He lowkey just friendzoned her despite being with her for a damn long time. Nikaido needs to start more filling for gyoza, Kaiman is distracted with thoughts of the lovely sorceress. During their training (similar to his booty Devil Exam, due to the pressure in the Magic Users' body they magic become stronger and their minds more focused), Kawajiri gave her a heavy, impractical armor, twice as heavy as the ones usually used in training. Aikawa has short black hair and usually wears a metal baseball cap backward. Having a sudden spur of memory, Kaiman told Nikaido that they needed to find the man called Risu, as the only link he had with his past. He says he can "feel something horrible" inside him. With Fukuyama's help, they killed both leaving the mansion and the cleaners safe. Thanks to Nikaido's old mask, Chidaruma found that Asu kept the secret of her existence from him. It appears that despite having his head chopped off, he can regenerate it within a few days. Risu was so shocked by the revelation of his only friend in the world who killed him that Curse was triggered immediately. Weight The story revolves around Kaiman, who does not remember who he was before he was transfigured by a Magic user. This is the city where he believes Risu is from. Time mends skin together and everything that bled doesn't anymore. Eager to look for answers, he started to dig in the old building, wondering if he was a professor, student, or even a janitor. During the time as En's partner, her clothes changed to a red jumpsuit with black boots and gloves. Dokuga and The Cross-Eyes top officers were working there as part-timers to supplement some money too. He has awaited eagerly for this moment and is very excited for Hole to be alive. In the Magic User realm, they spend a couple of days living in the apartment of a taxi driver, Magic User that Kaiman killed soon after arriving. This was mostly due to her "devil side," preferring practical clothing, despite appearance. This is the first time Nikaido sees her friend with a human face. Soy Sauce universe. (Spoilers) Just finished the entire series! This image puts it nicely. A crazy man abducts her, and thanks to the rain, she is too weak to fight back. Watch some cli. Nikaido catches him checking her out and spends the rest of the evening teasing and tempting Kaiman. The sensible option is the one where Nikaido tells Noi to get out of her restaurant- because they might not need to kill each other any more, but this routine Nikaido has settled back into has no room for smoke-made doors and wicked-bright grins. Later, Kaiman finds her in a similar partially transformed state and rushes her to the Hospital before setting off to hunt down and kill the sorcerer. Days later, now a full Devil, "Asu" found and helped her with the firm resolution to go and live in Hole, where she will never need to use her magic anymore. This makes Kaiman very confused and angry. With the monster destroyed, a magic door appeared and brought all of them to the Magic User world. She is secretly a Magic User. The relationship that Kaiman has with Nikaido is rather confusing. While in a dark corridor, she finds a large decapitated body and had proceeded to put it into a body bag to report the corpse to Dr. Vaux. Im glad kaiman and nikaido didnt end up together. She hits him demanding to know who he is, with Kaiman only answering in the rude and silly way he is known for. Picking at the rough edges is asking for her hands to bleed. The basis of this theory has its roots in another about Kaiman's identity. She gladly accompanied them to her town, where in a shop Nikaido and Kaiman stole some new clothes to wear. However, En had sent out his cleaners, Shin and Noi along with Fujita and Ebisu to deal with Kaiman at the same time, leading to a conflict between the two parties. They first met when Nikaido brought the recently-experimented on Kaiman to the magic ward in the hospital. I really appreciate it! She invites him in and is immediately assaulted as she discovers he is the sorcerer responsible for the recent attacks that have been partially turning people into bugs. Or maybe even enjoys them. They spend a couple of days living in the apartment of a taxi driver sorcerer who he killed in the city. To their surprise, she attacks them. Nikaido/Kaiman, established relationship, post-series. Poni was just trying to deal out some justice. Even though at times, he can be rude, stubborn, and prone to resolve anything with violence. However, if you are fans of the anime and do not want season 2 ruined, dont do too much digging into his past. Portrayal Natsuki, thankful for it, tagged along with them as a guide to Berith. This