Dharmik or righteous and ethical in every little aspect of life. Ketu in 7th House Spouse Appearance. They may also loose or sell ancestral property. It also indicate that your spouse can be quite modern or broad-minded. But when Analysing the Rahu-Venus conjunction in Navamsa, we also need to see the Signs or we need to Check the Sign where this Conjunction has happened. So Saturn will make the native independent, Patient and Tolerant. The nature of the spouse is very royal-like sun and will have a good personality. If Mercury is in the 7th house or mercury aspects the seventh house or owns the seventh house then this thing happens. The wife will be of average looks since Saturn doesnt represent beauty. But this is not good for a happy married life. 9th house is the house of Dharma or Fortune. The native starts learning ancient knowledge, scriptures and philosophy. Also, if they aspects the Upapad Lagna then also the age of the person will be respectively same. But mahadasha and transit should be considered very carefully before giving predictions for marriage. There might be issues in their married life because of their high pride attitude and wants everything to work according to them. The father of the native can take many foreign trips. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spouse is fickle-minded and it could sometimes lead native to do not so good deeds. In soft sign like cancer , the spouse may overpower with emotions and nourishment but they can hurt your emotions. If there is no planet in the 7th house, we need to see the 7th Lord, Venus, and the conjunction or aspect the seventh lord has. Sun when afflicted makes the native self-obsessed, harsh, and egoistic. Because for males Venus is the karaka for the spouse and for females mars is the karaka for the husband. Sun in the twelfth house of Salvation and higher realization makes the native successful in foreign lands. Their deep wealth of knowledge also calls for issues due to huge amount of pride and impatience. Planet Sun will be at its fullest strength in this house. What is Navamsa chart and why it is important, physical appearance of spouse in astrology, effect of Rahu on Marriage when Occupies the 7th house, Know spouse name in astrology-Predicting Life Partner name by date of birth, Directional Strength of planets in Vedic Astrology-Everything about Digbala, Upapada Lagna- Calculator & Marriage Prediction Analysis, Darakaraka Planets-Life Partner (Spouse) Details With Jaimini Astrology, Late (Delay) Marriage or No Marriage in astrology-Will i ever get Married, Matchmaking with date of birth (DOB) for Marriage Online, Navamsa (D9) Chart- its importance and use in Analysing Birth Chart, Jupiter (Guru) in 7th house in Male and female horoscope. The spouse may have some deformity and there are more chances that parents will not accept the spouse. The spouse of the native lacks religion, love, and affection. He/ She will be fond of Traveling different Places and Meeting New People. Which house in Navamsa chart is bad for the Sun? Ketu in the 7th House will give native spouse with wheatish complexion and slim physical appearance. S/he will dominate over the younger siblings, children and co-workers. Navamsa is also a chart of your Talents. If the sign Leo falls in the seventh house then the spouse will be of a showoff nature. Recommended reading : Foreign Spouse Yoga in Kundali. Recommended Reading: Love Marriage Yoga in Horoscope. Native may be dominant and over authoritative in marital life. The native is always concerned about joint asset and accumulation of joint asset. Even the 7th house waning moon may through some issues in marriage. Only After Minute Analysis of Main birth chart and D9 chart, We Should reach any Conclusion. Since Libra is the first house and due to the opposite attraction marriage life will be quite good. They will have to spend a whole lot to maintain their status and appearance. All hopes and desires of elder sibling will come true after their marriage. 5) Asura Vivaha: This is very similar to Arsa vivaha. Venus is the main signifying Planet of such Marriage. Sun in the 7th house of the Navamsa signifies a learned spouse also interested in music. There will be some problems with the physical compatibility between you and your spouse. Apart from that, they are great at maintaining balance in life, which brings success, growth, fortune, and steady relationships with loved ones. They may receive great professional laurels in their late 50s. The person will get a beautiful wife but he is not satisfied with the wife because he could lose interest very easily. