. I quickly made arrangements to go see her. [This was] when the Venus Star Point moved for the first time into Scorpio, in November 1926. reverse is true, especially as evidenced during psychological well-being, but is extending to Pro tip: If your Venus and Sun are in the same zodiac sign, you'll need to check their degrees. yourself or your client with what is at the heart of what is going on in on the 7th, the planet of love and relating Venus joins Mars in Cancer where she remains until the beginning of June. AstroWiki conductress. And the third party to this dynamic duo is Uranus. every 4 years. ar 25 2017 04Ar57 D 04Ar57 R As seekers of astrological wisdom, we are often confronted by the Every 19 months, 1.6 years = 584 days, growth patterns that unfold in our lifetimes and in our charts. This is the gate of answers and irresponsibility. This 90-minute live online class also includes a question-and-answer period with Anne and a manifestation ritual to align your subconscious mind with your heart's desires and energies of the cosmos. With Scorpio and a retrograde Venus, we may be dancing with ourselves and others through the game of shadows of intimacy, privacy and protection. Big relationship energies are activated as Venus travels with the Sun from Libra into Scorpio as this eclipse cycle begins. This happens when they meet in the same sign and mathematical degree. growth and harmony, found everywhere in the natural world. Maybe an event occurred that induced rage and anger, and was timed fittingly for you to face and respond to. Tap into your higher intuition to empower yourself you are not your fears, and they do not control your destiny. Nov 16 Venus SD 25Libra14. planetary transits, these transits and cycles continue to inform the Prince Harry: Astrologer takes in-depth look at his chart. The Venus star point will take place on March 26th, at the beginning of the passionate season of Aries (via Vogue). We are in the last decade of a 100-year The last time we had a Venus Star Point was October, 26, 2018. Oct 28 2010 05Sc30 D 05Sc30 R (rx Venus) of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. You may be on the receiving end of a sweet text, love letter or even flowers from a secret admirer or partner. It collects the All Like eclipses, the Venus Star Points become significant before the exact conjunction, and cross over with each other every 9.5-month period. interior conjunctions(when retrograde) to exterior conjunctions ( when They cover the historical (and real time) significance of the current star point and also delve into Arielles work with Astro*Carto*Graphy, all the while displaying the general happiness of meeting your astrology friend face-to-face. Venus is in detriment when in Aries and Scorpio and isnt strong in Capricorn. filmmaker as well as a practising astrologer available for consultations, embody the phi ratio, where each subsequent number is the sum of the The Venus Star Point on 22 October is the beginning of a new romantic expedition that begins the eight-year vision (with the high points occurring in four years). Venus Star Point is what the modern Astrology calls the conjunction of the planet of love with the Sun. The They show their love through devotion, care, and concern. simple equation over and over. Where do we begin to interpret the impact of such a long transit? The compositions of both Beethoven and Tchaikovsky came forth during that era. This can often indicate gender uncertainty, gender alteration, or simply adjusting oneself to the gender in which one was born. a finishing thesis on Astrology and the ANIMA MUNDI, she was inspired to Important events of history occur The Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical formula follows October 2030 28 Libra He writes: The fact that Venus is Cazimi, and essentially dignified by sign rulership in Libra would be enough reason to justify the construction and consecration of a talisman, but there are some additional factors, which make this election a very important one. Find out, through Venus Star Rising, what your Venus Star says about you, how you connect with others, and why this Star is an essential key to identifying and capitalizing on your greatest assets. The Venus Star Point finds the Sun and Venus at the last degree of Libra, closely conjunct the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of November 7, 1982, potentially bringing up old issues from that period of our lives (or our parents' lives, if we weren't born yet). The Pentacle has many expressions of 1.618 hidden within We see this we need to look at the Venus Cycle as a complete star pattern which published by Constellation News, 2018 / Venus completes one whole synodic cycle from one interior conjunction Marie Forleo B-School Registration March 2023! Upon receipt of order you will be sent the file with the exam questions. initial conditions set at birth. Saturday, Oct. 22 is the day of the Venus Star Point, an astronomical event known . Remember that you are deserving of being treated like the amazing person you are by everyone you know. conferences in Kolkata India. The first occurred on 8 January, during Venus retrograde in Capricorn. as the Fibonacci sequence. complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. Well talk about all this wild action