can be seen by his spikes cut short in order to fit in the jar of formalin. She explains that they are now inside her devil body, and that was the only way to save him. She traveled back in time two years ago to the alley where she found Kaiman. It was revealed in an interview by Q Hayashida in 2006. However backward, it's just the same old struggle and daily fight for survival as always. Kaiman's design somewhat changes throughout the early chapters of the manga due to developments in the author's drawing style. However, he makes a discovery and remembers a name, Risu. She leaves the Knife to her past self, which prevents the fatal interaction between them and Haru. She hates that her mind cant stop wandering. The duo also noted the human and a little Jonson hiding not too far from them (the human would be in the future the one who kidnaped Nikaido using the giant cockroach to subdue Kaiman). Even though at times, he can be rude, stubborn, and prone to resolve anything with violence. some stuff i write when i am simping over the characters from dorohedoro. At that moment, a painful shock, followed by the memories of his past self talking to Risu rushed through Kaiman's head. Her older sister Yakumo and brother Kawajiri played with her and trained her in martial arts and acrobatics, making her extremely skilled in combat and stronger beyond an average sorcerer (able to defeat even adults easily). He then fought a brainwashed Nikaido until both fell into the catacombs of the Devil Church. She escaped with no results, ending in the apartment again and asking Kaiman to cut the mushroom with one of his knives. After a warm reconciliation and promise to watch each other's back, the two stumbled into Natsuki, a Cross-Eyes girl who took Kaiman as her superior. Nikaido and Kaiman in a relationship. Tearing off Kaiman's head to free himself, he further was stunned by the face of a man with cross-eye marks grinning at him darkly from within the bloodstream. Aikawa does not remember a man named Kaiman. She only uses it two or three episodes and when it got broken was like a big meh. It's already past the big New Year Eve's party from half an hour ago but it doesn't feel like it. He looks through two eye holes and spots Asu on the floor. Spoilers up through ch 167. She had to deal with them all by herself because Kaiman was unable to move. Na jej podstawie studio MAPPA wyprodukowao serial anime , ktry emitowano od stycznia do marca 2020. During the match, Kaiman was strong enough to almost defeat Brake in a few punches but the boxer was empowered by magic with inhuman strength, and almost killed Kaiman. Nikaido is a young woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes, an athletic body build, and a curvy figure (shown mostly after her Devil training). During the Night of the Living Death, she and Kaiman participated as zombie exterminators to collect enough identification plates from the corpses to exchange them for a mincer. This spray was given so that Nikaido could have surgery to remove En's mushroom curse on her back. But after some serious hits, she was beaten and imprisoned behind the stage to be sold as a guinea pig by the Magic User who cast the spell on Brake. His design somewhat changes throughout the early chapters of the manga. This takes place shortly after the events of Dorohedoro, following Elshi, an indignant magic user whose smoke turns bodily fluids into acid. At that moment, the hostel was attacked by En, now aware of Asu's scam and coming to kidnap Nikaido again. Kaiman has made it explicitly clear that "Kaiman" was not his actual name, but it was given to him by his best friend, Nikaido, after he began suffering from amnesia. Chapter 1 Vaux also appears sulking about how they are unable to play against the Sharks, the Heiwa Clinic baseball team, unless they find another player. Kaiman stops him, knowing where this is going, and the doctors explain to him that they operated on Nikaido with their own hands. I have a lot of ideas for stories but lack motivation to make complete, long stories like I want to. She tends to start every chapter of the manga when Kaiman is present to draw him in his true form, overdrawing his head later reference. Aikawa has quite a similar personality to Kaiman, arrogant and lazy . Not knowing who she was, they headed home to were Nikaido asked where Yakumo was, not knowing what she was talking about. ) - manga autorstwa Q Hayashidy , publikowana w latach 2000-2018. RELATED: 10 Spooky Horror Anime That Will Keep You Up At Night Nikaido and Caiman use axes to take on the zombies, just like many scenes in the George A. Romero classic Dawn of the Dead. First Appearance En expelled