Perceptual contrast effect: The 2nd, smaller request seems much smaller than it normally would have relationships characterized by low intensity and lack of intimacy. x+5 y+2 z &=3 \\ sense of discomfort or distress that occurs when a person's behavior does not correspond to that person's attitudes. -proximity the formation of a person's identity within a particular social group is explained by social categorization, social identity, and social comparison, the part of the self-concept including one's view of self as a member of a particular social category, the comparison of oneself to others in ways that raise one's self esteem. Attitudes are formed through direct instruction, modeling, and other social influences on learning. Milgram's shock experiment and Zimbardo's prisoner and guard experiment. exists when pressures to agree are strong enough to stifle critical thinking. ). Webnorm of reciprocity norm of reciprocity Your subjective evaluation of yourself is known as: self-evaluation self-image self-concept self-esteem self-esteem Research has shown that genetics have little or no influence on personality. His opportunity cost is 7 percent. WebThe Norm of Reciprocity the feeling of obligation to help someone who has helped you (associated with Legitimate Power). Including monetary incentives along with a mail, giving candy to customers with their bills increases tips, because it increases your perceived friendliness. what are collectivistic cultures and what are they more likely to promote: people belong to in-groups or collectivities which are supposed to look after them in exchange for loyalty, _____ fear same sex touch more than _____, _____ are more likely to touch to assert control or power, _____ more likely to initiate touch during dating, other factors that affect perception of touch, age a set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all members of a particular social category. Our preferences for things that are familiar to us illustrates the _____ effect. What theory explains why she did NOT help? a mutual exchange in which each person gives as well as receives. Hint: Think about how Ps responded, We like people who are similar to us and we grant them favorable treatment. Also examined videotapes of communicators to x-\ \ y+3 z &=4 \\ Does giving candy to customers with their bill really increase tips? What will her average cost per month be after being on the plan for 3 months? What are the 2 reasons that the TNA technique works? If you dont expect anything from anyone, gratitude and satisfaction will be maximized. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert However, the fact that she does not have good team management skills and does not cooperate with her teammates was ignored. Utilized live, physically attractive and more likely to promote self-realization, and see each person as having a unique set of talents and potential. Praise and other forms of positive estimation also stimulate liking what are individualistic cultures and what are they more likely to promote: individuals' goals take precedence over the group's goals Discuss the various reactions to or benefits of physical attractiveness that we discussed in class? Webgroup. Uses confusion to divert people's minds from maintaining resistance. a struggle over scarce resources that is not regulated by shared rules; it may include attempts to destroy or neutralize one's rivals. Weba) Following the norm of reciprocity b) Reciprocal wariness Oc) Knowledge that the other person is trying to get you to comply d) Vigilance d) This problem has been solved! when someone is good looking we rate them more as talented and kind and smart, etc. these have important influences on members, even when social ties are relatively weak, interaction occurs more often when members are physically close, interaction can be either facilitated or hindered, this pattern is found in groups in which status differences are minimal or not present, this pattern represent individuals and the lines are flows of communication, this pattern is associated with important status differences within the group, T or F? made it difficult effort to give candy. an ungrateful freeloader. -Information is a resource, so those who need it are dependent on the gatekeeper to provide it. WebWhich of the following sales techniques is based on the norm of reciprocity? What are the drawbacks of including free gifts with purchase? DV: tip% compliance, Discuss the seminal research conducted by Shelly Chaiken (1979) entitled "Communicator Physical Attractiveness and Persuasion". petting an animal, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. essential to individual satisfaction and integration and also are primary agents of social control in society. type of information processing that involves attending to factors not involved in the message, such as the appearance of the source of the message, the length of the message, and other non-content factors. Control over the flow of information is another type of Legitimate Power. The perceptual contrast effect has been used to explain the effectiveness of which persuasion tactic? Lori Cook, the president, has asked each potential site to offer training programs, tax breaks, and other industrial incentives. Overpowering; even if we dislike someone, we still feel the need to reciprocate - it is thereby a social norm. Terms of each contract are as follows: As his adviser, which contract would you recommend that he accept? a group is characterized by high levels of interaction and by strong The communication theory of social exchange says that people communicate with others with the expectation that their communication will be equally reciprocated. religion "Mirror and match" technique Asch's study with the lines of different lengths. Style the fear of confirming the stereotypes others have about one's group, the effect of this levels off pretty quickly. Example: jury, the tendency for the presence of other people to have a positive impact on the performance of an easy task, the tendency for the presence of other people to have a negative impact on the performance of a difficult task. According to the norm of reciprocity, a healthy relationship could be formed between individuals if each of them constantly give favors to one another, which will make them form some sort of bond that make them think that they need each other. nonprofit organizations designed to allow individuals an opportunity to pursue their shared interests collectively. How did Burger demonstrate this technique in a study on selling cupcakes? Which face need refers to our need to be respected for our abilities and intelligence? two special characteristics. 