One of the treaties created during the 1949 Convention, this defined "Prisoner of War,"and accorded such prisoners proper and humane treatment as specified by the first Convention. My most solemn responsibility as president was to protect the country. In the following blog, #25 Laws of War Brief (Part 2): The Protections, Rights & Obligations of Civilian Non-Combatants & Military Combatants under the LOAC , I will continue this analysis by presenting what is, to the best of my understanding, the most important, mandatory and need-to-know obligations of the LOAC and CIL on all individual military personnel of national armed forces of all ranks, all Services, and all nations around the world. Under this classification of the LOAC, Taliban and Al Qaeda militants were not entitled to the Prisoner of War (PW) protections given to lawful combatants under Geneva Convention III, nor entitled to any protections from any of the other three Geneva Conventions (regarding lawful combatants that are hors de combat on land or at sea, and protections given to civilians), that together govern International Armed Conflict. (The Principles of the Law of War, pg. In sum, International armed conflict (IAC) may be regarded as largely. Humane treatment includes: (Military Persons Exempt From Attack, pg. Perhaps the most important and pressing evolution of CIL in recent decades concerns the treatment of captured Al Qaeda/Islamist terrorists, and terror-using insurgents (e.g. 151-152 in Geneva Convention IV, in the following PDF of the Geneva Conventions provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross, accessible here: [4], (1) To ensure minimum protections are given to the victims of war during armed conflict; and. terrorist attacks, do. The CIA interrogation program saved lives. So I supported Bush 43s decision to invade and bring Saddam down [emphasis added] (R. Gates, Duty Memoirs of a Secretary At War, New York, Vintage Books, 2014, pp. [7] Additional Protocol I (API) Article 1(4). Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute. Indeed, from that moment onwards, waterboarding and many other of the more aggressive enhanced interrogation techniques were no longer sanctioned or used by the CIA program on detainees at Guantanamo. After we implemented the CIA program, we briefed a small number of lawmakers from both parties on its existence. In cases where there is any doubt as to a conflicts rightful legal classification, moreover, that war can be designated a mixed armed conflict, a designation which activates the full body of the LOAC to the conflict, regardless of classification difficulties, thereby ensuring the protection of war victims in that conflict in accordance with the abiding spirit and goal of the Geneva Conventions. Young, How May Operation Iraqi Freedom [OIF] Campaigns Were There?, HIRE G.I., 14 July 2018,, (accessed 1 May 2019). During the early 2000s the Bush Administration sincerely believed and asserted,with full support and confirmation from the Pentagon, the Department of Justice and the CIA, that the U.S. government was in fact giving fundamentally humane treatment to the terrorist detainees at Guantanamo prison according to the laws of war, by making no adverse distinction based on race, colour, religion, gender, birth, wealth or other criteria, and by providing for all the detainees physical, spiritual and medical needs (food, water, shelter, clothing, freedom of worship, and medical treatment). It calls on the parties to the conflict to bring all or parts of the Geneva Conventions into force through"special agreements.". Last updates June 10, 2019 by Krystyna Blokhina, International Committee for the Red Cross and Red Crescent, 1952 Commentary on the Geneva Conventions, Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, of 12 August 1949, Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, of 12 August 1949, Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, of 12 August 1949, Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, of 8 June 1977, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, of 8 June 1977, Reference Guide to the Geneva Conventions, List of Nations Ratifying or are Otherwise Party to the Geneva Conventions and/or Protocols, ICL Practice Relating to Rule 157, Jurisdiction over War Crimes, Category: International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols, Disputes arising under the Conventions or the Protocolsare settled by courts of the member nations (Article 49 of Convention I) or by international. Figure 12.5 Anti-Government Enemy Insurgents: Photos of Taliban & Neo-Taliban insurgents operating in Afghanistan between 2010-2014.[35]. Hamdiarguedthat such detentionwas illegal under the Geneva Conventions, withoutexpress Congressional consent. The rules help draw a lineas much as is possible within the context of wars and armed conflictsbetween the humane treatment of armed forces, medical staff and civilians and unrestrained brutality against them. The intensive inspections program instituted after the [Gulf] war uncovered evidence that the Iraqis had, in fact, been considerably further along in developing nuclear weapons than U.S. intelligence had estimated before the warAs long as the inspections effort continued and the sanctions were strictly enforced, his opportunities to resume the programs for weapons of mass destruction would be very limited. Articles with the Editors byline have been written or edited by the editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. [11] The Use of Force in International Law: