other adventures nominated and expressed in anie our former lettres twelve hundred acres and forty men) wee have added three hundred acres This is included by the President and Councell of every of the said several Colonies and gotten above expence may be receaved and entred into the capemarchantes The charter concluded with a final agreement of the king to authorize the stated colonists to practice their duties as outlined in the paragraphs above. The companie of carpenters patents constituted and confirmed, and accordingly yeald due obedience successors, the fifte parte onelie of all the same goulde and silver and The differences among the three charters lie primarily in the territorial jurisdiction of the company, not in the right to govern the colony. Franncis Heiton, and confirm that[20]. It supplied an corne and other seed provisions. and choose discreet persons to be of our [said] Counsell for the said Franncis Smaleman pleasure is that noe person or persons shall be admitted into any of the for and duringe the space of one and twentie yeares shalbe wholie . transported under your commaund, and with the first winde to sett saile after he hath landed the same within anie of the said Colonies and and good discretion. their knowne successors at once whom, if you intreate well and educate [20] Stith gives the following names only: Berkeley, Jr., Archivist of the Alderman Library, University of Virginia divers injuries and insolences done unto him in the governement of the in Stith. advannced or rewarded. Sir Roberte Carey, Knight to proceed more speedily with such an offendor, itt shall bee lawful to Thomas Whitley out of ther body to elect one to supplie the place for the time; and to cattell in each particular burrough or plantation; and that you cause deceased bee carefullie keptt & reserved to the rightt owners said Henrico, be alotted and set out for the endowing of the said successors, that it shalbe lawfull and free for them and their assignes 1957, COPYRIGHT, 1957 BY immunities, profitts and commodities whatsoever, in as lardge, ample and Colonies and plantations any person or persons soe seeking to withdrawe Stephen Sparrowe boates, by which no enemy shall dare to seeke your habitacion; and if in The merit of an accurate and readable text bailiffs and other officers which shall have the oversight and goverment Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis] towardes the maine lande, without the expresse licence or consente of that shall arise uppon anie difficultie of construccion or I. JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, and Ralegh Gilbert . sealle to any but uppon good consideracion and greate merite, least you [12] Between this name and that following pleasinge to God and profitable to oure Kingdomes, doe, of oure speciall voices committ any Counsellor to saife custody or upon baile to appere John Reynold Captaine Peter Wynne case onlie of extreeme necessitie. which shall in like manner consist of thirteen parsons to be, for that that every person of every the said several Colonies and plantations Peregrine Berly, Esquier [Berty] Mary, Countesse of Shrewesbeiry To Mr. James A. Servies, Reference Librarian of the Library of and pleasure onely and not otherwise. 8. what soever you shall find not contrarie to any of theise instructions aforesaid, and touching all such as being members of our Company and and their redeemer Christ Jesus, as the most pious and noble end of this William Burrell that inhabite the Rivers of Bolus and Myomps and to the northwest; Thomas Nicholls, merchant saide severall lettres patents, shalbe, by sufficient assurances from adventurers, or any of them having not lawful right, either by purchase to the effect and true meaning of the same letters pattents, doe by there, or of the said Cape-merchant and two clerks or of the most part And for as muche as the good and prosperous successe of the said untill they retorne. to retier with ther purchasses to the coast of Virginia, but that they George Webb, gentleman courts, and in anie accions or suits whatsoever. the text in Stith. Mr. Nicholas Ferrar Raphe Ewens, Esquire anie of oure other dominions to all intents and purposes as if they had graunted or mencioned to be grannted, to them, the said Tresorer and continuall tirrany, chained under the bond of deathe unto the divell change, alter or establishe, execute and doe all ordinances or acts The wardens, assistants and companie of the Trinity House deliver; and we will and ordain that ten thousand acres, partly of the requier you that they be delivered before all the Councell to be opened parts to humane civilitie and to a setled and quiet govermente, doe by You must take especiall care what relacions come into England and And if the plaint appeare to bee important, to injurie or oppresion bee wrought by the English against any of the labor. constrainte. Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop] and Company, takeing into our carefull consideracion the present state hopes had not been made frustrate and their minds thereby clene You shall, for the choice of plantacions observe two generall heretofore grannted to anie person or persons or to anie Companie, bodie necesserie you first remove from them the iniococks or priests by a Roberte Johnson Sir Thomas Dennys, Knight [Dennis] Creek (which creek called Queens Creek is opposite to that point there of the Companie aforesaid, that our trusty and welbeloved subjects.[19]. Nicholas Hide bin approved unto us here by extreordinary recommendations to bee Theophilus, Lord Howard of Walden And that itt shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Tresorer The Governor for the time being shall have absolute power and appointed amonngest them to manage and direct their affaires [as] are "British Manuscripts Project." and aucthoritie to the Tresorer for the time beinge, and anie three of John Searpe, gentleman [Scarpe] Thomas Shipton Sir Robert Johnson, Knight idly, the example wherof might prove pernicious to the rest; in William Russell, marchaunt weldisposed subjects, Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers, Knightes; Henry Tunberley [Timberly] 1643-1651"; Hening, Vol. Provided that in all thinges herein contained, except onely the heathen people which wee somuch desier. thence most trecherouslie either come back againe and retorned into our one great, generall and solemne assembly, which fower severall nature as also in all matters of civill justice, you shall finde it This was the first royal charter issued for the planting of a colony in America. assignes [forever], to be holden of us, oure heires and successors, as of theire procurers, aiders, abbettors and comforters in that Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and northward twoe hundred miles, and from the said point of Cape Comfort Alexander Bent [Bents] Sir John Stradling, Knight respectively, that they shall and maie from time to time for ever Generall Assembly according to a former comission granted.[26]. them in the first elements of literature so to bee fitted for the Martyn Freeman Franncis Baldwin plantation in Virginia, and likewise of all such wares, goods and manuscript version: e.g., "Sir Charles Willmott, Knight the training up of the children of those infidels in true religion, discreete commaunder that shall sett your men to severall workes Subscribers, or shareholders, met in their quarterly courts to said Companie and societie, shall from henceforth be reputed, deemed and furnished which wee sent him for the place; and if ther bee any of them negligence or contempt may bee found in any person ther residing or time to time to be used, the ordring and disposing of the said Mathew Springeham [Springham] the same for theire better saufegarde according to theire beste for ever, shold be one body politique incorporated by the name of The conditions of every such person so transported or shiped, to be entered Wee also requier you, the present Governor & all your Sir Richard Wigmore, Knight & settled accordingly, which is to be done by us as by authoritie Sir John Townnesende, Knight [Townsend] by the major parte of voices at that Assembly, wherin the Governor for Virginia for the space of one and twentie yeres, and from all taxes and grasse, and providinge the worme and in fishinge for pearle, codd, and that the inhabitants of Virginia have notice of them for their use ; Bernard Greenville, Esq. Sir John Sammes, Knight Walter Fitz Williams arbitrary way of justice discreetely mingled with those gravities and service in all such matters as shalbe committed unto them for the good [4] Bracketed passage supplied from text in 35. that office; and wee doe further hereby establish & ordaine that it the true knowledge of God and the obedience of us, our heires and burough land for the public use of the said plantation; not intending John Waller, [Esquire] William Litton his place, enjoining them to enclose gardens, build howses, deviding Powell Isaackson Provided alwaies, and our will and pleasure is and wee doe hereby The mayor and jurates of Dover Sir Christopher Perkins, Knight make cheape the best way of our recompence; and in those you doe you intent there to inhabite, if they continue there three years or dye successors, shall make open proclamation within anie the ports of our Roberte Bowyer, Esquire [Boyer] This is one of a series of 23 pamphlets produced in 1957 in America within the degrees first above mentioned, with the islands ther shalbee cause to order and determine the greater causes of . 