We could spend easily two hours discussing that subject. And so she was she made out OK. Peak tick season is getting started in NH. I actually went to see Knate's drag show this weekend. Justine Paradis: We can we can post it. The WRTG line is accepted by the NECTW family of Traditions. Peter Biello: Most often cats, but not always cats. So there's a law in the 17th century that changes by the 18th century and is now enshrined in our Bill of Rights that could protect you potentially from the kind of miscarriage of justice that you saw in Salem listeners. That was one of the reasons they were following. But in a moment of let's say that the French Indian wars of so many ice ages, they a period of poor weather and poor crops as they had around 1692 in Salem. CITY: Newport / Upper Valley region of Western New Hampshire, TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Traditional Arte "Willow Path". Are associated with cats. The group has the following objectives I use something very different. And that's something that again, at the Salem Witch Museum. You haven't. There's so many people who went off to war and passed away. Path of the Phoenix Song is a traditional Gardnerian coven dedicated to the Goddess and God. There's actually there is another witch hunt that happens in Connecticut after Salem. Im Mystic Jewel the owner of The Witches Coven and a genuine bloodline witch. Peter Biello: Mm hmm. Tricia Peone: Yeah, I think that's Nate's we're doing a great job of explaining what's so appealing about magic to a lot of people today because it's kind of a tool you can use. Or maybe it's not a question, but a comment, she said, which is, as we think of them, may have started out as women who were brewsters Brewsters, female Brewer's. Complicated. Drawn from personal teachings passed on through families, individual teachers, rare magical texts written by 'cunning folk' and Witches from the pre-industrial era, as well as certain Hermetic disciplines, we work with a system of practical magical techniques long known as "The Willow Path". WebThank you for submitting to r/CovenFinder.If you're searching for a coven or group, please check out the wiki for a list of real-life covens and online covens.Don't forget to read guidelines 7 and 8 if seeking to join a group or coven.. Tricia Peone: So Jane Walford is a pretty interesting case and she's really a unique New Hampshire, which, well, not literally a witch, but accused of being a witch. Tricia Peone: Yeah. Historians have noticed that there's a pattern of accusations against women who were might have some property by people who might have the ability to either buy or sort of take the property from them. These two sources, and our beloved ancestors of the blood, Lady Gwen and Lord Gwydion, are the cherished life's blood of the CTG, for it is by the Goddess' and God's hands we are guided and continue to thrive. Do you are you familiar with the name? Just your web. And it may or may not be right. Caller: Well, my question is I'd like to know of a good reference, a resource for researching history. Seeking in New Hampshire or Massachusetts? Tricia Peone: There's a couple of historians who've studied this gender relationship. So there's other cases in New England. But it may not have been. Justine Paradis: For instance, a lot of the legal problems or the legal structures that happened in the witch trials. Yeah. They keep it private. This is a computer-generated transcript and may contain errors. WebHow many witches are in a coven Covens vary greatly in terms of size, from just a handful of people to dozens or even hundreds of members . Tricia. Thank you, both of you, for joining us today. Any of that stuff can fall under the occult. And after Salem after 1693, when they finally kind of everyone's been released from jail because so many people have been executed, they executed 19 people for witchcraft in Salem. Thank you so much. Tricia Peone: I think it's really about your personal preference and what you identify with as a witch, because there's so many different kinds of witchcraft that people are practicing today. Witchcraft as a practice really started to develop as its practice today. With respect and responsibility to the Earth Mother, and as always harming none. But always Respect. Peter Biello: And there was another woman that you described in the podcast. No, no matter who you are. I started my business 6 years ago when I decided to follow my passion and leave Knate Higgins: Thank you so much for having me. And when we look back on that today, we would say, oh, we'd lump that all together as kind of magic or witchcraft. But they did initially settle in Exeter, which indicates that they may have been followers of John Wheelwright, who kind of branched off as he was kind of a dissenter from the Puritans in Boston. Like that's the kind of thing that they were thinking of. They have an exhibit for The Wizard of Oz and a lecture series around The Wizard of Oz or a lecture around