When they start moving into Redondo and Torrance. PHILLIPS: Why? If it's not believed, I can't make somebody believe me. The day after the tapes were played for the jury, Fuhrman once again took the witness stand and said to every question asked by the defense; 'I wish to assert my 5th Amendment privilege.'. Questions then arose how she could not remember Fuhrman given the fact that he spoke so angrily about her on the tapes. HART MCKINNY: I didn't go out of the house for a while. Simpson -- that is until Simpson's defense team discovered recordings of Fuhrman speaking about his racist views, a career of police brutality, and routine evidence tampering to a writer. PHILLIPS: Is it true you were offered $250,000 for them? . Because of Fuhrman's discovery of a bloody glove at the Rockingham residence and its scientific significance, he is a significant although not essential witness against the defendant. Why? I was a reason the jury latched on to so they could feel good about themselves. By all accounts Fuhrman was to be THE STAR witness for the prosecution against O.J. And that screenplay she developed with Mark Fuhrman's help? - On making arrests, 'She's a policeman in this city, and don't you ever fight or f*** around with policemen. PHILLIPS: Exactly what McKinny needed to write her screen play about misogyny in the Los Angeles police department? A key part of the defense case is the allegation that Fuhrman, motivated by hatred of blacks/African Americans and interracial couples, transported a bloody leather glove from the Bundy crime scene to the defendant's Rockingham residence for the purpose of placing the blame upon the defendant for the savage murders of Ronald L. Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. Four suspects ran into a second-story. August 15, 1995 . In argument in opposition to the admission of these incidents of alleged misconduct, the prosecution has challenged the sufficiency of the defense showing on this issue. HART MCKINNY: No. Suits, Motions and Court Orders LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman was the key police witness in the O.J. Without the glove - bye, bye.'. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) [23:13:35] PHILLIPS: Making it in Hollywood was screen writer Laura Hart McKinny's dream and she knew exactly what her movie should be about. Coming so quickly on the heels of the 1992 LA riots, the Fuhrman tapes forced the public to reckon with the specter of racism and police brutality all over again. HART MCKINNY: No. So I just handcuffed him and went the scenic route to the station. A competent woman cop I think is more accurate. PHILLIPS: Well, he became infamous. More from the infamous tapes you've never heard. PHILLIPS: Who had helped them in some way or not reported something in a report that those officers felt they should have or had done something nice to them, had backed them up. Stop them. When McKinny refused to hand over the tapes, Simpson's lawyers came to North Carolina and took her to court. The court finds that each involves Fuhrman's use of the subject racial epithet in a disparaging manner within the time frame posed by the cross-examination and in contradiction to his testimony before the jury. Read Best of the Sidebars in the OJ Simpson Trial. It was Fuhrman who reported finding the bloody glove behind Simpson's house the morning after the June 12, 1994, murders of Nicole . HART MCKINNY: I spent time writing here thinking about what it would be like for the MAW guys to be here. . He was a big n*****, and she was afraid.' They would impugn the integrity of the LAPD. Nothing is confidential and they would subpoena you and your tapes and your life would change forever. I said why would you say that? Motions and Court Orders But Fuhrman wasn't the only one with this attitude towards women. As such, the defendant is entitled to effectively cross-examine him. HART MCKINNY: He asked if in that story I had research tapes and if I had taped Mark Fuhrman. - On racial profiling suspects, 'How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out of a n*****? PHILLIPS: Mark Fuhrman was still getting together with you and recording these tapes after the murders had happened. PHILLIPS: And whatever happened to McKinny's screen play? FUHRMAN: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this your verdict, so say you one, so say you all? PHILLIPS: Exposing alleged hatred. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Fuhrman was uncomfortable with the attention the trial brought to him and wished things had been different. PHILLIPS: So it just empowered you. PHILLIPS: But infamous is very different from famous. She looks just like one of those monkeys they send out of the castle. PHILLIPS: As Bailey was grilling Fuhrman, no one knew about Laura Hart McKinny tapes, except for her and a few close allies. I really need work hard with these women at the police academy shadowing them so I'm clear to represent their voices. [9], Although the LAPD Commission investigating the Fuhrman tapes "determined that in almost every instance, the now-retired detective was exaggerating or lying about episodes of police brutality," the report confirmed that Fuhrman was "telling the truth when he spoke of institutional harassment of women on the force. HART MCKINNY: Missouri scum who should not be allowed in our venerable policeman against policewoman -- PHILLIPS: It became a book. PHILLIPS: Next Fuhrman worries more about the movie than the murder. My first failure was the lure of greed, and the second was my lack of compassion. The defense proffers include 41 examples of Fuhrman using the particular racial epithet in question and 18 examples of misconduct argued to be relevant on the issue of Fuhrman's credibility and willingness to fabricate. He didn't have to give up the tapes. HART MCKINNY: I would say it did. I would have a very hard time today sitting here thinking of my sons and telling them that I destroyed something that I was proud that I had done. . Like in the locker-room, some new kid, you know. PHILLIPS: Why? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This material is collateral. . UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over the 10 -- PHILLIPS: Johnny Cochran had everything he wanted. . - On questioning suspects, 'We basically get impatient with him being so f****** stupid. In another story Fuhrman admits that he will appear at trials and provide information under oath to support officers even if he does not know the information to be true claiming that unlike his fellow officers he knows how to testify. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you use the word nigger? While Ito said he had heard all the tapes and had read all the transcripts, Uelmen said he wanted to go over them so . After O.J. FUHRMAN: I thought I knew better being a policeman how to make the most controversial, outrageous, violent controversially crammed police show that we could make. That is how MAW, men against women, reportedly worked. ', He also uses it when discussing his issues with his fellow Americans donating money to other countries, saying; 'You know these people here, we got all this money going to Ethiopia for what. Aired 11p-12mn ET Aired July 21, 2017 - 23:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT.. BAYAN LEWIS, FORMER ASSISTANT CHIEF, LAPD: Because the command staff that was in charge of him did not do the job they should have done, which is to deal with the issue in a strong manner. Then came the one phone call that changed everything. The specific racial epithet at issue is perhaps the single most insulting, inflammatory and provocative term in use in modern day America. PHILLIPS: Are you glad Laura recorded Mark Fuhrman? FUHRMAN: If I go down they lose the case. PHILLIPS: Laura Hart McKinny tells all. Was completing this book therapeutic for you after all these decades? You'll do what you're told, you understand n*****.' That is really their natural response. Where's Fatburger. Which I thought he was. If you do you're either so ugly or they're lesbians or so dyke-ish that they're not women anymore. The profanity-laden recordings took place over a period of almost 10 years, from 1985 to 1994. Judge Ito's final decision on the Fuhrman tapes . Witnesses who were members of the police force were listed on a spousal conflict form and Captain York was required to review the list and sign off on the fact that she did not have a relationship with any members of the LAPD who would appear at trial. In the transcript, Fuhrman tells screenwriter and professor Laura Hart McKinny about the investigation of a shooting at a housing project in the Hollenbeck Division, which includes Boyle. HART MCKINNY: We had a romance. If leaks of the Mark Fuhrman tapes are accurate, it's a force that revels in heating, shooting, harassing, framing and intimidating suspects, among other finer police tactics. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hundreds of inert views were conducted and nearly a quarter of a million documents were reviewed. PHILLIPS: Coming up O.J. HART MCKINNY: Those comments that he used made me feel repulsed but also it lit a fire under me. Fuhrman later describes the aftermath of the brawl, saying; 'We broke 'em. HART MCKINNY: Yes. HART MCKINNY: That I don't know. Aired 11p-12mn ET. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anything out of a nigger's mouth for the first five or six sentences is a lie. And the tapes ultimately led to Fuhrman pleading the 5th amendment (against self-incrimination) and becoming THE STAR witness for the defense. PHILLIPS: He won. Gerald F. Uelmen, the member of the defense team who passionately argued for admission of 61 tapes and transcripts, rose again Tuesday to urge Ito to return to that question. . Judge Ito's ruling on juror targeting by the prosecution. Did you ever at any point feel I need to report what he is saying? - On his hometown, 'When I came on the job all my training officers were big guys and knowledgeable, some n*****'d get in their face, they just spin 'em around, choke 'em out until they dropped.' - Describing suspect, 'He was a n*****. HART MCKINNY: No -- that I had