Dementors will run from you and your thestral patronus when in battle. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. These traits typically keep you and your Ibizan hound patronus charm safe in the face of a dementor. Chows are extremely protective and can have a temper if under pressure or threatened. Sparrows are stronger in numbers, so the witch or wizard with a sparrow Patronus gets the benefit of multiple magical protectors. If you have a leopard patronus, people tend to look up to you and you tend to be the role model of your group. In addition to leading to certain animals, some specific paths will lead to a sixth and possibly even seventh question, netting you either an unusual or very rare Patronus. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. The Scops owl patronus can defend itself from things much larger, with its fierce, sharp talons, making it terrifying to fight. What is the strongest Patronus? Abraxan Winged Horse - A breed of winged horse, gigantic in size and extremely powerful. Inside, though, you are a ball of energy, eager to prove yourself. Borzois like their own space and will become aggressive if they are over-handled mistreated. If this is your Patronus, it will protect you and your loved ones by encircling you and not letting the Dementors near you. A Swallow is a species of bird and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Borzoi- Also known as the Russian wolfhound, this is a quiet, yet independent, athletic dog. You have a strong moral compass and know how to use your strength to stay ahead of the pack. 7 Dolores Umbridge's Cat. The capuchin monkey patronus will be able to adapt quickly is problems arise and not hesitate to protect itself and others. Related post: The Best Place to Buy Discounted Harry Potter Tickets. The manx is more of a territorial cat that would be perfectly happy spending its days hunting mice and keeping watch. If you are drawn to the gray squirrel patronus, you love to plan ahead and be in charge of big decision making. If this is your Patronus, then you should definitely feel pride at your unique and uncommonly found personality! Despite their power, they are calm and sensible animals. You do not fear death but understand it is the next great adventure, and should you be faced with it, you will greet death like an old friend - especially if it means saving the life of another. Fast and fierce, these big cats are wonders of evolution! The dapple gray patronus says that you are the comfort friend when others need you and you tend to be a positive force in others lives. They can be a bit proud, which might lead to trouble, but deep down, they care greatly for family and comfort. With its mighty and majestic horn, a unicorn Patronus could easily charge down a Dementor, spearing it to keep its master safe. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. At breakfast on the morning of his first Care of Magical Creatures class in September 1993, Rubeus Hagrid entered the Great Hall absentmindedly swinging a dead polecat (presumably intended to be eaten by one of the Hippogriffs that were to be the subject of the day's lesson), excited about his new teaching position. So its in your best interest not to get on the bad side of one. Sure, they are fast when need tobe and are prey-driven, but for the most part, they are calm, affectionate, and easygoing with a sensitive nature. The chill of a Dementor wouldnt slow this Patronus down one bit as it put its hunting skills and talons to use, sending your dark assailant packing. Granian Winged Horse - Granians are winged horses known for their immense speed. Ukrainian Defenders rescued a rare animal, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine - a marbled polecat. The pheasant patronus is drawn to those who are creative and find themselves with wondrous imaginations. Without many enemies in the wild, these little guys dont have much reason to be afraid. A mink is a swift and quick witted animal that are territorial and dont mind going after those that threaten it. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. With a Rottweiler Patronus, you will always be protected from Dementors. If you have a Saint Bernard patronus, you most likely are passionate about helping others, but are typically a relaxed and chill individual. They aren't normally aggressive or display their dominance but will become aggressive if they are handled roughly. The runespoor is a magical creature that lives within the Harry Potter univserse and is a serpent type of animal with three heads. They will follow you around the house, playing gently with your shoestrings, charming everyone with their gentle and sweet personalities. Dun Stallion- The dun stallion Patronus relates to a serious, responsible, down-to-earth person. They often attack smaller birds and chase them through the air, a feature that makes them the perfect Patronus. Does Wizarding World of Harry Potter Cost Extra at Universal Orlando, The Best Place to Buy Discounted Harry Potter Tickets, The Guide to The Best Harry Potter Alcoholic Drinks at Universal Orlando, Everything You Need to Know About Disney Magic Bands, Complete Guide to the Beverly Drink at EPCOT 2023. Both leopard patronus come from those who tend to have their heads and thoughts high off the ground. A swift patronus means that you are a very efficient person, that can always complete their tasks quickly and with ease. If you burn someone with a rattlesnake patronus twice, you might end up getting bit. The seal patronus is perfect for someone looking for a deep bond with their charm spell and is ready to jump into the unknown at any time. A dolphin would able to solve any problem arising with dementors, which says the same for those casting the spell. Irish wolfhounds are hauntingly large dogs who are incredibly powerful but also gentle companions. Some wizards say that this special Patronus can use its horn to inject the Dementor with happy thoughts, making the Dementor itself explode in a burst of light. Basset Hound - Basset Hounds hail from France. A ragdoll patronus is well-paired with a person who is confident, but also carefree and bold among others. A fox terrier is a unique breed that is hard to wear down with their fearless attitude. Theyve even been known to eat humans in circumstances like these. Dementors better keep their heads up if a leopardess is your Patronus! Field mice are incredibly adaptable, able to live wherever they can find shelter and food. Great Grey Owl- This Patronus is small but strong. Related post: Guide to Harry Potter World Tickets 2023. Elephant - Elephants have a formidable presence and are respected throughout the animal kingdom. They ofter drawn in the attentions from others and those with patronus are experts on your hobbies and special interests. