For the highest thought of men, however deep their contemplation, can never hope to outsoar the limitations imposed upon Thy creation, nor ascend beyond the state of the contingent world, nor break the bounds irrevocably set for it by Thee. I ask because I already played about 20 hours since that point and I wonder if I get the chance sometime during chapter 5 to become a lich. 11 This is the Day whereon the Most Great Spirit was embodied in the most comely of forms, and, proceeding from the Realm on high, approached the Scene of transcendent glory with such radiance as to delight the Maid of Heaven, until she paused, suspended in the air before Our presence, with such an adorning as to seize with longing the hearts of the Messengers of God. No, no, and to this Thy glory beareth me witness! I beseech Thee by that name of Thine whereby the fire of Thy wrath was kindled and the flames of Thine anger were made to blaze, to lay hold upon them that have oppressed Thy loved ones. 30 Nor shall ye find Me till the Promised One appear on Judgement Day. By My life! I beseech Thee by this Day, and by Him Whom Thy sovereignty and Thy majesty and Thy might have manifested therein, and by the tears which Thine ardent lovers have shed in their remoteness and separation from Thee, and by the fire that hath consumed the hearts of them that yearn to behold Thy beauty, to send down upon us on this Day that which beseemeth Thy beauty and becometh Thy grace and Thy generosity. Links to specific locations in a text can be obtained by clicking on the blue box which appears when the mouse cursor is placed to the left of the opening of a paragraph. They provide buffs to any undead allies and have access to a wide range of Necromantic spells that are useful at range and in melee. They are such that the lowliest among Thy creatures hath been made by Thee a manifestation of Thy most august attribute, and the most contemptible token of Thy handiwork hath been chosen as a recipient of Thy most mighty name. Look upon the oppressors of Thy people with the eye of Thine avenging wrath. Potent art Thou to do what Thou pleasest, and powerful art Thou over all things. Were any one except Thee to be deemed worthy of mention, in all the kingdoms of Thy creation, from the highest realms of immortality down to the level of this nether world, how could it, then, be demonstrated that Thou art established upon the throne of Thy unity, and how could the wondrous virtues of Thy oneness and Thy singleness be glorified? 3 No veil whatever have I allowed, O Lord of all names and Creator of the heavens, to shut me from the recognition of the glories of Thy Daythe Day which is the lamp of guidance unto the whole world, and the sign of the Ancient of Days unto all them that dwell therein. 6 O Lord! Be assured in thyself, and reveal then unto all beings a measure of that which God bestowed upon thee ere the creation of words and letters and the fashioning of all things, and ere the establishment of the kingdom of names and attributes and the revelation of His mighty and guarded Tablet. How astounding a denial, how astounding indeed! All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above a horizon of wondrous grace! So concludes what Levi considered to be his testament, his most important and final treatise, and a summation of his esoteric philosophy. Thou, in truth, art the Lord of might and grandeur, and the Ruler of earth and heaven. HappierShibe 2 yr. ago. Bind, then, their souls and spirits together, that through their unity all the inhabitants of Thy dominion may become united. 10 She then let fall a raven lock, an ornament of spirit in the darkest nighthow wondrous a hue, how wondrous indeed!. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. Strip yourselves of every earthly affection, and hasten to embrace your Beloved. Were all the peoples of the earth to join together to harm a single one of the people of Bah, they would find themselves powerless, for all that they see as harming Thy chosen ones is as light unto them and as fire unto Thine enemies. 1 Praise be to Thee, O my God, that the dawn of Thy Rivn Festival hath broken, and that therein one who had sought Thy presence hath attained his goal, O Thou our Lord, the Most Merciful! Or shall I, O my God, extol Thine appearance in this Day from the dawning-place of Thine Essence; or Thine establishment, before the gaze of all men, upon the throne of Thy name, the All-Bountiful; or yet Thy proclamation, through the Tongue of might and power, to all things visible and invisible? 18 Blessed are they that have soared on the wings of detachment and attained the station which, as ordained by God, overshadoweth the entire creation, whom neither the vain imaginations of the learned, nor the multitude of the hosts of the earth have succeeded in deflecting from His Cause. 