According to him, historically, the Ga of Ghana were believed to have once lived along the eastern part of the banks of the River Nile during the reign of Thothmes II, the then Pharaoh of Egypt, circa 1700 -1250 BCE. She further posits that the Nai We people who were worshippers of the Nai deity established their settlement at Tumat, the present site of the Ussher Fort. Ga is the derivation of Gaga (soldier ants) which according to Reindorf (1895, p.24) is the names of the big black ants which bites severely and are dangerous to the white ants. The Ga-speaking peoples were organized into six independent towns (Accra, Osu, Labadi, Teshi, Nungua, and Tema). Constitutional law of Ghana and its history (FLAW306), Constitutional law of Ghana and its history, Constitutional LAW Notes 1ST & 2ND Semester, Mid-Semester Exam- Equity & Succession II IA, The establishment of an international tribunal, Tuffuor v. Attorney- General [1980] GLR 637667 copy, [consolidated]Public-Procurement-Amendment-Act-2016-ACT663 Re Printed, Defences 7 (Exemptions from criminal liabilty), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Fundamentals of Management Information Systems (EMIS-515), Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) 2, (Lon), 1968. After settling in West Africa, Ga and Adangbe were highly influenced by their neighbours. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Also, other tribes such as the Ewe are believed to have influenced the Adangbe. They are also taught how to dance Klama dance. According to historians, the mighty leader, King Ayi Kushi (Cush), who led the Ga-Adangbe tribe during this period, lived between 1483 and 1519. It is argued that whereas the systems of marriage and the naming of children are uniform among the Akans, this differs from the traditions virtually common to the Ga-Adangbe and Ewe peoples. The Nungua Mantse, in consultation with the Ga Mashi Mantse gave Osu lands to the KADI GBOI as people of Osu were referred to.Ga-Dangmes custom of circumcision of their male born and their patriarch traditions further lend support to their Hebrew Israelites origins (Genesis 17: 1-12). This was the name ascribed to the Ga-speaking tribes due to their prowess and bravery in warfare, and the Portuguese due to their difficulty in pronunciation later on corrupted it to Akra. This group was further split into 2 groups; with the first group travelling straight We These Africans were from The slavery Gold Coast and would likely have spoken a number of languages which are still in use today. They travelled south- They are also used to enforce particular virtues. Examples are: NIIKOILAI (Rev:2, 6, 15); AMASA (2 Samuel 17, 25; 1 Chronicle 33 20-21 DJAANI/JANNE, 2 Timothy 3: 8; AMON, 2 Chronicle 33: 20-21; ASHALE (ASAHEL), 1 Chronicle 2:16, 2 Samuel 2: 18-19. These classifications consists of the Kru languages, Western Kwa, made up of Ewe-Fon, Akan-Guan sometimes called Volta-Camoe, Ga-Adangme, Yoruba-Igala, Nupe, Edo, Idoma, Ibio, and Ijo groups. where they stayed for a long time; this place was called Boma near the beach town Cabinda in Congo (Zaire), but They primarily speak the Guan languages of the Niger-Congo language family. So who could actually be called a pure Ga? From the 1820s on European missionaries arrived in the area and had a substantial impact. had it not been that, our ancestor wouldnt have spoken so much about Boma. Bonny Island, not far from Opobo Township; located on the south of Port Harcourt-Nigeria. After offering drink and asking for blessing from their gods they add[ this in Ga Language]: Milee nmaa kulibii Ayibo; Ni male nye yibo, Keje Lanma keyashi Ada Shwiloo, Keje wuoyi keyashi namli, Bibii ke ewuji fee abanu eko, Nii nyeke joomo juro ajoo wo. Prof Odotei translates these in English as follows: I do not know the number of grains of millet; Therefore I do not know you number, From Lanma to Ada Volta, From the north to south, Come to drink both great and small, And shower us with good blessings. The illustration here is that many supporting evidence as far the corruption of the Ga Language are concerned is cited. Here the contrasts that characterize Europes first footholds on the continent make themselves felt: the gray and white of the stone against the turquoise and green of the sea, the fortified solidity of the structure against the airy openness of the horizon. Among them is the Kpakpatse We Royal Family, whose history we shall discuss in this discourse. But in the modern days, the clothing is usually worn for almost every occasion, including religious worships, rites of passage, funerals, and weddings. Field, Social Organization of the Ga People, 1940. number did not include women, children, old people nor the house of Levi (priests). In fact the name "Krobo" is of Akan origin and is derived from the term "Kro-obo-so-Fo", meaning "Town of rock/mountain dwellers". At this point, it, away as possible from Egypt. These are the Tarbon of Ga Mashie. Jacob has two sons with Rachel. According to oral