The only conclusion is that the system we have now does not and cannot ensure that unfit pilots are kept out of the cockpit, at which point we have the right to ask what aeromedical certification is even for. Negative, This portion of the transcript comes from the KLM cockpit voice recorder. In the grand scheme of things, pilot suicide remains rare, but means exist to make it much rarer, and if the aviation industry truly cares about safety, the topic as touchy as it is must not be avoided. The NTSB released over 2,000 pages of documents from its investigation into the February 23 crash of Atlas Air Flight 3591, bound from Miami to Houston, which With about 6,000 flying hours over a 10-year career, Sondenheimer was moderately experienced, while Lubitz was still fairly new he had been flying for Germanwings since 2014 and had so far accumulated just 630 hours in the air. Approach KLM 4805 on the ground in Tenerife. On the 24th of March 2015, an Airbus A320 flying for low-cost carrier Germanwings stopped responding to air traffic control, entered a steep but steady descent, and impacted a mountainside in the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board. out of service. A lawsuit filed on behalf of the victims argued that Lubitzs flight school should never have accepted him because of his history of depression and his initial failure to disclose that history to the FAA. AeroInside has currently 34 articles available for reading involving an aircraft from Atlas Air . This location and phase of flight were inconsistent with any scenario in which a pilot would intentionally select go-around mode, and neither pilot made a go-around callout to indicate intentional activation. If he didnt want the plane to crash, he would have tried to stop it, but he didnt even try, successfully or otherwise. much more. [KLM] Roger, From an aviation safety perspective, Lubitzs exact thought process matters a great deal less than the question of whether he could have been stopped. Ten, Image Credits | In early March, he started searching the internet for ways to commit suicide. WebAtlas 3591 CVR transcript released The FO freaked and recovered from a stall that didnt exist. Find out more. With help from his psychiatrist, Lubitz was eventually able to end treatment, and in July 2009 he was declared fully recovered. Put the plane into a nose dive. PULL UP! And did he watch as the mountainside drew nearer and nearer? These times are applied to the transcript, providing a local time for every event on the transcript. For French investigators with the Bureau of Inquiry and Analysis, or BEA, dispatched to handle the case under international law, the only answers would come from the planes two black boxes. than 70 officials from Spain, the Netherlands, and the United States. The obvious lesson, of course, is that all of this drama can be avoided simply by failing to disclose to any of this information to the FAA in the first place. Indeed, the very stress of his situation might have made his depression worse, creating a destructive feedback loop that led him to the very gates of madness. PA RTPan Am aircraft radio transmission As matters stand, another crash along the same lines is probably a matter of when and where, not if. at the end of the runway make 180 [degree turn] and To this day, no definitive transcript of the CVRs contents has been published, but a basic outline can be gleaned from official reports and the accounts of journalists who heard the tapes. Shortly after the crash of flight 9525, the European Aviation Safety Agency began encouraging the policy in Europe in order to gather data about its effectiveness, but after the trial period was over, the results were not encouraging. Contact me via @Admiral_Cloudberg on Reddit, @KyraCloudy on Twitter, or by email at Well see.. We Controllers indicate some severe weather in the area and that the plane shouldnt have a problem getting to the airport after the change. Each recorder is equipped with an Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) to assist in locating in the event of an overwater accident. Sean Archuleta, who was riding in the jump seat, were killed in the crash. Lord, have mercy! But then youre back to the original problem. third one, sir, one, two, three, third, third one. 040 until intercepting the 325, and we're now (at takeoff). Nor did he display any signs that he might be capable of mass murder. But before long, pilots will learn that they can avoid this trap by declining to seek treatment at all. Get off!" turn to get around this this one down here, it's a 45. However, quantifying this risk is difficult. We will never know, and in the end, it probably doesnt matter. And before anyone complains that looser requirements and simplified approval procedures will result in countless