a considerable amount of smoke which made the mushrooms inside Kaiman burst out. Nikaido is a Kaiman's companion, they both hunt Magic Users. The two share jokes, jibes and concerns over each others safety throughout the season, but always refer to each other as friends. Aikawa () is a Magic User and Risu's enigmatic best friend. Now playing the baseball match, Kaiman is really pissed. By later events, Nikaido finds out the origin of the Second Kaiman, which is the doing of Nikaido herself. Chapter 13. There, her contract was removed by force, a sudden stab in the back. In his final moments, he was able to smash En's face, enraged. Once she got back to her senses, she changed clothes to a more proper outfit, she looked at a shady figure with a devil tail behind her and found a disoriented Kaiman in the floor of the building. On the other hand, there may be a connection between the two that suggests there may be more to their relationship. They pursue him until Kaiman had enough and slapped the professor to cut it out. But Tanba runs into Kaiman and beats him up again for skipping work. Chapter 146. They finally gave up and had their new year's dinner in the kitchen room, where they found Prof. Kasukabe, an old scientist who researched Magic Users. Female Kaiman's lizard head being the result of a Magic User's curse, his main goal is to seek out the one who . He sometimes wears a black gas mask that covers his entire face. He sports small crosses over his eyes and wears gas masks most of the time, though he refrains from wearing them later on in the series. Although in the season finale, the two then share an intimate final moment together where they both pinky-promise to remain friends no matter what happens. He is a human born in the Hole with an immunity towards magic. Fujita manages to escape through a Magic Door before Nikaido and Kaiman could get to him. He was shocked and even asked her if she was ok having someone like him as a partner. Post-series. Nikaido entered into a boxing tournament against [Red Brake]] to earn enough money to pay the bills of the restaurant, Nikaido came into a boxing tournament against Red Brake, magically altered humans with super strength and durability. I think the ending was great, but for a story like Dorohedoro it was unexpected when discusing character's fates. Kaiman is the main character of the manga and anime series Dorohedoro. Years after the cross eyes have been disbanded and things have gone back to normal, a new threat brews in the darkness looking to destroy anything in the way of its unknown goal. Chapter 11, During a trip on New Year's night, Vaux asked him and Nikaido to go to the house of an old friend of his. Professor Kasukabe introduces another member of the team to Kaiman and Nikaido,Jonson. Both ended up beneath the ruins of a Devil Church. Later, rumors of a Magic User who could change faces gets spotted in Migimaru-Hole, Kaiman and Nikaido venture to find "The Acupuncturist", locating him in the Kannon of a Thousand Arms club at the bar. Please consider turning it on! They found out that Asu sent them to Mastema, a town far away from En's Mansion. He studies the corpses of sorcerers killed by Kaiman and Nikaido. Kaiman suddenly felt an intense headache and knew that place triggered some of his memories. Stream some clips here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list Like Seven Deadly Sins? He has shown to be a bit absent-mindedas during both his jobs he finds himself easily distracted by things. Maybe its close to my old name when Nikaido first suggests the new name. A fun and cute sexual situations series between our beloved lizardman and the gorgeous gyoza girl. He finds out that Store, the creature from where the knife grows from, was there with them after demoting all the devils inside the house back into sorcerers. She saved him from a group of Magic Users who almost captured him for the Blue Night to make him use his magic and lose his Devil position or become the partner of one of them. Despite the wound, he managed to stab Shin and bite down on his head, where he met the man inside, leading Shin to realize there was more to Kaiman than they first thought. Ship, character, and other tags will be updated as more parts are released. This infuriates Nikaido and she kicks him out of her body. (Despite the title, this is not smut lmao). Watch some cli. Nikaido () is Kaiman's companion, and they both hunt Magic Users. Episode Characteristics In the middle of the chaos, Natsuki found the other Cross-Eyes there and came along with them to Berith. However, i didn't like a few aspects. Disoriented and overwhelmed by the situation, the devil side