tradition, the whole structure of the Asante army that was started by Nana Osei Kofi Tutu l and helped the Asantes through many wars, was a replicate of the well organised Akwamu army. After being in a tributary relationship with the Akwamu until 1730, Accra regained and largely maintained its independence until it was occupied by the British in 1874. Abomsam is known to be the head of all evil spirits. All quarters have clan houses known aswekushia,the original homes of Ga patrilineages, and chiefs calledmantsemei. But then, although there are different Gbe languages, the common one is the Ewe. The Kusasi also utilize Hausa and Moore languages for trading; however, they have a great affiliation . This left the British in sole charge of the Ga littoralThe abolition of slave trade in the nineteenth century also opened new opportunities in Accra which included the settlement of the Brazilian freed slaves in Accra. The rites of passage events for boys and girls in the Ga-Adangbe tribe are not conducted in the same way. The Ga are descended from immigrants who came down the Niger River and across the Volta during the 17th century. Gads fifth son was Eri who later formed a clan known as Erites (Genesis 30:9, Genesis 46:16, Numbers 26:15-19 and Deuteronomy 3:12; Genesis 30:4-8. Needful to note also is that Ga women have been traders since the sixteenth century. Due to their social mobility, the Dagaaba or Dagarti can be found in almost every part of Ghana and in other West African Countries like Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. THE GROWTH OF MODERN ACCRA Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of womens property are by matrilineal descent. After two unsuccessful attempts to take it, the Dutch captured the castle in 1637 with an assault from the land. He postulates that the Ga were part of the Nubians that left Egypt after being freed from slavery by the then Pharaoh Amenhotep II. In view of this, Europeans have described both the coastal and inland towns of the Ga Mashie community as the Kingdom of Akkra. She argued that these were emigrant refugee families of the Ga Boni, Ga Wo, Ga Mashie and the Obutu fleeing in separate parties from Tetetutu and other Benin parts, probably travelling along the beach, and eventually settled along the coastlines of the Gulf of Guinea, in the Greater Accra region. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The tribe of Ga are descendants of GAD and are the hebrew Israelites. This Ga settlement areas is bounded on the East by the Tshemu lagoon near Tema, on the West by the Sakumofio River, the North by Akuapem Mountains and the South by the Gulf of Guinea. It was the alliance of the British and indigenous coastal forces that kicked out the Asantes in the Battle of Dodowa of 1826. It appears that the slaves were shipped straight from Ghana to Jamaica and other ports that I have yet to explore. These areas stretched northwards to the boundaries of the plains of Accra and were under the control of their own governments and administrations. Here the highway looks out on coconut groves lining the beach, and the massive weight of St. Georges Castle, at the end of the bays long sweep, is clear even from a distance. killing the sacrificial animals with sharp stones instead of knives, in order not to avoid defiling them, were also used in Akra.. The Ga-speaking peoples were organized into six independent towns ( Accra, Osu, Labadi, Teshi, Nungua, and Tema). can see evidence of some of these in : The naming of children on the 8 th day (Exodus 12 vs 19); Male circumcision The Ga-Adangbe people came from a city in Egypt called Goshen. Here is a sneak preview of the major tribes and ethnic groups in Ghana. The Asr group of people comprises of five different clans which relocated to the coastal settlements of Little Akra (Ga Mashie) after the destruction of Great Akra (Ayawaso) by the Akwamus in the early Sixteen Century. While Akumadzei one of the seven quarters of Ga Mashie community was of Guan origin. today its part on Angola. While the Onyeni deity-worshipping group led by Nii Moi, settled behind the cliffs of the James Fort, which was later on built by an English trading company in 1672. The Hebrews ie Heeboes, THE HEBREW ISRAELITES AND THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE CONNECTION, THE YORUBA AND OTHER HEBREW ISRAELITES OF NIGERIA, George Wells Parker - The African Origin of the Grecian Civilization, Black Hebrew Israelites some truths and Falsehoods opinion. These are but a few examples we can talk They were originally called Kush. So, international relations scholars have come to terms that in their efforts to [over]protect what appear on the surface as their own- being it history, culture, or lifestyle, closer inspection might shockingly or uncomfortably reveal to them something foreign. This was at the time when the Israelites had settled on the land of Goshen, from the eastern part of the River Nile to its estuary. Elmina, 93 miles west of Accra, at the