Also, your payment order may be delayed while we check to ensure that sending it to the designated recipient does not violate applicable laws or regulations. If you are a new customer and the error or question concerns a Schwab MoneyLinkElectronic Fund Transfer that occurred within 30 days after the first deposit to your Schwab Account was made, we will tell you the results of our investigation within 20 Business Days after we hear from you. You also acknowledge that when you direct Schwab to wire or transfer funds to an issuer or sponsor of a Non-Publicly Traded Security, Schwab will not have any responsibility or liability if the issuer or sponsor involved does not provide the required receipt or confirmation of the investment in a manner that would allow Schwab to hold the security in your Account. If you place an order to buy or sell a specific number of shares of a fund, Schwab will calculate the dollar amount of the purchase or sale by multiplying the number of shares by the price and rounding to the nearest two decimal places. By placing a trade order through the Electronic Services, you voluntarily agree to assume any added risk that may result from the lack of human review of your order in exchange for the reduced commissions and potentially greater convenience of electronic trading. Amendments will not affect rights or obligations either of us incur before the effective date of the amendment. You agree to use the services to enter your orders if time is of the essence. Account protection is not provided for the accounts of banks or broker-dealers maintained for their own account. Failure to make good delivery includes the deposit of securities by you which are later found to be restricted, canceled, reported lost or stolen, escheated or otherwise not freely transferable. If Schwab believes any particular stock is or may be volatile, Schwab may, but is not obligated to, decline to allow customers to place orders for that stock through the Electronic Services. In the event that a SchwabSweep Money Fund is no longer able to maintain the net asset value of its shares at $1, then you authorize and instruct Schwab, without further notice to you, to redeem all of your SchwabSweep Money Fund shares as soon as commercially practicable and deposit the proceeds in your Account. Whether or not you are assigned to an IBL, you may request service at an IBL branch just like any other branch (for example, if you are traveling). Applicable exchange rules and federal regulations; Our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies; or. We will tell you the results within three Business Days after completing our investigation. We assume no responsibility to detect errors in your instructions (e.g., duplicate transfers), even if we may take certain actions from time to time to do so. We will presume that you are able to access the email address you provided. We will charge interest on a daily basis on the credit we extend to you. In addition, depending on market conditions, Schwab cannot guarantee that it will have shares available to facilitate a short sale. This includes services and information accessible through Schwab, or service providers used by Schwab, including, but not limited to: Services ProvidedSchwab's Electronic Services allow you to enter orders to buy and sell certain securities, stock options and mutual funds within your Schwab Account, and to access securities price quotations, investing information and your personal account information. If your equity falls below the applicable maintenance requirement, we may (but are not obligated to) notify you, by mail, telegram, telephone, or electronic or other means, of a margin call for an amount sufficient to bring your account up to the equity level we require. You shall abide by any additional limitations on use of quotes that Schwab may specify in the future. In computing the cash balance of your account at the time it is closed, we reserve the right to deduct any unpaid fees or charges (including account service fees), a certificate processing fee or other charges related to closing your account. You acknowledge and agree that Schwab is the principal underwriter of the Schwab Funds. If your interest rate increases for any reason other than a change in the Base Rate, we will give you written notice at least 30 days prior to that change. From time to time, we may make available services (referred to in this section as "the services") that allow you to place orders and obtain market data and other information via telephone, computer or other electronic means. Unless you make other arrangements with your local Schwab office, we may use available funds in your Schwab Account to settle a transaction. Schwab will provide you with written confirmation of trades that are executed in your account as required under SEC Rule 10(b)-10. Your Account statements will reflect all transactions in your Cash Feature (including purchases, redemptions, dividends, dividend reinvestments, deposits, and interest). The beneficiary may be you or another person. Schwab has no responsibility for your advisor's handling of checks, including but not limited to (i)the security or safekeeping of checks, (ii)your advisor's creation of electronic images of checks, (iii)the forwarding or transmission of checks or check images to us, and (iv)any ambiguity, inaccuracy or omission in any check-related information provided to us. Price improvement occurs when an order is executed at a price more favorable than the displayed national best bid or offer. We may reject payment orders. It is calculated for each day by dividing the applicable margin interest rate by 360. Change Your Login ID. ThePricing Guidesare companions to this Account Agreement and are incorporated as part of this Account Agreement. In addition, if you do not accrue at least one daily dividend of $0.01 during a pay period, you will not receive a money market dividend for that period. Disclosure of Potential RelationshipsSchwab and/or its employees or directors, as well as consultants to Schwab, may have, or may have clients with, positions in securities or companies referenced in Information, including Research Reports, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to customers. Research ReportsSchwab's Electronic Services make available analyst research and opinions ("Research Reports") that may be prepared by Schwab or one of its affiliates, or by various third-party investment bankers or other entities providing analysis, research and opinions ("Third-Party Research Providers"). You agree that Schwab will not be liable for any losses in any of these circumstances. 