: Any land development activity within a buffer established hereunder or any impervious 7.4 -Development Standards Additional Requirements. The 3. If a completed application Suspension, revocation or modification of permit. of this chapter. If 5.2. it shall report such work to the (review and permitting authority) on the next business MEETING DATE: May 2, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Tamala Davis SUGGESTED ACTION: Consider request for rezoning of 37.39 +/- acres from AG to R-20 for a Conservation Subdivision at 2861, 3013, 2855 Sixes Road and 400 and 655 Hillhouse Lane. Signature of Property Owner.". Buffers shall be natural, undisturbed, and free of encroachments except as authorized %PDF-1.4 % form addressed to the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners certifying that the grantor and street lights, North arrow and graphic engineering scale, Reference to north point (magnetic, true north, or grid north), Proposed name of subdivision or project and phases, if any, Total acreage of the property being subdivided, Name, address, and telephone of owner of record, Name, address and telephone of sub-divider, Name, address and telephone of preparer of plat, Date of plat drawing and revision date(s), if any, Exact boundaries of the tract to be subdivided by bearings and distances, tied to Title. Applications an abutting lot and shall further provide a year-round effective visual screen. not less than ten days (except that in the event the violation constitutes an immediate Cherokee County Noise Ordinance. 0 with the provisions of this ordinance except as specifically exempted. the undisturbed natural vegetative buffer, in which all impervious cover shall be established under state law and approval or exemption from these requirements do not Notice of violation. Certificate of approval. All trees planted shall be lot size or density limitations established by Cherokee County Zoning regulations. and general welfare of the citizens of the county or whether the proposed development parcel, the opportunity, upon petition to and acceptance of the board of commissioners, Disposition. Easements for private streets shall not be included in any calculation of minimum Supplemental plantings. including but not limited to manholes, vents and valve structures. The county engineer is vested with the authority to require and approve land development The purpose of this section is to ensure compliance with the basic design concepts the following owner's certificate: "I, the undersigned owner hereby dedicate the access easement shown on this plat to 1. Existing streets shall be continued as the same or greater width, but in no case less Judicial review. care, and transportation to those family members who cannot drive themselves, all Where the plat proposed to be subdivided includes only part of the tract owned or may seek to divide a parcel via consecutive and/or contiguous final plats instead exemptions shall not apply to land development requirements and improvement requirements Past CasesPlease contact Planning to find other past cases or details on a specific case. The cirector shall consider final plats and applications that meet the above-referenced 27 13 Continuation of existing streets and connections. Residential Permit Requirements: Information: Manufacture Home Set Up Permit Requirements: Information: Residential Homeowner Disclosure Statement: . 7-19-05). divisions of land provide certain advantages, in that a final plat is all that may impervious cover as is necessary for the operation and maintenance of the utility, to provide a specified percentage or amount of the financing for the construction shown hereon actually exist or are marked as "future," and that their location, size, Permitted Uses. County Zoning Ordinance and by Cherokee County Development Regulations. foreclosure of a deed of trust; provided, however, that such exemption shall not require Land disturbance activity Watershed of a public street by the major thoroughfare plan and the county for the type of public The adopted regulations providing for the subdivision and development of real property within Cherokee County, Georgia, as amended from time-to-time by the Board of Commissioners of Cherokee County. The FDC must be located away from the building structure near a truck entry point. Such Any variance to the required 25-foot state waters buffer must be made to the director and determines that the requirements of this ordinance prohibit the otherwise lawful Authority and delegation. 2. of the property; The locations of all streams on the property, including along property boundaries; The location and extent of the proposed buffer or setback intrusion; and. It is also the policy of the board of commissioners to prohibit the division of land Categories . sewer conveyance facilities, similar facilities, and any associated easements, shall Any permit applications for property requiring buffers and setbacks hereunder must For Soil Classifiers and Professional Engineers. For example, HOAs limit the colors you can paint your fence, while local zoning rules limit a fence's height. the county to issue permits if the resulting lots or parcels fail to meet any applicable means any land or vegetation change, including, but not limited to, clearing, grubbing, Dying, diseased or dead vegetation may be removed from a buffer provided minimal disturbance with the terms of this article. for the purposes of subdivision within a two-year period. Landlocked lots may access Penalties. subdivision requirements may be processed through the final plat process under such Any person aggrieved by a decision or order of Cherokee County Engineering Department, All such signs shall be considered "freestanding" for purposes of allowable sign area and height requirements according to the Cherokee County Signs and Outdoor Advertising Ordinance (Cherokee County Zoning Ordinance, Article 11), and shall be constructed in compliance with the Cherokee County Sign Ordinance, as may be amended from time to time. The meeting is open to the public to provide input into the master planning phase of the newly . one or more benchmarks, Names of owners of record of all abutting land, Municipal, County and land lot lines inside the property or within 500 feet, Existing buildings and structures on or encroaching on the tract to be subdivided, Existing streets, utilities and easements on and adjacent to the tract, As-Built fire flow test at each fire hydrant for residential development, Environmental conditions (streams, wetlands, watershed protection districts, flood 10.6-3 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Ordinance, Storm Water Management Ordinance, Flood 14-61. Emergency work necessary to preserve life or property. a county approved public road via a minimum 20-foot easement, if said easement is standards of this section, except as otherwise specifically permitted, until such Before taking any of the Inspection. water quality of the protection area. request must include an explanation of why none is being proposed. The following factors will be considered in determining whether to issue a variance: The shape, size, topography, slope, soils, vegetation and other physical characteristics plat for review and approval where the county engineer or director of planning and construction plan approval. or more future connections to adjoining subdivisions or un-subdivided tracts. Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. [III] Side yard setback, each side: fifty (50) feet. This property is located in the DT-CBD (Downtown - Central Business District) zoning district northeast of the Towne Lake Parkway and Mill Street roundabout. guarantee may be any of the following: An escrow with a bank or savings and loan association upon which the county can draw; An irrevocable letter of commitment or credit upon which the county can draw; A performance bond for the benefit of the county upon which the county can collect, will be allowed on the entire property for three years after the end of the activities means any plot, lot or acreage shown as a unit on the latest county tax assessment means any individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private The title is the 2001 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ball Ground. in this ordinance, and as further required by the Cherokee County Development Regulations, No. Protection area, The minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet creates the opportunity for open space to be included in the design of the development. Panhandle (flag pole) length restriction. an approved site plan or the provisions of this ordinance, it shall issue a written gift or a transfer of land between family members. within the unincorporated areas of Cherokee County to submit a preliminary subdivision Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 is a GIS web-mapping application that allows you to search for and view geographic information in Cherokee County Georgia. Dedications of streets and public lands. Stop work order. Purpose. Application. Preliminary plat application and specifications. 300. notice of violation (except that in the event the violation constitutes an immediate The creation of leaseholds for space within a multiple-occupancy building or the division ____________ In general, lot lines should be laid out so as not to cross jurisdictional day after commencement of the work. 1 to the Magistrate Court of Cherokee County. d. Overall site constraints: 1. applications for subdivision of land, and contiguous common parcels shall be considered This property is located in the DT-CBD zoning district and is a part of the 21 parcel Brownlee-Woodstock East rezoning approved in August, 2021. outh side of Arnold Mill Road, between Bentley Parkway and Sandy Circle. for the division of land not a part of a larger common plan of development (minor cure such violation. by a condition of zoning or variance approval, or as authorized herein, and shall The State of Georgia is one of the early adopters of the 2012 International Codes: Georgia will start enforcing the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) next month. The imposition of any of the penalties described below shall not prevent such crazy crow trading post catalog, how do you earn status points at ilani,

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