western edge of Ghanas central region, is different. They also eat and sell fish, maize, and beer. In the seventeenth century the English, Dutch, Swedes, and Danes established spheres of influence, entering into a preexisting coastal trade. and the Ga are a mixture of peoples concentrated in the capital, many first-language Ga speakers also know English, one or more of the Akan languages (Fante or Twi), and/or Ewe. I really appreciate it, and I hope youll visit my blog again for more information of the Ga speaking people of Ghana; as well as recommend the blog to others. I shall continue with the History of Kpakaptse We Royal Family of Asere in my next blog. From 1680 onwards, it became the practice of the Ga to seek refuge with their kinsmen in this new state whenever they faced difficulties in Accra. COMMENTARY For most international relations students; it could be remembered that the dilemma in battle defeats or conquests and occupation- directly or indirectly, in the process of state formation and/or building, alter many facets of victims cherished purified cultures and traditions- even where the occupation had been for a minute or microseconds. Kojo Ababio became so power-drunk that he refused to accept that Sempe had a right to elect a mantse for her own akutsoThe head of Sempe was the Mankralo of the AlataThis so infuriated the representative of the Sempe that at a Commission of Enquiry in 1907, he asked, I am a Ga, did come from Lagos and make me mankralo here? Ancestry DNA shows I have an African ancestor by the name of Quartey. It does not matter whether the deceased's family is impoverished; they must ensure that their departed is ushered from the physical realm to the ancestor's realm with fanfare. SHEIKH MUSTAFAS INTRODUCTION IS BELOW type his name into Google to find his blog or check out my re blogs. The Adangbe are found to the east, the Ga groups, to the west of the Accra coastlands. While the Ga-Adangbe/Ewe adheres to a patrilineal system, among the Akans; brothers and nephews on the mothers side and not sons inherit property. These assertions has been corroborated by people of other ethnic groups such as the Adangbe, Ada, Krobo and Ewe speakers who were fellow emigrants of the Ga groups in their journeys from Benin in Nigeria through Aneho in Togo, and finally to their present locations in modern Ghana. Oral history traces our ancestry from the old Egypt empire (ie Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan and the tribes along the Nile There are many foods and drinks, and everyone comes in their choicest attires, even though burials are supposed to be filled with sadness and long faces. Modern historians more or less agree that since time immemorial the Guans have been "the original inhabitants" of Ghana, because unlike the Akan who arrived from Bouna in the north-west, the Ewe from Notsie in Togo about 1720, the Ga-Adangme from certain parts in Nigeria, and the Mossi-Dagomba group of states who migrated from the north . Since then, they sell agricultural produce. down orally in the history of others like the Hebrews, Ethiopia and Egypt the super power. Among other towns founded by the Ga was Aneho. I have a friend who prefers his name to be spelt and called Ampofu; instead of the traditional Ampofo. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The main reason for this new migration according to Kilson (1974, pp.5-6) was the presence of the Portuguese and three other European powers that had by then established trading posts there, and were extending protection to the coastal towns and villages. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GA COASTAL TOWNS Field, Religion and Medicine of the Ga People, 1937. Bereku quarters. A large number of the Asantes of today originated from Akwamu especially, people from Asafo, Adum and sections of people from Bantama and Barekese. Down-town Accra; the Ga, adopted a policy of incorporating immigrants into the governmental machinery. The Guan people are an ethnic group found almost in all parts of Ghana, including the Krachi people, language-Kaakye people Nkonya tribe, the Gonja, Anum, Larteh, Nawuri and Ntsumburu . Not until recently, I never knew that the Ga town- Pokuase, was founded by a man named [O]poku? Asere is by far the largest quarter in terms of population and area. Each town had a stool, which served as the central object of Ga ritual and war magic. Elmina is conveniently located at the shore line providing a means of transporting the slaves at the time. The Kusasi people are farmers. Cook Loaf) to Fla i.e. It is believed that the Ga-Dangmes Kingdom at AYAWASO was the first Kingdom in GHANA. In order to protect themselves from slave raiding that has become rife, these settlements which were threatened with extinction, had to combine forces to establish towns for mutual protection; and the setting up of military organizations to fight off these invaders. The Ashanti Kingdom controlled much of the present Ghana using Kumasi as the central base. The