4/30/2023 5:20 AM. You have the right to cancel a consumer foreign wire transfer and obtain a refund of all funds paid to us, including any fees. The maximum share size is 25,000 shares in extended hours trading sessions. Schwab reserves the right to remove from your Account any security that is deemed to have been cancelled or otherwise invalidated. An investment in a SchwabSweep Money Fund is neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. You agree not to hold us liable for the choice of which Securities or Other Property to buy or sell or of which transactions to close or for the timing or manner of the liquidation. Market orders will not be accepted. For example, we can require additional collateral if an account contains: We also may consider market conditions and your financial resources. As used in the Schwab Account Agreement, the terms listed below are defined as follows: To open a Schwab Account, you complete an Account Application. You agree that confirmation of your wire instruction by telephone, or online through our website or by wireless device (which consists of both electronically authenticating and authorizing the wire instruction through encrypted channels), or our reliance on any password or other security procedure that you and we agree upon, shall be deemed to be a commercially reasonable security procedure, in light of the anticipated size, type, and frequency of your wire transfers. As a condition of your eligibility to receive certain Schwab products, services or offers, or as a condition for you to set up access to your account through the web or another Electronic Service, upon notice to you, Schwab may require that you accept delivery of trade confirmations, account statements, prospectuses, issuer information, or other documents by electronic means such as electronic mail or through one of our websites. Receive confirmation of an order that you did not place. You agree not to tender restricted/control securities as collateral for an obligation you owe us, unless you first obtain our prior written approval. Your continued use of your Account or a Service following such a change in fee or new fee will evidence your consent. You further agree to release Schwab from any liability for executing the orders you place using Schwab's Electronic Services. We may select any intermediary bank, funds transfer system, or means of transmittal to send your payment orders. You can change your Cash Feature election to another eligible Cash Feature by contacting Schwab. This means that you have authorized Schwab to contact the TCP at our discretion and to disclose any information to address possible financial exploitation, to confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status, or the identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee or holder of a power of attorney, or as otherwise permitted by industry regulations or state law. You further acknowledge and agree as follows: We may prescribe limitations or refuse to accept checks for deposit when forwarded to us by your advisor. If you have an advisor on your account (independent or affiliated with Schwab), you understand that you are authorizing both Schwab and your advisor to contact the TCP and we may share TCP information with each other and may coordinate on any conversations with a TCP and on any follow-up actions. If you wish to have a transaction reviewed, please contact a Schwab representative immediately, as you must make an appeal within 30 minutes of the execution time for a "break" to be considered. We encourage you to place all orders using the services. For that type of assistance, you agree to consult your own tax or legal advisor. View All Branches | Charles Schwab You agree that Schwab may combine communications such as account statements, confirmations and other written communications related to account activity for your accounts in a manner that reduces the number of envelopes mailed to you. + Transcript Corporate philanthropy and employee giving If, however, Schwab does not normally custody or effect transactions in a security paid to you by your mutual fund, Schwab will take such action as it deems appropriate to effect delivery of such non-standard security to you or to an entity able to custody or effect transactions in the security. If you owe a debt to Schwab or our affiliate Charles Schwab Bank, SSB as the result of a transfer between an account of Schwab and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB where provisional credit has been granted and final settlement is not received, you agree that Schwab and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB are entitled to setoff such debt, in whole or in part, against assets in any account of Schwab or Charles Schwab Bank, SSB involved in such transfer without further notice. . You agree to waive any objections to the trades, positions, funds transfers, checks, disbursements, fees and other information set forth on any confirmations and account statements unless you notify us of an unauthorized transaction or other error in writing within 10 days of mailing. You also agree to make good delivery of the securities you are selling by settlement day. Box 982600 El Paso, TX 79998, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. You also acknowledge that we may report any reasonable belief of financial exploitation, or in other circumstances we believe are necessary for your protection, to the applicable state securities administrator, to a state adult protective services agency, or to law enforcement agencies. All transactions in the Margin and Short Account are subject to our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies. Schwab does not accept limit orders in sub-penny prices. Margin maintenance requirements are set: Margin maintenance requirements may change without prior notice. We can charge fees for sending a wire transfer. In mandatory corporate reorganizations, your partial shares will be handled according to the terms of the particular reorganization. You agree to abide by any such restriction and to not initiate trades or transactions which would violate any restriction on your Account. In addition, Schwab reserves the right, but is not obligated, to prevent any IPO stock from being traded through the Electronic Services. In particular, you agree that Schwab's policies and procedures on minimum investment requirements, exchange of fund shares, dividend accrual and date for payment of accrued dividends upon redemption of a daily dividend fund may vary from those applicable to direct fund shareholders. Schwab's failure to deduct fees from your account at the time you incur those fees does not waive Schwab's right to deduct those fees from your account at a later time. A TOA occurs when you request (either personally or through another financial institution) that Schwab transfer securities or cash out of the Account. If arbitration before the AAA is unavailable or impossible for any reason, the parties agree to have a court of competent jurisdiction appoint three (3) arbitrators to resolve any and