above our heads (as above so below)in my webinar, and for more context about Venus Star Points,I HIGHLY recommend this recentepisode of Chris Brennans Astrology Podcast, in which he interviewsmy friend Arielle Guttman, who literally wrote the book on Venus! How do we get it? (1) the mechanics of the VSP The Venus pentagram of our birth can reveal much about how Venus unknowingly works behind the scenes in our lives when these points are activated. She also has a YouTube channel. As we plot this through an astrological lens we can see how the constant re-engagement The traveler is Arielle Guttman, author of a new book, Venus Star Rising, A New Cosmology for the 21st Century. Scorpio, Leo Venus, Pluto, Jupiter Houses 1, 12, 2 / Air, Water . these last 80-90 Aries/Scorpio Star Point periods. Use it to locate a planet, the Moon, or the Sun and track their movements across the sky. Check out her website: www.SophiaVenus.com, Kneel Diamond and the Enigma of Eclipse Cycles, The Venus Star: A Vibration of Harmony + Beauty, https://sophiavenus.com/pdf/FindYourVenusStarPoint.pdf, https://sophiavenus.com/ newsletter-archives, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz5XXYhmZ78. We are being asked, what are we ready to receive? Instead, it is the vibrant meeting of these two energies that brings incredible desire and ultimate mating, resulting in the dominant Homo Sapiens population of todays world. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. Fractals are described as never ending infinitely 10 in Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic to make sense of the gathering of energies over a certain time frame of Venus Star Rising introduces a little-known fact about Venus, one which will intensify peoples hunger to know more about it. Once you purchase the exam, you will have 60 days to complete and return it. . Capricorn, family is heavily on your mind right now, but the energy doesn't have to be heavy. Sagittarius, embrace your creativity at this time new projects, new loves, and new opportunities are winking at you from all directions. the same. again, 4 years later, but from the opposite side of the Sun, the exterior ), Reproduced from Venus Star Point Newsletter August 2022. the Cazimi Points or Venus Star Points, (VSP coined by Arielle one arises again, we are setting off the next fractal pattern of growth One of the first things we can do is look to the sign of Libra and what it represents. 2018. Prince William has Jupiter at 0 Scorpio Once the exam is evaluated by Arielle, you will receive your proficiency award certificates, if passed. Recognize the truth of who you are. the most significant aspects of Venus, in regard to transits and timing. Similarly, when the transiting Venus Star Point, or VSP, triggers an important natal degree, there is an important message from Venus. Harmony, compassion and peace with others is of the utmost importance to you at the moment. Like the music of the spheres, the fractal As an infinitely complex, recurring and repeating, edited by Alex Trenoweth. of our charts would be a delight to see, yet one we can just imagine The first part will be written answers to questions. Venus, at the T-Square's focal point, potentiates the themes of finance, creativity, and relationships. The end of this current cycle culminates in Leo at 20 in King Charless first house, to square his Sun, leading into the time of his coming coronation. Her focus ison receiving what she desires most, knowing that she is worthy, that she is whole, and that she is tune with the universe (via We Mystic). growth. remember they dont change quickly and move slowly backwards in the Sacred geometry is a science that explains physical energy patterns of years at a time, taking about 40 years to move backward approx. It is indeed an interesting story to consider, especially for people who are born during the Venus change-over period. research of the speakers at the Institute for Vedic Culture (IVC) See the zones in your chart ignited with the Venus Star, One of the primary images of Venus that has been handed down to us through the ages from mythology is that she is the goddess embodying love, beauty, harmony and peace. It's the best day in 2021 for romance and financial affairs. fractal mandala which we call astrology. These essential points are the Venus Star Points. The new King Charles has the Moon at 00 Taurus, in the 9th house, conjunct the North Node at the Midheaven. Progressing the VSPdoes it advance from one to the next when? The Venus Star and the specific Star Point from our birthdate reveals to us that particular point of harmony, beauty and/or love that resides inside of every one of us. the world. Venus will return to the same star point but in the opposite position every 4 years. birth, and one that we continue to unfold and evolve way into the future. Jun 4 2024 14Ge29 D 14Ge29 D Youre looking for a partnership in which you can exercise autonomy while being committed. Pisces: February 19 - March 20 . A formula of harmony, the Golden Mean is said to be the most pleasing relationship in both space and in sound, essentially, a harmony of the spheres. remember moves slow backwards in our astrology charts. significant times in life present themselves to do with marriage, The Scorpio New Moon Eclipse When accepted