The Wizard of Oz, because it is such a that image of the witches. And she said in the article, I often say, show me your witches and I'll show you 0- I'll show you your feelings about women, witches reflect our fears and fantasies about women with power. We meet in Shirley, MA about 40 minutes west of Boston and 20 minutes south of NH. New Hampshire & Kansas, attend open rituals & events that are sponsored by other local covens or groups and participate in raising funds & awareness for non-pagan community orginizations. And what they would say is that when men are accused of witchcraft, it's most likely because they're related to a woman who's been accused of witchcraft. Knate Higgins: Lovely. Peter Biello: And it seems like the criteria for deciding who is a witch is extremely broad. I know my audience. Sound: The people started throwing more accusations towards her. There's a great book about women as Brewsters in England by Judith Bennett, who's a historian, who writes about the, you know, how women became marginalized in the brewing industries that women used to be brewers. You didn't have the right to confront your accusers. And no matter what the spiritual. So essentially testimony from the idea that which could send her spirit or her familiar.. forth outside of her body, which means that. Peter Biello: Reading list at NHPR.org Can we find that? And there's other cases where women are accused and their husband sues on their behalf. And do you just decide that you don't want to talk about it and bow out? There's often religious disagreements. Yeah. The Cast of the Agatha Harkness Spinoff . This is so it seems like, Tricia, you've heard of this kind of thing before. Because it's often used as a pejorative, the word witch. We take seriously our vows to the Goddess and God, the earth, the community, and ourselves, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously. Right. So it just means kind of secret or hidden things. And so it might be a mole. Part 2 airs on Wednesday, October 30th. So we mentioned feminism a few times. Justine Paradis: I also want to say that these these blurred lines and the sort of messiness of the concepts can lead to to some real messiness which the witches and New-Age, the New Age community is starting to record with, for instance, sort of picking and choosing from different spiritualities like shamanism. This year's grand marshal of the Portsmouth Halloween Parade. Members of The Forest Path Coven also seek personal growth through the Divine Love of Gaia and a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. And this was an outlet in a way for that kind of stress. We're speaking today about witchcraft, what it is, who practices it. WITCHES AND PAGANS DO NOT PROSELYTIZE SO IT'S UP TO THE SEEKER TO SEARCH, CONTACT AND FIND TEACHERS. WebThe Witches' Cottage, where the Bricket Wood coven met to celebrate the sabbats and esbats. By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at publicfile@nhpr.org. There are a lot of people in that kind of culture, counterculture movement of the 60s and 70s that that admired him. The majority will be made up of women, with a smaller number of men, but some will be all-female or all-male. To what extent do you take time to really spell out what it is you believe and how it fits into the larger framework of beliefs? And so things kind of die down. It's been a sort of an invaluable resource for a lot of people throughout the years when they don't really know where to turn. They're always different. And when did this period end? A Coven of Witches is filled with amazing witchy merchandise. And we started off that way. Blessed Be! He died, I think in 1947, but his works become increasingly popular over time and in the 70s there's a revival of interest in him and his work. And she wins against him, too, and she wins monetary damages. Knate Higgins: That's a that's another very good question. So there's often blending between these terminologies and people who identify, but then some people who might identify with some kinds of New Age philosophies might not consider themselves to have anything to do with witchcraft at all. WebWitches. Thanks for being on the line. Added stress to the the community, to the society at that time. WebVintage Rustic Farmhouse Baby Witches SET OF 3 Halloween Prints. But I would say that you probably could find an unusual mark on almost anyone's body. She was blamed for some local deaths. If you are interested in our programs, or would like to volunteer, donate. A monthly donation of $5 makes a real difference. You know, it in an ethereal sort of way or, you know, a magical sort of way. And that mostly comes out of well, for one thing, the fact that laws change. So sometimes first thing in the morning I'll just set a quick intention and they never look the same. Linda, thank you very much for calling. Before 29 I hadnt even heard of a Saturn Return as a concept. So be sure to search for second greatest show on Earth wherever you