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must! They are incredibly loyal and protective of their mates and children. The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. The haunting sense of dread and the overwhelming sense of sadness often felt around these creatures is, in fact, signaling the presence of a Dementor and not because of the owl! Thats why so many people are trying to figure out which Harry Potter patronus would you have. Related post: Is Harry Potter in Disney World? You and your sparrow patronus are ambitious, which makes you the perfect pair to fight off Dementors, because youre often underestimated. Russian Blue Cat - The Russian Blue is known as a royal cat. You are brave, hardworking, and practical. Talk about the perfect Dementor sniper! They are one of the few horses that are allowed to be registered by their coloring! One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! They spend their lives digging and foraging underground and are very solitary animals. If you have an orangutan patronus, you are most likely a respected leader among your friends or family. Magpies are wildly underrated for how intelligent they are and have been known to be the smartest animals in the world. While they are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees in pursuit of prey! Erumpent - The Erumpent hurtled into fashion after a scene in the Muggle film based on Magizoologist Newt Scamander. [4] Appearances Osprey patronus types are brave and ready to take to the depths and heights to reach their ambitious goals. Rest assured, if youre overpowered by dementors, you and your weasel patronus will be sure to escape with an elaborate plan. If the peacock patronus happens to be yours, you might be a bit of a showoff or are eccentric and stand out. Black coated horses are uncommon compared to the coats of other breeds and is known to be majestic and striking. Stag - The stag is a symbol of strength. But it can't feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. A Dementor can feed on its victims hope, happiness and will to live, but a patronus charm acts as a shield, covering you with positivity and happiness. Your wonderful Tonkinese Patronus will run rings around any Dementors! West Highland Terrier - West Highland White Terriers, or Westies as they're affectionately known, are full of character. Youd be wrong to underestimate the adorable little field mouse Patronus; it will surprise you with its ingenuity and resiliency. Mastiffs are a combination of confidence, loyalty, and intelligence and are considered good family dogs. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 5 Snape's Doe. The stags antlers can grow back once they fall off. Falcons are swift and and fierce that have incredible accuracy with their hunting skills. At Quidditch tryouts, youre the player who says, Put me anywhere you need me! No one can tame you or claim you in any way. While a mongrels ancestry might be a mystery, they tend to be intelligent, energetic, and good-natured. Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack all Dementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at a distance. St. Bernard- Despite its large and intimidating size, the St. Bernard is known to be kind, loving, and gentle. The vulture patronus will only heighten your senses as you take on dementors in battle, making you unstoppable. At the same time, many admire and adore you for your strength, wisdom, and above all, your immense power to love even your enemies. Manx Cat - The Manx is a quirky cat, bred to be a hunter. They enjoy spending time with close friends and family and are always there when needed. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If you have a shrew patronus, you are probably very skilled, and can be underestimated at times, but always have trick or two up your sleeve. Brown Bear- Brown bears have one of the largest brains of any extant carnivore relative to their body size and have been shown to use tools. There are many theories as to why Otter Patronuses are so rare, but . Not only are they highly intelligent, but their temperament makes them a true family favorite as well. The black and white cat, or tuxedo cat, are known to be strong-willed, independent, amazing hunters, but also loving. She is the core of social order, keeping her family close, protected, and fed. Those with a python patronus would be protected not only with their own strength, but also the power and stealth of their serpent charm. You've got yourself a true battle-ready Patronus! Albus Dumbledore had a fiery phoenix. Newfoundland dogs are ginormous teddy bear type dogs that were originally bred to help Canadian fishermen. Sharks are top predators of the ocean, but are often misunderstood and feared instead of adored. They are ever vigilant and some of the quickest Patronuses to appear when their caster is in need! If your Patronus is a husky, youre likely thought of as lovable and cuddly by those who know you. They are very curious creatures and will often fly off with something that they find interesting (any relation to the Niffler?). Their breed of winged horse is gigantic, powerful and are free-minded and require careful handling. This creature is a highly complicated animal, with each of its three heads holding a separate responsibility than the other two. Great with families and very loyal, the St. Bernard will always be by your side. With feathers that make up over 60% of their total length, it gets the job done. Otters are also extremely playful and curious. There are over 100 different patronus options, so even if you end up getting one of the most common patronuses, it isnt all that common. Some shrew species are even venomous and can paralyze its pray or have been known to walk on water with its specialized feet. A black mare patronus means that you are probably passionate about what you love and are dedicated to protecting it. Mountain Hare - Though small, a mountain hare is far from useless. Patronus - Polecat. Swans are graceful and balanced, but also intune with their emotions and heart. Eagle patronus types