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Virgo, Your Spouse will have long hands, small buttocks, polished character, talkative, extra fond of sexual activities. They might not get along with everyone, but for their family, they stand in every needed situation. The spouse will have a high sense of self-respect. It increase the Passion within us. So Your Romantic Life May not be very Good. They will have an air of elegance. They will have full control of their home and children. He/she could also be stubborn and egoistic. The Sun In 7th House: Vedic Astrology. This means they like their partner when they are taken to a particular restaurant or gifted with the type of clothes they like. , there will be a faithful success in their future because of their hard work and passion. The spouse will like to serve and again sexual issues may come. They work a lot after marriage so that they can serve the marriage. The nature of the spouse is very royal-like sun and will have a good personality. These natives are very dedicated towards their work and always inclined and eager to learn something new in life regarding their work. You can count on your spouse and tell him/her all your secrets. Navamsa (D9 chart) is the Most important Divisional Chart used for Prediction of Spouse Nature, Character , Appearance etc. Sun in 7th can also bring late marriage. For Taurus and Libra Signs in the 7th house of Navamsa chart, Venus is the 7th Lord. Mercury is the signifying Planet. So, if there is a Sun and Moon conjunction in 7th house with the zodiac sign is Aries, you shall have auspiciousness and spark in your relationship. She is simple, sincere and has a good manner, and takes decisions after thinking very well. Venus in the Mercurys sign could make native attraction based on the carrier-oriented person or good looks, person who is funny. The Only Problem with this is Technique is that You Should have an Accurate or Correct Birth Time. Here the conjunction the planet has, the sigh they occupy, and the aspect they get will alter the below result greatly. The people who have sun in 7th house get along with family really well and unite with them in times of happiness and sadness. The Ascendant in the D9 chart will change within 12 Minutes. 7th Lord Venus will Make your Partner extremely rich, successful, spiritually oriented, does good deeds, good children, enjoys plenty of riches and conveyances, has company of good Person. Health of mother or someone close in the maternal relatives can bring domestic issues. Darakaraka, will bestow the nature and characteristics, and features of the husband or wife. In a male chart, the position shows that he will dominate the home. Spouses will have many virtues and they are rich, modest, and well-behaved. Sun in this house causes deep longing for materialistic security. The spouse will have anger issues but the spouse will be bold, courageous, brave with lots of energy. It can also Create Ego problem in the Relationship and Marriage. As we said That the Planet in the 7th house of Navamsa will show the nature and character of the spouse , The Sign of 7th house Navamsa, The Darapada (A7) in Navamsa also reveals about appearance, Nature and characteristics of Life Partner. It is one of the great position for righteous footstep, vedanta knowledge and learning history. Sun is the main signifying Planet. There are Many Divisional Charts. But if Sun is in earth sign in sixth house than the person can deal in a matured way in terms of marriage issues. The spouse is also dutiful, charitable, and religious. Sun in fifth house of Navamsa shows that the native is intelligent in investment and will be interested in politics. If all of them is in Good condition, we can safely predict Happy Marriage Life. Planets that are posited in the 7th house of Navamsa also say a lot about the appearance of the Spouse Appearance and personality. Rahu in the watery signs will give an emotional spouse. So its placement in 7th house is not considered Auspicious. Mercury in the 7th house of Navamsa chart can give Lack of physical pleasure from spouse as Mercury is a eunuch planet. 