2 This is a festival wherein all things have been adorned with the vesture of the names of God, and wherein His bounty hath compassed all things from first to last. Praise be unto Thee, a praise that hath endued the hearts of Thy loved ones with such constancy that no earthly veil can hinder them from fixing their gaze upon the horizon of Thy bounties, nor can the ascendancy of the oppressors deter them from beholding the wondrous light of Thy countenance. When He Who is the Self of God, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful, purposed to pass through the gate, the Most Great Spirit made its final proclamation: By God! Look, then, upon the hearts which, in their love for Thee, have been transfixed by the darts of Thine enemies, and the heads which were borne on spears for the sake of the exaltation of Thy Cause and the glorification of Thy name. I recognize, moreover, that were any of the revelations of Thy names and Thine attributes to be withheld, though it be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, from whatsoever hath been created by Thy power and begotten by Thy might, the foundations of Thine everlasting handiwork would thereby be made incomplete, and the gems of Thy Divine wisdom would become imperfect. Whoso followeth this counsel will break his chains asunder, will taste the abandonment of enraptured love, will attain unto his hearts desire, and will surrender his soul into the hands of his Beloved. 14 O Pen! Blessed be the one who hath attained thereunto, blessed the day that hath been honoured with Thy revelation, and blessed the land that hath been illumined by the light of Thy Countenance. All things bear witness to Thy unity, and whatsoever can be said to exist, whether visible or invisible, testifieth to Thy oneness. In the Rose-Garden of changeless splendour a Flower hath begun to bloom, compared to which every other flower is but a thorn, and before the brightness of Whose glory the very essence of beauty must pale and wither. The inhabitants of every city cried out, and the hearts of them that circle round God were sorely shaken. And then, crossing the river, He entered the Garden of Rivn, wherein He ascended the throne of His wondrous sovereignty. Blessed, then, be God, Who hath ordained this surpassing grace! 8 I swear by Thy glory, O Fashioner of names and Creator of earth and heaven! The catch here is that the wraiths keep respawning endlessly, and to stop them you need to interact with the chest as soon as. He it is Who proclaimeth within all things: Verily, I am your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Adorn, then, your souls with the silken vesture of certitude and your bodies with the broidered robe of the All-Merciful, for lo, a light hath dawned forth and shone resplendent from the horizon of My brow, before whose revelation all that are in the heavens and on earth have bowed down in adoration, could ye but perceive it. Would that I Myself had borne all the tribulations of the world, out of love for Thee and for Thy creatures! Take heed lest ye forfeit so precious a favour; beware lest ye belittle so remarkable a token of His grace. Thou, verily, art the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Verily the Day is come! Blessed, then, be the All-Glorious, Who appeared in the world of creation with a sovereignty that transcendeth the heavens and the earth! Adorn, then, the world with the ornament of the favours of thy Lord, the King of everlasting days. MWP Chel. Randomly, no explanation. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath dawned above the horizon of God, the Most Gracious, the All-Bountiful! Grant, then, that they may guide all people unto this Luminary, the like of which the eye of creation hath never beheld and which standeth peerless in the realms of the seen and the unseen. These have contented themselves with passing round in white vessels that crimson-coloured wine that is brewed from the leaves of China.7 I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy Word which Thou hast made to be the lodestone of the hearts and souls of men, the Word whereby Thou hast drawn Thy servants unto the heaven of Thy loving-kindness and the horizon of Thy grace and bounty, to accept from the former all that they have accomplished in Thy path and to ordain for the latter the recompense of whatsoever they had purposed to accomplish. Potent art Thou to do what Thou willest, and powerful and supreme art Thou over all things. Say: This is the Light through which the inhabitants of the celestial world and their inner realities have been brought forth, and through which the embodiments of the heavenly realm and their inmost essences have been raised up. How astounding an abasement, how astounding indeed! Have mercy, then, upon this poor and desolate soul who hath sought no friend but Thee, and no companion except Thee, and no comforter save Thee, and no beloved apart from Thee, nor cherished any desire but Thyself. 11 Drink deep, O ye dwellers of earth and heaven, from the chalice of eternal life that the hand of Bah proferreth in this most lofty and exalted Paradise. O ye that dwell within the pavilion of inviolable sanctity! I testify that I was but a herald of His Revelation unto all who are in heaven and on earth, and that I conditioned the Bayn upon His leave and good-pleasure. All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! Arise before the nations of the earth, and arm thyself with the power of this Most Great Name, and be not of those who tarry. 