China is one of the few remaining Communist countries. The United Arab Emirates, a rising military power that has expanded its presence across the Middle East and East Africa, has close ties to the Rapid Support Forces, which sent thousands of fighters to aid the UAE When necessary, a dictator may also make an effort to replace or amend the nation's constitution to empower, enrich, or otherwise benefit the dictator and his/her allies to a greater degree. Africa is plagued by paramilitary militias and foreign mercenary groups. Buharis remarkable reversal is an indication of the security threat posed by groups such as Boko Haram that draw on the alienation of many Africans from their governments, in part the result of stalling or declining democracy. According to a report published by the South African Institute of International Affairs, shutting down the internet andarresting government critics voicing their views on social media channels are signs that several governmentsin sub-Saharan Africa are becomingincreasingly autocratic. April 23, 2023 at 2:00 a.m. EDT. Opposition figures including Tundu Lissu and Freeman Mbowe have called for a new constitution that limits presidential powers. Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Annual Lecture, Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: Religion and Technology, Virtual Event WebThe country earned an 11-point score declinethe largest in Freedom in the World 2021 and its status declined to Not Free. But that solved nothing: Insecurity got worse; corruption and living standards, no better. by Olivia Angelino, Thomas J. Bollyky, Elle Ruggiero and Isabella Turilli Facebook alsostatedthat as part of its strategy, the Ministry of Information had been using "fake and duplicate accounts" for propaganda purposes. There were four successful coups in Africa in 2021 there hadnt been that many in a single calendar year since 1999. Declan Walsh contributed reporting from Ouagadougou. 7. The RSF will want to interrupt major transport arteries including the road from Port Sudan to Khartoum.. In April alone, Sudan's Omar Hassan al-Bashir and Algeria's Abdelaziz Bouteflika were forced to Crowds gathered in the main plaza in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on Tuesday, a day after the military announced their takeover on state television. There is nothing wrong with the Nigerian land or climate or water or air or anything else.. February 13, 2023 It's time for the United States to get serious about stopping the flow. First is that an autocracy nearly always focuses power in a single individual person, whereas dictatorshipssingle-party dictatorships in particularsometimes spread the power throughout a small group of people (say, the leaders of the dictator's political party). The rankings evaluate 85 countries across 26 rankings drawn from a survey of more than 17,000 global citizens, measuring 73 dimensions that have the potential to After the central government used the pandemic to postpone parliamentary elections scheduled for August 2020, leaders from the Tigray region held local elections in defiance of the order. Ulm-Dsterhft warns users not to download any unknown apps, take a close look at dubious social media accounts, and contact the app operators if in doubt. However, foreign as well as domestic expectations for liberal democracy in Africa have often been unrealistic, and Africas setbacks are not surprising. Last November, 49 military police officers and four civilians were killed in the northern outpost of Inata. Arab Gulf countries have looked to the Horn of Africa in recent years as they have sought to project power across the region. Authoritarian and semi-authoritarian rulers, mindful of foreign opinion, have dressed their regimes with the forms of democracy, such as regular (if rigged) elections and de jure (not de facto) separation of powers. Then in October, it was Sudans: The countrys top generals seized power, tearing up a power-sharing deal that was supposed to lead to the countrys first free election in decades. The president is nowhere to be seen. After signaling an intention to lift all media bans in the country, Hassan walked back the decision. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres called it an epidemic of coup dtats.. Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Sudan and Mali have all seen the government overthrown and replaced with a military junta. COVID-19 presents a unique opportunity: were the United States to launch a vast vaccination assistance program, it would affirm to many Africans that democracy and good governance can address their ills. By contrast, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has been paralyzed by its inability or unwillingness to address the excesses of Zimbabwes ruling party, the Zimbabwe African National UnionPatriotic Front (ZANU-PF), because of its origins as a liberation movement. While their president was imprisoned at a military base, hundreds of Malians celebrated with soldiers in the streets. WebOne-party dictatorships became prominent in Asia and Eastern Europe during the Cold War as communist governments were installed in several countries. Negative effects include the unraveling of social organizations and democratic institutions and the prohibition of other political parties. Arab Gulf countries have looked to the Horn of Africa in recent years as they have sought to project power across the region. Meanwhile, similar reports are also surfacing