journey in search of They once had a very famous and strong At this point, it The Ga-Dangmes claim to be descendants DAN and GAD, the fifth and seventh sons of Jacob. Ababio withdrew his claims, but Sempes refused to accept the Alata mantse as the mantse for the whole James Town, although the Government continued to recognise him as such. Although Prof Irene Odotei writes that the Gas have a system of adoption which extends its branch to the children of couples of alien origins as far as the law of succession among the Ga tribe proper [ie. Biblical history suggests that Jacob, whom God named YISRAEL had Leah as his wife who gave birth to four sons for him. Existing traditional accounts of the origin of the Ga according to Reindorf, indicates that the ancestors of the tribes of Akras, Late, Obutu and Mowure are said to have emigrated from the sea, arriving at the coast tribe after tribe. These tribes he believe arrived together with the Adangbes either from Tetetutu or from Sam, located beyond the Volta in the east, and situated between two rivers. In ancient Israel of the Bible, the deceased were said to be buried across the river Jordan. Your email address will not be published. Due to this, the Ga and Hebrew cultures greatly influence each others. (UNESCO) Vol. In the Book of numbers, the Bible had made extensive references to the children of Israel, which includes Gad and Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54).Biblical history strongly lends support to the claim by Ga-Dangmes that they are HEBREW ISRAELITES due to the fact Ga-Dangme names are found throughout the OLD TESTAMENT. Asante Fordjour ABSTRACT From the mystical Akan historical accounts of the Ga peoples; and not until I had the privilege of reading from Professor Irene Odotei (External Influence on Ga Society and Culture), all that I knew about Nkranfuo [the Gamee] was the empirical belief that their ancestors, mysteriously, fled from Ilfe, in the ancient Nigeria, in their columns like soldier-ants along the Gulf of Guinea to their present settlements, in a date which is hard to be traced. This had been shown in Operation[s] Moses (1984) and Solomon (1991), where the Israeli regime airborne their starved cousins from Abyssinia. continue the search for a land of their own. Because of the gold and the presence of Lake Volta, the Ashanti people built an empire in 1670. What can be said without qualms is that the Ga people were not stable, but dynamic and engaged in the very common phenomenon of migration- the Homowo [Passover] festival had its origin in such migration the second divide of belief attributed the unleavened com bread to that of Jewish unleavened flour bread as the ritual food, the red clay painted at the door posts and the way the people eat in hurry during the festival are linked to the traditions of the Jewish Passover feast. But like the said Ewe-Israeli ancestral links, this one too, I have difficulty to accept whole-heartedly in that we know that Israelis cherish their blood bond. In the Book of numbers, the Bible had made extensive references to the children of Israel, which includes Gad and Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54). [11] P. Ozanne, Notes on the Early Archaeology of Accra, Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, Vol.VI, 1962. Sections of Ga Mashie trace their origins as Far East as the southern part of modern Nigeria, though so far no confirmatory evidence has been established for this. The Kusasi population in Ghana is estimated to be around 646,000. One of the most critical aspects of the funeral of a deceased member of the Ga-Adangbe tribe is the use of symbolic coffins that tells the stories of the departed. What is the traditional food of the Ga? Oral traditions had it that after the destruction of the Ayawaso Township by the Akwamu, and the death of the then Ga Mants Okaikoi in 1660, remnants of the Ga decided to come down from their hilly abode and join their friends and relations along the coast. Meanwhile, Astley (1968, pp.615-616) in describing the Ga towns said It stands six leagues inland, and it is called Great Akkra to distinguish it from Little Akkra situated on the coast, half way between Kormantin and Rio Volta. Some of these spirits are associated with unique places. Ga is the name applied to a particular ethnic group of people living along the shoreline of the Gulf of Guinea. western parts of the Nile river. leader, Queen Sheba whos story is in the Holy Bible. Corrections? The abayan, cloth belonging to the deceased, which is torn to pieces, and each piece placed on the left wrist of the deceased relatives and very close friends, is an ancient Jewish custom. The largest tribe in the Volta region (in which Globe Aware operates) are the Ewe. The Ga are descended from immigrants who came down the Niger River and across the Volta during the 17th century. This was at the time when the Israelites had settled on the land of Goshen, from the eastern part of the River Nile to its estuary. The