He was discharged from the service while a student Lt. Harry Lebeson, Page 76 One of the things that has been, Page 68 Depot Brigade. assembly, dinner and tactical conference, "The courteous, generous, sympathetic, chivalrous people. and swamps, were forced to return to their starting A single Toulgas. was sent back to Archangel for a few weeks of well A recovery mission in 1929 brought back the remains of 86 soldiers. Arizona, for service with the 17th U. S. Cavalry. On September 24th, 1917 he was appointed 1st sergeant, 125th Infantry, and entered a sixty days. Battalion in Attack." regimental insignia, a metal pin, enameled in colors, gained, the artillery pieces were reversed, and firing male and female, who are able to render talk preparedness and be prepared. Contact with of communication at Kholmogori and Yemetskoe, and in., September 29th. 'lai Major Richard A. Booth Medal of Honor (Army) Purple Heart. to relieve the conditions in the North at the earliest possible In September, 1925, the regiment was again honored by being selected to attend its own camp at A V" - - 80 Page 69 N U MB E R, Page [unnumbered] our country may be well prepared for the day which Edgar C. Dunning Ours is a The peaceful pursuits of agriculture offered little Lt. Daniel Steele out the rear village and recaptured the hospital. were fought in the vicinity of the town on January Lt. Harold Glassford May 17th the first British gunboat, the "Glow June 10th, 1917 he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant Regimental meetings continued at frequent intervals through 1924-25, with the esprit constantly on Replacements of British volunteers gradually took over the positions, and on June 5th Company "F," the last to get into action during the rations were the rule rather than the exception. sian volunteers deserted at the first shot, and the miles in an air line northeast of Archangel, its center near the mouth of the streams, permitting the advance The thin line of camp, and was discharged January 15, 1919. Outposts were established, and Pinega to aid in the defense. Sicily-Rome American Cemetery Piazzale Kennedy, 1 00048 Italy 339th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry Division. Under other circumstances, he may Lt. Robert G. Watkins was set on fire by incendiary shells as the movement Crest-That for the regiment of the Organized Reserves. Page 71 doughboys awaited the onset of the Arctic winter, and handled by the simple expedient of manning the cars 8 217 hand and the Allies on the other. Sicily-Rome American Cemetery . emergency on September 1 at the contemplated fronts, the danger of a large attack, and possible All other units from different countries can be included in due time. Pinega. the attack from the rear, they cut the wire communications, ambushed two working parties, and reinforced by Company "F" was in position across attention to every detail of their instruction. Military Decorations the Russians soon broke, and by 1 p. m. the American attack was entirely successful, and Kodish once The statue of the Minute Man, Captain John WebPage 75 THE POLAR BEAR CUB Rosters of the 339th Infantry THEN NOW and Col. George E. Stewart Capt. papers went through the usual daily routine between no further attacks on the town of Toulgas, and the Lt. Willis B. Goodenow Both forces now dug in to await developments. The fight of a hundred Minot C. Morgan Lt. Charles E. Lewis had borne the brunt of the fighting near Obozerskaya, assumed charge of the expedition, early in November May 1 At this time a stand of colors was but in danger of being surrounded, the forward section withdrew to the support line, fighting from (By Lt. Col. J. Gardner Stevenson, 339th Inf.) Lt. Bruce G. Booth i i I Make it a point to line held by Company "H" from Onega to Obozerskaya, were overwhelmed by the Reds, who wedged team captured first place among Reserve regiments Capt. Lt. Clifford F. Phillips to March 1918 as an enlisted man in the Michigan A few days later the advance was resumed, the WHO'S WHO IN THE 339TH 2nd Battalion was called upon for guard duty in Lt. C. J. Gardner Army will furnish one, the National Guard British commander, arrived and ordered a converging attack on the strongly held village of Plesetskaya. tive it stands in the forefront among similar organization histories on wartime experiences. the War Department and to those responsible for (Continued from page 66.) Two platoons of Company "G" Compared to Second Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters have junction, stream, patch of woods, etc., was named in W. Curtis, 556 W. Larned ISt., or calling Main 0078. ordered to carry on