Certain landforms further reduce waves erosive power. Fig. molecule has a positive and negative charge. b.rise in sea level due to a large weight of glacier on a continental mass. What is the wave base? -Wave refraction at the headland increases erosion at the headland and causes deposition in adjacent bays. Air trapped inside the barrel of the wave may explode or spit out of the barrel as the wave races along. Landforms and beach slope can also affect waves, currents, and the movement of water. e. they enhance the natural flow of sand along a beach. Coastal upwelling along the coast of Chile is a result of winds from the ___ turning towards the ____ due to Ekman transport. As water gets shallower and waves travel more slowly, their wavelength decreases. If caught in a rip current, it is best to swim parallel to shore, until you are out of the rip current, before swimming toward shore. b.rise in sea level due to a large weight of glacier on a continental mass. Wave height increases. Any shoreline construction causes change in the beach environment. Manganese nodules Fig. the supply of new sand to replenish beaches is cut off Definition. c. there is not an established relationship between evaporation and Atlantic inflow. -the time it takes for one wavelength of a wave to pass a particular point. in shallow water, the ENERGY of the tsunami must be contained within a SMALLER water column. In general, bays will have more sedimentation, because they have less wave energy, and headlands will have more erosion, due to the higher amount of wave energy reaching them. The maximum tidal currents are reported ________. C) wave diffraction. 5.19). -The wavelength of the wave must be contained within a larger water column in shallow water. a. E) wave diffraction. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. -Freak waves The time it takes for a full wave to pass a stationary object is called the wave: Period. A) sea, surf . d. they cause erosion down-stream of the longshore drift. The height of a wave depends upon ________. Will Xbox Series X ever be in stock again? When will perfect constructive interference occur for waves that are in phase and moving at the same velocity? Report a problem? The movement of air across the ocean surface creates ____ waves. Where in an atom are neutrons, protons, and electrons located? Fig. -The energy of the wave must be contained within a smaller water column in shallow water. Ions from atmospheric and volcanic gases. e. to change the direction of the tides. A tsunami may result from: Tectonic activity on the seafloor A tsunami is considered to be a: Shallow water wave T or F: Internal waves have never been directly observed False Constructive interference results in larger. Because a rip current carries sediment out to sea, water in the rip current may appear a different color than the surrounding water (Fig. The gravitational attraction among the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Refraction is the change in direction of waves as they move between materials with different properties. There are three types of breaking waves: plunging breakers, spilling breakers, and surging breakers. A wave with an amplitude that is the SUM of the amplitudes of the initial two waves. MS-ESS2-2 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth's surface at varying time and spatial scales. The largest wind-generated waves tend to be associated with the: The speed of a shallow-water wave is proportional to: How does water move as waves pass? D) constructive interference. -the highest part of the wave a.increased glacial and sea ice melting due to global warming. The waves touch bottom. What is the wavelength? Choose all that apply. How do I put my PS5 controller in pairing mode? e.All of the above might be found along a secondary coast. The El Nio Southern Oscillation can best be described as ____. Which type of current flow moves in a circular path around a subtropical convergence, reflecting Ekman transport, gravity, and the Coriolis effect? Foraminiferans and Coccolithophores -Waves with shorter periods have longer wavelengths. d.contain less sediment than summer beaches due to low energy waves during the winter. Because the focal spot results from the interference of these two waves, the time-reversed field can always be expressed (for a monochromatic wave) as the imaginary part of the Green's function (22). The center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is called the ____. An estuary is a semi-enclosed coastal body of water where, Figure 8A-1 - https://www.ametsoc.org/amsedu/ds-ocean/oos_images/InvManImgs2021/Fig08A-1.png The Coriolis Effect deflects a fluid to the ______ in the Northern Hemisphere. All of the following are examples of features found along primary coasts except: Which characteristic would be found along a secondary coast? e.very little difference between high and low tides. How do headlands and bays form on discordant coastlines? There are surf breaks all over the Pacific ocean basin. Alternating layers of hard and soft rock allow the sea to erode the soft rock faster, forming a bay but leaving hard rock sticking out, known as a headland. There is constructive interference between the lunar and solar tidal bulges during ________ tides. How does wave refraction at headlands affect deposition and erosion? An in crease in seawater density can be caused by a ___ in temperature or a/an ___ in salinity. a.at a density boundary within the ocean. are formed when electrons are shared by atoms. Multiple Choice Waves converge on headlands due to: A)constructive