After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with TD and the Idle path. Hold shift to check costs of Imaginary Upgrades that are locked. achievement (if you haven't already), to double your production of how fast you generate replicanti galaxies during the challenge (16 seconds to 8 seconds per galaxy). Let go of 6 and 7, then exit the popup. But, you might want to buy ID2 first if that is too slow. Make sure you actually click the 'Invert BH' button, verify your Game Speed has been divided, then enter V's Reality. t (Alternate V unlock build: errdi. Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until Reality). Keep going until progress stops. You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. (below). Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm. I have seen the later stages so I have come up with the fastest way to prog. This is the final stretch, you will be using dilation glyph mostly, but sometimes you might still want to juggle. A generally solid Glyph which has four quite different effects. Paired with EU1 you also get first row of EP upgrades, the challenge time one being the most important. Instead, set the autobuyers to the following: Let the run continue (doing dimensional sacrifices at appropriate moments). And remember, don't be scared to use the "Lose a Dimboost" Button if you make a mistake. Completing IC5 will continue the increase of IP, making galaxies 10% stronger and reducing requirements for galaxies and dimensional boosts by 1 8th dimension. Later, you can get all of the time studies after EC10 with more time theorems. (this is no longer the case since the reality update made stuff a lot cheaper so just buy everything you can in infinity dimensions, IP multipliers and break infinity upgrades, and you'll be good.). This should give you a Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier of around at least 200x. You also have a second button, Store real time. With every Infinity Upgrade achieved, you get the achievement 'No DLC Required' and can now buy levels of Multiply IP from all sources by 2. It unlocks the ability to use up your Glyphs by refining them into Alchemy Resources associated with their type. It helps you get a little extra TP from your dilation runs, but since the power applies before dilation it's way less good than you may first think. For EP push build: use full dark for now. This effects what the game will automatically do with offline time, but don't later be confused if you forgot what state you left it in. Generally a good all-arounder effect that fits well into everything. Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. Should be grabbed within 2 minutes with TD/Active (without TS181, you can't afford it right now). NOTE: On the power glyph, you need flat AD mult, not buy 10 mult! When you Big Crunch for the 1st time, you will automatically obtain the First Dimension Autobuyer. Now that you have gotten to e21 pour on Teresa you unlocked Effarig. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. 11.2%. Don't forget to go back to Ra every so often for more memory chunks. Think about it this way - 58 Tickspeed Upgrades (costing ~1.111e60 Antimatter total) used to give you a 926x boost - now it gives a 2574x boost! (When you first get TS181 (about 1e40 EP), you won't have enough TT to buy EC4x5, so you have to grind before you can buy it. Press "Lose a Dimboost, returning to the start of the previous Dimboost". V's Memories: iiirr (again, make sure you're charging and discharging BH!) Hot New Top Rising. Once all dimension autobuyer bulk buys are upgraded to 512x they will start buying max. Things will start over, but with a new Infinity tab available, and a new type of currency called Infinity Points. 2 years ago. When farming for Effarig glyphs, don't be perfectionist - a low level/rarity Effarig glyph with the right 4 effects can beat the pants off of a high level/rarity Effarig glyph with the wrong 4 effects. Continue to decrease the intervals of the Automated Big Crunch and Automated Galaxies then grind for 1e4 IP, then buy one more IP doubler. 5000 RM(5e3) without glyphs - (Requires 9.12e8931 EP) a good time for this is approx when you farm 1e5 reality machines with your glyphs and have everything costing 5e4 RM or less. And with blackhole you can get glyphs strong enough to do ec11 quite fast. In the rest of eternity challenges, use the time dimension path, HOWEVER time dimensions are much weaker in challenges that directly inhibit galaxies which means tickspeed upgrades are nerfed so time dimension multipliers are less useful. Allows you to select modes to either only get certain glyphs(and sacrifice rest) or auto sacrifice all of them. Before you reality make sure you do the 'Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins' achievement (143) - disable autobuy/remove the time studies and buy 1 AD1 for the first eternity to minimize it then slowly improve those as you require bigger and bigger eternity. Since this will take about 6 hours, you might also be able to complete "No ethical consumption" (with TS191), knocking out 2 row 13 achievements. With this you will filter quite a lot and won't need to check often. Make sure you reality instantly after discharge, otherwise you will lose multiplier! 