fromwest Africa: InNigeria,President Muhammadu Buhari"criticized the activists of the #EndSARS movement in June and called for action to be taken against them. Fighting in Sudan between forces loyal to two top generals has put that nation at risk of collapse and could have consequences far beyond its borders. Powers farther afield havent done much better. Tanzania offers a stark example. Monarchies: 3. The regional economic bloc, ECOWAS, imposed punishing sanctions that were partly intended to turn Malians against the junta, putting pressure on the military leaders to commit to a speedy election timetable. Russia, meanwhile, has long harbored plans to build a naval base capable of hosting up to 300 troops and four ships in Port Sudan, on a crucial Red Sea trading route for energy shipments to Europe. Protesters against military coup in Khartoum, Sudan, in October. International powers insist that the military rulers should hold swift elections. In Sudan, for example, thousands of people took to the streets to protest against a military power grab in 2021 that undermined the supposed transition of power into civilian hands following the removal of long-time leader Omal al-Bashir in 2019. Egypt relies on the Nile to support its population of over 100 million, and Ethiopia is working on a massive upstream dam that has alarmed both Cairo and Khartoum. There is a consensus among UN and development agencies, international financial institutions, and many Africans that good governance is critical. Like most dictators, they also often employ secret police and violence to silence critics. Even so, continuing to build institutional infrastructure is the unglamorous way to promote a democratic trajectory in Africa. But when the countrys Supreme Court upheld incumbent President Nana Akufo-Addos victory, Mahama accepted the results, conceding that he was legally bound by the decisions of the Supreme Court. Large-scale violence was absent from the electoral process; five people, however, were killed in postelection violence. But this demand angers some people who think that the military is acting in the countrys interest. In 2021, five sitting African heads of state had been in power for more than three decades each: Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in Equatorial Guinea, Paul Biya Mali also had a coup in 2012, and many Malians feel that after that, their country did everything the West demanded of it with regard to democracy, such as holding elections quickly. In March 2021, Magufuli diedhis death was attributed to heart disease but was likely brought on by COVID-19. Yet, these movements have frequently been met with an equal and opposite reaction: Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni cracked down on activists and implemented a social media ban; in Nigeria, protesters were massacred by army and police forces. In neighboring Guinea, some initially greeted the coup leader as a liberator, but many also shut themselves up at home, afraid for the future. Globally in 2000 there were a total of 108 endemic countries. January 31, 2022, How Tobacco Laws Could Help Close the Racial Gap on Cancer, Interactive Weekly. Yet, Malawi offers a bright spot amid the pandemic. American-made guns trafficked through Florida ports are destabilizing the Caribbean and Central America and fueling domestic crime. After authoritarian monarchies, these tend to be the longest-lasting dictatorships, as they can more easily install a new dictator if the existing one leaves office (rare) or dies. Also called a dominant party dictatorship or one-party state. Also significant has been the role of the police and the army, often vestiges of colonialism, which have been a cause and consequence of power systems favoring a coterie of elites. With a population that is much younger than those of China, the US and the EU, there will be renewed interest in Indias potential to be a beacon of liberal values. My research suggests that the United States is investing in poor partners. Military takeovers are unlikely to provide an effective way out of this dangerous spiral, because every coup weakens democratic institutions and reasserts the power of the gun at the expense of the power of the ballot box. Opiyo believes that this is whysocial media regulations are becoming necessary. Protesters in Bamako wave Malian and Russian flags during a May demonstration in Bamako against French influence in the country. A dictator may have a team of officials who advise him or her and help keep the government running, but these officials ultimately have very little control or influence. In Africa, authoritarian states are often run by strongmen, geriatric leaders for life, some of whom are now looking to anoint their sons as their successors. By 2021 this had dropped to 84, yet nearly half of the world's population was still classified as 'at risk' of malaria. This third annual report monitors global progress towards the 2023 target for global elimination of industrially produced trans-fatty acids (TFA), highlighting achievements from the past year. This has been seen in Nigeria, where #EndSARS protesters organized online to demand police reforms; in Uganda, where presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, better known as Bobi Wine, used social media to catalyze his People Power movement; and in Ghana, where Twitter users instigated a national discussion on illegal small-scale mining.

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