The death certificate was signed, but never filed. Is that the photo where it looks like her nose is missing? Her stepfather also has at least one child (featured in a wedding day photo) and I can't imagine she's happy that her father has devoted this much time and attention to her dead stepsister.Or maybe she's good with it but I would be surprised if it were the case. I always hear neuro experts say "Well,in brain death you can see this or you can see that." Does that mean she could conceive? We never know how much brain tissue is damaged until after the heart restarts, so we tend to continue the resuscitation, especially with children. But whether or not they intended it, her lawyers and family have raised a couple of legitimate questions where medicine does not have good answers but does have new technology. [37] The hospital stated that it would be unethical and "grotesque" to require the hospital and its doctors to provide further medical care to a dead body[38] and said that Byrne was "a crusader with an ideology-based bias"[3] The hospital also said that Lazarus signs are not uncommon in cases of brain death. A side effect of these steroids is fatty deposition particularly in the face and upper back. In 2013, Jahi McMath, a 13-year-old girl, was diagnosed as dead by neurological criteria (brain death) more than four years ago, following complications from a tonsillectomy. Story from an ex nurse is that the body was decaying in the crotch, and the mother claimed it was her period. Not too long ago, Granny posted about Jahi playing the piano, giving thumbs up signs, picking up popcorn with her fingers. The two doctors thoroughly refuted plaintiff's "expert testimony" from September 2014. has a recent picture of Jahi in Feb. She actually was artificially well. However the family would just show up at some hospital demanding care and then that hospital suffers the financial loss. Death is defined biologically as the irreversible loss of the functioning of the organism as a whole, which typically occurs after the loss of cardiorespiratory function. I believe mother truly believes Jahi is "still in there." I would be interested in at least seeing a CT scan of Jahi's head, though I can't see anyone justifying doing an unnecessary test on a dead patient. [14] The family also claims that the hospital pressured them to donate McMath's organs. I hope I am clear in my wording. When Jahi McMath was declared brain-dead by the hospital, her family disagreed. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Stop pulling the plug on your people, she said. I also find it funny the psychos come here and insult people. It's hard for me to argue against that. This guilt keeps and fuels her hope that she truly believes that her daughter is the one to defy all odds & wake up one day - be completely normal & live a happy life, being thankful her Mom (the Hero) kept fighting to keep her alive.. you know a miracle in its own making & that apartment becomes a future place of worship & pilgrimage..The people who surround them don't help see reality. No judge in America can get away with an order to remove her from life support after have seen that video. There have been no real advancements made in the legal trial, though there has been the usual and expected back . Once I complained, I was immediately sent to collections. Her family refused to accept the diagnosis, and she was transferred to New Jersey, which offers a religious exemption to brain death. Another Hitchhiker's fan!!! That is ethically borderline at best. At what point does a child's life outweigh money. The hospital described these procedures as complicated. I am sorry, but just don't buy that you go from being shrunken and necrotic to full, flawless whilst on a ventilator and somatic support. Jahi' s family was used and is now allowing themselves to be used for financial gain. Pallbearers transport Jahi McMath's coffin from her funeral on Friday, July 6, 2018, in Oakland, Calif. Noah Berger / Special to The Chronicle. What it is overwhelmingly, however, is WEST. I have a question, Is it true that Medicaid is funding Jahi care? I too would like to hear from the good Doctor about this. I'm testing it. I stop my guys banter and said- keep it fkn PC, it's called removing life support, the loved one on life support isn't a laptop or computer you just pull the cord out of the wall, and sometimes when you do remove somatic care the body still "lives" after for a short time.. Don't be callous, you never know who has experienced this, as I glance over to my near tears call receiver.. I think that would help them to accept Jahi's condition. Daffodil bouquets brightened the altar. They know this girl died a long time ago. Why does the state keep paying for this? Over here on the other side of the Rockies we see geography somewhat differently. She is a corpse that is being kept from decomposing through artificial means. Life support measures