unhealthy pilots taking to the skies, I would like to point out that thats already the case right now, and we just pretend that it isnt. don't think they have takeoff minimums anywhere right now. Beginning to worry now, he asked twice more for the flight to acknowledge, but it did not. Oh, Lord. Everyone is lying, and the only choice is to lie, because if nobody lied, we wouldnt have any pilots. With the limitation on his medical hanging in the background, Lubitz resumed initial training with Lufthansa, and eventually graduated to the next phase: flight training in real light aircraft at a facility in the US state of Arizona. Were stalling. The other side of the argument is that Lubitz should never have been allowed to fly at all, in which case hope wouldnt have mattered. Yeah, But if a computer error somehow locked the plane into a descent a far-fetched idea to begin with then why didnt the pilots transmit a distress call during the nearly nine minutes before it struck the ground? A database containing CVR transcripts of aviation accidents and incidents Scroll 15 January 2009 - US Airways 1549 29 October 2018 - Lion Air 610 CVR Database - 160+ transcripts 10 March 2019 - Ethiopian Airlines 302 25 July 2000 - Air France 4590 31 January 2000 - Alaska Airlines 261 17 April 2018 - Southwest 1380 10 April 2010 - Polish Air Force Only 32 seconds elapsed between the go-around mode activation and the airplanes ground impact. (202) 314-6100, First Officer, Captain Actions, Aviation Industry Practices, Led to Fatal Atlas Air Crash, WASHINGTON (July 14, 2020) The National Transportation Safety Board determined during a public board meeting held Tuesday that Atlas Air flight, NTSB Opens Public Docket for Investigation of Atlas Air Flight 3591 Cargo Plane Crash, WASHINGTON (Dec. 19, 2019) The National Transportation Safety Board opened the public docket Thursday as part of its ongoing investigation of the, National Transportation Safety Board 490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington, DC 20594, Congressional and Regulatory Correspondence. Several clicks are heard before an acknowledgement from the planes crew. 4805 how many taxiwayahdid you pass? But instead of entering 35,000 feet into the autopilot, Lubitz entered 100 feet, and left it there for several seconds. A routine morning shuttle from Barcelona, Spain, to Dsseldorf, Germany, the flight was not expected to encounter any adverse weather, and the 24-year-old Airbus A320, registration D-AIPX, was in good working order with only cosmetic defects recorded in the technical log. I think most people probably wouldnt. He loved his job, he spent time with friends, he had hobbies, he had a girlfriend. PA 4Unidentified fourth person in Pan Am cockpit, likely one of two Pan communications with the tower. That was followed by the sound of rapid breathing and more beeps. got four and a half and we weigh 534. Captain Sondenheimer responded normally to radio calls during the climb, and contacted the Marseille area control center in southern France upon reaching their cruising altitude at 10:27. Another unresolved debate over safety measures concerns medical confidentiality. Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), records radio transmissions and sounds in the cockpit, such as the pilot's voices and engine noises. flight level 90 right turn after takeoff proceed with heading 040 until transcript, and also explanatory text attached to linked words or phrases, are It took two minutes for the controller to notice, by which time flight 9525 was already approaching 30,000 feet. Ninety-degree The result of this system is a culture of deceit, as instructors and fellow pilots always off the record, of course advise up-and-coming young aviators to lie to the FAA when applying for their medical. In the BEAs opinion, these professionals likely knew that he was an airline pilot, but they might not have appreciated the degree to which he had become a risk to others. Then decide for yourself just what caused the As the flight descended toward the airport, the flight crew extended the speedbrakes, lowered the slats, and began setting up the flight management computer for the approach. Ricky Blakely and First Officer Conrad Jules Aska, as well as Mesa Airlines Capt. An Embraer ERJ-190LR (ERJ-190-100 LR) plane, registered P4-KCJ, sustained substantial damage in an accident at NE of Lisbon, Portugal. On Mar 12th 2019 the NTSB provided an update stating: The wreckage was situated in a shallow muddy swamp area, and the main debris field was oriented east to west and about 350 yards long by about 200 yards wide (figure 1). Taxi into the runway andahleave runway (third) to your left. Have mercy. put a bomb (in) the terminal, sir, right where the check-in counters are. Based on this evidence, just two days