Types of Armed Conflict, Open University [Great Britain], 2019,, (accessed 23 April 2019). It requires that the wounded, sick and shipwrecked be collected and cared for. Reuters. [30] For more information on the CIAs waterboarding program, the three senior Al Qaeda members that were waterboarded, the actionable intelligence revealed by them, and a few of the terrorist plots stopped worldwide as a result of the enhanced interrogation techniques, see George W. Bush, Decision Points, New York, Crown Publishers, 2010, pp. 37,770,554 questions answered * weegy It renders the convicts or accused of such crimes to the jurisdiction of all signatory States, regardless of their nationality or territoriality of their crime. Other emblems were later recognized, and the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the main topic of this article, confirmed them all. However, while this is a clear and generally accepted definition of torture, there is still no agreed international agreement on what specific acts actually constitute this torture, and there is additionally no internationally accepted definition of humane vs inhumane treatment. LOAC continues to evolve as mankind struggles to advance the principles of humanity in warfare whilst maintaining the needs of international and national security.[25]. Adding to this confusion is the fact that this definition of torture provided above does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in, or incidental to lawful sanctions (where the meaning of lawful sanctions remains vague and unclear) (Derbyshire, Section Ten: Internees, Detainees and Torture, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, op. On the other hand, however, one of the most significant new developments in the GWOT namely, the international military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria of recent years was clearly more of a Non-International armed conflict in nature, involving as it did a non-State terrorist entity (affiliated with the non-State, terrorist network Al Qaeda) which the States of Iraq and Syria both fought to eliminate from their territory from 2014 onwards with assistance from many other State allies from around the globe, a goal finally achieved successfully in 2017 and early 2019 respectively. The new updates stated all prisoners must be treated with compassion and live in humane conditions. Humane Treatment of Prisoners. [32] Derbyshire, Section Ten: Internees, Detainees and Torture, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, op. (4) Civilian persons in time of war (Geneva Convention IV). [29] J. Pejic, Unlawful/Enemy Combatants: Interpretations and consequences, forthcoming in M. Schmitt & J. Pejic (eds) International Law and Armed Conflict: Exploring the Faultlines Essays in honour of Yoram Dinstein, Brill Academic Publishers & Boston Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2007, p. 7,in Derbyshire, Section Four: When and to Whom Does LOAC Apply?, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, op. However, CIL is founded on general, rather than unanimous, international recognition and agreement. 31, 32; In sum, nearly 3,000 people mostly unarmed civilians living and working in a country at peace were killed on this terrible day in human history, and a further 6,000 injured as a result of these terrorist attacks on 9/11.[26]. The riots were essentially a deliberate attempt to conduct reverse ethnic cleansing against the Kosovar Serb population, in direct if belated retaliation for the Serb ethnic cleansing that had been carried out against pro-independence minorities during the previous decade from 1991-1995 in Bosnia and Croatia (see blog #23 Caveat Chaos in Kosovo: Divided Allies & Fettered Forces in NATOs KFOR Operation during the 2004 Kosovo Riots). The horrific suffering Dunant saw impacted him so greatly he wrote a first-hand account in 1862 called A Memory of Solferino. Germany signed the Convention of 1929, however, that didnt prevent them from carrying out horrific acts on and off the battlefield and within their military prison camps and civilian concentration camps during World War II. It grants the ICRC the right to offer its services to the parties to the conflict. Specifically, it prohibits attacks on civilian hospitals, medical transports, etc. Indeed, Pejic asserts that the GWOT is neither IAC nor NIAC in nature, arguing that it may in some situations be an international armed conflict, in other instances a non-international armed conflict, and in still other cases not an armed conflict in the legal sense at all.[37] As Pejic concludes: Every situation of organized armed violence arising from or in response to terrorism must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Types vary greatly andinclude traditional civil wars or internal armed conflicts that spill over into other States, as well as internal conflicts in which third-party States or multinational forces intervene alongside the government. of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Their Additional Protocols. 