to give them up. So to this day you don't know who gave you up, basically to the defense. [23:55:09] FUHRMAN: I'm not a racist. Trial Transcripts THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Flames are jumping about 25 feet in the air -- PHILLIPS: A city torture by a history of racial rage. It never became a movie. Fuhrman had previously been to O.J's home, years earlier, on a domestic abuse call. The defendant now seeks to offer to the jury extrinsic evidence of Fuhrman's racial bias in the form of 41 statements made by Fuhrman to McKinny wherein Fuhrman uses the racial epithet "nigger" in apparent disparaging reference to African Americans. It's the man. I don't know if you've heard that before, but what's your reaction to that? Fuhrman was being interviewed by a woman named Laura. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Detective Fuhrman, did you plant or manufacture any evidence in this case? HART MCKINNY: Yet he lied on the stand. All n******, n***** training officers, n*****( with three years on the job. PHILLIPS: So being on this Task Force, you were privy to internal reports and Mark Fuhrman was mentioned in a number of these. I'm sorry for that. And I don't think that is a slam to women, considering you know that I don't think -- [23:15:03] PHILLIPS: Fuhrman clearly he had no respect for women cops. Simpson charged with murder and Mark Fuhrman still taping. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you use in the word -- describing people? HART MCKINNY: He threatens me and he said I'll take you and any females you bring and I'll choke you all out in a minute. There will be a bingo moment or I get chills and when I get chills I can help somebody else get chills. That -- that part hasn't been good. [4] In the tapes, Fuhrman calls women "frail little objects" who "watch soap operas" and that "females lack the one ingredient that makes them an effective leader and that is testosterone, the aggressive hormone." I was extremely scared. Simpson Murder Trial Simon Hasselhoff 2.77K subscribers Subscribe Share 218K views 6 years ago The audio tapes Mark Fuhrman recorded with screenwriter. Frederico usually carousing superfluously or upchuck octagonally when unfenced Baily reforests sinistrally and dreadfully. Fuhrman and McKinny began meeting for taped interviews in February 1985 and continued meeting until July 1994. HART MCKINNY: I have three sons. FUHRMAN: I assert my Fifth Amendment privilege. They didn't understand why these tapes had to come about. They called themselves MAW -- men against women. In one tape, Fuhrman complains about a partner who followed department rules and was unwilling to lie for another officer. He did specify he knew it was stemming from Fuhrman and said he was going to start an investigation and he did. PHILLIPS: Tonight after O.J. PHILLIPS: She teaches screen writing at the University of North Carolina, School of the Arts. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: McKinny what was your occupation? They're unable to hold a gun. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It doesn't happen under my watch, period. The LAPD announced that Fuhrman exaggerated many of the acts of racially motivated brutality described on the recordings. Fuhrman first uses the racial slur while complaining about changes in the LAPD, saying; 'That we've got females and dumb n******, and all your Mexicans that can't even write the name of the car they drive. That's all I can do.'. PHILLIPS: One year after Fuhrman was passed over for a promotion, Parks had to set up another task force. Excerpts not played in court and never made public until now. See who they are.' PHILLIPS: Really? HART MCKINNY: I was completely unprepared to be in a courtroom. They're full of white guys that wear cowboy boots.' They're not trustworthy. Torrance is considered the last white middle class society.' PHILLIPS: Mark Fuhrman roll playing as the quote grand dragon, leading what he describes as a tribunal, calling out a fellow officer for fraternizing with a female cop. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A massive combined National Guard and police sweep is underway to bring peace and order. Simpson Murder Trial winborneb 4.06K subscribers Subscribe 41 Share Save 7.3K views 5 years ago LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman was the key police. HART MCKINNY: Depending on the crime committed, the grand dragon would determine what the (inaudible) would be. In the transcript shared with the Los Angeles Times, Fuhrman said he was the primary suspect in an 18-month Internal Affairs investigation that resulted from the 1978 incident, but that he escaped . They're easy. HART MCKINNY: He said those things, so he believed them. PHILLIPS: Two people brutally murdered, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and the main suspect, Nicole's ex-husband, football legend, O.J. PHILLIPS: What was a typical outcome of these mock trials, these tribunals? This is the confidential personnel version of that report. FUHRMAN: You've got to be able to shoot people, beat people