after the accident the BEA announced to the world that the crash of flight 9525 was a purposeful act by the First Officer. Uh, Kyra Dempsey, analyzer of plane crashes. For two years after that, he worked as a flight attendant for Lufthansa, until a spot opened up and he was assigned to the Germanwings division. The level of delusion required to completely dismiss the lives of 149 other people in the blind pursuit of self-annihilation is difficult to comprehend and impossible to study. In fact, they might have believed that Lubitz was complying with their requests that he take time off from work, but even if they knew he was flying, their options would have been limited. The plane began to descend, rapidly at first, before settling on a brisk but safe value of 3,000 feet per minute. Approaching the 9,500-foot (2,900-meter) peak, the plane made no effort to turn away, until at last it disappeared up a remote valley, never to emerge. However, Sword of Damocles clauses like the one applied to Lubitz should be used sparingly, if at all. Or perhaps the decision to crash the plane was a form of intrusive thought, which in his psychosis he failed to counter, and having taken the decision, fear of punishment should he reverse course overcame any dying shreds of conscience. But Lubitz himself can receive no such mercy. The trouble seemed to occur within the last 30 seconds of the transcript. If he lost his medical, he would find himself with no money, no career, and no future. After applying again, the Lufthansa aeromedical center decided to issue him a new medical certificate, but with strings attached: if he ever again suffered from depression, the document said, the certificate would immediately become invalid. But the doctors at Lufthansas aeromedical center denied his application on account of his ongoing major depression and medication thereof, which rendered him unfit to fly under European and German law. The The Pan Am pilot guns the engines but flight engineer, even as the KLM plane has begun rolling down the runway, to A new way to document and demonstrate airworthiness compliance and aircraft value. National Transportation Safety Board 490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington, DC 20594, Congressional and Regulatory Correspondence, 37.5 KHz; battery has shelf life of 6 years or more, with 30-day operation capability upon activation, 30 min continuous, 2 hours for solid state digital units. In the background, the CVR picked up a muffled shout: For the love of God, open this door!. Rest in peace to the crew of GTI3596. The accident flights departure from MIA, en route cruise, and initial descent toward IAH were uneventful. On the flight into Barcelona from Dsseldorf on the morning of the crash, it almost came. The CVR recordings are treated differently than the other factual information obtained in an accident investigation. A transcript of the CVR is estimated to be compiled during the next week (Mar 11th and following). In response, the autopilots vertical mode changed to Open Descent, in which the autopilot adjusts pitch attitude to maintain a target airspeed while the autothrottle holds engine power at idle. Under medical confidentiality laws, the only way for Germanwings to find out that his doctors were issuing sick leave was for Lubitz to forward the notices to his employer, but he did not presumably, he feared that if he did, they would find out that he was ill, his medical would be revoked, and he would lose his career. But for those who deal with medical certification in their day-to-day lives that is to say, pilots this proposal is alarming not just because of the principle of reduced privacy, but because from the inside, its potentially damaging safety effects are self-evident. Also contributing to the accident was the Federal Aviation Administrations failure to implement the pilot records database in a sufficiently robust and timely manner. you confirm that you want the Clipper 1736 to turn left at the third And in the end, the KLM pilot initiates takeoff, even As a result of this investigation, the we mades six new safety recommendations and reiterated two safety recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration. 