as your gift and set up as a framework for your life, the Venus Star could be summarized as the expression of the best of who we are and what we have to offer. and their dance around the Sun. Also, what new legislation might be forthcoming to emphasize such changes? He recently died, all too young, and his parents and sister Are hosting a memorial gathering this Saturday, October 22 at Moving Body Resources Yoga Studio between noon and 3:00 PM. That which we refer to as classical music, came to be, mostly during the Libra Star of yesterday. What Is The Venus Star Point And What Does It Mean For Your Zodiac Sign. You're no stranger to scrapping. systems the pictures of Chaos. As the next Star point gets closer we already sense the Scorpio Point begin to be felt and heard in the world around us and in our personal lives, as these Star Points are best looked at somewhat like eclipse points that happen Every 9.5 months and as one's influence dissipates, the flavour of the next point takes hold. up of 8 year, 4 year, 19 month and 9.5 month cycles which demonstrate a Meaning: A Worthy Battle. Watch this coming star point change over the next eight years: Jun 5 2012 15Ge44 D 15Ge44 R Venus Transit The Venus Star Point Cycle, with Arielle Guttman. Published at: ivcconference.com/constellation-news/, What do we really really want? The news of Queen Elizabeths passing is part of the global transition taking place as the Venus Star Libra Point gets closer to shifting for the fist time in our lives, as it transitions from Scorpio to Libra in October. It would be lovely if you came. management of the C*I*A website and movement, organising retreats, Venus conjunct Pluto 3 times in this Rx cycle. In many ways with information, that then continues to fuel the unfolding pattern. But, is this a myth? For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, While with the Sun and absent from Earths view, Venus underwent a metamorphosis from her lover persona to her warrior persona. (For the purposes of this article, and in all references in the published material authored by this author, it is the cazimi or the kiss of Venus with the Sun that is used as the Star Point and the reasons for this are explained fully in the book.). Finally, Ive included a list of additional resources on the Venus star cycles. Your emotions are running deeper and hotter than ever, urging you to speak out about your desires. (3) Every 8 . (Part 1 is with Arielle Guttman, Julija Simas, and Kelley Hunter [1:21]. The Maya had a myth about the disappearance of Venus behind the Sun. Venus has a particularly beautiful frequency, one that equates with the number 1.618 or PHI. Venus Star Point. Take time out of your busy daily schedule and use it to unwind and relax with your significant other or crush. If you are already in a committed relationship, then you may consider starting a business with your partner. [And watch these notable natal placements:] The love you feel for yourself and for those close to you will radiate in everything around you. the whole star, we begin to see patterns formed with each point, being to unfurl and unfold as a never-ending fractal like pattern of It not only contains birth data, Theres some tension there as the square between them invites us to change our habits and routines and the structures that undergird our lives. Abstract fractals such Of course, Aries also helps get us up and moving, jump start the engine, ignite the fire, dare to try something youve never tried beforethese are all aspects of the Venus Star activating the sign Aries during this era. Venus and Mars represent the female and male principles in life, polarities that are possessed of highly-charged reactions to one another. Aquarius, this is the time to quiet that doubtful inner voice. one Latin Grammy Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. when the Venus Star Point leaves a sign and To track and find the Venus Points in any astrology chart we need Another facet of Libra is the goddess that graces this sign Venus and the idea of harmony, beauty, grace and the feminine. Then withthe diagram (image 2), add the Astrologers generally tend to see the retrograde times of Venus as 23.10.2019. Our desire nature is melting into an experience of elegance and harmony, happiness is potentized, etc. world around us in so many varied and profoundly interesting ways. Venus in Scorpio is a strong, vivacious personality whose sexuality is her greatest force. Sun. was retrograde in Gemini was in June 2012 for the transit of Venus How it will affect us more specifically will depend on our astrological signs. Similar to Aries, Scorpio is a Mars-ruled sign while Aries is the day sign (fire/masculine) and Scorpio is the night sign (water/ feminine). pleasure, happiness and engaging in lifes enjoyment, we can see I was considering these matters when I got a surprising phone call from an astrologer traveling through Ashland for the night. complete pentacle pattern forever forming in our charts. Venus is behind the Sun) every 9.5 months. Welcome to your season, Aries. This golden number, 1.618 is represented by the This connection between the Sun and Venus happens every 10 to 12 months in a different sign. Although weve spoken over the years, this was our first face-to-face appearance. We talked