will run into battle first to save those they care about and can guide a team to victory. The dun gene gives the horse a unique champagne color on top of their normal color. Sirius Blacks Animagus form was a Scottish deerhound in the Harry Potter films. Each patronus charm is meant to represent an animal and an aspect of your personality that can take form and fight alongside you. Nightjar - Nightjars are mostly active in the late evening and early morning or at night and feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects. Capuchin Monkey - Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. Ginny Weasley had a majestic horse. Their ability to glide for hours without needing to use any energy means your albatross Patronus will always be ready to fight for you at a moment's notice. Borzois are reserved around new people but are really loving around those they are comfortable with. and can weigh up to 2,200 pounds! Dapple Gray Stallion - As strong as his mate, a dapple gray stallion will stand protectively between you and any Dementors that you encounter. You tend to be conflicted, but also a deep thinker and quite unique from the rest of the crowd. They are notorious for being huge, kind, and calm companions with a knack for swimming thanks to their webbed paws and heavy fur. Those who are typically on their last legs reach out to you to pull them from the darkness, as you are comfortable with darkness and navigating through it. Wolves travel in packs and will do anything to ensure the survival of their family. A pine marten patronus comes from those that might be underestimated as pine martens are small, but fierce. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can't be beaten. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. Dolphins are playful and social by nature, making them one of the most adored animals. Deerhound - As the name suggests, the Deerhound is a large sighthound bred in Scotland to hunt deer. This unusual trait means that they will never let you get lost. Expecto Patronum is an incredibly beneficial spell in the Harry Potter universe, but the act of producing it requires a paradoxical combination of intense focus and letting go of one's anxiety (which is why it is . Both thrive in complex situations and tend to be the head of the group. Gray Squirrel - The gray squirrel is a planner. Fire-Dwelling Salamander - This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. All bears represent power, but specifically the black bear is known for its curious nature and significance throughout many Native American cultures. You are more known for your ability to be dangerous, but have an incredibly lovable interior. 4 *Lily Potter's Doe. They are considered pure and sacred. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. . Wild Rabbit - Wild rabbits may seem more predator than prey, but in Patronus form, they make Dementors look like fluffy bunnies. Ibizan Hound- This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be a clown. You are disciplined if you have a goshawk patronus, you are also nimble and drawn to the forest. Curious and peaceful in demeanor, red squirrels are used to maintaining a strong level of privacy so as not to get hurt. Preparing months in advance, squirrels hide nuts for the winter. You need to feel comfortable around others, and you and your patronus hold complete faith in each other when fighting off dementors. A famous Norse winged horse, the Granian is known to be as fast as the wind. Want more posts like this one? Mice are incredibly brave for their size, and are intelligent enough to retrieve items to assist in a battle. Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish! Ginger tabbies vary in personality but are known to love lazing in the sun and roaming around their territory. If you have a vulture patronus, you are most likely a person who is a realist and were built to survive and overcome whatever comes at you. These good-natured steeds each have a unique coat - no two patterns will ever be the same. What youve all been waiting for! A dementor is no match for a fire-dwelling salamander. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. Some are even known to be dog-like! A little owl would devise an effective plan to keep themselves and any witch or wizard safe from a Dementor. Calico Cat -Talk about a cat with cattitude! Bat medicine often goes hand in hand with the need of personal transformation. Therefore, if youve gotten the wood mouse patronus, youre a special person, who is deeply connected to magic with incredible intuition. If a robin is your patronus, you might be used to dealing with a lot of change in your life. In the face of a dementor, an aardvark is a master of darkness and wouldnt hesitate to protect with strength and tenacity. If you have a sphynx cat patronus, you are most likely a person who doesnt mind to show off a little for attention. In fact, these warriors will put up one heck of a fight to protect their territory! If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Dragonfly medicine tends to be very emotional and passionate, often accompanying a great revelation or discovery of self. If you cast a runespoor patronus, you most likely are a person that is highly critical of yourself, even if it means that youre tearing yourself down. If this is your Patronus, youll have a mischievous but effective helper at your side! Rhinos are mighty herbivores that are typically mild and non-aggressive animals unless threatened or in danger, then it will charge. Swallow- The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. You are a thoughtful person, who is trustworthy and you will always use your vole patronus to keep others safe. White swans are ferocious and are fierce warriors when threatened, which makes them all around a threat. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. This creatures stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors! MuggleNet is 99% volunteer-run, and we need your help. A headstrong fellow, this horse will stand his ground between you and Dementors until his enormous stores of energy send him charging down the Dementors in a frenzied gallop! They are hopeful, positive, and energetic and are drawn to live and work in large communities, where they find inspiration from the high spirits of others. The Snowy owl is deathly fierce, and will do anything to protect the ones it loves.

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