I hadnt noticed, but once she helped me recognize that, I was able to make an effort to be more positive, and our work improved. Those boys came back changed men, President Thomas said. Not long after, tragedy occurred. "[16] Some guessed that this group might be a branch of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), a prominent Peruvian terrorist group. [24], Police continued to watch the homes of the remaining members of FAL Zarate Willka. The annual list says that the 20 "missionaries" killed include 8 priests, 1 male religious, 3 nuns, 2 seminarians and 6 lay people. From what I understand he had a positive influence and impact on those that he served with as well as those that he worked with.. At least 40 of the 177 killed missionaries identified died in robberies. There are two theories explaining why they left. I had some companions who would go significantly over their allotted email time. Southern ExMo 2001, 15. But to my mind, the most blame goes to Mormonism itself, the false, cultish, system that propagates these pressures, while falsely claiming that they come from and are validated by God. His companion, Elder Rudger Clawson who later became president of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church was unharmed. 2007, 5456), 14 Ways to Get Your Emotional Health Back on Track (HeatherJ. Johnson, Ensign, Jan. 2019, digital only), Overcoming Discouragement (Self-Reliance Services, Ensign, July 2019, digital only). biblebeltbetsy No matter what happens, the Waggoners say their love for their son and faith in God will see them through. Being a new missionary can be a stressful experiencehere are a few ways to make the transition easier. But the Mormon church in its wisdom paired him up with a mean, abusive, untrained and unvetted missionary companion. His companion, Joshua Heidbrink of Colorado, survived. They also worry people will look at the page and mistakenly conclude the church is not doing anything, saying church leaders have helped out with flights and all kinds of expenses. Both Elders were beaten, one was stabbed in the throat, and they were both shot once in the head. That's deplorable! [9] He was also active in student politics at North Summit High School in Coalville, where he served as student body vice president. Then you can pat yourself on the back for getting through it. There is probably a lot of personal blame to go around, including some in my own direction. As one sister of Wilson expressed over ten years later, "It is something you never forget. Its amazing how powerful a righteous example can be for a missionary who might be struggling. But rather than being what you would call "spiritual," he was driven. I envisioned the temple that will someday be built in Bolivia. If he can snap and kill one person, then he can do it to another. :-(. He was clearly an adult at the time of his mission and it was clearly murder. KUTV The family of the LDS Missionary killed in a Pennsylvania car accident Tuesday describe her as fun-loving and vibrant, with a love of the gospel and Jesus Christ.We are deeply saddened by the . The majority of these attacks (46) occurred in Chile, though five attacks took place in Bolivia. He also started reading portions of Dr. Seuss and Berenstein Bear books aloud, although the effort exhausted him. This is so disturbing on so many levels. The decision to offer a $500,000 reward was made on June 17 to encourage local residents to come forward with information. While walking to an appointment on March 2, Elder Mason Lewis Bailey, 19, was struck by a vehicle and killed. For me, the death of my brother meant that I had to give myself up at some point, I was a fugitive for three years. I cant say I knew them well but I saw their faces on my newsfeed often and always enjoyed following their missionary journeys. He was not required, however, to undergo jail time.&. Despite such moments, Creed has experienced some setbacks. A bomb exploded near his motorcade, but no one was hurt. In order to save more money for his mission, he dropped his classes and continued to work late at night. If a situation has become unbearable, lock yourself in the bathroom for a while and soak in a hot tub. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth Their bodies were found with a sign saying, "This is how imperialists' supporters die." It can be hard to resolve conflicts and discuss any challenges that might be keeping your companionship from working together in unity, so you should approach these conversations with humility and the desire to improve together. Their idea of imperialism is not limited to territorial expansion, but "involves a whole series of political, cultural, and religious means,"[14] including the LDS Church. Usually a rejection just means that the person isnt ready yet, and there is always the potential for that person to listen to missionaries at the right time. [2][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], This group had previously assaulted the LDS Church on several occasions. Benson family members were blaming James for going on a mission in the first place, against the advice of his local Mormon leaders. The family left their home and called the police, who came to investigate. At home, he would have family members to help him. By all accounts, Creed has a strong personality and gives his all to any task he undertakes. [20][46], FAL Zarate Willka attacked religious targets, such as the LDS Church, because they viewed the church as an imperialist agent of U.S. interests. (Again, James had reportedly been brain-injured in his youth and his local ecclesiastical leaders therefore thought it inadvisable that he attempt to serve a mission). The First Presidency released a statement