13,; GPW, Art. As the ultimate defenders of your State andits laws it is your DUTYto know the provisions of the law and to ensurethey are respected and obeyed. Where domestic law does not allow for the exercise of universal jurisdiction, a Statemust introduce the necessary domestic legislative provisions before it can do so, and must actually exercise the jurisdiction, unless it hands the suspect over to another country or international tribunal. At present, 168 States are party to Additional Protocol I and 164 States to Additional Protocol II,this still places the 1977 Additional Protocols among the most widely accepted legal instruments in the world. Last updated in June of 2017 by Stephanie Jurkowski. Intelligence information is much more often imprecise than it is precise[Included in our intelligence analysis was] WMD from the last Gulf War, the [testimony of Saddams defecting] son-in-law who gave information, [and the] monumental reams of intercepted information (cited in DeLong. They concluded that the enhanced interrogation program complied with the Constitution and all applicable laws, including those that ban torture. to inflict lawful pain and suffering on a law-breaking person, who has planned, acted and desired to inflict unlawful pain, suffering and death on innocent multitudes, in order to prevent acts of terrorism and thereby save the lives and limbs of countless, law-abiding citizens? Based on what I read and my knowledge of Saddams behavior in the 1980s and early 1990s it seemed highly likely to me that he had resumed working on weapons of mass destruction, that the sanctions were largely ineffective, and that the man was a very dangerous megalomaniac. Nearly all of the major principles of LOAC as well as associated treaty law are now considered CIL, most notably the following treaties: (a) The 1907 Hague Conventions IV (along with its annex of Hague Regulations), VII and IX relating to the Laws and Customs of War on Land; (c) The four 1949 Geneva Conventions relating to International inter-State conflict (but also including Common Article 3 relating to Non-International intra-State conflict in all four conventions), which provide protections to . Specifically, it required POWs to give only their names, ranks,and serial numbers to their captors. In 1929, updates were made to further the civilized treatment of prisoners of war. The Conventions apply to all cases ofdeclared warbetween signatory nations. [31] [Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 2006] see S.C. Welsh, Terrorism Detainees: Geneva Convention Common Article 3, Centre for Defense Information Law Project, 2006, p.1,, (accessed 16 January 2007) and L. Greenhouse, Supreme Court Blocks Guantnamo Tribunals, New York Times, 29 June 2006,, (accessed 23 April 2019). [35] Modified images taken from the International Herald Tribune,, and ABC News,,(accessed 14 January 2011). [21] Derbyshire, 149.335 Introduction to LOAC, in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, ibid., p. 14. United States, Jurisprudence Related to the Bombing of the U.S.S Cole. So I supported Bush 43s decision to invade and bring Saddam down. Afghanistan et al.). This ruling meant that whereas formerly all captured terrorists and extremist insurgent detainees of the GWOT held by the U.S. had no legal rights and protections under the IAC Geneva Conventions, they were from that moment on guaranteed fundamentally humane treatment under the clear NIAC law of Common Article 3 in the 1949 Geneva Conventions (ratified by the U.S. whereas the Additional Protocols are not), which is also CIL. No one size fits all legal approach to terrorism, particularly as to the judicial nature of the situation and the classification of suspected terrorists, is, or has proved to be, feasible in practice., With regard to the highly controversial Iraq War, the U.S. Marine Corps former Deputy Commander of U.S. CENTCOM, Lieutenant General (LTGEN) Michael DeLong, stated in 2007 that: Although we wondered about the timing, we never wondered about the rightness of removing Saddam from power. [18] Derbyshire, Section Four: When and to Whom Does LOAC Apply, p. 6, and 149.335 Introduction to LOAC in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, p. 16., 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, ibid. These disasters in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo, involving national military contingents engaging in both UN- and NATO-led multinational security operations over a period of ten years, are more than government, military and humanitarian failures however. The principle of humane treatment in IHL requires that those who fall into the hands of the enemy be treated with respect for their dignity as human beings. [27] M. De Long (Lt. Gen.) & N. Lukeman, A General Speaks Out [originally published as Inside CentCom: the unvarnished truth about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq], Zenith Press, St. Paul (MN), 2007, p. 68. While it is true that the criminal behaviour of terrorist unlawful combatants, The two articles do notprovide any guidance on many substantive and procedural legal issues, nor on how to resolve practical questions, that arise in relation to captured unlawful combatants., Indeed, Pejic asserts that the GWOT is neither IAC nor NIAC in nature, arguing that it may in some situations be an international armed conflict, in other instances a non-international armed conflict, and in still other cases not an armed conflict in the legal sense at all., Every situation of organized armed violence arising from or in response to terrorism must be examined on a case-by-case basis. [8], Internal security emergencies within a State, i.e. The new techniques proved highly effective., Of the thousands of terrorists we captured in the years after 9/11, about a hundred were placed into the CIA program. Ratification grew steadily through the decades: 74 States ratified the Conventions during the 1950s, 48 States did so during the 1960s, 20 States signed on during the 1970s, and another 20 States did so during the 1980s. Adherence to the sanctions also gradually weakened as a number of governments France, Russia, Germany, and China, among others angled for oil contracts and other business opportunities with the Iraqis. Regarding the Humane Treatment of al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees (February 7, 2002), . To give humane treatment is to give due mercy and regard to the welfare of fellow human beings under your power in any given situation.