can only sustain life where there's actual living tissue, correct? With good support, the organ can survive and heal. The attorney later withdrew this request, saying he wanted time for the court-appointed medical expert and his own medical experts to confer. I think they should proceed with resting.Cory Franklin M.D. Have you seen the latest picture from the prayer page,that is the one Im talking about. I am surprised that her blood deprived brain has not developed gangrene. [36] Byrne stated in court documents that he witnessed McMath moving in the hospital and that he considered her to be alive. I wonder if one can't file something to get her evaluated. Totally agree. Ethereal theme. This is a corpse that is showing signs of decomposition. [10][12] At that time, Dolan also filed documents asking that the Alameda County Superior Court reverse their finding of brain death in the case. The brain dead person is taking up a bed and staff time that can be used to care for someone who can actually be helped. All we ever see of Jahi are photos of a contracted, rotting hand here, or a foot there. As soon as the body is buried I intend to talk to my state representative about closing the loop hole that allows this waste of resources. Jahi is most certainly on Medicaid. I'll start this post by answering a few questions that may or may not be burning in your mind: No, I'm not dead. I watched the video maybe three times, because I thought I missed it the first time. Until the mother accepts the fact that Jahi is dead the self induced suffering will continue especially for her other children. Are you aware of any other post mortem brain studies done on people who were long term PVS patients? This doesn't even happen. Accessibility Wouldn't you want your child to be in peace..not caught in this purgatory:\. I'm sure someone is making money out of keeping this poor girl's body ventilated, and that's just nasty, as far as I'm concerned. If I've got usable parts at that point, let somebody else use them. I honestly do want to know when the state going to stop this, are we looking at another 3 years from now the mom is still keeping Jahi on life support? The award recognizes "the unconditional love they have for Jahi, and their courage as they continue the fight for their daughter against overwhelming odds." In the well publicized cases of brain death disputes since Jahi it seems what the long term survivors had in common was the tracheostomies and feeding tubes. After her body finally shut down, Jahi's parents laid her to rest. Go to the FB page. 3) How does one climb out of a rock?4) Your blatant racism is utterly vile. The body decays once oxygen is stopped from perfusing tissue.These results as noted by the true experts indicated that she truly is dead. I agree with the other comments!! Why did they continue trying to start the heart, if it being stopped so long cause such severe brain damage? The judge agreed with the defense's argument that by attempting to try their case in the "court of public opinion" by releasing selected and biased declarations, Jahi's family had waived any right to her medical privacy.Doc didn't mention that Dr. Nakagawa was the lead author of the revised brain death determination criteria for infants and children which was updated in 2011. I tend to get obsessed with certain news stories, and Jahi McMath's sweet face has begged my devoted attention. And hugging and talking to a dead body is just prolonging the grief period. Get with the program and become a parent of an angel kid (whoa-whoa I am as well) no one wants to join but in my case was given no warning, no say, and no control over my own daughter dying yet here you are unable to cope. It's hard to argue fraud in that case. they become evident as decay, decomposition and putrefaction. Yes,its a FB page called Prayers for Jahi Mcmath,its private so you have join,Grandma posts in there about how well Jahi is doing,playing the piano and drawing among other things. Shortly after surgery she began bleeding. Yet as Jahis body lay peacefully in its purple coffin, her familys legal fight waged on. [48], In March 2014, the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network awarded McMath's family an annual award. . Jahi McMath, the Oakland teen whose brain-death case captivated the world while machines kept her breathing, was finally removed from those machines on June 22 in New Jersey after suffering from. She is not being kept alive this is a dead body where some of the organs are being kept from decaying. Doc, I do understand that Jahi is dead, and will never become less so. If that family wants to believe something bad enough, they'll create something out of nothing. The docs told us, he was brain dead, however, if we did keep him "alive" he would forever be on machines.. My uncle was a true native, hunting fishing, outdoorsy in every aspect.. morbid curiosity is normal for us. I specifically told my