all disputes or controversies between or among the parties. The prices of securities traded in extended hours trading may not reflect the prices either at the end of regular trading hours, or upon the opening the next morning. Like other Schwab representatives, IBLs will have access to customer information to help service accounts and sell Schwab products and services. We retain absolute discretion to determine whether, when and in what amounts we will require additional collateral. We reserve the right to charge interest on debit balances in the Cash Account. If any loans we have made to you are assigned, you agree that we may comply with any entitlement orders originated by the assignee with respect to the collateral for such loans without any further consent from you. If you provide Schwab with evidence of the validity of the security from an independent third party within 60 days of receiving the notice of removal, Schwab will reinstate your position. Risk of Changing Prices. Each joint account holder has authority, acting individually and without notice to any other account holder, to deal with us as fully and completely as if the account holder is the sole account holder. If after your account is closed for any reason, securities or other property from any source are credited to your account, you authorize us to mail to you either certificates for nonfund securities or a check reflecting the cash balance in your account, or both. In the bond market, there is no centralized exchange or quotation service for most fixed income products. You have supplied accurate information in your Account Application. In addition, if you write an uncovered call option contract and are allocated an exercise of the option, you may be required to borrow shares in order to satisfy the delivery requirement of the option contract. When transferring assets from another firm, please be advised that we will not accept or honor any oral or written instructions from you to purchase or sell securities prior to our actual receipt of your assets and the completion of the transfer process. You understand that such order may not be entered if we are unable to contact you to discuss the order. Schwab may accept custody of certain assets not normally available through Schwab; we will charge fees for this service. Unless you provide Schwab with evidence of the validity of the security within sixty (60) days of the notice of removal, you agree to waive any claim to any future distribution from the security and agree to indemnify and hold Schwab harmless from any claims, liability, or damages resulting from the removal of such security. If you ask us to do this, we may make a reasonable effort to act on your request. By submitting the order you will have agreed to pay all charges for borrowing the shares for as long as you hold the short position. Risk of News Announcements. In addition, if you place a market order in a Fast Market, there may be a significant difference in the quote you receive prior to or at the time you place the order and the execution price you receive. Conversely, if the market value decreases, your available credit may proportionately decrease. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that you will, at all times, comply with all applicable laws, obligations and restrictions in each of the jurisdictions in which you purchase and sell securities. By not closing and/or continuing to use your account, you confirm your agreement to abide by the Account Agreement, as amended from time to time. Please call Schwab or visit our website for our current margin requirements. The age of custodianship termination varies by state, although many states set the maximum age for termination at 21. You agree to pay our commissions and transaction, processing, custody and other fees, and/or those of the entity to which your non-standard security is delivered, as they exist from time to time and apply to the transactions and services you receive in connection with these securities paid to you by the fund. Schwab will inform you if your Account is assigned to an IBL in your geographic area. Alternatively, you authorize us, at our discretion, to charge such fees to a credit card account number that you have provided to us for this purpose. We will include the charges in the next day's opening debit balance and charge interest accordingly. The interest rates described in Section 2 do not reflect compounding of unpaid interest charges; the effective interest rate, taking into effect such compounding, will be higher. As a brokerage firm, Charles Schwab offers a multitude of investment accounts, but it is also an online. The payment order is the instruction you give us regarding a wire transfer. We will not extend credit unless your equity in the Securities and Other Property in your Margin and Short Account is at least $2,000, or such greater amount as may be required by applicable rules or regulations or our house policies. We will promptly forward to the buying agent all eligible cash distributions that we receive from SCHW for the Schwab StockBuilder Planparticipants. You agree we may charge your Account a processing fee for processing any court order, garnishment, levy, subpoena, or other legal process Schwab receives in connection with your Account. Removal of Non-Publicly Traded Securities From Your Account. For our protection,we can, at our discretion and without notice, immediately cover your short security positions by purchasing for your account securities to replace those sold short. We will appoint an independent bank or broker-dealer, other than Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., to act as buying agent for automatic reinvestment of eligible cash distributions in SCHW stock. Closing an account or terminating services will not affect your obligations incurred prior to closure or termination. At our discretion, funds represented by the check also may be unavailable for settlement of securities transactions during the hold period. You may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. You further agree not to remove the overpayment of funds or securities or the uncollected fee from the account, or to return the entire overpayment or uncollected fee to Schwab if it has already been removed from your account. No one except the account holders listed on the Account Application (and if community property is held, the account holders' spouses) has an interest in the Schwab Account. You agree to be bound by any wire instruction, whether or not authorized, that is issued in your name and accepted by us in compliance with the security procedure. To obtain verification, we may contact your employer (and your spouse's, if applicable), obtain consumer and credit reports and make other inquiries, but we are not obligated to do so.

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