[52] After one such occasion, Ciel overheard Francis and Vincent talk about his suitability as "Ciel"'s spare. Ciel admonishes Pitt, while Soma asks him why he is so upset. [578], During their meeting, Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau determine that they must immediately leave the opium den in the Limehouse Districtas well as London in generalsince Arthur is aware of the ties between Ciel and Lau; and that the most discreet method of escape would be via boat on the River Thames, after which they would travel by train.[579]. They rush inside, and Sebastian stops Ciel from witnessing the murder. After Edward asks if there is nothing they can do, Sebastian comments on the "irksome" nature of human hearts to a dour Ciel. In fact, when Vincent says "introduce . As that mad lib of a sentence indicates, it's most important to know that Alois uses a new contract with a demon name . The first born of identical twins yet somehow they weren't identical. The wounded are all treated; Mey-Rin and Tanaka offer to help since they are not injured. [453] Ciel suddenly fires a shot in the air, grabs Sieglinde, and heads for the elevator. Some of the corpses then start crawling up the luggage. [9][10] Appearance Ciel's Faustian contract displayed on his right eye. [354] Suddenly, Sebastian sees the headmaster sitting in the stands. He and Sebastian go out to greet them, and Francis comments that Ciel's and Sebastian's bangs are improperly long, and they should take after Tanaka. He hears the other attendees say that they are feeling refreshed and wish to come back the next week, and notes that no one seems to have been harmed, including him. Ciel answers he needed Wolfram to look after Sieglinde; she is his insurance. However, Soma turns him down because he is busy with his search for Mina, much to Ciel's chagrin. To his amusement, Sebastian complains about the limited span of time Ciel gave him to make preparations. Ever since he has been unwilling to allow Sebastian to check for cavities in his teeth when they start to wobble. Amused, "Ciel" declares that the head of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, is actually he. He, followed by his butler, approaches them and sarcastically apologizes for being such a brat. [515], Later, Ciel, along with Edward, is surprised when Sebastian returns with an unconscious Elizabeth. As Ciel starts, Sebastian holds onto his arm. Before they can do it twice, the dorm supervisor walks in and stops it. Sebastian reveals it was Snake, who he has captured. Relatives Clayton then approaches Ciel and assigns him to clean the dining hall. [102], In a brief flashback, Sebastian is putting a corset on Ciel, who dramatically claims that his organs are coming out. She has been watching anime since before Naruto became Hokage and trying to figure out how to bend air since she was in kindergarten. Derrick's friends suddenly surround the other boys; Ciel yells at everyone to get out of the garden. Both of them thinks along the same linesthey know there is no clear standard for the special player's selection. They then speculate how the murder occurred. They are suddenly attacked by Grey, who is warded off by Sebastian. At the mansion, Sebastian and Ciel find the servants occupied with some loose sheep. They have their dreams of the future; this compels them to move forward. When Ciel yells at Snake to get his attention, Snake points straight aheadhe states Oscar says the compartment is full of corpses. Professor Michaelis shocks all the students by bringing Soma's elephant to help put out the fire. Afterward, Ciel asks Sebastian why he revealed his true form. Upon realizing what they are, Ciel asks Sebastian for confirmation that he would never lie to him. [413] Presently, Finnian tells Ciel that he and Sebastian made him into who he is now. Sebastian continues to guard Ciel and Sieglinde while Sieglinde's mother reveals the truth. [172] After the investigators leave, Ciel reprimands Agni for his actions, as it could have gotten him into trouble as well. He begins to grow dizzy, and his vision of the Viscount grows dimmer. Mey-Rin deduces that Ciel also recalls his off-the-charts behavior. Finnian scolds them for doing so in front of Ciel. But instead, he grabs Ciel tie (which was crooked) and straightens it. Ciel curiously opens up the closet, and a multitude of cats that Sebastian had hidden rush out, eliciting Ciel's allergic reaction. [278] Ciel, Sebastian, Grelle, and Ronald reluctantly recite the lines and strike the Phoenix Pose.[279]. Furthermore, Snake should follow his lead and feel free to be whoever he wants.[242]. He hides behind crates but is discovered by Doll. Irrefutably, he says, he would grow sick one day and pass away with the ring. They return the documents, with Sebastian stating he has already memorized them, and they depart. He opens it and sees his own name, much to his shock. Sebastian soon concludes that Ciel has no dancing experience (which is why he is reluctant to join Elizabeth in dancing) and offers to teach him the basics. When they demand to know why he is here, Ciel answers that he has come to clean up the mess caused by the old pathetic hunting dog, that is, Randall. Edward replies he doesn't know; when Ciel is leaving, he unexpectedly grabs his hand and asks him if this has anything to do with his job as the Queen's Watchdog. He declares that Ciel's hard work and efforts demonstrate his commitment to his team and his pure desire to defeat Green Househe may be small, but "the owl came to hunt the lion in earnest."