18, 1618. of advise sett downe, declared, propounded and delivered to the Right In the text of the three John Kettlebye, gentleman [Kettleby] future differences that arise upon questions of possestion, wherin also worship of God that his worde be duely preached and his holy sacraments The colony's government at first consisted of a council residing in London. the governour of such place first obtained, unles by necessitie of winde occupations wherin ther are like to deserve & win most bennifitt; Sir Thomas Dale, Knight P. R. O. Chancery Patent Rolls (c. 66), 1709; presents shall come,] greeting. John Houlte [Holt] notwithstandinge; streightlie chardginge and commaundinge the President Warren Townsend also for accomodatinge the churches or places for divine service. Moreover our gracious will and pleasure is, and wee doe by theise ought to have by force of their comissions of lieutenancy. Elizabeth, Countesse of Derby George Johan, iremonnger anie insolent, contemptuous or unreverent carriage and misbehavior to or common soccage onelie and not in capite. leagues of your plantacion steile a trade for furrs, &c., to ther them possessed or occupied, or from thenceforth shall be deemed only joint stock enterprise. fleete consistinge of three good shippes with the masters, mariners, Gabriell Beedell [Beedel] especially ordaine, charge and require the said Presidents and Councells next seven years after Midsummer day, 1618, shall go into Virginia with you wilbe deceaved, for already your copper is embased by your abundance unto all and everie such persons soe ellected and chosen for officers as as to make the living of every minister, two hundred pounds sterling per disturbance to the right of others nor to interrupt the good form of shall take not only the usual oath of obedience to us, our heires and weakening of them, but be united together in one seat and territory that side: Pro Consilio Secunde Colonie Virginie. The companie of dyers it is probably best to focus on John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia and Peter Force's collection of tracts. Christopher Brooke, [Esq.] expulse, disfranchise and putt out of and from their said Companie and Sir Christopher Harris, Knight Company consisting of three persons att the least who shall be resident Charles City and exceed not the quantity of two thousand and two hundred exspecting his care to cultivate well that land and to uphold that William Crosley [Crosby] benefitts, profitts and commodities, whatsoever, to the said Companie in Lamorock Stradling William Ferrers persons imployed or to be imployed in, for, or touching the said Sir Roberte Maunsell, Knight [Mansel] Councel is from time to time to be encreased, altered or changed att the Anthonie Auther, Esquier [Aucher] that the Counsell or major part of them then residing in Virginia doe "Commission" was given to Yeardley which granted this authority. Irelande and all other our dominions from time to time, for and during bee from time to time equally charged & burdned for the people that 67-75. of maintenance out of the [24c] and profits of the earth be made grannt to the said Tresorer and Companie, and their successors for ever, which Pohaton hath hitherto engrossed and partely for feare of that assone as may be your Lordship send unto us the narracion of that made; or any statute, act, ordinance, provisions, proclamation, or Sir William Ayliffe, Knight, and Newport, an experienced privateer, has been active in the West Indies since the 1590s. In witness whereof we have hereunto set whereas wee, according to the effect and true meaning of the said or his deputy for the time, or anie twoe others of our said Counsell for And for election bee made of the Leftennant Governor; and in his absence or First Colonie in Virginia and to nominate and appoint such officers as munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and particular plantations; we also will and ordain that the like proportion Now our trust being necessaries as they want as leetle iron tooles, or copper, or the like 30. same. lawfull to us, our heires and successors to put the saide parson or to time under their common seale distribute, convey, assigne and set Last of all, for temporall goverment & perticuler proceedinge Early Colonial Life. of them within the said several limits and precincts of the said George Holman 15. receave and publish Governor and Captaine Generall, yealding unto his Virginia, there are or may be divers islandes lying desolate and Aden Perkins, grocer nomber of days works for puplique use & building, or to finnishing or any actions, businesse or causes for and concerning the same, which John Andrewes, the younger, of Cambridge [Andrews] and our successors, as aforesaid. Humfrey Basse and of Scotland the two and fiftieth. Sir Peter Manwood for performance of our instructions in generall, & particuler that to be impleaded before anie of oure judges or justices, in anie oure The companie of pewterers 29. and ample manner and forme and to all intents and purposes as the said the other to keep a like book wherein shall be registred all goods, requier the said Gennerall Assembly, as also the said Counsell of State, Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton] use, not with standing through negligence and want of experience, it within his or their proper Colony; and that every the said Presidents as the same be not contrary to the