4) If you can buy a galaxy, do so and restart from step 1. (As a reminder, 15/31/39/11should be about optimal.). it's just bigger numbers, and new more expensive IP upgrades to get". Your Replicanti amount resets whenever you Infinity if you don't have the "Is this safe?" Is that even legal?? Then consider getting 5 RM on the second reality. You then should be able to do EC5x3, followed by EC3x5, EC2x4 and EC6x3. While it's small difference at first - the closer it is to 100% the more huge the gap between rarity and levels becomes. Dont forget to sacrifice a Reality glyph for Achievement 171 The god is delighted and complete Achievement 172 Hitchhiker's Guide to Reality by removing charged infinity upgrades, glyphs and triad studies (might wanna do that after you reach 1e1000 RM). You'll find that your Achievements give substantial bonuses, including starting with 5e25 AM each Infinity and 16x IP gain, which has been already seen before in previous infinities, but now will include the 1st eternity addition of an IP autobuyer (as for getting the eternity milestone), which will be automatically buying IP multiplier upgrades, and there will be more quality of life additions as you get more milestones (up to the 1000 eternities milestone). Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. As this is a multiplicative bonus it stacks well with the other buy 10 bonuses you will already have (+0.1 from r141, up to +3.6 from EC3 and x1.1 from infinity upgrade). In addition, each EC can be completed up to 5 times, with each one being more difficult than the last- generally having higher IP goals, but the rewards are higher as well up to the 5th time you beat the EC. - Username5243 (I agree with this - lilk0408). Bear in mind a few things use real-time and not game-time, such as the PEC perks for auto EC clears, and autobuyer/automator speed. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! (. Your new mechanic is 'Tesseract' which increases the infinity dimension caps. Use Infinity for all ECs, except EC9 (Time), EC10 (Power), EC11 (Power) and EC12 (Rep). Utilizing 2 paths from the 1st split will become very powerful, resulting in a major progress boost, as you get more TT and EP. Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! Then disable all autobuyers except tickspeed. You will have to continue to grind EP for the ECs. If you don't like them, import save, do 100-500 realities and try again. In Young Boy, you only get 2 dimension paths. Youll also get achievement 173 Cat accomplissement n'existe pas III and achievement 175 The First Antihistorian without much effort. Sacrificing glyph in particular is a huge power spike. Antimatter Dimensions is a popular web-based incremental video game made by Hevipelle. Teresa rechallenge effarig does not need to be perfect but it needs to have at least antimatter exponent, it's fine even if it's only 3 effects total. x1 Dilation - TT per hour(it's finally useful), DT time gain, galaxy threshold. IC strat will be similar to pre-reality. Then, there will be a long grind to max the last 2 Autobuyers, and get the Dimension bulk purchases to their maximum potential. (in my opinion, this is the worst part of the game, as there is nothing to do but wait - YT kerfuffles), If you're playing in Reality, then at around 1e240~ IP, you'll be able to get the "Is this safe?" I recommend selected filter - all glyphs want 90%+ rarity and 4 effects. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. Hell, you can even reality with an empty glyph slot at GL500. Under the 'Statistics' tab > 'Statistics' subtab, you can view your current record. {\displaystyle t^{8}} Do manual boosts if you get stuck and eventually the challenge will succeed. t Once you buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast. Press the "Continuum" button in the AD or Autobuyers tab to disable Continuum. 5 more eternities until the update Complete 50 unique Eternity Challenge tiers. 1e14 RM: Teresa Reality to Effarig unlock. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 1000 eternities. So we can charge black hole, enter Effarig's reality, enter Eternity Challenge 10, discharge it, brute force its completion, and then beat it trivially. t Hot New Top. 3 Award Favorite Share Created by Fanytastic Offline Category: Achievements, Game Modes, Gameplay Basics, Secrets, Story or Lore Languages: English Posted Updated Dec 17, 2022 @ 6:03pm Mar 24 @ 10:21am Helps a bit more post-break than before. Relic shards can be spent on new QoL glyph features. Only exists for optimal glyph sac since you passively generate perk points/realities thanks to Alchemy now. The effects of it you have already seen - you disable blackhole and store it for later. Things I mentioned are bad in this guide might become good and things I said are good might become bad, so keep testing different Glyphs if you think things are going slowly. Make sure you do the 1e400 IP first eternity unlock, it's an important one as the "start with 100 eternities" upgrade is huge. You will likely skyrocket to ~e27+ RM just with whatever you currently have by boosting RM gain really fast which you should certainly do. A good 'lazy mode' if you don't want to configure advanced ones. I have left the old guide up in strikethrough, as an archive. Around the point you unlock automator you want to make sure you rush the following perks: ACHNR(should have it for a while), EU1/2, TTF at least(TTM better but can be stalled a bit), ECR(a must)/ECB(can be stalled a bit). The order of upgrades should go like this: 3x TP upgrade (if possible, but recommended) -> Double dilated time generation -> Galaxy threshold multiplier decrease (to prevent wasting dilated time, as it will reset). After 16 V-Achievements: Achievement Mult becomes 3rd priority on Glyph Level Effarigs. For EC6, you are forced to take the active path due to the challenge's location in the tree, and you should also take the ID path. Wait a while for each new TD and eventually you will reach the endgame (now reality). (But it's okay if you have it also.). If you're far, focus on Continuum mult/Singularities. which is about ten times as much IP/min as you were making before! (Also, what do you want to spend your stored time on at this point?). (Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,222,224,226,227,232,234|12. Almost nothing else will work or will require much stronger glyph set. NOTE: On the power glyphs, You need flat AD mult, not buy 10 mult! The row 1 upgrades and row 13 achievements will also speed up dilation quite a bit. Once you do, respec into the ID path (11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0). If all else fails, try doing a GS run to bank BH time. This means that in ECs 1, 5 and 6 the infinity dimensions path is better than the time dimensions path. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful! (In fact, there's a whole lot more content to get through! Keep in mind that every position in the list is subjective; you may find some Challenges to be harder than others depending on playstyle. Annihilation resets your DM and DMD count, but you also get a permanent multiplier on your DMDs. Now, the game has reached the speed of the long run era. 6) ECR/B - doesn't matter too much early on but becomes a major speedup as EC become trivial. : Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. Reality complete, Analysing & experimenting. Notice that while various xIP sources are capped, Base Infinity Points continues to grow because your glyphs are growing it very effectively. Should only take a few minutes at most to reach e35 and purchase the 'bonus' for tickspeed. Took me only a minute with this setup and yielded ~e2.1 Billion antimatter, resulting in almost e14 sacrifice multi. is the time elapsed - but it is actually greater than this since you can spend your ever-increasing antimatter on Dimensions to increase their multipliers, buying Tickspeed Upgrades to further boost Dimension production and so on, which makes your antimatter rise faster than EC1 to EC10, with 5 completions for each challenge. Make sure you have dimension boosts before you big crunch). 3 3 6 2 . The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want.). Set Dimboost "until X galaxies" to 50-60, and you'll get it]. Buying other upgrades may make it take longer to get 5e11 IP, but they may also benefit later. At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. Remember that effarigs with buy 10 want a build with a power glyph in them, effarigs without it don't. As this will make IP growth much faster, focus on maxing the interval of all Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers. Buying the first 2 levels of this is very quick. If you missed it at the first and second opportunities, this is the last chance you get for a long time. Glyph build: epiii. Matter rises 20x faster than in Challenge 11, tickspeed boost is / (tickspeed/1000)^0.0005. Effarig gives increased rarity to glyphs via new currency that is farmed passively - Relic Shards. You can increase the Singularity cap to buy multiple Singularities at once. Buy a first dimension. A HUGE speedup to realities and skips the whole annoying manual early game section while massively improving your potential perk gain speed. 2. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings), Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path instantly at 1e190 EP w/ TD+Active Path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Requirement: (15,12,10), e300, 7700, 3400, 1e36, Requiem for a Glyph 1-2: cet (c is cursed). The new studies you attain can definitely continue the rate of fast EP gain. Later, you can click Discharge and pass this amount of time in a single tick. You can use this to buy studies and become strong enough to beat other ECs. (There is actually a strategy I found that is possible to get the IC5 achievement right after 1e140 IP, as shown below: 1. The achievement will be earned at 1e30008 IP, which will be acquired after beating EC10 and getting some of the time studies after it. First EP into Time Dimension 1. Enable all autobuyers except big crunch. By then, you're ready for EC4. Fabrication of Ideals will always be done last. 3) Notice that entering C10 is really good for IP/AM production! For example, if your tickspeed upgrade costs 10^8, upgrading it will cost 10^ (8 + y) = 10^ (8 + 1) = 10^9. You must spend the 1st EP on the First Time Dimension in order to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game. Flore's Rift Automator script is designed to work from 4 rows of reality upgrades up to 1e18 EP gen. 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. Within this era, you can do ECs in any way you want, but there is a recommended route to complete all the ECs. You may only need a little more infinities than the last EC10 completion, depending on how much EP you have (if you have a lot of EP, then this will only take barely a minute). For your glyphs, try to have 3-4 tachyon galaxies threshold effects, 3-4 DT multipliers. These Time Studies are very powerful, as it will help make more progress (more Antimatter, IP and EP) and allow you to get access to row 12+ achievements. Using these powerful Prestige systems reset all progress up until that point, leaving you only with the new upgrade - but they are so powerful at the start of the game that it is mandatory to buy all of them. share. Wait until you have maximum replicanti galaxies (about 1 hour), then buy every possible time study you can, including Study 133, and your IP will increase, hopefully reaching the goal. Not-so-challenging: Get the sum of Normal Challenge times under 3 minutes. The following strategy may take around 5-20 minutes to pull off: Or: Keep all autobuyers intact before the challenge. 437. pinned by moderators. So you need to either copy builds OR figure out how it works. It's better to have a low rarity/level optimal effects effarig glyph than to have a high rarity/level suboptimal effects effarig glyph in general. Together with that, your EP and best ever IP and AM in cel 7 will be reset to 0, and the remnant gain formula will be changed. You will lose all progress up to the point where you got a Galaxy, but it is more advantageous to have a Galaxy rather than continuing on forward with none. If you can't remember to discharge, turn off charging until you can. However, you don't stop at 1.80e308 EP, and there is more content after 1.80e308 EP. If you can't afford (over 3100TT) use this setup to get a very quick boost in TT and EP. The reward is not to be confused with the 7 eternity milestone, as it unlocks the infinity challenges right away, which saves 1 tick. Hold R (or hold R and hit H) during the run to get your RGs. challenge 2: press m when at least 3 dimensions are available for purchase at once. You'll get big boosts when you can buy ID7 (e250 IP) and ID8 (e280 IP) which will get you past the finish line. As usual, go for a fast Infinity by placing your Autoclicker on Max All (or holding M), or using your finger or an object to hold the key if possible, taking it off to Dimension Boosts and for Antimatter Galaxy 1. To do this, get 5 IP worth of upgrades, buy as many Galaxies and Dimension Boosts as allowed within the boundaries of. Don't forget to crunch a couple of times! This seems like a time wall after you have 1e308 Dark Matter, but there are several things you can do to speed it up by a factor of 2x: After Achievement 177 (actually you can do it before but there's no point because you won't have enough IM to buy it), you can get Omnipresent Obliteration. By the time you get back to 140 Eighth Dimensions, you now have a ~43x bigger multiplier from Tickspeed compared to when you got there before. With these two upgrades, you will trivially destabilize Lai'tela for the 8th time, taking only a few seconds. I lacked a good Effarig glyph (had a no AM exponent 3 effect only) but had everything else. Method: Set Automatic Eternities to 0, Big Crunch to 1e77 X times highest (or any value you found to work better), and use Infinity Dim + Active on the tree, possibly put something to hold down the M key overnight. What do I have to do to get rid of you - Reach 1e22000 IP with no time studies (This will be easy with a few completions of EC11). Out of Row 2 - the most important upgrade is 'knowing existence' to speed up early eternity significantly (EP multiplier from time glyph will speed up early eternity even more).

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