21 O Lord! Enjoy! He, verily, is the One Who heareth all, Who seeth all, and Who is ready to answer. Follow Him, and cling not unto that which ye possess of the proclamations of former times. 5 O Lord! Lo, the entire creation hath passed away! Behold how I have stepped upon the dust of the city of Thy forgiveness and Thy bounty, and dwelt within the precincts of Thy transcendent mercy, and have besought Thee, through the sovereignty of Him Who is Thy Remembrance and Who hath appeared in the robe of Thy most pure and most august Beauty, to send down, in the course of this year, upon Thy loved ones what will enable them to dispense with any one except Thee, and will set them free to recognize the evidences of Thy sovereign will and all-conquering purpose, in such wise that they will seek only what Thou didst wish for them through Thy bidding, and will desire naught except what Thou didst desire for them through Thy will. Cancel Thou, moreover, our sins which have shut off our faces from the splendours of the Day-Star of Thy favours. And he is saying they are storing up more wrath, as he gives them up to wrath. This is that whereunto ye were bidden by the Pen of God, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. Verily, Thou art the Ruler of the heavens and of the earth. Praised be Thou, O my God, I am the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Glorious, He is the Most Holy, the Most Mighty, the Most Exalted, He is the Ever-Living, the Ever-Abiding, the Self-Subsisting, He is the Sovereign King, the Holy of Holies, In the name of Him Who hath cast His splendour, He it is Who is established upon this luminous Throne, He is the Most Holy, the Most Glorious. 17 Of Her sustaining beauty She bestowed a boundless sharehow wondrous a share, how wondrous indeed!. The hands of bounty have borne round the cup of everlasting life. God's wrath magnifies the holiness of his love. Follow Him, and be not of those that have turned aside. Nay, even swifter than this, and yet the people understand not. Say: This is a Power unsurpassed from all eternity to all eternity, could ye but know it, O concourse of the Spirit, and this is a Beauty unrivalled from the beginning that hath no beginning, could ye but perceive it. 11 Say: This is the Paradise on whose foliage the wine of utterance hath imprinted the testimony: He that was hidden from the eyes of men is revealed, girded with sovereignty and power! This is the Paradise the rustling of whose leaves proclaimeth: O ye that inhabit the heavens and the earth! Forsake the mention of such people, for their hearts are as immovable as stones and impervious to all but the promptings of idle fancy. In the trees I behold only the revelation of the fruits of Thy wisdom and knowledge, and in their leaves I read but the pages of the books enshrining the mysteries of all that hath been through Thy command or will be through Thy power. Take heed lest anything deter thee from extolling the greatness of this Daythe Day whereon the Finger of majesty and power hath opened the seal of the Wine of Reunion, and called all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth. Whereupon He addressed Me, saying: Thou shalt never behold Me! and returned Me to the splendours of the lights of His mighty Throne. 14 Thus commandeth you the Spirit, Who offered up His life that the world might be quickened and that the Desire of every heart might appear. Were it not for the protection of God, the seven heavens would at that moment have been cleft asunder, and the earth would have swallowed up all that dwell upon it, and every lofty peak would have been reduced to dust. From eternity Thou hast been exalted above the praise of aught else but Thee, and been high above the description of any one except Thyself. I yield Thee such thanks as can cause the Nightingale of Glory to pour forth its melody in the highest heaven: Al (the Bb), in truth, is Thy servant, Whom Thou hast singled out from among Thy Messengers and Thy chosen Ones, and made Him to be the Manifestation of Thyself in all that pertaineth unto Thee, and that concerneth the revelation of Thine attributes and the evidences of Thy names. I yield Thee such thanks as can stir up all things to extol Thee, and to glorify Thine Essence, and can unloose the tongues of all beings to magnify the sovereignty of Thy beauty. This is the Day concerning which Thou didst covenant with every Prophet to herald unto all the advent of Him Who shall be manifested therein with Thy sovereign might and celestial power. It is for His love that I rose up amongst you and consorted with you. 19 When that joy born of God had taken hold of all else besides Him, the Most Great Spirit called out once more, proclaiming: O ye dwellers of the kingdoms of earth and heaven! I yield Thee such thanks as can detach them that are nigh unto Thee from all created things, and draw them to the throne of Thy names and Thine attributes. He is the Exalted, the Transcendent, the All-Highest. You find him at the wizard's tower.

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