lawes and statutes of this our realme Ohonahorn seated where the River of Choanocki devideth it self into aiding and assisting by all honest, good and lawfull meanes and 20. In this first charter, the government consisted only of a council. have been microfilmed by the American Council of Learned Societies, gathered, kept and shipped for England for the public use of us, the proceedings untill this time and dispose of all theire offices and of Cheif Admirall under your Lordship and that Sir Ferdinando Weyneman Anthony Dyott needfull and convenient: We, therefore, tendring the good and happy successe of the said Sir Thomas Challoner you such other as you shall there find meet, to survey or cause to be John Harris discretions shall think meet. voluntarily give over the same or be removed for any just or reasonalbe relacions which wee have receaved, we advise you to continue the subjects ther resideing, and as neare as may be after the forme of this over againste the same sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, woodes, 37. Privy Councel; Sir Robert Kelligrew, Knight; Sir Robert Croft, Knight; John Delbridge John Quales [Quarles] voyage and plantacion; with shipping, armour, weapons, ordinannce, raised a yearly standing and certain contribution out of the profits particular plantation great nomber of mulbery trees to bee plainted beyond the seas wheresoever, being in amity with us, as our naturall also be a meanes of clearinge much ground of wood and of reducing them atheisme, prophanes, popery, or schisme be exemplarily punished to the Captaine John Blundell course bee taken accordinglie to doe the partie whome it shall concerne should bee even or should bee equally devided in oppinnion; many of them as to us should seem good, might be added unto them and John Moore, Esquire needful occasion requireth there cannot be any competent number of them suche parson and parsons as without espiciall licence of the said them assembled to be the deputie Tresorer for the said Companie; which or any the territories of America between 34 & 45 degrees of all services according to the usuall forme and discipline of the Church masters severally for the erecting of the said works, wherby wee hoped Anthony Irby quantity of one hundred acres of land be set out in quality of glebe as of our mannor of Eastgreenwiche in the countie of Kente, in free and the said several Colonies and plantations but alsoe as much as they may Doctor Meddowes [Meadows] abrogate, revoke or chaunge, not onely within the precincts of the said that where unto they shall attaine with great paine and perill, wee, for The printer used multiple footnote anchors, numbered 24 and many dayes some will eate two meales at one & soe: 26. and in your Lordships absence he beinge there to be your deputy and Mathew Shipperd, grocer [Shepherd] doe most safely and richely because you are in the part of the land person soe adjudged, attainted or condemned shall be reprived from the behalfe to be made, shall, by lettres patentes under the Great Seale of time by us, the said Treasurer, Counsell & Company and our apparence of prosperity of the plantacion which wilbe glorious before Governor and Councel, what be or were the names of those their first Mr. John Davers shalbe established; and in defect thereof, in case of necessitie Item: for as much as planting of staple commodities is useuallie found wilbe like to recompence the troble and charge bestowed therin, may to administer the oath of Counsellors unto the severall persons Sir John Scot, Knight; Sir Robert Mansfield, Knight; Sir Oliver Cromwel, endeavor to knowe all the particuler passages and informacions given on Many of them will soon be published by Moreover, your Lordship shall demaunde and resume into your hands later genesis may readily be seen in the medieval guild. agree to paie, to the hands of the Tresorer or [of] some other officer Companie as aforesaid, and yet not farr distant from the said Colony in willinge and readie to adventure with them; as also whose dwellings are 32. Companie and their successors shall attempte to inhabite within the said appointe. George Pitt [Pit] William Millett charge, sent for the erecting of a glasse furnace in Virginia, wee Chechehounnack, neere unto you and not farre of another navagable establish and ordaine that our trusty and welbeloved Sir Thomas Your Lordships beinge landed there, we wishe you should (with what Richard Sand [Sandys] fullie executed. Edmund Pond Doctor Poe William, Lord Cavendishe Colonies whi[ch are] to be made plantations in Virginia and America Sir Ewstace Hart, Knight Henrie John, gentleman Governor; shall be chosen, nominated, placed and displaced from time to and ordain also for the preventing of all fraud in abusing of our thither after they have bin soe entertained and agreed withall; and that 11. sturgion, and such like. successors, to give directions to the Councels of the several Colonies

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