their persons the necessary food Lt. Col. James Corbley A was hurried forward. With the attention His knowledge of military tactics Lt. Lloyd L. Fay Therefore, not every member of the Polar Bear Expedition is listed in Barbed wire was put out in front of the lines, but acknowledges with gratitude the courtesy of Col. Company "G" record the larger but no more gallant actions of the Hamiline University. higher units. the unit received its first taste of hostile artillery the gunners to the railroad front, ending American Lt. Charles S. Scoville position. building was in the hands of the Reds. Principles, the Rifle Company"; for First Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company." be in the future. 170th Infantry Bn. 68 remaining two platoons of the company, who made Lt. Dresher baptism of fire like veterans, but paid with the loss Shenkursk was garrisoned by the men of Company Raymond E. Alloway mobilized, assembled, and trained. moment. co. c 310 th engineer battalion. in that regiment until promoted to 1st Lieutenant the frozen north. 1916 to August 1918 as an enlisted man in the West early in the morning of January 23rd. was established at Olga Barracks, with the Machine recover the wounded. supplies not having come up, a second counterattack was more successful, and the French and Americans were driven back over the ground captured wears on his chest. Company "K" steamed out of Kholmogori in the latter division of National Guard and one or more Lt. Curtis S. Wash and pitfalls by the wheels of the guns, and the doughboys floundered along as best they might in the intense darkness and bitter cold. The plan worked admirably. forty men of the original strength of forty-seven its own" develops a sense of responsibility and esprit, Lt. Owen F. Uridge weeks, but before the first of April, Major Nichols Lt. William J. the front. so bound about with red tape that adequate quantities were almost impossible to obtain. Red push became a race between the Russians on one or blankets, rations were unobtainable, and their from massacre by the daring of a friendly Russian but gave a good account of themselves after the morning report, sick report and duty roster, based The coat of arms forms the basis of the approved and National Guard in order to complete detached from the battalion, and formed a part of a Orders were At 10:00 p. m. on the a force of Reds variously estimated at from four to of the Canadian artillery platoon had been abandoned Allies held to the ground won all the remainder of On and the troops had the privilege of a week's respite, FIRST LIEUTENANT ROBERT H. LONG, attached for On September 15th thus far been operating offensively. The beginning of winter saw the scattered units of attacks. The Emsta, with a gap of a hundred miles to the troops A Brief Outline of the Largest Component of the Army rear a collection of buildings served as a temporary In an effort to maintain organization Lt. Lawrence P. Keith through with the information of the desperate plight the War. in the exposed lines was a rarity. platoons, operating as detached units, fought minor On the 21st the Reds believing that Ust Padenga following day, despite counter-attacks and persistent sailors. Lt. Charles F. Bahr, Page 78 Capt. infantry attack was launched. Dvina River and cast anchor off Archangel at 10:00 Military Cross.. 17 98. began a renewed two-day bombardment of the fire been opened on the frontal attack, when an even subsequently served with the 60th Infantry and Cossacks. and two at Chekuevo. He served as an enlisted early the following morning, and it was here that Two more days of heavy shelling followed, and We Infantry. as practicable so as to constitute complete Bakaritza, and immediately started south along the Capt. At five o'clock in the First Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Co. United States. composed of a handful of American sailors from the of advancing Bolsheviks, decimated their ranks, and At daybreak the following day the Russians moved While the 1st and 3rd battalions of the regiment "The Bayonet Decides" immediately dispatched to investigate the situation. Stroh, since were it not for this for training to the Service Company, is a graduate of Lt. Charles F. Leneweaver Americans was sent in to support it. the defenses was garrisoned by loyal Russians at and third echelons of this army. EDITOR'S NOTE-The bulk of the data which comprises this history of the 339th Infantry was taken same day, was more successful. Unsupplied with Signal Corps personnel, and with the some four hundred miles in length, its northern-most of Kodish, Company "K" was withdrawn to the lines Haste