[22]. [21], Common Article 3: The article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, which is also an accepted and established customary norm of CIL, requiring that all persons that are not taking an active part in hostilities within a Non-International intra-State armed conflict be treated humanely in all circumstances, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, birth, wealth or any other similar criteria. 3 of 8) All of the above (correct) Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

. Adding to these legal rights, Article 75(3) of API states, moreover, that Detaining Powers are obligated to release detainees only when the circumstances justifying the arrest, detention or internment have ceased. This is a principle supported by CIL which also allows that detainees may be held in detention against their will if there is a good reason to do so, and as long as reason requires (API Art 75(3) and ICRC Customary IHL Rule 99, in NZDF LOAC Manual, During the early 2000s the Bush Administration sincerely believed and asserted,with full support and confirmation from the Pentagon, the Department of Justice and the CIA, that the U.S. government, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). Counter to expectation, it has in fact been Non-International, rather than International, armed conflict that has predominated in theatres of conflict around the world since the end of WWII, and which still continues to represent the majority of armed conflicts today. Further, additional regulations regarding the treatment of civilians were introduced. cit., p. 4-5). Trailer #12: SEAL Team Low-Impact (High-Risk) (2022, Series 6, Episode 1) [American SOF Forces, Burkina Faso/Mali]. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols is a body of Public International Law, also known as the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, whose purpose is to provide minimum protections, standards of humane treatment, and fundamental guarantees of respect to individuals who become victims of armed conflicts. This language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war, such as a. As Condi Rice would write years later, The fact is, we invaded Iraq because we believed we had run out of other options. Yet as even a cursory examination of the history of the nation's laws of war shows, presidents from Washington to Reagan and beyond have long championed the idea of humane treatment of prisoners . [34] Modified image taken from M. Petrou, The decline of al-Qaeda, Macleans, 9 September 2011,, (accessed 1 May 2019). In 1906, the Swiss government arranged a conference of 35 states to review and update improvements to the First Geneva Convention. no In this Protocol, the fundamentals of "humane treatment" were further clarified. [10] Non-international armed conflict, ICRC Casebook How does Law protect in War?, 2019,, (accessed 23 April 2019). The first Convention was initiated by what is now theInternational Committee for the Red Cross and Red Crescent(ICRC). In sum, the tragic results of government-imposed caveat constraints on national forces within these three international security missions springing from a crippling unwillingness within government to allow their national military forces to use force when necessary were the commission by hostile belligerents of war crimes against both civilians and civilian objects within the missions. [12] Customary International Humanitarian Law, The Magazine of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement [Magazine], 2005, p. 2, (accessed 28 August 2008). According to Pejic, despite the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling of applying Common Article 3 (NIAC law) and Article 75 (IAC law) to detainees of the GWOT (both articles being fundamental principles of CIL), the reality is that: The two articles do notprovide any guidance on many substantive and procedural legal issues, nor on how to resolve practical questions, that arise in relation to captured unlawful combatants.[36]. [2] Modified image taken from P. Gourevitch, After the Genocide, The New Yorker [Magazine], 18 December 1995,, (accessed 14 September 2017). This. A committee was formedwhich included Dunant and an early iteration of the Red Crossin Geneva to explore ways to implement Dunants ideas. It also identified new protections and rights of civilian populations. All of the passengers of the four civilian flights were killed, in addition to thousands of civilians of 115 different nationalities who were working in the buildings. The worldwide campaign against Al Qaeda and other global terrorist networks along with their State sponsors or protectors, which began in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and continues in various forms against diverse Islamist terrorist entities (including ISIS) and in multiple conflict theatres around the globe to the present day, was termed the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). cit. Fresh conventions are constantly under negotiation and in the absence of such agreements States are bound by customary international law which is always evolvingThese observations are as applicable today as they were then. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Ukraine Diary: Spring flowers bloom in Kyiv's streets, a sign of life returning to the city. That view was reinforced by his boasting and his behavior, intended to persuade his own people and his neighbors of that success. 'Common Article 3' - the article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 which alone treats 'Non-International' armed conflict - requires that, in addition to humane treatment for all military personnel 'hors de combat' or taken 'Prisoner of War' in International armed conflicts, all persons not taking an active . The Swiss Government agreed to hold the Conventions in Geneva, and a few years later, a similar agreement to protect shipwrecked soldiers was produced. international treaties, conventions, pacts, agreements and protocols), according to the LOAC, certain obligations and rights apply universally, to all States, and all individuals, at all times due to the binding obligations that exist under Customary International Law (CIL). How the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.[1]. No one size fits all legal approach to terrorism, particularly as to the judicial nature of the situation and the classification of suspected terrorists, is, or has proved to be, feasible in practice.[38], Two slides taken from the Google TimeLapse terrorism project, which has tracked and displayed terrorist attacks that occur worldwide each year over a twenty-year period from 1997-2017.[39]. The Geneva Convention was a series of international diplomatic meetings that produced a number of agreements, in particular the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, a group of international laws for the humane treatment of wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war or armed conflicts. Despite playing an important role in the progression of what became the International Committee of the Red Cross, continuing his work as champion for the battle-wounded and prisoners of war and winning the first Nobel Peace Prize, Dunant lived and died in near poverty. At the time, some were concerned we werent pushing hard enough. In the wake of 9/11, that was a risk I was unwilling to take. But years later, once the threat seemed less urgent and the political winds had shifted, many lawmakers became fierce critics. The law is thereforequite simply your State's law. Intelligence information is much more often imprecise than it is precise[Included in our intelligence analysis was] WMD from the last Gulf War, the [testimony of Saddams defecting] son-in-law who gave information, [and the] monumental reams of intercepted information (cited in DeLong, ibid., p. 69). I had asked the most senior legal officers in the U.S. government to review the interrogation methods, and they had assured me they did not constitute torture. International treaties, agreements, pacts, conventions and protocols (including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols); International customs or practices that are so consistently repeated in modern warfare that they are accepted by States as binding law, also known as Customary International Law; Common principles of law generally recognised by civilised nations; Judicial decisions of international courts; and the. [10], Non-International armed conflicts typically involve civil wars in which: (a) the government of a State is using its regular armed forces to fight against one or more identifiable, dissident armed groups operating within the territory of the State; or (b) armed and hostile fighting is taking place between dissident, rival armed groups within a State, that does not involve the government, but nevertheless requires the government to act to restore security and stability to the State.[11]. [1] Winston S. Churchill, Memoirs of the Second World War An abridgement of the six volumes of The Second World War, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959, p. 12. [12] The Additional Protocols, dealing expressly with the two categories of International (Additional Protocol I) and Non-International (Additional Protocol II) armed conflict, were written in 1977 in order to reflect this reality, and to express international concern that the victims of Non-International armed conflict likewise be afforded basic protections under the LOAC, especially given the great danger posed by armed groups to the lives of ordinary civilians in these high-intensity and highly-violent internal conflicts. (1) Wounded and sick military personnel on land (Geneva Convention I). Updated: August 21, 2018 | Original: November 17, 2017. The question of how to treat, detain and put on trial these dangerous unlawful combatants, for the war crimes that they are continuing to commit in warzones against both non-combatant civilians and lawful combatant national military and police forces in the territories of sovereign States around the world, is consequently presenting a difficult legal and political challenge to the international community at present time, and will continue to do so for some time to come especially as both the threat and commission of these terrorist acts of brutal, savage and indiscriminate mass-murder increase. [24] As Derbyshire states: The [New Zealand Defence Force] Manual of Military Law 1929 includes in its section on the Laws of War observations to the effect that there can, in the nature of things, be no finality regarding the law and usages of war.

Luke Taylor And Karon Baines, Articles T