daughter, when the doctor says it's over, she'd better pull the plug fast without any second thoughts. Lessons from the Jahi McMath Case. Within hours of the procedure, blood began gushing from her mouth and nose, filling a bucket at her bedside. Dom DiTolla is a homophobe and a meathead who discriminates against gays Tucson Arizona. I'm cynical enough to believe that the claims of Jahi breathing over the ventilator, playing the piano, drawing, and now even giving a thumb's up sign have to do with upcoming court hearings to determine whether or not Jahi has actually come back to life. that being that her appearance has more to do with photo manipulation than medicine. However, aspirated clot and the ensuing airway disaster that that could cause, is a tragic, but more understandable scenario. In the case of brain death- I get, it's black and white, what if there is a very small gray.. We just don't what the gray is..My belief is death is the greatest equalizer.. Thirteen days is more than enough time for the brain to die. Not that I'm going anywhere soon, but forget the jumper cables and let me go. Of course if this is true the nurse will deny it during litigation. Court records show she is receiving Medicaid. but it is true that their current residence in Jersey appears to e a more northern climate than Oakland, and part of the family complaints have been of being cold, even though you are right that Jersey is "back east" the north/south move seems to be the more significant one. Photographs displayed on the altar showed Jahi as a little girl, with round cheeks and a saucy ponytail. Over time, I realize Nailah is a mother just as I am. I ask this because after my first brain surgery to remove a brain tumor in my pons fossa, I ended up with a significant cerebral spinal fluid leak. I think Nailah is going for public opinion, because the claims of the family won't be actual evidence for a court proceeding. The Nailah Nailah account? [17][18], After the surgeries were performed, McMath was conscious and according to her mother, Latasha "Nailah" Winkfield,[18][19][20] asked for a popsicle while in the recovery room. This whole situation just makes me think if my opinion of Typhoid Mary. In case you're new here and don't know Jahi's story, you can read about it. If Jahi has any siblings they are the real victims. Hastings Cent Rep. 2018 Nov;48 Suppl 4:S74-S76. [im][/im]Unacceptable use of the Photoshop Blur more filter. I believe in God and I also believe in miracles, but it's clear he called this young lady home awhile ago. video of Jahi supposedly moving her foot to command, video was posted of Jahi supposedly breathing over the ventilator, 124 (now 144) (now now 157) papers that DO NOT prove vaccines cause autism. I want to see the test results for 2017 and the latest update. She joined the Chronicle in 2015 after stints at several alt weekly newspapers. This poor child's body is being forced to keep going when she has died a long time ago. I just now found your page. I have been continually horrified by this story since its beginning. At a certain point claiming ignorance isnt a viable excuse you are being malicious. There is absolutely no medical possibility that J. McMath has recovered, or will someday recover, from death. I totally agree!!! This article summarizes her clinical history over those intervening years, taken directly from her medical records and personal observation. this was in the early part of 2014. I realize the dead salmon study I link to was done back in 2009 as kind of a lark but since then has there been more reliable research done regarding how useful fMRI would be as an ancillary test when it comes to diagnosing brain death? [14] The family lawyer stated that a preliminary second death certificate was issued on June 22, 2018, listing extensive bleeding relating to liver failure as the cause of death. This is how Jahi McMath's grandmother, Sandra, describes having been treated by one of the doctors at the Oakland's Children Hospital ICU. "You are" meaning Mom Nails. There is video released by nailah that supposedly demonstrates Jahi coloring. Her favorite subject was science, and her goals in life were to go to college, become a doctor, get married and have twins, Johnson said, eliciting chuckles from the crowd. At the funeral, she said her case should serve as a lesson to other families. Of course, I would not want to be kept 'alive' like this - but it does tell us that doctors can give up too soon for different factors from organ harvestation to lesser liability. No one pays for it themselves. All the attention they should be getting is directed to a brain dead child. Complaint Review: Nailah Winkfield C/O Gofundme for Jahi McMath. There is a gofund me page for Jahi far $64,522 of $20k goal, I mean I understand not wanting to let go - especially at first & when death came knocking so unexpectedly & potentially due to their own doing. [39] After receiving