29 . 5, 2020, p. 200141., doi:10.1098/rsos.200141. shout when a threat is nearby. Additionally, education and awareness programs can play a role in preventing these conflicts. Otter pups have so much air trapped in there, they actually cant dive under water, even if they want to. The history of book bansand their changing targetsin the U.S. Ocean Conservancy. Pennsylvania Game Commission. Despite regulations designed to protect them, many species remain at risk from pollution and habitat loss. "12 Facts About Sea Otters for Sea Otter Awareness Week." Otters are very social creatures. Sea otters are also among the most ravenous animals. So that aspect of otter sexuality isn't too unusual. Unlike other weasels, otters are semi-aquatic. Sometimes, they will also force the females head underwater. Lohan, Katrina and Karen McDonald. In California's Monterey Bay, where scientists observed otters trying to copulate with the week-old bodies of dead baby seals, there are far more male otters than females. Link, Russell. IUCN Otter Specialist Group. Advertisement. North American river otters, also called Canadian otters, have long, muscular, streamlined bodies with short legs and fully webbed feet bearing non-retractable claws. What's weirder are a) otters's tendencies to menace baby seals, b) the fact that male otters kill an awful lot of the female otters with whom they copulate, and c) the necrophilia. Sea otters have an ingenious method to open shellfish. It's been reported in primates like orangutans and chimpanzees, bottlenose. This adds an additional layer of complexity to the already challenging task of maintaining balanced ecosystems. The biggest threats to hairy-nosed otters are poaching and habitat loss from wildfires, dam construction, and clearing swamp forests for oil palm plantations and fish farms. Learn 15 more facts about these fascinating mammals. The aquarium staff had previously tried raising pups themselves but found that hand-raised otters became too attached to humans to be released back into the wild. By understanding the less endearing aspects of otter behavior, we can better appreciate the full spectrum of their existence and develop more effective conservation strategies. One of the most efficient ways to reach a wide audience is through virtual resources such as webinars or interactive quizzes. Their nostrils and ears close to keep water out, and waterproof fur keeps them warm. They love to chow down! Forced interspecies sex. 12 Cool Animals That Crawl (Crawl Speed & Pictures), What Eats Leopards (Top 5 Leopard Predators), Are Lions Smart? Source: Scientific Reasons for B.S Things Our Bodies Do. This behavior has been documented in various locations, including the Aleutian Islands and California. 15 Fascinating Facts About Otters. In this article, well uncover the lesser-known, disturbing truths about otters, exploring their aggressive tendencies, complex social structures, and the impact they have on their ecosystems. The Surprising Emotional Life of Frogs, The Ultimate Guide to Sea Urchin Taste: What to Expect and, The Mysterious Nose Scars of Female Sea Otters: Exploring. Hairy-Nosed Otters Are a Lazarus Species, 9. Find out if you are a sea otter specialist by checking your info against these fascinating sea otter facts. Being at the top of the food chain causes pollutants to become concentrated in their bodies, leading to illness and death. You keep hoping that. If weve learned anything until this point, otters are eviler than they seem. People also call it North American river otter. In Alaska's Aleutian Islands, the species has seen a marked decline since the 1980s. Please enter a valid email and try again. Forceful mating practices are a disturbing aspect of otter behavior that highlights the darker side of their seemingly innocent and playful appearance. . In areas where otter populations are declining, conservationists may attempt to introduce new individuals to bolster the population. Some researchers hypothesize that male sea otters may be mistaking the seal pups for female otters during mating season. The reasons behind this behavior are not entirely clear, but scientists believe it may be linked to the sea otters aggressive mating practices with females. River otters have webbing between their toes to aid them as well. Here's how biologists Heidi Pearson and Randall Davis describe it: A male approached a pup floating on the surface while its mother was diving for food. However, in rare cases, otter attacks can result in more severe injuries, particularly if the victim is a child or elderly person. Most females drown in this process. They rely on all that fur to trap a layer of air against the surface of their skin, and their fur is perfectly designed to do so because it's dense and spiky. They also use body language and scent marking to communicate ownership and boundaries. Koalas don't drink water. From blood-squirting lizards to deceivingly cute killer sea otters, there are plenty of creepy behaviours in the natural world, that far outdo the supernatural. As we delve deeper into their behavior and life in the wild, you may be surprised to learn that these seemingly adorable animals have a darker side. Creating activities such as beach cleanups or nature walks where there might be an opportunity for an encounter with this species can help pique peoples interest in helping protect their habitat from further degradation. German zoologist and botanist Georg Wilhelm Steller was the first to scientifically describe numerous new animals on the 1741 explorative voyage from Russia. An Otter can remain under water for up to 4 minutes. According to the Smithsonian, these mammals are the world's newest carriers of H1N1, the flu strain that lead to a human pandemic back in 2009. Otters can be discovered inhabiting almost every continent on Earth and these imply otter facts are applicable to all 13 species, many of which are sadly endangered because of overhunting,. Oops. Absolutely, many gentle mammals are carnivores including your pet cat! They hunt for food both in the water such as fish and then also land creatures including small reptiles. Many species of river and sea otters are . The barbs on each hair strand hold in place the air bubbles that the otters blow into their pelts while groomingwhich they can spend up to five hours doing each day. International Otter Survival Fund. UC Santa Cruz, 2014. Description of the River Otter. Although river otters are primarily responsible for these attacks (80%), sea otters can be just as dangerous incidents are more infrequent. Otters - in particular, the sea variety - need to consume huge amounts of food to keep active. But with their numbers hovering around just a few thousand, researchers have kept a close eye on the population and their studies have revealed an interesting social structure. Otters have bodies that are long and slim, and have short limbs. It's not uncommon for female otters to die as a result of these aggressive encounters, either through drowning or from their wounds becoming infected. Giant otters grow to as long as 6 feet and weigh as much as 75 pounds. Mothers spend up to 14 hours per day foraging to support a pup's intense nutrition needs. River otters are not currently threatened, and are pervasive in Canada and the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coastal areas in the US. The Drivers and Functions of Rock Juggling in Otters, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Otters will hold hands while they sleep and drift so that they don't separate! Otters are adorable and cute creatures that love to play and swim together. Otters have been known to guard and have sex with the bodies of their victims for up to seven days after they've died. This is quite a unique adaptation because smelling things underwater for most mammals can only result in inhaling water, which puts them at risk of drowning. Most of us could spend an entire day scrolling through cute otter videos on social media. As with all wildlife, it is essential to strike a balance between admiration and respect, acknowledging the complexities of the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. Theories for what's behind the drop range widely, but the US Fish and Wildlife Survey's recovery plan for the species highlights predation, in particular from killer whales, as the most important factor behind the decline. Theyll keep baby otters underwater until females give them their food. Sea otters are the exception, giving birth in the water. Otters have long been admired for their playful antics and endearing appearance. European otters must eat 15% of their body weight each day, and sea otters 20 to 25%, depending on the temperature. 2. Zoroastrians would also hold ceremonies for otters found dead in the wild. They generally forage in the water, but they can also hunt on land. All. Some even move in while beavers are still present. Moreover, sea otters have in at least some cases shown a willingness to attack primates, as in the case of the above sea otters in the Bronx Zoo, which killed a monkey with whom they shared an exhibit. Otters are often thought of as cute, cuddly creatures, but there are some disturbing facts about these animals that many people don't know. While this predatory behavior is a natural part of their existence, it can sometimes have detrimental effects on their ecosystems. As a sometimes aquatic creature, it shouldn't be a surprise that otters can swim up to seven miles per hour and dive down 60 feet. People love otters. About 12-20 in (30-50 cm) can be dedicated to its long tail. In 2010, veterinarian Heather Harris and her co-authors Stori Oates, Michelle Staedler, Tim Tinker, David Jessup, James Harvey, and Melissa Miller published an article in Aquatic Mammals documenting about 19 cases of sea otters attacking baby seals. In Bangladesh, otters help fisherman maximize their haul. Community outreach can also be an invaluable resource when it comes to engaging people around meaningful conversation efforts for threatened species like otters. Otters love to eat shelled animals, like clams, but they aren't equipped with the strength to open their food without some help. Among the most notable calls: a "hum gradation" used to tell otters to change directions and a "Hah!" Wildlife managers must consider not only the direct impact of otter populations on ecosystems but also the indirect consequences of disease spread. Don't flush hazardous chemicals or cat litter. Today you will find out some history facts that you may not have heard of before, and they come with a twist, as Redditor Doyouareisstupid asked, "What is the weirdest/most disturbing fact about our world's history that you know?" It's a perfect read for the spooky season we are now in because people have knowledge about some . Otters have small, rounded ears, and long sensitive whiskers to help them feel the vibrations of their prey. The lifespan varies depending on the species and region. As explained by the National Wildlife Foundation's Robyn Carmichael, sea otters frequently eat sea urchins, which in turn are known for eating massive amounts of kelp, which is very good at taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. This provides everyone with easy access to information that they can use to become more informed on natural systems and conservation efforts. Womble, Jamie. Inside South Africas skeleton trade. They were considered extinct until 1998 when a scientist in Thailand found small populations. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, edited by John H. Steele, Second Edition, 2008, pp. Otters sometimes rape baby seals. "Sea Otter Society: The Single Moms' Club." Copyright 2023 NATURE WORLD NEWS All rights reserved. 2 hours of sleep? However, even within these communal groups, otters still exhibit territorial behavior and establish dominance hierarchies, highlighting the importance of resource control in their survival. 1. 5 Otter Facts. They communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, including whistles, growls, and chirps. Baby otters usually are called pups. Their fur is super dense. U.S.D.A. Finally, the sea otter positioned itself dorsal to the pup's smaller body while grasping it by the head and holding it underwater in a position typical of mating sea otters. If a sea otter's fur becomes dirty, it has trouble absorbing the air needed to keep it warm. - Diving into the Science! "Weird and Fascinating Ways Animals Use Poop." Lets end this on a somewhat less disturbing note! They eat 9 pounds of food each day. They move clumsily on land, paddle with their hind feet and tail, and are significantly bigger than most river otters, with some males weighing as much as 100 pounds. "The Drivers and Functions of Rock Juggling in Otters." The elusive otter is one of our top predators, feeding mainly on fish (particularly eels and salmonids), waterbirds, amphibians and crustaceans.

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