of her took control and promised Kaiman to tell all the things he always wanted to know, who cursed his head, who he was, and what his face actually looks like. Immediately after they pass through the door, in the Magic User realm, Kaiman planned to slaughter every single sorcerer they could find until they get the one who cursed him. After a while, she was able to create a tiny cube of black smoke (thinking it was candy, Kawajiri told her not to put it in her mouth). Curse which was sealed inside the body of Kaiman is now released. Who will make the first move? This happens simultaneously as Ebisu is killed by her doppelgnger. But Nikaido, in the last moment, killed the Magic User who ran the underground box match (also a selling point for Magic User who bought the defeated humans for magic practice), leaving Brake as a fragile old man. Kaiman hates them, and he even would start a mass slaughter in the middle of their realm to find the one responsible for his head.He has constant nightmares about his creation and death, causing him to wake up tired, worried, scared, and trying to forget them. Shoe Size He is always wearing a black hoodie, white pants, and combat boots. Out of curiosity, Kaiman later allows it to be dissected in hopes of finding any potential clues about himself, only for a blackout to occur at the time of the autopsy and the head stolen. The man is about to gouge Kaiman's body when his legs are chopped and fed to Jonson. Behind every great bartender is a great customer - who somehow, some way, puts up with their unprofessional antics. He then transformedChotainto a copy of Nikaido to fool En for as long as possible. During her time as En's partner, she was nothing more than an emotionless doll. Still, thanks to Curse Risu's interference, fully mastering his new powers by chopping off the last head of Devil Kai, they were saved and headed towards the final battle against Hole. Although he retains his human body, his face and head have changed dramatically due to the effects of a Magic User. Nikaido finally regained consciousness when her contract with En was removed forcefully by Kaiman stabbing her in the back. Work Search: As Aikawa, he was much calmer, evidently more levelheaded, and would usually avoid fights unless necessary. The Professor found the giant cockroach, and he experimented with the creature making it docile and even teaching him to speak (only able to yellShocking!) Noi has silver-white hair and red eyes. Kaiman usually takes on the personality of someone arrogant and lazy, but deep inside, he's rather kind and cares a lot for his best friend, Nikaido. Kaiman crafted a suit and went by the name of Pieman, the recently married wife of Tanba, who was giving her life to the meatpie business. Nikaido has an easy-going and friendly attitude, though she keeps many of her worries and anxieties to herself. Kaiman can't tell when everyone left the restaurant and him alone with Nikaido, but they're still drunk. Kaiman/Nikaido (Dorohedoro) Kaiman & Nikaido (Dorohedoro) Kaiman (Dorohedoro) Nikaido (Dorohedoro) Cuddling & Snuggling; Mutual Pining; Literal Sleeping Together; Summary. #Dorohedoro now streaming worldwide on Netflix!I finished the gyoza master Caiman painting to celebrate pic.twitter.com/wXTZKlQ3oO. Together, they hunt down the sorcerers who come to the hole looking for practice, typically killing them after they answer Kaiman's question of what "the man inside his head" said. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When magic users returning from Hole are unable to use their smoke, Shin and Noi are sent to Hole to investigate. . He is a human born in the Hole with an immunity towards magic. He bleeds to death while telling Kaiman that he saw him before his head was transformed, his friend was there too. Apart from that, i can't wait for the Anime and i'm looking forward for Hayashida's new series this spring! During his turn to the bat, he knockouts the clinic director with a ball directly in the face. The Day of the Living Dead, those who died as Magic Practice victims are brought back as zombies by the magic residue found in Hole's rain. With that information and knowing she will need a huge amount of money to get the answers they needed, she went to a pawn shop to sell her unique type of smoke. Caiman (, Kaiman) is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series. Looking at her back, still recovering from the mushroom removal surgery, Kaiman understands that he cannot let her get involved any further in his quest to find his past. Kaiman and Nikaido were killing the resurrected corpses to collect their metal burial identification tags to win a prize for a new