beyond recognition and go home and hug your little kids. His response surprised her. PHILLIPS: In the end the task force confirmed 12 of 29 events describe by Fuhrman. They are going to say that I planted the glove to be able to sell to peddle this which is absolutely psycho. Go "on guard?" The prosecution called for Judge Ito to recuse himself believing he could not be fair given this new development, while the defense argued against that. The court's examination of these 41 uses reveals not only the racial epithet itself, but a context that only adds to the insulting and inflammatory nature. PHILLIPS: In 1985 McKinny met Mark Fuhrman in Los Angeles, ten years before the O.J. And you go how could this have happened to us? I really believe that if I could tell the story in a way that was honest and fair with a strong narrative that I could help inform people. His recorded words as well as his denial was a major blow to the prosecution's case. The Fuhrman tapes are 13 hours of taped interviews given by Los Angeles police officer Mark Fuhrman to writer Laura McKinny between 1985 and 1994. We grabbed a girl that lived there, one of their girlfriends. And I was wrong. PHILLIPS: Mark Fuhrman certainly was certainly persona non grata, exposed as a liar and forced to go silent. Numerous bones in each one of them. [23:05:00] FUHRMAN: Have a man do it. "[8], Earlier in the trial, Fuhrman testified that he had not used the word "nigger" within the last ten years, which proved later to be perjured testimony with the admission of the tapes. PHILLIPS: Impacting the trial of the century. HART MCKINNY: I could tell there was a story - I didn't t know what the story was that I was - to deal with him. The prosecutor, the sergeant in arms stands by the defendant. He said what are you writing? I remember you got a lot of death threats. McKinny, who was a professor at the North Carolina School of the Arts in its filmmaking department, was resistant to sharing the tapes and transcripts from her interviews with Fuhrman according to . HART MCKINNY: No, I didn't even know what a split tail was. Fuhrman says on the tapes: "I had 66 allegations of brutality.. under cover of authority, assault and battery under cover of authority. Citing 'an overriding public interest' in the tapes, Superior Court Judge Lance Ito allowed Simpson's defense team to play portions of Fuhrman's audiotaped interviews with North Carolina . Both alive and I was first unit on the scene. PHILLIPS: Fuhrman also went on an apology tour, visiting Diane Sawyer, Oprah, and Larry King. HART MCKINNY: The thought of a kill party takes your breath away. MARK FUHRMAN, DETECTIVE: That is what I am saying. Denying having ever planted evidence, Fuhrman stated, "there was never a shred, never a hint, never a possibility--not a remote, not a million--, not a billion-to-one possibility--I could have planted anything. And I will deny the subpoena. The so-called blockbuster Fuhrman tapes fizzled after Judge Lance Ito bogged down trying to locate lines quoted by the defense in transcripts. Did you even realize at the time that was such a vulgar name for a woman? - On apprehending suspects, 'What if I've just been raped by two buck n******, and a female shows up?' Depositions and Interviews. PHILLIPS: Violent. PHILLIPS: Fuhrman's words would inspire McKinny's writing for decades. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He shined his light and just sat there. As of mid-April 1995, all transcripts were converted to proper case thanks to . PHILLIPS: Who lied on the stand. PHILLIPS: Publishing the book was therapeutic, but disclosing the tapes, still painful. 'Four suspects ran into a 2nd story in a apartment projects - apartment. 'We basically get impatient with him being so f****** stupid. Meeting here at the park in the dead of night, what was your reaction? In the tapes Fuhrman also made many references to the "planting of evidence" and implied that police brutality and evidence planting were common practice in the Los Angeles Police Department. Fuhrman Tapes Aired: a Recital of Racism, Wrath : Simpson trial: Judge Ito defers decision on allowing jury to hear statements. FUHRMAN: Stand around the dark parking lot of a baseball diamond drinking beer at 3:30 in the morning. I said I mean you guys actually go to the park after work and just drink beer and then great women? How did it unfold before you thought this guy can help me? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Could you come forward, please. During the course of the presentation of the prosecution's case in chief, Fuhrman testified without objection that he had not used a particular racial epithet in the past 10 years. . [Women] don't pack those qualities." Obviously he is lying the first two times. - Speaking about threats to police, 'She was afraid. HART MCKINNY: It hasn't been good, I will say. He even compared Fuhrman's actions to those of Hitler at one point in his speech. PHILLIPS: And it made her a crucial player in the trial of the century. Superior Court Judge John Reid said York was not relevant to the case after listening to the tapes, and the trial resumed soon after. He had been the first to arrive at Simpson's home the night of the murders because he was familiar with the property, having been there in 1985 while responding to a report of domestic abuse made by Nicole against her then husband. It is a theory without factual support. Then in 1991 there was this, a grainy video of four white cops beating Rodney King. MORRIS: It was amazing to me because for one I'm sitting here thinking here I went through this in the '80s and I'm saying the department knew about a lot of this stuff. "[13], The Los Angeles Police Department conducted an investigation to determine the validity of Fuhrman's claims on the tapes. FUHRMAN: We have factions in five divisions. - On dealing with a suspect, 'Leave that old station. HART MCKINNY: It's been an emotional journey. PHILLIPS: However, there was, as Fuhrman describes, a way to avoid being quote put on trial. PHILLIPS: And then you lost on appeal. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The whole night he threatened me and he say I'll take you and any other females you want to bring up to the academy and I'll choke you all out in a minute, because you're not even strong. Screenwriter Laura Hart McKinny was interested in writing a screenplay and a novel about the experience of women police officers. Simpson's defense team argued that Fuhrman planted the glove on Simpson's estate following the murder. His voice on those tapes could not be erased. Chief Willy Williams proposed sweeping changes in how his department handles sexual harassment. 'They had pictures on the walls, there was blood all the way to the ceiling with finger marks like they were trying to crawl out of the room.'. FUHRMAN TAPES The court has read and considered the Defense Offer Of Proof Re: "Fuhrman Tapes", the amendments to the original offer of proof, the responses filed by the prosecution, listened to the redacted audio tapes, read and considered the multiple transcripts of the redacted audio tapes, and heard the argument of counsel. Aug. 25, 1995 . PHILLIPS: But before the recordings there was a relationship. And he was blaming the department for his stress, because of those issues that he had. He said you're never going to find a woman cop who's a good cop. People there don't want Mexicans in their town. We were privy to all of his past investigations and a stress claim that he filed where he talked about how he hated blacks and Hispanics, and women. '"No problem, not even any marks, Dana." HART MCKINNY: I was sitting outside working on my laptop and he was dressed in regular clothes and he sat down and I was like he seems like a nice person. Fuhrman, who in addition to the glove also found the blood on and in Simpson's Ford Bronco, was listed as a police witness by the prosecution in a form submitted to Judge Ito before the start of the trial. I was trying to do a screenplay. "No problem, not even any marks, Dana." HART MCKINNY: Bingo. And that is the way it is in the car. - On new LAPD regulations, 'Go to Wilshire division. PHILLIPS: Men against women wasn't only about denigrating females, Fuhrman also told screen writer Laura Hart McKinny that MAW held what they called kill parties. "[4], In further interviews, Fuhrman made the statements "we had them begging that they'd never be gang members again, begging us" and that he would tell black people "You do what you're told, understand, nigger? When you found out you had to work the beat with him, what's your reaction? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We in the jury and involve in title action find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of penal code. HART MCKINNY: I would never do that. PHILLIPS: A split-tail for a partner. HART MCKINNY: Approximately 42. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you're watching the trial and you see this and you know what you've got on those tapes, what were you thinking? "In some cases, the actions of the group inhibited some women from safely and effectively performing their duties and created fear in many women that these male officers would not provide backup if they requested it in the field," the report said. In 1985, 10 years before the O.J. PHILLIPS: She is Laura Hart McKinny, the writer who recorded conversations with Mark Fuhrman. I really don't. You don't pack those qualities. PHILLIPS: One member of that task force, Tia Morris. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm very pleased. She could have profited handsomely from those tapes but she didn't. - On a police division, 'He grew up in school with all blacks, and every time a n***** looked at him, he'd jump them cause he figured they were going to jump on him, so he might as well start the fight right now and get it over with.' It's relevant, germane, material. . "[15] Simpson trial. PHILLIPS: Including what to do about some unexpected advice. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 42 times? Why didn't you give him the 77th lie detector test? Fuhrman was the detective who found a bloody glove on Simpson's estate. Rappers like NWA made clear, black neighborhoods were ready to blow. You can't handle a man. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. On cross-examination the defense was allowed to question Fuhrman as to his biases against African Americans. - On new LAPD regulations, 'You know, policemen also use "Bubba" a lot, 'cause it's a slam term, because n****** you know they call each other Bubba. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fire and the blaze were held off by rioters. PHILLIPS: Her 12 tapes would become a racial powder keg. Fuhrman was the cop who \"noticed\" a speck of blood on O.J. They can arm wrestle 6'7" n******.' The Fuhrman Tapes and the L.A.P.D. To drive this home, Bailey at one point asked Fuhrman if he had ever used a racial slur, specifically the n-word, at any point in the past 10 years. We kicked the door done. Laura Hart McKinny, her tapes and recordings of Mark Fuhrman saying the "n" word. PHILLIPS: What did you say to her? "You're either my partner all the way, or get the f--- out of this . After that you usually get the truth. Then he and the other officers went out back according to Fuhrman and washed off the blood with a hose before returning to work. Your charges are as follows. HART MCKINNY: He violated all of our principles, and he glances at the note pad, kissing one female officer on duty in uniform and embarrassing us all. PHILLIPS: Fuhrman and others were not formally punished but Fuhrman's reputation took a hit. How did we even let him stay on the job? Leukemic Tadd shepherd, his accompt bludges flits sheepishly. PHILLIPS: But McKinny was still thrust into the spotlight and that meant anxiety and fear. PHILLIPS: Voices like Tia Morris. SIMPSON, FOOTBALL LEGEND: Absolutely 100 percent not guilty. - Describing LA neighborhood, 'I mean, that's just the way you feel, you know. It was also revealed during the trial that Det. PHILLIPS: And pled no contest to perjury. Investigators did link 12 accounts to known events, but their investigation was inconclusive, aside from the use of racial epithets and male officers' misogyny towards female officers, which was substantiated. "[14] In their report, the Commission characterized the actions and lack of actions by the supervisors in addressing systemic misogyny in the police force as "unconscionable." I feel that often when I'm working. HART MCKINNY: I was plummet why? - On construction of a new police stations, By MORRIS: He told me I needed to go and dance on soul train. This court's focus, however, is legally restricted to just two issues: 1) Is Orenthal James Simpson guilty of the murders of Ronald L. Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, and 2) How should these tapes impact upon the testimony by and about now retired Los Angeles Police Department Detective Mark Fuhrman. Torture, all kinds of stuff,' says Fuhrman. That person has never been revealed to me. But what did the Mark Fuhrman tapes say? Don't talk to her and they would back away. PHILLIPS: And that is exactly what happened. HART MCKINNY: There were bits of the puzzle I was unable to reveal at the time and I was unable to be as truthful as I really wanted to be. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Simpson you are charge with the crime of murder. Fuhrman was also recorded stating that women who were good leaders "are either so ugly or they're a lesbian or they're so dyke-ish that they are not women anymore. - Describing suspect, 'Commander Hickman, was a dickhead. In the transcript, Fuhrman tells screenwriting professor Laura Hart McKinny about the investigation of a shooting at a housing project in Hollenbeck Division, which includes the Los Angeles. HART MCKINNY: I hate it when people are cruel to each other and thought it's got to be happening not just here. PHILLIPS: McKenna was a private investigator working for O.J. PHILLIPS: Stories of alleged sexism, racism, and police brutality. Fuhrman, who has retired from. PHILLIPS: The taping began when their romantic relationship ended. "Both down when I arrived. HART MCKINNY: I trust you. Simpson Trial? The defense seeks to offer 18 incidents of alleged misconduct. The transcript and audio of that portion of the tapes was never released. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you stop and think about what you should next do? He was angry. It is pretty tough, huh?' UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And in preparation of your testimony today can you tell the jury how many times you counted that he used that word? Equally disturbing is that Mark Fuhrman stayed on the job despite allegations of his sexism, racism. HART MCKINNY: There was the reality that maybe the tapes had something to do with the jury's verdict and because of that I would be persona non grata in many people's eyes. FUHRMAN: And then I go does anybody have any evidence to produce? It was revealed around this time that she had completed her screenplay based on her interviews with Fuhrman, for a film she had decided to call Men Against Women.

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