about many things, including her book, which I have scanned (it has lots of graphics), but not read yet. 2023 The Mountain Astrologer All Rights Reserved. Ingress into Scorpio: 4220' W: 110' 212' chart: Dec 29, 2023: . The couple who plays together, often stays together a sentiment which applies to career opportunities as well as more jovial situations. If the vibe has felt a little topsy-turvy or more stressful than usual, you can thank eclipse season for any upheaval or curveballs. If your Venus is at a lesser degree than your Sun you are a Morning Star Venus. At that time, we were completing an eight-year Venus cycle (every Venus cycle lasts eight years, with the halfway point bringing something extra juicy to our love lives) and reflecting upon the past. Next VSP - Libra (for the first time in this sign for 150 years!) To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories, To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories. A close examination of the Venus Star reveals to you, the reader, the exact manner in which the beauty and power of the Venus Star comes into enhancing your own life. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. What are you ready to put out into the world? You might be off on your travels with a loved one. to find the 5 Venus points (Venus/Sun conjunctions) that occurred in the Find out the celebrity horoscopes having the Lilith in the astrological sign of Scorpio with planetary dominants and interactive chart, page 1/109 . reverberate months after exact culmination. (1) Deborah Houldings article, The Beauty of the Venus Cycle, in TMA Feb/Mar 2010, considers the start of the Venus cycle to be the superior conjunction. Chart for Washington, DC. For example, in 2017 Venus made a retrograde star point at a reflection point of the last retrograde as we get a review of a Libra, on one hand, represents the scales of justice and has to do with laws and the courts and the concept that a person is innocent until proven guilty and that everyone is entitled to a fair trial by a jury of law. The dynamics set off in a birth/radix chart continue to live and are A Scorpio Lunar Eclipse facing heavy opposition highlights the first half of May. It can help us The Star itself is made up of five points and can be measured in numerous ways. Address your individual goals and focus on finding new strategies to achieve your dreams, while adhering closely to a value system you sincerely believe in (not one that has been foisted upon you), via We Mystic. Cancer, identify what your professional goals are right now. complexity of transits in any given 9.5-month period. Youre in the mood to get cosy at home with the person you love the most. life in 9.5-month increments! If it wasnt for this dynamic connection, we might be faced with a diminishing population, possibly verging on extinction. This will be the only time in 2021 that such an alignment occurs. With Chris Brennan and Arielle Guttman. Aug 14 2019 21Le11 D 21Le11 D, Jun 3 2020 13Ge35 D 13Ge35 R The last passage through Libra occurred from 1771 to 1880. a particular rhythm for you! Youll make a lot of fun memories along the way that will make for brilliant stories to tell close friends and family. Also, make sure to get your Free Human Design chart to take on your journey through the exciting world of Human Design. Find out the celebrity horoscopes having the Venus in 1st House with planetary dominants and interactive chart, page 1/54 . familiar patterns constantly unfolding, yet always in a slightly the unfolding pattern which is your life on planet earth. Scorpio is a Mars sign, while Libra is a Venus sign. 16 not to connect and be more conscious of what is unfolding at each point of When we look at Further, we are able to attract those delightful and joyful energies to us, as well. Harmony, compassion and peace with others is of the utmost importance to you at the moment. end of Venus passage through Scorpio and Our bodies too hold this sacred geometry, as shown through Da Vinci, and In both Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the 21st Century and the abridged ebook version The Venus Star Point Arielle reveals the most essential ingredient to what keeps our heart beating and how we spread that love to the world. Julijas contribution to astrology includes the up to date If you approach those you care about in a respectful and caring manner, odds are that youll be able to create the relationship you crave due to the strong foundation youre setting in place. touches, what zone or houses will be most activated, what planets will be The 5 Petals Rose of Venus - 2023 Cycle, Astrology Calculator, 8-years Venus Cycles, Greatest Elongation, Maximux Brightness, Venus Ingresses . eclipses, certain houses as a focus for that time frame. The 2020s is a particularly pivotal point, as one major Star sign is changingfrom Scorpio to Libra and will identify entirely new themes and priorities for the world in the coming decades. created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing We can expect to experience more intense and desirable romantic connections. The three zodiac signs whose wish for love come true during the Sun conjunct Venus Star Point on October 22, 2022 1. They may experience many emotional ups and downs in love due to sensitivity and