in which they expressed shock and sadness and "pray[ed] for an end to the hatred and misunderstanding which led to this tragedy. I'm just shaking my head. Surely parenthood has been just as challenging as serving with a disabled companion (I am assuming he has experienced parenthood). One says that they had simply returned home that evening without having eaten dinner. I was not in Kentucky when Elder Christensen died, so I cannot speak to the specific events or aftermath. Letting Go of Contention (Afton Nelson, Ensign, Jan. 2018, 2223), Three Things to Remember before You Judge (Chakell Wardleigh, Ensign, Jan. 2020, 7679), Bearing One Anothers Burdens (JeffreyR. Holland, Ensign, June 2018, 2429), Turning Rejection into Hope (Molly Holt, YA Weekly, Jan. 2021, digital only), How Can I Be a Successful Missionary? (Lauren Bangerter Wilde, Ensign, Oct. 2013, 3235), If I Had Known at 19 (Roger Terry, New Era, Mar. It sounds like much of poor James' life was tragic. It was there that they spent two and a half days reading the entire Book of Mormon. He could have thought of ways to help himself cope for the short time he'd be with this elder. This view of the LDS Church as Yankee is reinforced by a heavy American missionary presence, midwestern worship styles, centralization of the church in the United States, and the church's doctrinal justification of the United States Constitution. But, if that were the case, you would think he would have been required to undergo psychiatric treatment and/or commitment, rather than simply given over to his parents. A typical missionary day begins by waking at 6:30 a.m.* for personal study. Check out YA Weekly, located in the Young Adults section under Audiences in the Gospel Library, for new, inspiring content for young adults each week. He should have said, "I can't do this." Elder Belde was not put in an impossible position, other companions served with Elder Christensen without abusing him. One post on Carters page noted: My heart is absolutely broken and devastated. Once these missionaries' safety had been reasonably ascertained, fourteen American sisters and three Elders arrived between October 1995 and March 1996. Glo An 18-year-old missionary for the LDS Church was killed in Southern \nCalifornia Thursday when he was struck by a . Michael Austin Davis of Corinne, Utah, and 20-year-old Tyson Gene Haycock, of Miles City, Mont., who had been serving the faiths New Mexico Farmington Mission, died in the crash. STE 1058, Provo, UT 84601, Springville LDS missionary and companion killed in Texas car crash. And what if he had; would he have been separated from Elder Christensen; or just encouraged to "pray for patience," and show more love. It is absolutely deplorable to blame this mentally challenged young man with his own torture and death! [29] On Wednesday, May 24, 1989, after returning at about 9:30p.m., Jeffrey Ball and Todd Wilson left their apartment. Assisted by two therapists, she wrote, Creed recently walked the length of the hallway, and he is gaining some movement in his right side. The full, ugly details of that murder need to be brought into the bright light of day. (His assignment there ran from 1975 to 1978). ', Testimony in the three-day bench trial revealed that Bjelde In May, an 18-year-old missionary from Utah and his 20-year-old companion from Colorado were killed in a head-on collision in Denton, Texas. Both missionaries were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.. "Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org". President Thomas said that Elder Bailey, who hadnt grown up in Richfield, was able to go to the high school as a new kid and gather good friends around him. Other missions in Bolivia and Peru saw similar patterns as the missions were reintegrated with American and Latin missionaries. He was so funny and bright and he was one of the children of my village when I raised the first half of my family. I noted that he was young when he died. His killer brutally abused and eventually scalded James to death in their apartment bathtub. One final comment. However, a judge was appointed in 1991, and by June the case was predicted to conclude sometime over the next few months. Not nearly so important and interesting is that, coincidentally enough, the killing of James E. Christensen by his companion occurred on my uncle Reed's birthday, January 2nd--he and I share the same birthday, which accounts for my middle name being "Reed"). That may not sound like a big deal, but it was the first time he moved his eyes to look at me, said Marla, who wrote about it in her journal. I attended the funeral of one of my townsmen who was murdered for his backpack on his mission. He had been overseeing the Bolivia Cochabamba Mission. But he was a kindly soul, with a "good spirit about him," if you will pardon use of such language in this context. Mormon Observer Marla remembered the first miracle moment, some time in January, when she told Creed to look at her and he rotated one of his eyes in her direction. That's a stumper. Re: Mormonism has a history of being a violent faith. Too bad Church HQ did not listen to the local leaders who,after all, knew Christensen best. He went on a mission. At press time, no funeral arrangements had been made. An 18-year-old missionary from Utah and his companion were killed in a car accident in Texas on Tuesday, according to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. JeffreyR. Holland, Missionary Work and the Atonement, 15. Compassion for Those Affected by Crime and Incarceration. [39] Years later, graffiti asserting that "Coca is not cocaine nor Coca-Cola" could be seen on walls in Bolivia. Dont give up or fear rejection, for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7). Dont