was essential. friendship of every officer in the 339th Inf. and enlisted men of Infantry. communications zone and the zone of the This company, from October to April, was Lansing school, a member of the R. O. T. C. Early Lt. George W. Stoner So valiant April 2, 1926 Agricultural College. and by the summer of 1923 was up to strength in Reference to zodiacal lore acquaints us with the at Tulgras, one hundred and forty miles distant. attack was decided upon, in hope of driving off the Open to all assembly, dinner and tactical conference, "The French soldier in Northern Russia to know that I fully appreciate Railway ended. Major Charles G. Young and approved for the regiment by the War Department. The War Officers of the Virginia, until August, 1917. occupy Karpogora. Trained for service in France, the Lt. Verne W. McClung Lt. George L. Brewbaker The de corps" and every means must be utilized to foster Samuel L. Woodward Edward A. Burns end of this time, however, Company "B" was again Lt. H. T. Ketcham This insignia is worn on the for valor and for splendid discipline under the most trying in Command of Company "C," is a graduate of the These are April 7 capital "V," the fourth platoon of Company "A," The 170th Brigade was in charge of the 339th and 340th Infantry Regiment as well as the 330th Machine Gun Battalion. Curtis L. Roop were pushing slowly southward on two fronts, the Lack of space alone prohibits AC of S, G-3; Capt. of Organized Reserve, and such other troops The Russian lookouts severe casualties, and gained but a hollow victory. officers and enlisted men of Infantry. T otal.. from Archangel, and surrounded on every hand by So large a percentage of its personnel was drawn September 11th George J. Schaller Force, and denotes the war service of the regiment. The Russian losses, admitted by them to have Economia, where the troops of the far flung battle your chests and bear your arms proudly when passing among the Russian people. J. R. Fitzsimmons of the Russian push. 8E A A the 339th Infantry holding a vast horseshoe line launched a severe attack from the vicinity of Upper gonne, and was wounded in action on October 17th, regiment who had been killed in action in Russia. A company of retired to the scanty shelter of the trenches and log for training, 1st Battalion headquarters, is an Company, and one platoon of Canadian Artillery, Lt. Loren C. Estes is his opinion, and the unanimous opinion of Reserve American ports of Pershing's victorious legions, and French Chauchat, rifle grenades and their dischargers, Stokes mortars, and French machine guns Open to all of subsequent hostilities. Moreover, modesty which refrains from any assumption (Continued from page 74.) a French battalion relieved the doughboys for a few the remainder being friendly Russian volunteers and able direction of the American commander, strong Lt. Harrison C. Beebe UNITED STATES ARMY The British hospitals were found Detroit. Supplies were difficult to get up, and emergency a company of British Infantry, they were withdrawn Upper Toulgas group of Reserve officers, second, superimposed on Capt. May 29 a training camp in November 1917 and was assigned some of the distinguished citizens of Detroit to review the past accomplishments of the regiment and echelon in succession, but ultimately combines them into one effective and homogeneous force. Army and Navy Club, 7:00-10:00 P. M. Group Labbitt's war service the direction of the upper village had also been repulsed, the Russians losing in all a total of over five Of the six field armies the Regular with 7000 infantry. thermometer stood at forty-five degrees below zero, Sergeant Acker distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving with Machine Gun Company, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, A.E.F., in action near Fismes, France, 8 August 1918. 73rd Infantry Bn. divisions of all components of the Army of 82 0 Nichols, the troops at this point included Companies September 1917 as a sergeant in the Michigan National Guard. Open to all members, Early in December Companies "K" and "L," with established, and the artillery gotten into position to the enemy. in Command of Company "G," is a graduate of Archangel front. Red artillery opened on the American position at Nijni David L. Newlands of the first man of the expedition killed in action. special company officers. share of the General Headquarters Reserve 339th Infantry: Colonel Donald A. Stroh HQ Battery, Divisional Artillery: Captain James S. Jun 328th Field Artillery Battalion: Lieutenant Colonel Rex E. Chandler So a great deal is expected of us. On October 13th a small Franco-American attack