Drop a ball from 1 foot off of the floor, slightly in front of a yardstick. WebThere are many different variables that would affect the bounce height of a ball. Dependent Variable: The Bounce (How height is the ball going to Bounce) because of the Also the facts that there were no anomalies and that all of the points were very close to the line of best fit show that the experiment was relatively accurate. A series of experiments that includes a control is called a controlled experiment.. Prior to the sample task, students investigated investigated forms of energy and energy transfers and transformations. Its height gradually decreases until it eventually stops moving. = The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. For each run, a different amount of change in the variable is used. This is also reflected in the velocity graph; the velocity is at its maximum at the minimum displacement and goes through zero at its maximum heights. At this level, science becomes even more interesting and powerful.8. Constants: the same person takes all of the measurements, the same materials are used in every trial. Controlled variables are air temperature, air flow, air pressure where you perform your tests. Here, the motion of a real bouncing ball is shown. Therefore of the GPE that the ball possessed at the beginning some energy is given off as thermal energy. It is from calculations using recorded data that tables and graphs are made. Repeat this test from 2 ft, 3 ft, and 1/2 ft. Do this test for each ball and record data. For example, we could have used a ruler on the top to help us read how high up the tennis ball bounced, and we could have made sure the partner taking measurements did so from a consistent height. External factors, i.e. KE = 1/2mv where m = mass and v = velocity, 1/2mv = mhg - thermal energy (lost as a result of drag). Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. Once the drag force equals the gravitational force all forces are equal and acceleration stops. Variables are WebVariables: Height from which the ball is dropped Mass of the ball Material ball is made from External factors, i.e. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Using the geometric sequence formula, the sum of the terms which are the heights of the ball after each bound: \(S_n = \frac{\alpha(1-r^n)}{1-r} = \frac{6m(1-0.38^5)}{1-0.38} = 9.6 m\). The selection of balls for official games in most sports (esp. Why? This will be repeated five times, possibly more (for accuracy), for each height and the top and bottom results will be discounted. Stages of bouncing ball example, Panagi - StudySmarter Originals, Motion graphs of a bouncing ball, Panagi - StudySmarter Originals. The Graph on page 23 shows that all of the results were very close together. A single experiment may contain many control variables. As a general rule, when the ball is travelling in the positive direction (upwards), the velocity can be assumed to be positive. The higher h1, the faster the velocity that the ball reaches. As the ball falls it hits against air particles. D) If I freeze a tennis ball, then it will not bounce as high. Use the same point on the ball (top) or (bottom) when judging both the height It is always good to have an explanation for choosing any hypothesis. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. This means that KE is the same for both balls when each ball hits the ground. This slope tells us how bouncy the ball is. Newton's third law states that every force or action has an equal and opposite reaction. Repeat your tests 9 more times and each time lower the release height for 6 inches. This also proves the accuracy of the experiment. It pushes downward on the floor and the floor pushes upward on it. Find out about the physics of a dropped ball. At 2ft, the basketball bounced 15 inches, the tennis ball bounced 12 inches, and the golf. Find the infinite distance of travel. CR can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore CRcan be found without knowing v22or v12. Materials:-Carbon Paper-Goggles-Golf It will be important to keep track of what times go between what bounces. Such variations in the bounce of a dropped ball rise questions that demand some research and investigation. So, we equate the potential energy and the kinetic energy. This means for the ball to reach terminal velocity the drag force has to be bigger and for the drag force to be bigger the ball has to fall faster (so that more air particles hit the ball every second). stay constant, results in an increase in m g h, stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h, The surface onto which the ball is dropped will affect the height to which the ball bounces because for any two objects that collide, the properties of both determine the percentage of the kinetic energy either possesses approaching the collision that is conserved subsequent to the collision taking place (Coefficient to restitution) discounting the effects of air resistance. Five repeats were done as it was deemed that an average of the middle three was reasonably accurate. Why if you drop a ball from say 2 meters does it bounce higher than a ball dropped from 1 meter? B) If I heat up a tennis ball it will bounce high. Use a uniform surface to drop the ball onto. This is because the experiment is a very short and simple one to carry out and if conducted efficiently can be completed easily within the time span allowed for collecting evidence. This experiment might have been improved if we had developed a method for more accurately measuring the tennis balls bounce height. At that instant, how does the ball know how high it should bounce? C) Frozen tennis balls will not bounce as high. \[S_{\infty} = \frac{\alpha(1-r^{\infty})}{1-r} = \frac{\alpha(1-0)}{1-r} \qquad S_{\infty} = \frac{\alpha}{1-r}\]. You can drop the ball from your hand or you can make a stopper for the ball to hold it only from the sides with a little pressure. These are illustrated below. Method:The apparatus will be set up as shown: H is the height of the ball before it is dropped. The equipment necessary to generate these conditions was not available and as a result the results obtained were not one hundred percent accurate. = The distance between the bottom of the ball before it is dropped and the ground. For a perfectly elastic bounce (the ultimate super ball), e =1; and