take it personally when someone rejects Gods message. During this time, Latin missionaries were called to the Bolivia Cochabamba mission at about twice the rate of North American missionaries. He became the young man that other people liked being friends with, President Thomas said, remembering Elder Bailey as someone who was happy and who others liked to be around. I would ask all about the person whose grave we were at and she would tell me stories of all the charming things she remembered or knew about our relatives. MexMom Marla remembers Creeds dedication to football, saying he studied film, attended every workout and did additional workouts on his own. It takes something greater and more powerful than us. 0:27. FARMINGTON Two missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Farmington Mission died in a vehicle collision and one was injured on July 22 in the area of the Ramah Navajo Indian Reservation. Don LeFevre, spokesman for the LDS Church, commended "the Bolivian authorities for their persistence in the pursuit of justice. Dan read from Wilson's missionary journal, "I know that my call was inspired of God and there is someone in Bolivia that only I can touch. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth [54] President Monson affirmed, "It is no small thing to have every missionary parent praying for you and knowing that your hearts are filled with sorrow." Of course it's an. The missionaries were both assigned to the Texas Fort Worth Mission and are: Elder Luke Masakazu Carter, 18, of Springville Utah. Ball's funeral was attended by President Ezra Taft Benson and his counselor Thomas S. Monson, as well as Ballard and Monte J. Brough of the Seventy and over one thousand guests. Although the culture, food, or people might be different from what youre used to, you can always find things to love. They singularly (and defensively, I might add) focused their energies among themselves on how, after James was injured in his pre-mission accident, his local Church leaders advised him not to go on a mission but that he ignored their advice and went anyway. Ask a local member to teach you how to cook a new dish, or do an activity unique to the area. My mom was acting so odd about it that I kept bringing it up until she was able to tell me what happened, which was not easy for her to do. [18][19][26][38][42][27] While this may have helped, Robert Wharten, press attach at the U.S. Embassy said that the arrests were "the result of good, solid police work on the part of the Bolivians. At the time, Judge German Urquiza had been scheduled to decide whether the defendants had been accessories to the shooting. This chapel was also vandalized, with graffiti saying "Americans go home." I took that message from the embassy as a type of blackmail, pressure, and action with respect to my person. Creed spent much of the first month at Massachusetts General in a coma and on life support in the hospitals intensive care unit. According to the Stevens Point Daily Journal (July 1, 1977,) Bjelde had a bench trial (one where the verdict is decided by a judge,) and the verdict was a swift one. An LDS missionary from Washington was killed and her Utah companion was seriously injured in a vehicle crash Friday in Georgia. But everyone still wants to finish their missions. It's absolutely baffling that he got off with no jail time. In January, car accidents took the lives of five missionaries: a sister missionary serving in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission and four elders serving in the Iowa Des Moines Mission. [11] He entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in June 1988, and served at the same time as his sister, who labored in the Guatemala Guatemala City North Mission. At this point, Id like to share--with her personal permission--her thoughts, expressed as a relative of James E. Christensen, the Mormon missionary who was slain at the hands of his own companionand who, in death, was blamed for his death. A middle finger goes to that god from me. As long as you give everyone the option to understand and learn the gospel, you are being successful in your calling. I noticed that although I never got mad at my companions or told them they were going over our time limit, they would usually start using less time and trying to be more aware of the rules. Rivas (who was not allowed to rule on the case), along with the prosecuting attorney, Jos Rivero, sent a plea to the Justice Court of La Paz to appoint a new judge. I initially found out about the tragic death of James E. Christensen when I overheard members of my family privately criticizing this senselessly-slain missionary at a Benson family gathering (one that was held during LDS General Conference, as our wider family get-togethers often are). President Thomas said that Elder Bailey was the kind of young man who worked hard and saved his money and prepared so he could support himself on a mission. Your companion helps you navigate the new culture, learn the area, and talk to members and other people. I did know your aunt May well. When Juan attempted to hide, the agents shot him. Serve a missionary, someone youre teaching, or a member. Still, Chad added, just what that recovery may look like or how long it may take remains uncertain. Elder Carter began his missionary service in November 2020. Helen Lane, Bolivian desk officer for the U.S. State Department, expressed the Bolivians' dismay at the slayings, The Bolivian governmentfrom the president on downis shocked by the crime. My mother and I walked around numerous relatives graves at the Moroni cemetery. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth Before his junior year of high school he decided to move to Richfield to live with an aunt and uncle and their three children. The circumstances of James death were shocking. Again, thank you again for mentioning James story. As far as I can tell, Bjelde is now 56 years old, and still lives in his native Wisconsin. The first judge assigned to the case, Nestor Loredo, resigned on October 4 as a consequence of anonymous telephoned death threats. However, his sons injuries were much more severe, and he has been hospitalized ever since. We are mindful of Elder Baileys family and loved ones during this difficult time and unite our faith and prayers with all Church members, who mourn at the death of a missionary, said Cody Craynor, Church spokesman. She also shared videos of her granddaughter Eowyn with her nephew. Lets also look at a few other ways you could relieve stress on your mission: Write letters to your friends and family on preparation day, Journal about trials, questions, miracles, or blessings, Exercise with your companion as directed in the daily schedule, Listen to relaxing Church music at appropriate times, Plan activities with members and those you are teaching. I remember your sharing it a couple of years ago. He could not have given it in a greater cause than this. He was the third of his siblings to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ. Your last paragraph is excellent and insightful. Oh brother. Her mother is a cousin of James E. Christensen, the Mormon missionary who was killed by his companion iwhile in my uncles mission. No wonder the kid snapped. "[51] It was a tense situation. To give her son the best chance possible, Marla spends every day with him, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. She rents a nearby apartment in Boston, where she is currently living with her daughter Sway and son Cross. Hung jury? She gave me permission to share the contents of her correspondence with me here, including her full identity. (By the way, I was later informed that my uncle Reed Benson did not leave the mission field over which he was presiding at the time in order to attend James E. Christensen's Moroni, Utah, funeral. The neurologist told them there were three phases in Creeds treatment: first, saving his life; second, getting him stable; and third, entering into rehabilitation. He spent time doing all kinds of outdoor things[riding] horses, snowmobiling, and biking.. Elder Bailey had been serving since July 2013. Sometimes these challenges can culminate in serious mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression. Ballard told reporters at the airport, "These missionaries returned to us today in these caskets have fulfilled a noble service we pray that hearts will be softened and tragedies like this will never occur again to such wonderful, good men who have devoted their lives to preaching the gospel of peace. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Tyson Gene Haycock, left, and Michael Austin Davis, both 20, were killed in a car accident in New Mexico, where they had both been serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In March, Elder Fernando Antonio Ramos Garcia, age 21 from Juaya, El Salvador, died after drowning in a river in the municipality of Nahulingo, Sonsonate. While most people are polite when they dont want to learn more about the gospel, it can still be frustrating and discouraging when your message is rejected. I just can't see him as a victim. I don't even know what to say. That was followed by her son mouthing the word amen at the conclusion of their nightly prayer together. Both of his parents are from Richfield, so both sets of grandparents were from here, said President Thomas. She must have been horrified at that situation but probably submitted to her husband's Mormon law of silence for all things unpleasant and potentially harmfull to the cult. Dont be afraid to look for ways to have fun. I don't know if the killer was required to undergo treatment. It can be nodding his head, giving an OK sign or mouthing a simple amen while praying with his mother. You will get through hard things, become stronger because of them, and be the successful, Christlike missionary the Lord knows you can be. The next day, the First Presidency issued a statement reading in part: We are grieved to learn of the assassination of two of our missionaries . We regret that anyone would think that these , who have been sent to preach the gospel of peace, would be characterized as enemies of any group. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth I kept thinking if they could just keep him alive until I got there, that my being there would somehow make a difference in how hard he held on.. For several months, members of FAL Zarate Willka had been determining the schedules of the missionaries. You are one of the good guys Benson. Church spokesman Sam Penrod confirmed the church assists missionaries who become ill or are injured. From the moment I heard the story of what happened to her cousin, I was furious. He was one of the first missionaries who was able to go at 18, said Kenneth D. Thomas, president of the Richfield Utah East Stake. Your help in compiling a more complete account of those we would honor will be greatly appreciated.". Ambassador Robert Gelbard. I am wondering who represented Jim's [the killed missionary] family and what exactly the ruling was. Elder Bailey left for his mission shortly after high school graduation and had been serving since July 2013. 