1. Actively avoid calculating the level of equitable (ditf was not effective for selfish reasons, but worked better for altruistic reasons). the process by which one person tries to change the belief, opinion, position, or course of action of another person through argument, pleading, or explanation. an expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them. compliments: bargaining and helping to each interaction. People with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. (Ignore diluted earnings per share. d) A P-value of means we should definitely reject the null hypothesis. the tendency for people to assume that within group similarity is much stronger for outgrips than for in-groups. c) A P-value of is proof against the null hypothesis. What is meant by "reciprocal concessions"? 2. cooperation Visit to view a link to Target Corporation's Fiscal 2015 Annual Report. Why did the researchers note that the communicators did not differ significantly as a function of attractiveness or sex with respect to their age or personal opinions on the persuasive message topic? If false, describe briefly. WebTrue or false: The norm of reciprocity says that when one party does something for another, that party is indebted to the other until the obligation is repaid. 1. Which of the following is not a duty of a partner? two or more people who interact on the basis of shared social structure and who acknowledge their mutual dependency. In Stanley Milgram's infamous study, _____of the participants delivered the highest level of shock. In Solomon Asch's classic study, 75% of the participants announced wrong answers in a task that required them to state which of three lines matched a "standard line." If so, how much? A location analysis for Cook Controls, a small manufacturer of parts for high-technology cable systems, has been narrowed down to four locations. What are the 4 explanations for why pregiving works? the difference between tna and ditf, is that the deal is sweetened the before the target can respond. According to the norm of reciprocity, people expect the level of disclosures in their personal relationships to be relatively equivalent. 2 (attractiveness: high vs. low) X 2 You agree, and then she also asks if you can bring in the newspaper and mail and drop off a package at the post office for her. knowledgeability, and attractiveness Common greetings ("hows re you today?") social-responsibility norm. WebThis idea is representative of the: norm of reciprocity The notion of our basic prosocial norm for positive reciprocity:can be found in all of the major world religionsElena does *understand*. The "norm of reciprocity" has been used to explain the effectiveness of which sequential persuasion tactics? What four things effects group interactions? emotional states that motivate benevolent behavior. DV: cooperation: (base form). Extending the length of time between requests norm of equity b. norm of reciprocity c. normative influence model d. normal distribution model e. emotional equity model b. norm of reciprocity In Solomon Asch's classic study, (also alludes to "contrast" effect. Example: "C'mon, just help me for five more minutes?". ____ touches in puerto rico, _____ touches in france, _____ touches in florida ____ touches in england, 180 touches puerto rico 4. impersonal relationships Now examine the notes at the bottom of the balance sheet. Did Target have any preferred stock at January 30, 2016? 2. WebThe norm of reciprocity suggests that we should repay, in kind, what another person has provided us Common greetings ("hows re you today?") You are most likely to receive help when there are ____ witnesses, Infants as young as____ prefer others who are helpful rather than hurtful, Which of the following is the best example of altruism, Jim buys gifts for poor children, because he knows it will make them happy, ____ is the idea that city dwellers learn to cope with the sounds that arise from population density by shutting out these sounds, In a research study using the Good Samaritan parable, Darley and Batson study seminary students to see whether their helping behavior was affected by. A statement about the value of a population parameter that always includes the equal sign is called the _____. Norm of reciprocity: Because the seller has The critical factors, their weights, and the ratings for each location are shown in the following table. supported the helping hypothesis, that individuals see it more as helping than bargaining for the ditf. Self-presentation: When people reject 1st request, they worry that they will be perceived negatively. After making the 1st offer but before the target can respond, the requester betters the deal with an additional item or a price reduction. culture DITF interactions, then asked to judge the social groups with whom a person identifies, social groups with whom a person does not identify, states that there will be more prejudice and discrimination between groups that are in conflict over a limited resource. In order words, people are obligated to repay people who have done something for us or given something to us. branch of psychology that studies the habits of consumers in the marketplace, changing one's behavior as a result of other people directing or asking for the change, asking for a small commitment and, after gaining compliance, asking for a larger one. 2. This type of disclosure is based theoretically on which of the following principles? a struggle over scarce resources that is regulated by shared rules. Race Professor's willingness to spend time helping student. desirable because it keeps you from looking like How are compliments and cooperation used to inspire liking and compliance? Often stems from frustration, or is a learned behavior (violent video games correlate with higher aggression). countries of low touch: more touch than northern europeans How environment effects communication were more willing to do favor for a name more similar to theirs. more effort (turning around and going back) = more tips. P agreement with the message position. Impression management: Repaying favors is "Please contribute to our school fundraiser, every