for an inelastic bounce (like clay dropping on the floor), e =0. WebControlled Variables: Bouncy ball used, surface bounced off of, technique in which ball was dropped (initial height was measured from base of ball). Locate the peaks and record the time for each peak. WebA control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is an experimental element which is constant (controlled) and unchanged throughout the course of the The higher the height from which the ball was dropped from, the higher the height to which it bounced. Many questions are related. The ball is not performing a simple harmonic motion, as the acceleration is not proportional to the displacement from an equilibrium position. WebOn the cardboard, mark the starting point, the point where the marble strikes the wood, and a point along the marble's path as it rolls away from the wood. This can either be assumed and chosen, or it can be stated in a question.). Studying tables and graphs, we can see trends that tell us how different variables cause our observations. The change in direction when the ball reaches the ground causes a momentary acceleration as seen in the acceleration graph (as acceleration). Using the geometric sequence for an infinite sequence and substituting the given values we get: \(S_{\infty} = 2 \cdot \frac{\alpha}{1-r} = 2 \cdot \frac{6m}{1-0.38} = 19.35 m\). There are three types of variables: Controlled Variables: You can have as many controlled variables as you like. Please note that many online stores for science supplies are managed by MiniScience. " of the users don't pass the Bouncing Ball Example quiz! ", " My husband and son came with me for the tour. For the lowest three points air resistance is approximately equal to zero due to the ball having a low velocity, as it was dropped from a low height, and therefore hits less air particles per second than a ball traveling at a faster speed. B (81%) Synonyms. Therefore the results are valid. What factors affect the bounce of a dropped ball? Now is the time to pull together what happened, and assess the experiments you did. As energy cannot be created or destroyed it follows that the energy must have come from the energy that the ball possesses. changing air density, temperature. Summary of task. Once the drag force equals the gravitational force all forces are equal and acceleration stops. Its a good idea to bounce it on a level surface, and dont release from too great a height, or while bouncing, the ball will wander away from the sound recorder range. All of the factors that could have affected the results that were uncontrollable could have produced variations between results. Grades: Preschool and K-2 Length of Lesson: Approximately 45 minutes Related Video: The Hawk Factor episode Learning Goals: The last term can be the lowest height of the ball before it comes to an end as seen below. The more KE the ball leaves the floor with the longer it takes to stop due to the force of gravity and return back to the floor again. Therefore the coefficient to restitution = 0.7. What purpose does a control serve? Review each step of the procedure to find sources of potential errors. Specially look for parts that discuss the gas pressure and physical properties of gases. I plan to collect at least ten results as this will make the conclusion and graph I am able to draw from the experiment more accurate than if I had less results than ten. Because of these forces, both the ball and floor deform inward. Taking an average of several results creates a measurement in the middle of the variation created by the experiment, which is the result that is closest to the height that would be recorded for the balls bounce if it were measured in an experiment that was totally accurate. Then when dropping the ball again eye level was kept level with the blue tack. So if we double the air pressure, we will get double bounce height. This means that the higher h1the more h2will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. Preparation: Draw a ruler with high visibility on a roll of paper about 8 inches wide and 6 feet tall. h1and h2are from the bottom of the ball as it hits the floor to the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing. For instance, air resistance would slow down the tennis ball much more when it is dropped from 100 m than when dropped from 1 m. This difference in impact speed would probably affect the bounce height. Try to find more information from physics or mechanics books. WebThis experiment,is an investigation into the maximum height of the bounce of a ping pong ball when it is first released.This is because of the unpredictability of the bounce not always reaching the same height.This we can assume their are many factors effecting the bounce of the ping pong ball.The following experiment will determine how different In this experiment you will drop a ball on a hard surface such as table and record the sounds it makes when it bounces using a computer and any sound recorder program. The maximum height will have to be less than two meters as that is the maximum height that the equipment allows. The only difference is that no experimental variables are changed. So if we double the release height, we will get double bounce height. While these variables are not the A) scientific method. Our lab group was able to determine the relationship between drop height and bounce height. If you follow the motion of either ball, youll realize that theres a moment halfway through its bounce when the ball is perfectly motionless in contact with the floor. This is because the ball starts with more GPE. This calculation is shown in the data analysis section above. The surface onto which the ball is dropped upon will be kept the same. As gravity remains the same the amount of work acting on the ball remains the same (apart from slightly more air resistance due to the ball travelling faster and so hitting more air particles per second, but the effect of this is negligible) and the ball travels further before stopping. It was difficult to get down to the exact level of the blue tack seeing as it meant lowering your entire upper body in the short amount of time taken for the ball to hit the floor and rebound again to get your eye level from h1 to h2 (where the blue tack was stuck, approximately).

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