meat grinder for Nikaido's restaurant, the Hungry Bug. So this is practice, plus if Im able to actually continue a story here, Ill just move it to its own thing and try to keep going. Kaiman's head design in chapter 1 is strongly reminiscent of a caiman head, this design was altered almost immediately in future chapters, giving him a more lizard-like head, with a short snout and more human eyes. After a brief negotiation with Haru failed, Kaiman and Nikaido attempted to attack her. Who as a full devil used her power to revive the head that was once chopped off by Shin early in the story, over a year ago. #Dorohedoro Clip from: Dorohedoro EPISODE 12 English SUBSUBSCRIBE if you want to see more of these clips! Later, when they arrive to take the body to the Hospital, they find it upright and walking towards them. Not for the first time, Kaiman wonders if the human-headed version of himself had been a ladies' man. She happily said yes, because, in another way, she would go bankrupt if Kaiman remained as a customer. Nikaido and Kaiman's friendship is one of the sweetest parts of the series. I will def consider requests! dorohedoro noi-as-a-bartender fluff au, with possible smut/romantic development in the future. He is born in the Hole with an immunity towards magic. She remained in a cell after the contract inside her was signed to ensure her mind would be warped to obey En. They leave the Mansion with the frustrated Cross-Eyes and headed to Kawajiri's house again, where the three of them lived for a while. It's been a busy day at the Hungry Bug restaurant. dorohedoro noi-as-a-bartender fluff au, with possible smut/romantic development in the future. Princess Peach (The Super Mario Bros. Movie), Donkey Kong (The Super Mario Bros. Movie), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, In Dorohedoro, it is shown that Kaiman is actually a split personality of Ai Coleman. Easily bored and often slacking on the job, he did chores and asked for money, much to Vaux's annoyance. By the time her brother took the Devil exam, Nikaido had produced her first traces of smoke. Age It's fantastic, extremely unique but there's one thing i felt robbed off. July 2 None, Great Gyoza King Wand Magic (Formerly), Substance Increasing Type Magic (Formerly; Under the effect of it). Nikaido woke up to see Kaiman on the screen and killed the Magic User who captures her. This is a small side-story/flashback piece that is just a sweet moment shared between Nikaido and Kaiman before they finally plunged into more than "just friends" territory. Kaiman has made it explicitly clear that "Kaiman" was not his actual name, but it was given to him by his best friend, Nikaido, after he began suffering from amnesia. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). During his showdown with Kaiman, he believed he could quickly kill the Sorcerer because he was immune to magic. Kaiman, on the other hand, is more prone to getting into conflict and doesn't stray from killing people, even when the situation does not call for it. She was part of the Hospital's baseball team called "The Worms." I really appreciate it! Most of our friends are gone, but there's only ever moving on. Kaiman couldn't grab his knife in time before he was cornered by them, demanding to know who he was and why he was about to attack them. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Kaiman signed up to an underground box match against Red Brake in the Noshinto Gong to look for Nikaido after days without seeing her. This lead to Nikaido deciding to use her mask, the thing she vowed never to use, to empower herself and fight the creature back. He finds out the truth about his past, believing that he once was a Sorcerer, then mindlessly rips the scales from his own face and enters a state glazed in shock. The graphic depictions of the boss evolving into hole, some pages with rough, pencil drafts are painful too look at. Im sure you have friends you love but not in a romantic way. Drifting every person she knew away from each other until she was found in the streets by Kawajiri (Now an orphan raised in the Devil's church almost turned into a full Devil). So that Nikaido could make gyozas more efficiently, they had an encounter with Shin and Noi, En's cleaners sent to kill them. Even having part of his arm ripped apart, thinking there is no use to fight the monster, Kaiman escapes while the cockroach eats a piece of his flesh. Finding a door at the end of the corridor, he spots Nikaido wounded on the floor and the mysterious man yelling about how she "Doesn't have a pearl". Suddenly the execution begun and it was too late. A chance encounter at a convience store leads Shin down a