[359]. Ciel realizes that there is a way for him to meet the headmaster. Sebastian had already known of your involvement in This case. They then agree to not interfere with each other. [450] Entering another room, they find it full of giant cylinders. He also admits, while crying, that he had invited Cheslock and the others to Sphere Music Hall, in hopes that word might eventually reach Ciel, so that Ciel would come and end it all, because he could not bring himself to do it. Annoyed Ciel tells him to be quiet. He adds that he can't believe that Undertaker took a job at a school. Toboso once joked that, due to their height difference, Ciel sometimes stands on a box when he poses together with Sebastian for a cover illustration as he would otherwise disappear from the frame. [64], Sebastian asserted that he did not recruit Baldroy on the basis of his culinary skills; rather, the Phantomhive Manor was in need of another senior staff to manage the other servants. Baldroy was speechless when Ciel stated that he would have the intruders pay a heavy price for disturbing his sleep. Ciel and Sebastian both ask Sieglinde if they may accompany her so they can learn about the forest's dangers. "Ciel" tells Alexis that Ciel has been posing as him. Sebastian then helps Ciel out of his robeshe apologizes for being rough, but he knew Ciel was being followed. They are both silent as a rescue ship approaches. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. [168][169], Later at the manor, Soma bursts in Ciel's bedroom, bewildered by television. [48] Due to his affliction and poor health, he often had to stay inside Phantomhive Manor while "Ciel" and his cousin Elizabeth Midford played outside with Angelina[49] or while his parents and brother went to boat tours. [485], Once Edward and Ciel are seated, the former informs him about a certain meeting Herman Greenhill introduced him to a month ago; he took Elizabeth along to one of them, at her insistence, and she got her fortune told by Blavat Sky; afterward, she attended the meeting on a regular basis, infatuated with the place, and ultimately stopped going home. Baldroy personally eliminated two men outside Ciel's bedroom. Emerging from the smoke are Lau and Ran-Mao, who has broken the ceiling. "[506], When Ciel says that he needs more information on the corpses, Sebastian pulls out a map, revealing that he discovered eighteen corpses, five of which buried in Epping Forest, east of London; after careful investigation, Sebastian came to the conclusion that the corpses have nothing to common. In order to create the contract, a human has to summon a demon. Ciel then points out the things that make Lau suspicious, but soon assures him that he knows fully well that Lau could not have killed all of the three victims even if he had teamed up with Sebastian. The Queen admits that she has never before heard of parties that permit all sorts to attend and is worried that "some manner of evil scheme" may be taking place. [139] At his fencing time, Ciel challenges Soma to a duel; if he wins, Soma must remain quiet and stay out of Ciel's way. After making a contract with Sebastian so he can get revenge for the people who killed his parents, Sebastian must serve him. Ciel comments that in this country, the best place to look for news of a person is by going to a club or a pub (which is what Agni and Soma are doing); so, they are not up to something insidious. Sebastian apologizes and states that he has all the gas' samples. He thinks inwardly that "Ciel" is not here anymoreonly Earl Phantomhive exists. Ciel responds negatively to all of their reasons. After Sieglinde affirms that she is still resolved to develop a magic remedy to help people, Ciel orders her to give the Queen the process to make mustard gas, to Sieglinde's and Wolfram's surprise. [238] Alexis Leon Midford also over-affectionately hugs Ciel, addressing him as his "future son. He states that he has discovered that even the dead can evolve. Druitt replies that he cannot do that since the "cast" is incomplete. Sebastian explains why he thinks that destroying the music hall and its "charismatic celebrities," the S4 and Blavat, will work in their disfavor. Ciel proceeds through the ship and runs into Elizabeth, who states she was following him after he ran away from the dining hall. Ciel is discomposed. Ciel reads books from various famous authors, such as. The two nobles have similar lives and yet so different from each other. As a final word, Sebastian instructed Baldroy to use the back staircase for servants the next time he goes upstairs, as letting guests see a servant running about was unacceptable. However, Grelle, being a Grim Reaper and a co-criminal, possesses the supernatural abilities that would allow access to the prostitute's room without Ciel and Sebastian knowing. Ciel and Sebastian note that the missing children are all here and they act like servants to Kelvin. Then, he hears the other members returning and replaces the letter. While Sebastian prepares the carriage, Ciel muses on Elizabeths cryptic words. He dodges them both, but Ciel catches his chain of mourning hair lockets. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." Ciel finally allows them to stay, but on the condition that Soma will work by managing his townhouse in London. [507], Suddenly, Sebastian smells blood on Ciel and tears off Ciel's shirt, exposing needle marks, to Ciel's and Sebastian's. Dagger then introduces them to Suit, who is actually William T. Spears. After revealing the reasons for his suspicions, Ciel demands to see him. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. RELATED:Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Solf J. Kimblee. [85], Sebastian and Ciel banter for a while, which distresses Azzurro greatly, and he threatens to shoot Ciel in the head. Before Ciel could give an order dealing with William, Dagger pulls him away to practice. Professional status Sebastian adds that Edward, out of sincere respect for his superiors, is also quickly learning things. They decide to move Georg's corpse to the cellar. [206][207] Later, Nina tells Ciel and Elizabeth that it is time for fitting. He adds that he tends to use all the pawns he has at his disposal, and that if Agni does not like that, he is free to leave and return to India. [288] Ciel desperately screams Sebastian's name again and again. Even though Ciel does not like sports and even hates to walk, he is very fond of horseback riding. They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. [308], Ciel is ambushed by Soma and Agni, who attempt to snatch away his egg. [197] Kelvin then relays his story of how he was fascinated by Ciel ever since he met him years ago. One of the engineers suddenly calls out to them; they all do the Phoenix pose to prove that they are one party. Later, Ciel informs a shocked Edward that they are establishing their own music hall, as well as their own group, and explains that when given two options which cost the same, customers would choose the one of higher quality. Because the majority of the guests suspect Ciel as the murderer, they decide he must be watched by one of them. [108] They hear a scream from the prostitute's house, although they did not see anyone enter. Ciel confidently replies that he has a trick to do everything. [564], Ciel mulls over the situation and determines that Sirius, the Blue Star and the cult leader of Sphere Music Hall, which was illegally harvesting blood, is "Ciel". Soma backs Ciel up, and orders Agni to not cause trouble for his friends or turn himself in. Ciel proclaims that, to avoid the chances of running into Scotland Yard and further damaging his reputation, as well as the chances of "Ciel" and Undertaking escaping, he will first root out and eliminate "Ciel"'s lifelines before confronting "Ciel" himself. [260], Ciel, Snake, Elizabeth, and Rian start moving towards his room. On June 3rd, the night before the big game, all the dorms hold a grand party, each once arriving in the main hall with great fanfare. [211] After the guests have all gathered, Ciel goes to greet them. They declared that they wished to raise their king of corruption to a new level in power, and that "Ciel" and Ciel were lambs, pure and innocent souls, brought to fulfill that purpose by being defiled, as the devil supposedly desired unclean and tainted souls. Ciel was a target that had a bounty and hit on his head. [189] He then goes to Sebastian and William's tent. Sebastian tells both of them they must hurry to the lifeboats. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. When Sebastian returns, he explains everything to an irritated Ciel. Ciel says he will not regret decisions that have allowed him to advance, and he orders Sebastian to never betray or leave him. Later on, when Ciel is with Sebastian in his room, he instructs him to prepare some strong tea since it's going to be a long night. [232], Sebastian Michaelis tells the household they will be adding another member to the staff. Finally, at Harrod's Stores, they all see Funtom's new line of ladies products. Ciel then directs his attention to Undertaker, questioning him about his motives. Lau, Sebastian, Ciel, and Soma follow Agni, and they reach a building where their target has entered. After Maurice is apprehended, the boys compliment Ciel on his bravery. When Sebastian demurs from rescuing him immediately, Ciel asks Sebastian if he is daring to go against the Faustian contract. He did a background check and found out about your dark past. [2] Alive During the party, Ciel is surrounded by his carefree and playful friends (Elizabeth, Soma, and McMillan). [118], They part ways, and Ciel and Sebastian go to speak to Undertaker. [104], Later Angelina comes in while Ciel is working and offers to play a game of chess with him. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. Ciel mocks Soma for falling for a trick like that and smugly asserts that he will take any measure to win. The series garnered plenty of attention for its performances, script and . Afterward, Ciel gives Sebastian two weeks to invest in the abandoned theatre across the street from Sphere Music Hall, remodel it into Funtom Music Hall, and make preparations for the grand opening; they also establish the Phantom Five, a group that will rival Sphere Music Hall's Starlight Four, consisting of Soma, Edward, Cheslock, Clayton, and Joanne Harcourt. Ciel loudly issues his order to eradicate the Bizarre Dolls. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. They then notice Patrick Phelps' absence and go to Ciel's bedroom where he should be at. However, it seems that they do not need to be aware of the existence of demons, attempt to summon a specific demon, or even summon one intentionally, as Ciel Phantomhive states he summoned Sebastian Michaelis accidentally. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. Phantomhive ManorPhantomhive townhouse, LondonThe Campania (briefly)Weston College (former) [432], All of them, Sebastian included, line up by Ciel's bedside. Ciel then orders Sebastian to begin preparations and contact Lau and Undertaker. The boat tips over and all the Blue House boys topple into the river. Ciel scoffs, comparing said rivalry to the trivial rivalry of women. [131], Sebastian and Ciel arrive at Lau's opium den, and Ciel comments that the place has an awful smell. He commands Sebastian to stop a child from being killed, and Sebastian verifies that the children there were kidnapped by Kelvin. [45] Like his mother, he has asthma. Ciel has Sebastian assemble the group, which is divided into pairs to tackle each location: Ciel and Sebastian will investigate the new resort hotel in Brighton. Tanaka ushers Ciel to get a change of clothes and admonishes him, saying that he should not be shaken by something as "trivial" as the death of a servant, adding that Vincent Phantomhive had never once been agitated by these matters. When it is in flames, Ciel comments that it is now a moving oven; Sebastian agrees wholeheartedly. Ciel startles Elizabeth's parents and her brother Edward Midford by his unexpected appearance. [375] Undertaker watches as Ciel helps a terrified Joanne get out. [254], Ciel tells Elizabeth and Snake to run. Ciel is initially oblivious to the fact that Agni was attempting to confess and turn himself into the police. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. Alarmed, Elizabeth is about to insist that she will accompany him when Sebastian quickly knocks her out. Ciel remarks that he will have to visit him and orders Sebastian to prepare the tickets.[389]. Crying won't help anyone; the world is just that cruel' He promises that he would catch the "rat" soon since he received ingredients; that is, drugs, from Chlaus. Disgusted, Ciel insults Kelvin and pulls a gun on him; this causes Joker to lay a sword on Ciel, and Sebastian to put a knife against Joker. [198] But, Ciel and Sebastian are unimpressed. One day during lunch, McMillan tells him about "fags," who are like little brothers to the prefects. Ciel says that the solution to Sphere Music Hall was, simply, to give the attendees an alternative, and Sebastian says that establishing an imitation across the street from the original is "terribly cheeky and wicked" of Ciel. [316], In class, Ciel and McMillan are discussing how he got in when Clayton arrives and makes everyone line up. PhantomhiveThe British Royal FamilyFuntom CorporationFaustian contract Ciel and Sebastian head out; Lawrence calls for Ciel, but is ignored. 8 He Was Bipolar Fans found Alois a dangerously unpredictable character. When Cheslock questions their choice of Clayton, Sebastian modifies Clayton's appearance, and they are all impressed with the result. It is a one-of-a-kind family heirloom that his father, Vincent, wore to show he was the head of the Phantomhive household. [151][152][153], Afterwards, he tries to leave with Sebastian to further discuss Harold West, but Soma chases after him. Ciel plans to discuss their team's strategy, but their "coach" has "disappeared." He enjoys reading books by various authors, which are composed of mystery authors. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. [35] With the Funtom Corporation, he is simultaneously striving for revenge and realizing his childhood dream, a move "Ciel Phantomhive" deems astute. Grelle slashes her way through multiple corpses and reaches Aleister. When Sebastian finally returns to Ciel's side, he has prepared the meal; however, they are interrupted by news about a werewolf attack. As soon as he allows them to begin, Francis runs off, and Ciel tries to get Elizabeth to hop down off of his horse. Ciel is one of the characters whose character design was only slightly changed during the pre-production. With Sebastian handling everything and Ciel taking all of the credit, everyone is astounded by Ciel's efficiency. He continues to laugh, saying humans are nothing but evil creatures that are more devilish than real devils. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden. [494], Ciel, Edward, and the crowd look over at the stage. "[496], Afterward, Ciel, Edward, and the other attendees exit the music hall. Afterward, each person states his or her alibi, and Ciel fails to have one because he was in his bedroom alone. Wolfram, then, makes the conjecture that Ciel became anaemic because his blood was taken from him rather than something being injected into him. After a whole day of fun, lightheartedness, and more misunderstandings (mainly between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford because of Sieglinde), Ciel finally retires for the day with Sebastian in tow. [196], Ciel then asks Kelvin for the whereabouts of the rest of the kidnapped children. Undertaker then parades "Ciel", whom he rescued from the fire at the cathedral and whom he refined through trial and error, as his finest creation. Sebastian quietly laughs when Ciel enters with his team "God Only Knows", and they receive an awkward reaction from the guests. Ciel hasn't had the best life for a child. [119], Sebastian agrees that Ciel was kind, or else he would be a coward, because Ciel had a hidden gun, but he did not pull the trigger. To Ciel and Edward's astonishment, several individuals in dark cloaks have emerged, with a few of them carrying candles. The P4 arrive, and Edgar Redmond sees Ciel standing on the grass. [422] Ciel adds he does not want to suffer anymore. One morning as Sebastian is assisting Ciel, Soma bursts into his bedroom, demanding to know why he has left school. Ciel, then, grants her permission to choose Sebastian's clothes.

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