largest population of Ewe people is in Ghana (6.0 million), and the second largest population is in Togo (3.1 million). Quarteys all over the world are descendants of the Royal Family of Kpakpatse We clan of the Asr group of the Ga speaking people, which is one of the seven quarters (Akutsii) that constituted the Ashiedu Ktk District within the Odododiodioo Constituency of the Ga Mashie Community in Accra. [8] G. T. Stride and Ifeka, C. People and Empires of West Africa: West Africa in History 1000-1800, 1971. This assertion has been upheld by Kilson (1971, p.24) in her ethnographic study of the Ga, and had indicated that the shikwbii (aborigines) of the Ga countryside were the Kpshi people, whose dialects have survived only in the Kpele religious songs of worship and festivals. But then we can find evidence of what was passed Thus, the arrival of the refugee emigrant families changed the landscape when the people of Wo Sagba, Wo Doku, Wo Krowor and Wo Kpele established the coastal towns of Ga Mashie, La Boni, Nungua, Tema and later on Osu and Teshie respectively. Origins of the Afro-Brazilian community in Ghana[ edit] The Afro-Brazilian descendants and community in the south of Ghana dates back to one study from the 19th century that between an estimated 3,000 and 8,000 former slaves decided to return to Africa. The three groups of people that left Egypt were:-, Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Principles of Marketing (Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong; Valerie Trifts; Peggy H. Cunningham), Mechanics of Materials (Russell C. Hibbeler; S. C. Fan), English (Robert Rueda; Tina Saldivar; Lynne Shapiro; Shane Templeton; Houghton Mifflin Company Staff), Frysk Wurdboek: Hnwurdboek Fan'E Fryske Taal ; Mei Dryn Opnommen List Fan Fryske Plaknammen List Fan Fryske Gemeentenammen. The Nungua Mantse, in consultation with the Ga Mashi Mantse gave Osu lands to the KADI GBOI as people of Osu were referred to. The origin of the Ga-speaking ethnic groups from the early Sixteenth Century in the then Gold Coast has been a subject of controversy, since various scholars have given different versions of their migration stories. HISTORY & TRADITIONS- (Re External Influence on Ga Society and Culture) The English; probably might pride themselves of and indeed feel lazy in learning other European Languages all because of their dominant language in global affairs but they can hardly escape the dilutions of French words such as restaurant and rendezvous, in their vocabularies. 1. Yes, Professor Adu-Boahen(1975) sates that the Ga-Adangbe differ not only linguistically but also culturally from the Akans. Ghana is among the West African countries with rich traditions and cultures. The Ashanti Tribe. The Ga-Adangbe people have a unique culture with many traditional economic and social benefits, which is still observed to date. Their original religion is associated with a spirit called ordzemawon. suffering of his people at the hands of God almighty. JusticeGhana, Galamsey report: Ken Agyapongs lawyer accuses Kwaku Baako of perjury, Prepare for price hikes on some goods from May 1 GUTA to Ghanaians, NPP activist disproves Ken Agyapong's 'Akufo-Addo appointing northerners' claim, Sammy Gyamfi 'schools' presidential staffer on social interventions, Adams Mahama murder case: AG reacts to verdict delivered by jury, Col. Damoah eyes Jaman South Parliamentary seat, Majority leader questions Prof Frimpong-Boateng's report, NDCs Baba Sadiq drags Coffee Shop Mafia over Frimpong-Boateng report, It will be a curse for John Mahama to hold the state sword again - Koku Anyidoho. GA STATE AND SOCIETY This first group was made up of the 12 Tribes of Israel and we can find the history/story in the Holy The HOMOWO FESTIVAL (the PASSOVER) celebrated by the Ga-Dnagmes supports their claim that they are Hebrew Israelites, descendants of children of Jacob (Exodus 13: 1-10); Exodus 12: 1-50; Numbers 9:1-5, According to Abbey in his book KEDZI AFO JORDAN (1968), Ga-Dangmes tradition during which they put money in the coffins of their deceased relatives prior to burial is an ancient Hebrew Israelites custom. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. A war captain among the Ga is known as Asafoiatse derived from the Akan Asafo (war company), and the asafo songs are mainly in Akan. The gas travelled along these rivers until the came to another river called ORIGIN OF THE GA-SPEAKING PEOPLE OF ACCRA. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Initially, they went to Nigeria through Ethiopia before settling in Ghana. Ghana, first of the great medieval trading empires of western Africa (fl. In researching my heritage I identified that my paternal line traces back to Accra Ghana. [5] Meanwhile, Adote Nii Ashare and Tete Kpshi who with their retinue made their abode beyond the Korle lagoon returned and settled by the same Fort; and their descendants also established the Sempi quarters.

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