penny will help!" persuadees to experience guilt, which they when giving advice than when receiving it Webnorm of reciprocity assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous encourage people to share about problems they are facing. WebNorm of reciprocity: Because the seller has sweetened the deal by adding on items, the customer may feel obligated to buy the product, thereby reciprocating the seller's action. the idea that a person's self-concept and self-esteem derive not only from personal identity and accomplishments, but also from the status and accomplishments of the various groups to which the person belongs. Discuss the contemporary research conducted by Garner (2005) entitled "What's in a Name? Group size asking for a large commitment, being refused, and asking for a smaller one. Norm of reciprocity is also known as? the forms of interaction through which people relate to one another. an influence process generated when act of leading (influencing) are combined with acts of following (deferring) as individuals work together to attain mutual goals, exerted by persons appointed or elected to positions of formal authority in organizations, exerted by persons who become influential due to special skills or their ability to meet the needs of others, occurs when leaders at lower levels influence those at higher levels to create change, means that leadership is constructed and produced in social and relational interactions among people acting in context, involves individuals negotiating identities as leaders and followers, refers to actions people take to assert their identity as a leader or follower, refers to actions people take to bestow an identity of a leader or follower onto another person, the extend to which individuals choose to assume leadership training, roles and responsibilities, our beliefs or understanding about the attributes associated with leaders and leadership, a process through which individuals choose how they will engage with leaders to co-produce leadership and its outcomes - the capacity or willingness to follow a leader, refers to the tendency to attribute organizational outcomes (both good and bad) to the acts and doings of leaders, followers that view their roles in the classic sense following passive, deferential, and obedient to authority, followers that view their role as expressing opinions, taking initiative, and constructively questioning and challenging leaders, defined as the beliefs followers hold about the way they should engage and interact with leaders to meet the needs of the work unit, the extend to which one accepts that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally, reflects the belief that followers should act in ways that are helpful, useful, and productive to leadership outcomes - partner with leaders to achieve goals, preconceived notions about prototypical followership behaviors and characteristics, conformity, insubordination, incompetence, leaders have differentiated relationships with followers - managers have high quality LMX relationships with some subordinates and low quality LMX with others, the suited of manager-subordinate relationship quality, describes how relationships initiate and develop through processes of exchange and reciprocity - helps explain the social dynamics behind relationship building, says that when one party does something for another, that party is indebted to the other until the obligation is repaid, three components of the norm of reciprocity, the extend to which the amount given back is roughly the same as what was received, refers to the time span of reciprocity - how quickly the repayment is made, based on the belief in the intention and ability of the other to repay, refers to our ability to violate norms with others based on whether we have enough "credits" to cover the violation, represents views of leadership not as a property of individuals and their behaviors but as a social phenomenon constructed in interaction, sees leadership as a group phenomenon that is distributed among individuals, occurs hen leadership is divided so that no one person has unilateral power to lead, a dynamic, interactive influence process among team members working to achieve goals. model of persuasion stating that people will either elaborate on the persuasive message (central-route processing) or fail to elaborate on it (peripheral-route processing) and that the future actions of those who do elaborate are more predictable than those who do not. 3 Advanced tips to instantly increase engagem, Strategies behind building 6-figure funnels, Physical Ergonomics and Human-Computer Intera, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition. Webcollegiality. people after tend to feel better about themselves when they comply to second request. a) A P-value of means that the null hypothesis is false. What are some examples of pregiving used in the real world? judged as more relevant to the interaction than False True True or false: managers only need to have either position or personal power, but not both. structured inequality, rule becomes and end itself, rather than a means to an end, the emphasis on impersonal rules and hierarchies reduces cohesion, concentration of power in the hands of a few people, efficiency Today, these groups have weakened. (a) comply with partnership decisions (b) not conduct competing business (c) keep accurate records (d) All of the above are duties. For instance, Religous tolerance offers a list of variations of the golden rule as expressed in 21 different religions. a stereotype can be positive or negative, true or false. Social responsibility: We comply because of 4. {xy+3z=4x+5y+2z=32x+4y+5z=8\left\{\begin{aligned} #1 & familiar for #2) Desta wants to purchase "The Ultimate Plan" from her cell phone provider. when giving orders than when receiging it b. the influence of other people that results from taking their comments or actions as a source of information about what is correct, a norm dictating that people should provide benefits to those who benefit them, the many ways people affect one another, including changes in attitudes, beliefs, feelings and behavior resulting from the comments, actions or even the mere presence of others, changing one's behavior or beliefs in response to explicit or implicit pressure (real or imagined) from others, responding favorably to an explicit request by another person, in an unequal power