8705 [sic] uh you are cleared to the Papa beacon. There were no malfunctions recorded on the FDR. His medical would have been up for renewal in July, requiring an aeromedical examination at which his condition may have been discovered, but he carried out his suicidal mission before this could occur. Safety issues identified in this report include inadvertent activation of the go-around mode, flight crew performance, Atlas evaluation of the first officer, industry pilot hiring process deficiencies, awareness information for Boeing 767 and 757 pilots, adaptations of automatic ground collision avoidance technology, and cockpit image recorders. However, all that changed in December 2014, when Lubitzs depression suddenly returned. Lubitz must have been alive and acting consciously throughout the descent, but there was no legitimate reason for him to take the action he did no reason to lock Sondenheimer out, to select an altitude of 100 feet, to let the autopilot fly the plane into the ground. On the 23rd of February 2019, a Boeing 767 transporting cargo for Amazon suddenly dived into Trinity Bay while on approach to Houston, Texas, killing all three people on board. From the putrid estuary, investigators pulled the jets two black boxes, which together revealed the perplexing story of the last moments of Atlas Air flight 3591. We Get access to AeroInside Insights, unlimited read access and receive the daily newsletter. Wait intercepting the 325 radial from Las Palmas VOR. Using sophisticated computer and audio equipment, the information stored on the recorders is extracted and translated into an understandable format. We owe this because the Germanwings tragedy was not only a senseless act of murder, but the product of a senseless system, one which must be reformed before the next Andreas Lubitz, succumbing to the siren song of oblivion, steps into a cockpit for the last time. An exception existed for cases in which a patient presents a clear and imminent danger to themselves or others, but there were no clear guidelines doctors could use to determine when this exception applied, and they would bear the burden of proof in the aftermath. The Investigator-in-Charge uses this information as one of many tools to help the Safety Board determine the Probable Cause of the accident. Following an accident, both recorders are immediately removed from the accident site and transported to NTSB headquarters in Washington D.C. for processing. Hypoxia was considered a more likely scenario, but there was still much that did not add up. Analysis of the available weather information determined that, about 1238:25, the airplane was beginning to penetrate the leading edge of a cold front, within which associated windshear and instrument meteorological conditions (as the flight continued) were likely. As flight 9525 continued its steady but rapid descent, the controller kept calling, to no avail, watching as the flights altitude indication dropped ever lower. In any case, what is known is that the FAA eventually received Lubitzs medical history and issued him a US medical certificate with the same limitations as the German one, and he went on to pass flight training in Arizona in 2011. sir, (entering) the runway at this time and the first (taxiway) we, we go Seconds later, he reduced it back to 288 knots, then moved it up again to 302 knots. Communications with Air Traffic Control, automated radio weather briefings, and conversation between the pilots and ground or cabin crew are also recorded. In the final minute before the collision, key misunderstandings occur among all The older analog units use one-quarter inch magnetic tape as a storage medium and the newer ones use digital technology and memory chips. All three passengers and three crew members survived. These examples illustrate how minor events from a pilots past can turn the aeromedical process into a major nightmare. His depression was not an excuse; after all, millions of people suffer from depression, including thousands of airline pilots, and hardly any of them commit mass-murder suicide. It could only have been First Officer Lubitz, who was alone in the cockpit. At 1706:47.44, the KLM pilot screams, and the collision occurs. What was Sondenheimer feeling in those horrible moments, listening to the screams of the passengers whose safety had been entrusted to him, knowing that he was fighting a losing battle to save 150 lives? here's a left and I'll give you a right one right here. Because in the moments immediately following, when both Air Traffic Control and Pan Am Lord, Aska replied. A memorial in a nearby village commemorates the 149 victims of Germanwings flight 9525. The FO freaked and recovered from a stall that didnt exist. Flight data recorder data indicated that, during the time, aircraft load factors consistent with the airplane encountering light turbulence were recorded and, at 1238:31, the airplanes go-around mode was activated. Are you researching aviation incidents? According to these sources, the conversations between the pilots were normal at first, and confined to operational matters. According to documents collected by prosecutors and seen by GQ writer Joshua Hammer, Lubitz apparently tried to work with his psychiatrist, keeping a journal of positive thoughts, among other activities, which suggested that he wanted to recover.

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