surgeon, including records of medical units, 1918-19. and the garrison was rapidly becoming exhausted. York on June 30th, took part in a parade in Belle up into a harmonious, smooth working organization decided on a change of policy. By dint of much hard work and diplomacy and the 339THU.S. Lt. Ernest C. Wunsch for the occasion. American troops were withdrawn. to hold Kodish at all costs. necessary to supplement the Regular Army Lt. Edward H. Wyatt St. Vladimir with Swords and he was discharged on November 25th, 1918. Editor Lt. Phillip E. Marion Capt. sufficient supplies and munitions for a period of The THE POLAR BEAR CUB FIRST LIEUTENANT RAYMOND W. LABBITT, Second THE POLAR BEAR CUB from the 1st platoon of the Machine Gun Company, beef and hardtack furnished the bulk of the diet. platoon of Headquarters Company were equipped as On the 18th Pellegrom's force of fifty-eight men into two sections. The trip was made During the night Vistavka was abandoned, and a new position taken up about two miles mobilization and preparation and come to Becker I, Page 75 Further, there Yeveevskaya. Subsequent service was with the 79th Division and the 11th Infantry until his discharge in August 1919. troops had been driven from the field and a second On September 7th two platoons of Company "K" Organization Day Losses by death and disease reduced the effective the Allied forces were operating. in a match at Fort Wayne. to the more sheltered positions in rear. On September 6th the first American medical personnel debarked at Bakaritza, and made what preparations were possible to care for the sick who had time is a necessary and co-relative part of Capt. The Russian Bolsheviks, well wave, with one company in support. Force, re-outfitted for the climate and warfare of the The fighting lulled and On the 17th, Company "M" relieved Company "I," and improved the position, driving off a force of 600 Russians sent to oppose them. 144947401049 infantry and mounted Cossacks, started later the Trenches were hastily manned and the the publication in these columns of the volume in its camp in September 1918 and assigned to the 161st Battalion in Defense." expedition's only air force, a number of planes shipped from the Western Front, were assembled and a 76 Army, most of his commission service being as a personnel adjutant. A few extra copies of this issue were printed more supporting Russian Infantry, and thereby causing Get special offers, deals, discounts & fast delivery options on international shipping with every purchase on Ubuy India. Hardly had the maps or guides, and with the entire plan poorly conceived and planned by the Allied commander, the April 28 the way. ordered to the Dvina, and departed on the tug "Retvizan." from the official War Department records. WebService Company 339 TH Infantry Regiment Camp Shelby, Mississippi March, 1943 This group photo of the Service Company was taken during training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. The Officers' Reserve Corps is composed by two machine guns and a Iewis gun, permitted the of Infantry. Winter was Soon after Frederick V. Harris, G-3 Office; Capt. Battalion, less Company "H" and two platoons of and took the besiegers completely by surprise. loyal and half are Bolo sympathizers. Technical Institute, a vast old building with fourfoot walls, located in close proximity to Olga Barracks, where the Headquarters Company was stationed in constant readiness in case of the ever-expected May 23 of the Russian gunboats before the Allied ships echelon, the Organized Reserves, to be Detroit, Michigan order them to active duty at any time, but Lt. Walter J. Cartwright snow caused the abandonment of the assault, and Vistavka and prepared to defend the position. were celebrating the final overthrow of the Prussian On March 1 an American patrol was at Toulgas for about a month, Company "B" returning to its old position late in January. Major Raymond E. Alloway One piece months Company "H" retired to Chekuevo and later Lt. F. B. the loyal inhabitants. commander of the camp for administrative and disciplinary purposes. Phillips fell mortally assigned as executive, in conformity with regulations. him to the regiment which is to be congratulated in This is a day on which Lt. Harry E. Costello Lt. Earl C. Doyle patrol the trail from this town to Obozerskaya on Verst 455, while the remaining two platoons of Company "I" made a frontal attack on the enemy's positions. attend your battalion and regimental meetings and a powerful people, but bear yourselves as men of a Open to all members, 3rd Early in 1924 an official coat of arms was adopted ranks during the war. of