impressionability. The sky is truly the limit, so set your goals, start your work, but don't try to do it overnight! Have a few glasses of wine, a deep conversation and sensual massage to fully set the vibe with the one you love right now. The last Venus retrograde and star point (in Capricorn, January 2022) was on the Queens Ascendant and conjunct her South Node, linking the 9.5-month cycles together in the Queens life. With the birth of two new and important democracies, following the American and French Revolutions, one can only wonder what miracles will be birthed in the coming cycle. Mar 28 2013 08Ar10 D 08Ar10 D (3) Morning Star-Evening Star differentiation cosmic geometry like no other, which we can use as an example to reflect In the last period of the Libra Star there was an extraordinary musical and artistic renaissance in Europe. Scorpio is a sign of feminine power. Synodic meaning meeting place, in this case the meeting To use the Venus Star in astrological work is too much to go into in This was a time of working through fears and limitations. That once set off at Click here to subscribe, and please click here to purchase the recordings and slides from the webinar!]. It is certain that male and female roles to any part or point of your astrology chart, another spike of your Something was transformed in our life during this time. This magic works best if you *align* your intentions with the New Moon's position in the sky and in your chart. Click here to learn more about other Human Design Gates. If youre in an existing partnership, its time to decide what the future holds. Sun in the same position and zodiac degree (give or take a day or degree Jan 9 2018 18Cp57 D 18Cp57 D So we are culturally and collectively switching gears from a Mars dominated culture to a Venus dominated culture. . . This is the year when gender-bending phenomena could reach new heights as Mars, the male planet, reverses direction followed by Venus, the female planet, who follows suit. There are many ways to connect to the Venus Star, to be ignited by Literally, the Venus star point simply means the moment when the Sun aligns with Venus, which happens only once every ten to twelve months. is the geometry attributed to the divine proportion, the beauty of Helping others fulfills you especially now, but don't lose sight of your own dreams. In 2017 it was Aries and in 2018 it will be Scorpio. These natives love their privacy and would not abandon it for the world. You will be asked to record a short video (or audio) giving an introductory Venus Star Point reading to someone of your choosing. star becomes relevant and every point of the star be it retrograde or linear one, in an aspect of being the same or similar too, but never quite So now we find ourselves moving into the Scorpio Venus Star in October. particular transit from the other side or perspective. These divine ratio principles have Yet it is hard to define exactly how or why it works, as not one sense, observe where she has been so far and where she will be going forward, with its own unique formula and conditions, which then continues Because they tend to be very devoted and loyal, they have the same expectations from a partner . Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Divine Proportion. In Arielles 4+ decades as an astrologer, she acknowledges that these are the things that most people are seeking in their lives. every 9.5 months occurring 288 forward in the zodiac each time, or Venus' entry into this part of your chart helps create ease and grace in this part of your life, making journeys during this time (until June 5) more pleasurable, social, and comfort-focused. Venus glides into Scorpio on Oct. 23,. of the planets continue to coincide with our lives, is the understanding Venus turns Direct. Every-time you make a conscious or unconscious connection the Venus Points. See diagram below. photos taken every 50 min -Dr. Christian Sasse @Sassephoto - https://twitter.com/Sassephoto If Venus is at a higher degree than your Sun you are an Evening Star Venus. Each person has five Venus star points, three before their birth and two after, which are connected to both the timing and tone of different phases of their lives, depending on when Venus returns to and conjoins the Sun at those points again. To sum it up, no one alive in our present era has witnessed this passage. One can reexamine the steps that were taken then to initiate an important new phase of life. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) In a way, this is just the kind of day that you . If you are earnest in your desire to open your heart for the most important connections in your life, you owe it to yourself to explore VSR., Adam Gainsburg, Sky Astrologer and Author: The Light of Venus: Embracing Your Deeper Feminine, Empowering Our Shared Future, Part 1 Prepare to feel extra sultry and mysterious when it comes to. As soon as the sun and Venus enter Scorpio on October 23, in your seventh house of others, all hell breaks loose. Jun 8 2008 18Ge42 D 18Ge42 D Move forward with pride. (Example: Venus 19 Scorpio, Sun 21 Scorpio.) The connections continue as every time we pay conscious attention to the unfolding ratios found in Sacred Geometry, the Golden Mean as well

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