custody of McMath from Children's Hospital, the Coroner then released her to the custody of her mother, who was warned of and assumed all risk regarding cardiac arrest during the transfer. Even in doubt of the docs, maybe he would be in a vegetative state, would it be what he wanted.. [61], McMath's family and Bruce Brusavich, the family's malpractice attorney, have indicated that they are prepared to argue that McMath is not brain dead, so that the California state limit of $250,000 on medical malpractice lawsuits involving children who die does not apply in her case. It told us something we would not have known- about fMRI scanning, namely that there are false positives when we correlate clinically. In exactly the same way that the family's reluctance to permit further tests looks like they're afraid they don't want the answer.We're in unknown territory. That causes intestinal ischaemia, which can cause the inner lining to die and slough. Could you please provide links to where you read about almost every medical professional had spoke of our brain liquefying soon etcand that there was no way this would go on beyond months. EDIT NOVEMBER 1 2017: GINGER'S LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED TO 142 PAPERS. It's easy to force an opinion unless experience the death of a child. Apparently while in quarantine shed offer food to the people who came to visit her! (IE giving her solid food secretly). Wow you people have nothing better to do then comment on a case that has nothing to do with you! At what point does the state say 'okay, enough is enough. except for the fact I wouldn't want to waste usable organs, I would say they could do a study of that nature on me. I understand Jahi suffered a huge amount of blood loss leading to her heart not beating. It is the epitome of futile care. The patients with contractures are receiving signals albit bad signals but still signals. ie: elderly/disabled patients that have family members being paid to care for their loved ones. Certainly donations more so in the beginning probably ensured their survival & set up in NJ & for the apartment. This is one of the main reasons they are under stress. As the Wired article states it will tell us more about the brain (and more about the tests). So I understand the parents of Jahi, however this girl is dead and at first I thought they would eventually let her go after they grieved and gave themselves extra time but it has been 3 years now and going by the mom behavior she's either in serious denial that she needs psychological help or she's profiting. some versions also have it that Jahi was not supposed to be speaking and that the family was posting on social media that she was talking and laughing. Hi Ken.Would that make granny culpable for Jahi's death?Would it be negligent homicide?Could it possibly even be Murder given she should have known better and would have known or suspected the consequences given she was not qualified and neither was Jahi?If so could we see mamanails suing granny? It's interesting to note that to this day the Schiavo family does not accept the autopsy results. This is because they know of the case, not because of Facebook campaigns. Now we presume so - but the fact is we don't know so. That is public. [26], On January 5, 2014, Children's Hospital released McMath to the Alameda County coroner. The government involvement in that case was scary. Apparently a buddy of theirs went on a oxy/meth binger, and had a stroke and heart attack, they had him on life support for a week and decided to remove it and the guy is still breathing on his own, they said it would take three days for shut down, they removed it Wednesday and it was Saturday when we talked.. [32][33], On December 24, 2013, Judge Grillo ruled that McMath was legally dead,[34] basing his decision on the medical evidence presented by physicians from Children's Hospital Oakland and from independent expert Paul Fisher, but ruled to require the hospital to continue mechanical ventilation until December 30, 2013,[32] later extending this order until January 7, 2014. Nailah isnt a qualified assessor. The truth is if you convince yourself of something long enough, you eventually believe it's true. [34] McMath's mother argued that applying the Uniform Determination of Death Act to the case was a violation of constitutional religious and privacy rights[35] and that because Jahi's heart was still beating, she was still alive. Now they claim she is playing a piano. she's not just mostly dead, she's go through her pockets and look for loose change dead. But in those videos she doesn't look "dead". On work Saturday my guys were discussing life support, they started using "pull the plug", my call receiver had a horrified look.. Pathological liars do it all the time and they start twisting facts and get people who have very weak and vulnerable minds to believe them.

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