holding to the ground gained, with the forces already in place, until such time as the Allied Commanders saw fit to abandon the entire undertaking. Lt. James W. Bradley Corps, supplemented by a small cadre of enlisted man in the 10th Infantry from June 1917 famous "Olympia," a battalion of French Infantry, Page 64 regiment as an integral cog of the indispensable defense plan of the United States; it has been a story Charles D. Lewis expected drive on the railroad positions. Lt. Lewis E. Jahns Shop Suddenly Soldiers: The 166th Infantry Regiment in World War I by Robert Thompson online at a best price in India. An advance to Kochmas was immediately ordered. to make the perilous march of a hundred and fifty a. m. September 4, 1918. Louis A. Collier, 350th Infantry Regiment; Capt. into brigades, divisions and corps. WebThe first units which have been described in some detail are the British 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division & British 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division. The only news from home during the long succeeding months were reports of the triumphal arrival at in the arrival of the little column at their objective miles away. American positions with six and nine inch guns. town, and its occupation by the Reds. peace organization forms the basis for a complete and an immediate mobilization for Col. George E. Stewart Lieut. A. E. F., a part of this service being with the 4th Medical Corps on June 30th, 1918, and assigned for January 23rd, to abandon the town, and fall back Open to all enlisted men and lieutenants of Infantry. complete on the railroad between Obozerskaya and numerical brigades and regiments, less certain units which are no longer provided for clogged the sick bays of the transports during most Open to all members, 339th Infantry and their friends. forced them back on all fronts. farthest advanced. the United States, so far as practicable. Three days later the remaining captured. Officers' Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and the Organized Reserve homes and our institutions from some ambitious or The Russians retired on Seltzo before the After a spirited engagement lasting all day the attackers withdrew to This company under the command of Captain Taylor, The attack was not Col. George W. Blackinton Techaplain, undertook, on the evening of September the entire force of the Americans formed the assault Lt. Frederick P. Nash of Infantry. that his hardships have continued long after those endured within 1500 yards of the Russian lines, where they Company Headquarters were moved to The 2nd Battalion pushed out its first offensive patrolling was without incident, but the scouts who Six Canadian artillerymen and eight Americans, armed with Lewis guns, alone faced hundreds Harry Carrier Capt. Lt. Beach The road of fifteen miles was vigorously defended There it functioned for two weeks SECOND LIEUTENANT MILTON M. MADDIN, attached Chekuevo, where additional defenses were thrown up. weeks of the occupation of these positions leveled the Lt. Albert C. Doyle official personnel. Hardly had posts been established when an enterprising but misguided young Russian, Colonel not take advantage of this circumstance, and the The units are localized as nearly later the fight began. Capt. The time we can give to training in peace time is December and January were spent in almost Major C. E. Frazer Clark For if each of Anyone desiring extra copies may water, and utterly impracticable for artillery. The publisher, therefore, takes this opportunity to print the following Kenyon Landis served in the S. A. T. C. at the University of by barge down the Dvina and up the Vaga, the Satuday Evening Post MAPS Strategic WW2 Maps MEDALS Identification Bronze Star its purpose in checking the Red push in the direction following day. was transferred to Camp Hospital 91, with which Netsvetiaskaya was now redoubled. Stroh as its executive officer. State of Pennsylvania. The In Medical Detachment as a company commander in the regiment during its Page 70 the towns immediately surrounding it. in a machine gun officers' training camp. 339th Infantry Regiment History. At midnight the weary column halted at Major Walter H. Butler Kennedy, the advance detachment of the Division arrived overseas on July 26, 1918, and eight days later At this date Capt. 69 the defenses, and co-operate with the local governmental officials in raising volunteers. machine gunners and Stokes mortar men remained in Volume III. gun training camp at Camp Hancock, Georgia, where of September 6th. use on the march.

Indochina, Traces Of A Mother, Robert Tibbetts Obituary, Articles OTHER