relationship, submitting to the demands of the person in authority, the phenomenon whereby merely thinking about a behavior makes performing it more likely, is based on the fact that the brain regions responsible for perception overlap with those responsible for action, prejudice directed at the racial groups that exists alongside the rejection of explicitly racist beliefs, a technique for revealing non conscious attitudes toward different stimuli, particularly groups of people, a theory that group conflict, prejudice and discrimination are likely to arise over competition between groups for limited resources, an experimental paradigm in which researchers create groups based on arbitrary and seemingly meaningless criteria and then examine how the members of these "minimal groups" are inclined to behave toward one another. What is the door-in-the-face (DITF) technique and how does it make use of reciprocal concessions? process by which the principles of fast-food restaurant- efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control- are coming to dominate more sectors of American society. How do pregiving techniques make use of the reciprocity norm? Did Target pay any cash dividends during the year ending January 30, 2016? Relative deprivation which occurs when we compare ourselves to others who are better off than we are - can decrease happiness, group size Review the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet. Interest is not compounded. reject-then-retreat technique Tupperware Corporation and their "home party" concept groups that are formal, large, and impersonal. relevance of various terms synonymous with indepedent variable was candy with the bill. True True False Question 2 1 / 1 ptsWhich of the following powers is derived from relations with powerful others? Discuss the contemporary research conducted by Tusing & Dillard (2000) entitled "The Psychological Reality of the Door-in-the-Face: It's Helping, not Bargaining." our approach involves some research methodology as a way of understanding what we see based on that classification favor for character 3. competition WebNorms of Reciprocity Compliance Strategy - One of the compliance strategies used to get others to comply - Occurs when people think they ought to do something nice for a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, or situation. In _____love, we experience feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual attraction, in _____love, we experience affection, trust, and concern, for a partner's well-being. Suppose you represent the entire history of Earth with a 100100100-meter-long timeline, with the birth of Earth on one end and today at the other end. Your behavior is being guided by: Your neighbor asks if you can feed her cat for a day while she is out of town. two or more people who interact on the basis of shared social structure and who acknowledge their mutual dependency. a group is characterized by high levels of interaction and by strong feelings of attachment and mutual dependency. WebThe reciprocity norm forms the basis of human cooperation and is found in every culture. Expert power Referent power Correct! Remland, jones, brinkman studied touch in in europe and found that southern europeans engage in _____ touch than northern europeans Webis an influence process generated when acts of leading (e.g., influencing) are combined with acts of following (e.g., deferring) as individuals work together to attain mutual goals. Judy thinks it's going to rain today, so she behaves in ways that are consistent with that prediction (e.g., she wears her raincoat, she carries her umbrella). Give further examples of the DITF technique? All of these are true. changing one's behavior at the command of an authority figure. Webreciprocity B) mere exposure C) propinquity D) similarity Attractiveness signals reproductive fitness in women; resources signal competence in men. False True or false: there is usually one right solution when it comes to leadership. The plan consists of unlimited talk and text and 18GB of data for$100 per month. who has made a concession to us. Factors involved: physical attractiveness, proximity, and similarity. Webdescribes how relationships initiate and develop through processes of exchange and reciprocity - helps explain the social dynamics behind relationship building norm of Liking: People who give something to others are greater willingness to perform a favor for that attempt to reduce by agreeing to a 2nd request. WebQuestion 1 1 / 1 ptsSocial exchange describes how relationships initiate and develop through the processes of exchange and reciprocity.Correct! Changing requesters in midsequence activated Individuals adopt group views when they fear group ridicule or rejection, strong and weak ties apply to one on one relationships as primary and secondary groups apply to the group as a ___________, people who share a common space and sense of connection to it- dense, cross cutting social networks, Weber's theory supported the reciprocity rule because they perceived waiter as more kind. How did the Rand Corporation make use of this unsolicited gift technique? includes norms and expectations, usually imposed by society, for the expression of experiences, feelings, and attitudes. This technique relies on the norm of reciprocity: after refusing the large commitment, the person feels like they should accept the smaller one. 2. hierarchal authority countries of high touch: Intimate/long-term partners: Communal Which compliance-gaining strategy is this? The obligation to make a concession to someone all affect what? Regarding self-disclosure, which of the following statements is true? our nonverbal comm skills are part of our heredity, and that they are innate, doesn't focus on genetics or learning behavior but on the types and functions of nonverbal communication How did Strohmetz et al. Hypotheses: Two doors in the face is better than one. Reciprocal concessions: When someone does us a favor, we feel obligated to return that favor 60% to 70% which is about 2/3 of what we communicate to each other is nonverbal interaction. Webgroups characterized by intimate, face-to-face interactions. referring to the use of cognitive processes in relation to understanding the social world. taking pride in the accomplishments of other people in one's group, such as when sports fans identify with a winning team.

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