7th house Sun - Spouse and Marriage Predictions. As a powerful planet, results of Sun in the different houses of Navamsa chart vary based on the houses. The native may have an authoritative spouse. There can some temporary sexual and hormonal imbalance either to you or your partner. Nakshatra will define the root cause. The position also shows in second half of life, the person enjoys the company of single parent. The wife could be quarrelsome, feels superior, difficult to adjust to, and also likes to dominate others. Moon is the main signifying planet for such marriage. They can also face conflicts in work-space. When Navamsa Moon is in 7th house, Your spouse will be very Beautiful and very sexual. Read Sun in all houses in vedic astrology. Sun in this house results in increase in family wealth, power in the society, and authority post marriage. Planets Sun, Moon and Mercury are neutral in the eighth house. This is a Very Good Placement and if Moon is not Weak or Unafflicted, it will make you fortunate After Marriage. Fifth house deals with purva janma punya and past life experiences. When Saturn is afflicted then the constitution of the spouse may be weak. The native will look charming with beautiful eyes. It can also bring major conflicts with authorities due to ego issues. The people with the sun in the 7th house might face obstacles in a marriage. The ascendant is all about self while the 7th house is about the partner. The spouse will be very sexual. But they always provide support to others. It Can Sometime give Late Marriage or delayed Marriage. It blesses government job, great career options, powerful administrative roles in government or government managed sectors. At the same time, they also want to give everything to their children. Pretty! Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology, Sun in first house/ Sun in 1st house of Navamsa, Sun in second house/ Sun in 2nd house of Navamsa, Sun in third house/ Sun in 3rd house of Navamsa, Sun in fourth house/Sun in 4th house of Navamsa, Sun in fifth house/ Sun in 5th house of Navamsa, Sun in sixth house/ Sun in 6th house of Navamsa, Sun in seventh house/ Sun in 7th house of Navamsa, Sun in eighth house/ Sun in 8th house of Navamsa, Sun in ninth house/ Sun in 9th house of Navamsa, Sun in tenth house/ Sun in 10th house of Navamsa, Sun in eleventh house/ Sun in 11th house of Navamsa, Sun in twelfth house/ Sun in 12th house of Navamsa. From a young age, these natives are dedicated to earn knowledge and achieve it successfully. He/she will have large eyes, and would have clear and smooth skin. The position shows rise of status and authoritative position in life after marriage. They need to make sure to change their behavior and ways of living for the other person, otherwise, they will face a fail marriage in their life. Exaltation factor: With the Sun and Moon combination in 7th house, both planets rule and influence . It gives them dedication, passion, and knowledge that they can grow in life and make a successful future. The native may take a leadership role in religious organizations. Spouse is very independent but s/he never ask others to serve their need. He or she may be a sports lover. For example Sun in the 7th house of Aries will not give the Same result as Sun in the 7th house of Capricorn. Seventh house of marriage and Sun in this house in a Navamsa chart has massive influence on marital life of the native. Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Mercury could indicate the dark spouse. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Libra, Your Spouse will have lean body, beautiful nose, does not have fixed mind-set, Romantic in Nature. In Case of Male, you will get a Tall and Slim wife. Monthly Astrology Horoscope for GEMINI for SEPT Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Sign SAGITTARIU Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Sign LEO | DECE Weekly Astrology Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope for Zodiac Sign AQUARIUS | May Sun in The 7th House - Marriage, Love, Appearance & Career. Sun in the tenth house of Navamsa chart blesses job in Government or government Sector. When Saturn influences the 7th house of a person, it indicates that the spouse will be older and ordinary. This is not treated as a good placement for Marital bliss. Beauty with elegance is indicated when Sun is . These natives are very dedicated towards their work and always inclined and eager to learn something new in life regarding their work. Having Navamsa Venus in 7th house is a Blessing. The 7th Lord Sun will make your Spouse very Strong, confident and Independent. The spouse always points to the minute things and misses the big picture. So when we need the Minute details of Our Marriage, we have to refer the D9 chart. On the other hand, the relationship with younger sibling gets distant. The Rashi Lord and Ruling Planet of 7th House are: Tula (Libra) and Shukra (Venus). The spouse will be of the same age (Saturn represents the old aged) or even can be elder. It also indicates that he or she will have a childish nature and would be very cute. Their late 40s will bring riches and recognition from government. Strategically located in close proximity to the home are a number of major healthcare providers in the area, as well as churches, parks and drug stores. It will make your Spouse very Practical and Grounded. They would