get your podcasts. The first source is the Book of Shadows and other teachings of the New York Welsh Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (NYWTG or "Welsh Tradition"), as founded by Lord Gwydion. This commingling led to the founding of the WRTG. And those little system practices are incredibly personal to each chaos magician with the understanding this personal and please turn me down if this is too personal. I mean, even now like that continues today in Halloween decorations. I would say historical aspects of magic. Well, she and her husband came over from England, I think it was in the 16 30s, and they actually were in debt from their passage when they arrived. Justine Paradis: Sure, Well, we also spoke to the historian Emerson Baker, who wrote a book called The Devil of Great Island about witchcraft on the Seacoast. So would you say that these are sort of the last cases, Tricia? But she looks you look at the Bill of Rights and at our Constitution and the legal system that we set up, the fact you have the right to not have cruel and use an unusual punishment. If I'm in within a conversation and somebody asks me about my spirituality, I definitely gauge that conversation and kind of, you know. Bring your questions, your interest, and an open mind. It's one of the things I I often try to keep outwardly separate on my tours because people will come on the tours and immediately, if they hear, oh, well, you know, helps, which gives me a tour, then they're immediately going to judge me. So they start to notice these kinds of things, illnesses. Not in New Hampshire, but in Massachusetts. Tricia Peone: Well, it's just more of an example of an episode where the legal system fails people essentially. It could refer to almost what we would think of as like the new age kind of metaphysical hidden secrets, higher planes of existence, other realms of consciousness. That's what I do. B be the energy that sort of pushes that intention forward through the universe. So they might identify with the craft. One of the people who was really influential, as far as I can tell, is Aleister Crowley. (in English: The Wolf Hunter's Coven), located in Wolfshagen im Harz, Germany, do . And I think the reason why is because by the 1990s, people had decided partly through through feminist and women's spirituality groups that witchcraft could be empowering. To create a new sort of know outcome for your intention. TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Traditional Gardnerian. Thanks. If you would be interested in joining us, please contact us for more information. It's a symptom of stress. At least one of your confidence is an animal spirit or ghost herbs and plants are your friends. Justine Paradis: This is not to speak for everybody, but their secrecy and and and sort of mystery is is a little bit part of of being a witch for a lot of people. I want to have a good time once you understand the history. But honestly, I think it's so hard to unpack it. Yes. Just because you're a witch doesn't mean that your Wiccan. Give today. But but it's when more misfortunes begin to happen, there's more stress that she actually gets accused. TRADITION OR SPIRITUAL PATH: Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid. Right. That in itself is an act of magic. Howard was pictured with the head in the Eastern Daily Press on 6 March 1967. The brooms helped mark the stall as well. It's using whatever you draw inspiration from. Holy moly. They don't really know where to go. Justine Paradis: They were. So these are often arguments that go back for years over cattle, maybe over a land dispute. So my morning intentions can be as simple as ringing a bell at my alter space and just kind of, you know, heralding in some good energy for the day. Her initial cases against another woman and she wins for slander. Original air date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019. The origin of the word coven is not clear. I also being a drag queen for 15 years. And so when that happens a few years later, you get the publication of a book by Gerald Gardner about Wicca. Watch on. Tricia, is this something you've heard of? That would have been a point in the defense. The things that she allegedly did that made people feel like something wasn't right with Eunice Cole. If people ask and they asked point blank, I mean, I sort of tell them and say, you know, these are the systems that I've worked with and these are the things that work for me. Listeners, if you identify as a witch, what does that mean to you? Peter Biello: So, so much to check out online after the show. We love to hear from you. The Forest Path Coven serves as a spiritual family, and as an affiliation of independent Witches practicing nature-based spiritual craft. Justine Paradis: Well, I mean, I think, though, we have to draw the distinction between witchcraft accusations and interest in the occult treasures, speaking with Tricia.

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