1977 news accounts say Bjelde. Police discovered that one group member, Susana Zapana Hannover, had been a member of the LDS Church[15] and another had been receiving discussions from the zone leader over the area. Take advantage of companionship inventory. Our deepest sympathies go to the families of these faithful missionaries, and we express our love and condolences to all who love them, he said in the release. He told us, I really dont know what to expect in phase two because most people with injuries like Creeds dont survive phase one, " Chad said. (Interestingly enough, a mission assistant to my uncle Reed Benson, named Reed Smith, has in the past posted about this terrible episode on the Recovery from Mormoisn bulletin board. I really don't know whether short of actual known abuse, any change would have been made in time to prevent this tragedy. He was the kind of missionary that Reed Benson particularly appreciated. In January, a 24-year-old elder serving in his home country of Haiti died after being admitted to a hospital with health complications; a 19-year-old elder from Utah was killed in a car crash in Arkansas; and a 20-year-old Nigerian serving a mission in his homeland died after a sudden health episode (unrelated to COVID-19).. He knew both the murder victim, Elder James Christensen, and James killer, and has shared particulars about the case here. Attempting to resolve the problem directly with your companion before talking to others reduces the likelihood of gossip. Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. "[15][17][18][19][20], However, the trial progressed very slowly. He had "looked forward to his mission above all else." On 21 January, Sister Melissa Peterson, 22, of Snowflake, Arizona, was killed when a truck struck the rear of the car in which she was riding. Secondly, with him going, he should have gone on a service mission. No more information was released on the two missionaries. Thank you,". Chad and Marla, who met and married 15 years ago, say they want to do everything they can to give Creed a fighting chance to recover from his injuries. [28][62] Any new American missionaries who arrived were dark-complexioned or Hispanic, "not blondies. sltrib.com 1996-2023 The Salt Lake Tribune. "[10] Jane Caspar, a friend of the Ball family explained the general feeling, "No one can comprehend it; it's just unbelievable. On Valentines Day, Creed achieved another milestone, saying the prayer on his own. steve benson His companion and two other missionaries also at the scene were. Three Things to Remember before You Judge, 14 Ways to Get Your Emotional Health Back on Track. deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or emailsubscribe@sltrib.com. [74] By 1993, all North American missionaries had been removed from these missions. I'm not concerned about violence, but more convinced that there will be a lot of unnecessary suffering because of these unreasonable cultural expectations. A lie by ommission? So one of our men went to speak with them, and immediately they both ran away. It's something that happens somewhere else to someone else's kids. Antonio Rojas, a Bolivian officer assigned to the case, stated that while they were staking out the home of Susana Zapana (the suspect who had been a member of the LDS Church), At 11:30 p.m., Susana hadn't arrived to tell us who Horacio was. [69](107) By February 8, 1990, the trial seemed to be entering into its final phases, when Judge David Rivas Gradin felt that the key testimonies of two women would enable him to reach a verdict. "[31] Another mother expressed of her son, "I just don't know how I'm going to live through the next year if he stays there. President Branch then witnessed Sister Wilson whom he described as an "angel," consoling her family.[6]. Brad left just 3 months after Todds death and served in the Spain, Seville mission. Mara Sanchez Carlos, head of the department's Bolivia desk wrote Senator Hatch, "There are eight defendants, three of whom are at large, and they got 30 years. She is a 30-year-old single mother who lives and works in the Salt Lake City area. How on earth did this happen??? I suppose it was during that time that Mason gained a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon.. Elder Mason Lewis Bailey from Richfield, Utah, serving in the Sweden Stockholm Mission since July 2013, died after being struck by a vehicle while he and his companion were walking along a road on their way to an appointment. I was so surprised when I found that post. Ministering to Those with Financial Challenges, Ministering to Those Who Are Incarcerated, A Message of Hope for Those Who Are Incarcerated, Blessings and Challenges of Marrying Later in Life, My Heart Is Fixd: Eliza R. Snows Lifelong Conversion, We Can All Find Joy within Our Personal Prisons, How My Husbands Incarceration Affected Our Family, Finding Healing after My Dad Was Incarcerated, Crime, Incarceration, and the Worth of a Soul, Moving Forward with Hope during Unexpected Times, Covenant Living: A Guide for Returned Missionaries, Finding Strength in Christ to Finally Change My Life, Choosing Change Can Be Hard and Scary, but Its Worth It, Being OK with Not Being OK: Navigating Seasons of Grief, Adjusting to Life as a Missionary: Companions, Rejection, and Mental Health. [14][17] Such findings were further confirmed as authorities learned that one or more of the rebels had received bomb training in Cuba. (Marla Leonard-Waggoner) Marla Leonard-Waggoner and her son, Creed Waggoner, who was injured while serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Boston. There are approximately 54,000 full-time missionaries serving throughout the world at present. Mentally, he was O.K. It simply was a bad match. Many people along the way are to blame, only the dead missionary lies blameless in this situation. You can submit your own article, ideas, or feedback at liahona.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

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