interference. -When waves with identical wavelengths interfere. A shallow-water wave must form in water depth less than 100 meters. Wave steepness is defined as wave height divided by wavelength. B. capillary wave An eddy about 600 km off the coast of Australia in the southeastern Indian Ocean, which was made visible by a plankton bloom on December 30, 2013 that showed sea surface currents. Waves come into shore and break parallel to the coast because ocean floor topography is generally similar to the shape of the beach. The map below shows some popular surf spots. The Gulf Stream is an example of which of the following currents? Choose the one best answer from the choices provided. Compared to an eastern boundary current in a gyre, which of the following statements is true for a western boundary current? - Which of the following from earliest to latest represents the typical order of formation of waves? Arrows represent direction of incoming wave fronts. Which of the following currents contributes to the South Western United States being arid? D) surf. Tsunami waves and tidal bores are examples of surging breakers. b. as evaporation increases, inflow increases. What are two sources of dissolved salts in sea water? If the force on an object is in the negative direction, the work it does on the object must be? -Wave period is the inverse of wave height. Is respiration endothermic or endothermic? Make Print-Friendly, When you're ready to print, just click this button: Fig. 5.18. If the bottom is very steep, a plunging wave becomes a collapsing wave, when the top of the wave breaks onto the lower part of the wave. Waves converge on headlands due to wave refraction Standing waves may be caused by wave reflection A tsunami may result from ____. Common beach features are shown in Fig. Cold currents flowing ___ on the ___ sides of continents produce arid conditions. Longshore currents flow roughly parallel to the beach (Fig. 58) Waves converge on headlands due to: A) constructive interference. Make a beach profile, or side view, showing the shape of the beach. Of the following events, which is/are capable of generating waves? -the highest part of the wave Combinations of each type of wave often occur in a surf zone. -The waves have longer wavelength just in front of the headland, causing the waves to bend. 5.20). a. Thermohaline circulation is driven by ___. Destructive interference c. Wave diffraction d. Wave reflection e. Wave refraction. North Atlantic Central Surface Water (NACSW). Converging surface waters are areas of _____ and _____ productivity. If the map does not display but requires you to log in your organization account, log out of your organization account in the browser, and then refresh this page. The energy of waves help to shape coastal features. If a surfer wishes to have a really long ride, what type of wave should he or she look for? -the bending of waves due to a change in wave phase e.wave refraction. Eventually, the wave will reach a height that causes it to break, or fall over onto itself. Approximately half of the worlds population lives within 200 km of a coastline. e.The gravitational attraction among the oceans, mountains, and the moon. b.at the boundary between the atmosphere and the ocean. -When two waves that have long wavelength interfere. -The wavelength produced when two or more waves interact. D)wave reflection. Wind speed, direction, and fetch all contribute to creating waves and swell. Why do people generally install a groin along their beach-front property? In terms of erosion protection from wave action, seawalls: Relative (local) changes in sea level might include: a.tectonic activity resulting in a regional coastline that is higher or lower. Waves converge on headlands due to _____. Volcanic Ash. The New Moon is immediately followed by the ________ phase of the Lunar Cycle. 5.9. e.volcanic activity resulting in the formation of new continental crust. The larger the wavelength and the smaller the barrier opening, the greater the waves will appear to bend around the barrier. -the distance between the highest and lowest part of the wave B) plunging breakers. 58. . -Wave amplitude increases as depth increases. -A wave with an amplitude that is the sum of the amplitudes of the initial two waves. If the side of the Earth that faces the Moon experiences a high tide, then the side of the Earth that is opposite from the Moon will have a ________. Surf is characterized by lines of foam formed by breaking waves and a distinctive, often rhythmic sound that many people find peaceful. Fig. Energy travels as right angles to the direction of the vibrating particles in ____. d.close to shore as it moves into shallow water. d.high nutrient levels associated with tidally mixed ocean water. Waves at the ocean surface are ____ waves. Of the following statements about ocean waves, which one(s) describe wave period? A wave may break more than once, and in different ways, as it advances to shore. the distance over which wind blows without interruption. In addition, for many the ocean is a source of inspiration, recreation, rejuvenation, and discovery. Combinations of each type of wave often occur in a surf zone. You can use the same procedure to make a profile of the area outside your classroom. Water waves travel faster in deep water than in shallow water. than other ocean surface currents because ___________. In the southern atmosphere, the direction of Ekman transport is always. b. destructive interference.c. The low parts of the waves are called ____.

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