rabbit hole that causes the human half of his heart to beat again, much to his chagrin. Outside, he finds out that Asu saved them by teleporting them to the black house. Going into a restaurant, he tried a strange drink and got sick. Vaux and Kasukabe ask Kaiman what happened to his friend resulting in so many wounds in addition to the big mushroom embedded in her back. Kaiman Image Gallery. Dense Kaiman finally starts becoming aware that his feelings for Nikaido aren't entirely "just friends". It's certain, her physiology is different than theirs, she is actually a Sorcerer. Not for the first time, Kaiman wonders if the human-headed version of himself had been a ladies man. Noi () is an elite Magic-User, and the partner and long-time friend of Shin. Nikaidostayed in the hospital, still recovering from the surgery while cursing the pouring rain and wondering if there was no other choice than using her magic to help Kaiman recover his face and memories. To Kaiman's disappointment, Nikaido just found out that he had tooth decay. Trying to take the Kitchen Knife was highly dangerous and costed Kaiman's life, the Devil's acid breath causing a killing blow. Not as long as you're alive. Once the man shows his face to her, he escapes through her window. She is secretly a Magic User. Watching #dorohedoro on Netflix and the main character is this big scalie cutie pic.twitter.com/rnmLxkyIR3. One morning, they return to find that the shop had been broken into and trashed. Kaiman can shed, at least from his lizard head. He craves to remember more and the only way is by going back again to explore. Fans of The Inbetweeners will recognise Tamla Kari. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), scary stories (told with varying degrees of seriousness), in this case references to the existence of Christianity, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Noi is Surprisingly Emotionally Intelligent, first time writing smut pls be gentle with me. At the time of writing, with the Dorohedoro OVA just over the horizon, we dont know Kaimans true identity. It appears that despite having his head chopped off, he can regenerate it within a few days. In later chapters, he becomes much more muscular, broad-shouldered, and burly, with a weightlifter-like physique; his head becomes shorter and snub-nosed, with much shorter spikes, more reminiscent of a head of a lizard. Her back was also affected and morphed into a giant mushroom, desperation, and knowing nothing could be done. #nikaido #nikaidocosplay #dorohedoro #dorohedorocosplay #nikaidodorohedoro #secretanimesociety". As Kaiman went unconscious, his last thoughts are of gyoza. Later, he tries to cook some gyoza while vaguely listening to the Professor talk about the effects of the rain on Sorcerers. In the original Japanese version of Dorohedoro Kaiman is voiced by Wataru Takagi, whereas he is voiced by Aleks Le in the English dubbing. She is one of the first characters of the manga, fighting Fujita while Kaiman "interrogates" Matsumura. Beware major plot spoilers. She works with him as a cleaner for En, her older cousin. Mask With Vaux's aid, they managed to survive, Kaiman's head growing back and the severed one placed in a jar of formalin despite his disgust. They accompany her to her town. He most closely resembles a Paraguayan Caiman Lizard, his hair replaced by long, sharp spikes. This means that this version of Kaiman has no memory of anything after the last Day of the Living Dead. Eager to hug and salute her lost friend, Nikaido became immediately suspicious about how it could possibly be the real Kaiman. Wondering how it could be possible that Nikaido didn't put up a fight and got captured so quickly, he recalls Kasukabe's explanation earlier of how rain in the Hole weakens sorcerers. His body was also altered, from a slim figure to a bulky and heavy muscle appearance. The trip was long, and they ended up in Zaga City, where they found an old abandoned school. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Once again, the Devil was happy to see her again, but could not help her because no Devil knew about a man called Risu, but got clues to find him in En's Mansion. It wasnt the first time that this had happened. Nikaido, in the past, was part of a volunteer group that recovered the bodies of the people killed around Hole. This finally made him smile. All rights on the respective owners. He tries to help them while they are working and gives them some tea. Kawajiri and Risu were victims of her dangerously delicious gyozas (so good that can destroy your brain). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

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