love to live in a huge house with a unique architecture. It also indicates that he or she will have a childish nature and would be very cute. Here the wife will be very egoistic and she might be having a prominent sun related to the lagan. Planets in the ascendant house will influence your physical appearance and Planets in the 7th house will influence your Physical appearance, thinking of your Life Partner. They are authoritative and dominating over spouse and family. But We Should remember that the 7th house of D1 chart or Rashi Chart is the Desire or the Kind of Partner we want. Moon The Moon in the d-9 7th house denotes a beautiful, attractive and very emotional spouse. Spouse will look younger than his or her age. Jupiter is the Most beneficial Planet of the zodiac and when it Occupies your 7th house of Navamsa, it is highly Auspicious. The natives should be careful of their behavior and adjust according to the spouse for a happy and successful marriage. When the Sun is in the seventh house of your chart, the complexion of your spouse will be wheat coloured and fair. Their relationship with siblings or cousins may be distant. 3) Arsha Vivaha: In this kind of marriage the girls family is unable to bear the expense of the marriage and the boys family pays a nominal or cutomary gift as the price of the bride and brings the bride home. So we have to Understand the zodiac Signs of the 7th House too. Venus or Shukra in the 7th house of your Navamsa chart can give you a rich, good-looking spouse, as well as expertise in arts and business, good income, amiable nature, handsome face, and good fortune after marriage. Sun is a hot planet and represents our soul, authority, ego, career etc, Here is the detailed analysis of Sun in all houses of Navamsa chart. That is why we see a lot of celebrities like actors, singers etc faces problem in love life or married life. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Taurus, Your Spouse will have Good personality. If Navamsa Venus is in 7th house, the spouse can be extremely good Looking, fond of Luxury & all sort of comfort, fond of music, fine arts etc. The native should apply enough caution in their behavior and personality since they can be perceived as head strong and snobbish due to their immense wealth from Sun. The native will also be interested in hidden knowledge and occult. This applies if the moon is waning, but the complexion will not be so fair as compared to the waxing moon. Remember, it is more important to strengthen the 7th Lord than planets placed in the 7th house. Bit it Gives us a Big Picture or broad idea about Our Life. The spouse may be of a perfectly built physique and is witty and jovial in nature. Sun in 7th House personality As Per Vedic Astrology The sun represents positive energy and the sun in the 7th house gives passionate energy to the person. Sun in fifth house of Navamsa shows that the native is intelligent in investment and will be interested in politics. Saturn is the Main Karak for this kind of Marriage. Native will be righteous and naturally interested in politics, finances. They gain a lot of support from family of spouse. But if the 7th house or this planet is being aspect by. The person will have an aggressive, argumentative, and quarrelsome spouse and is of dominating nature. You might attract a marital partner of fair complexion and foreign influences. Sun is the King of Solar system; in Vedic astrology Sun is referred as the King in the cabinet of planets. He or she may be Emotional, Sensitive, soft hearted etc. If the sign Capricorn falls in the seventh house then the spouse is very logical and only changes when needed. On the other hand, they find hard to deal with elder siblings or find difficult to cope up in large organizations. You can Watch this to understand how i have applied this principle practically. Moon is the queen of the solar system and its placement in 7th house is excellent for giving spouse of stunning personality and beautiful facial features. This kind of Marriage can be referred to the Bal Vivaha of earlier days. In the Navamsa chart, Sun in the fourth house indicates a native that will possess a strong desire towards family and society. The spouse may look a little bulky, fair, medium height, and will have a magnetic personality. Our expert Astrologers will answer all your concerns about love, health, money, career, and much more. Since the sun is the royal planet and placed in the seventh house then the person will have a beautiful looking spouse. She could speak up with full authority and also is intelligent, well educated adjustable nature. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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