Pluto in this aspect gives this deeper, darker, obsessive energy to your partnerships. Facing the real significance of these newly-discovered trans-Neptunian bodies is not work for the faint-hearted. Yeah it's in scorpio. #You are capable of applying tremendous effort to anything you attempt. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Most of these tendencies spring up when you feel like someone else is trying to control you, even in very small ways. Perhaps there may be overtones depending on the signs involved and the house placements and whether the planets are part of a stellium or configuration. You'd have to harm someone I love for me to really blow up and put my hands on you or throw something/scream at you. There can be a deep attachment and then a deep wrenching away, as power struggles dominate the partnership. Her worm of insecurity eventually corrupts him too. You employ strategy when you are going after something, and you are very talented at this, saving time and energy. I have been studying astrology as a larger spiritual process, where I have been facing that deep fear that underlies all of this: death, annihilation, and the void through this process. Mars trine Pluto also means that youre persistent once youve decided on a path. But the lessons of early life do not lend themselves to such expressions. When they have a certain goal in mind, they will give their best to attain it. The issues with men, domination, learning from a young age about the darker sides of masculinity and men (domestic violence, abuse of all kinds, directly and indirectly), the issues with sex despite having a high sex drive, the magnetism of powerful men exactly for their protective abilities despite knowing theyre not right, the feeling of settling and disappointment that come up when I purposely married a partner not like that. Along with Saturn in my 12th and Jupiter in my first, all conjunct my ascendant (Libra). To some extent men are expected to manifest Mars energies, while Plutos part in the mix remains for the most part covert, so the average man with a Mars Pluto combination can hide behind the pedigree of normal male behaviours. You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The most babied , the best dressed. Mars trine Pluto makes you a natural leader, yet you also have the qualities of a warrior. You feel as though youre always fighting against control. You are always especially aware of, and sensitive to, others use of power and authority. On the positive side, my will power and determination are out of this world. I think that is a positive example of this aspect. Just because one has a trine, it does not mean that the initial impulse is not promulgated by anxiety, or fear of annihilation, ones response to that anxiety is one of positive overcompensation. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Your will is heightened now, and that's a plus if there's a herculean task you must accomplish. "well people with a mars pluto conjunction are sturdy"--yup, Posts: 275From: New YorkRegistered: Nov 2010. This is really a thoughtful and sophisticated analysis of this. There may have been sexual transgressions, exhausting but covert dominance battles, or outright controlling behaviours which damaged her sense that life is fair, and relationships are equitable. Very little fazes you, and youre especially effective when circumstances call for a leader. In fact, you have all of the qualities that you need to make big things happen. The tendency to impose your will on others can cause problems, too. Being one-of-the-boys have always been natural. But since safety and trust are such profound imponderables, the Mars-Pluto woman finds it almost impossible to admit that there is an issue, even ofttimes, to herself. Alone, Pluto is a subterranean force, but essentially, he is the principle of anxiety. This suggests that there is a possibility of abuse, dangerous desires, rape, and violence in a relationship. I have also my Mars and jupiter conjunct with our eros and a both of "nice things" like lust/sun double whammy conjunction, moon/vesta double whammy conjunction, mars/moon conjunction and mars/pluto trine and his vertex on my north node.. a real "mess" :D. Thanks for your kind reply, i didn't find much on eros/eros With pluto in my first house and Mars in my 12th house. Rather than seeing the energy without look within. Your energy can be very intense and abrupt. You are wonderful to have around in times of crises, as you can quickly take the lead and you can be undaunted when it comes to defending or helping those you love. With the Mars conjunct Pluto natal aspect, you have a huge amount of drive when you want to achieve a goal. You have conflicting viewpoints. I don't throw things or get violent, or even raise my voice, like Liliya said above. But make no mistake, this overt confidence and assurance is a reaction to difficult early home lessons, whether they be promulgated by Plutos subtlety, or his rapacious dimension. I wonder how it will play out for her. You may be overly aggressive or irritating towards others because you have a strong, volatile nature. Youdont like to be dominated by others. Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Pluto: Squares Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee, Mel Gibson, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Swayze. It's almost annoying to have this 11H Gemini Mars goading me to go out and yammer with people. When the transiting sun forms a conjunction with your natal Pluto, you will feel . I have Mars -Pluto conjunction in Scorpio, 6th house. But it is not really, rather it takes time for Pluto to be soothed, time and patience, and Pluto work, is a lifetimes work, at the very least. --Erm, on its own it doesn't indicate abuse. Pluto can cause us to feel like we are fighting for our very survival. Such men are deemed to have the necessary protective qualifications and might allow her to relax her vigilance, especially around other men. You can experience a lot of changes and instability in the relationship and with the other person involved. Pros: Drive, ambition, and focus. This is why so many Mars-Pluto relationships degenerate into suspicion and unrequited interest. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. Ironically, it is rarely the assaulter who is blamed when a woman is attacked, since a man is expected to be predatory, while a woman should know better. Both planets are concerned with self-interest first and foremost, but Mars is considerably more forthright and direct in its methods of securing the prizes it covets, while Pluto prefers more subtle, some might say devious, methods to reap the spoils of life. You express your will easily and probably have a hard timenot pushing forward. Ah, when I get really angry Everything that I've been holding back, explodes out (Pluto in the 12th - subconscious, what's "hidden"). Thank You Jeremy This is probably one of the best interpretations of Mars /Pluto I have ever seen and I have been studying astrology since the 1970s. Love and understanding of this old patricahial figure of indomitable will etc. This might therefore seem like an asset, but it only masks the underlying compulsion. When you want something (or someone!) At the same time, you can be very competitive and have an urge to win. In mythology, Juno was married to Jupiter, and was incredibly loyal to himTOO loyal, really! View all posts by Jeremy Neal, Mars, Mars conjunct Pluto, Mars opposition Pluto, Mars square Pluto, Mars trine Pluto, Pluto, Jesus! Pluto is in many ways the archetype of lappel de vide since it encompasses the death-anxiety or unconscious death-wish that is innate to us all. No joke. I walk like I'm on a mission, so I hear. But when I'm really "passionate" about what I'm saying, I can't really disguise that. Life must have more meaning and depth for you now, and you're willing to do nearly anything to make that happen. Its important that you learn how to slow down and enjoy the music. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. It rules our basic instincts of aggression, anger and survival. Chirotic Journal Hi. Pluto Conjunct Mars Transit. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Perhaps the insights about male sexuality are difficult but not threatening, as in the case of actress Julie Newmar who played the early role of Catwoman whose brother is gay. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity. Not to mention she is very beautiful, her long legs and her face. Moderation often means acting like one of the pack instead of always being the leader. But it is a nonsense to suggest that any one aspect can be cured in isolation from the entire constellation of the chart. You have a lot of energy to draw on, but sometimes this energy can come out as aggressiveness. This volcanic energy can be terrifying but also strangely irresistible. Strength, passion, and courage are your strong points, but an indomitable will and tendency toward manipulation brings enemies and hinders success. Wow. Alternate, short interpretations: Mars sextile Pluto or Mars trine Pluto: *You dream up creative solutions to problems and take an imaginative, unusual approach to getting a job done. To break through the Mars square Pluto obstruction, learn how to love yourself and then open yourself to others without ulterior motives. This means that there are deep-rooted fears of violence, of men, especially those who are charismatic or smooth, of sex, independence, pain, about accidents, about being subordinate, about being pushed around. So, a Mars-Pluto trine might give overt energy, drive and enthusiasm, but that is a response to a deep anxiety that is less likely to be addressed because there is little or no resistance to the expression, which feels, subjectively at least, positive and enjoyable. See quincunx, semi-sextile, and the quintile/biquintile. Sometimes, you mayseem aggressive just because you have so much energy and passion for accomplishing your goals. Sextiles present opportunities. There are further detriments to any planet in association with Pluto (and to a lesser extent Mars), and there is decidedly a detriment to being the opposite gender to ones archetypal expressions. Whatever the cause (which can be discerned from placements, constellated points, and rulers) the result is an all-pervading safety-anxiety which can dominate almost all aspects of life. Her domina often scares me. I enjoy "extreme" tasks like hiking all day, cleaning out the attic over the course of 24 hours, or reading a long book cover to cover without sleep or food. Mostly because you're perhaps obsessed with getting at the bottom of whatever fascinates and intrigues you. If anyone in these comments possesses wisdom as to overcoming these themes, or even just desires to relate to another, feel free to reply to this comment x. Ive been searching for a lot of articles about Mars -Pluto and Ill say this explains most of what Im experiencing now. You have a big ambition. You possess a fascinating, alluring, and even commanding aura. her chart looks pretty much the same all the way up to her due date. If something isnt working and the energy isnt flowing, youll keep trying until you have a way to make it work. Oppositions Kirk Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, Kirstie Alley. Due to her power, the man finds new ways to activate his subconscious depths. She is the youngest of my 5 children, the most spoiled. They can move too comfortably (although that is a rather ridiculous concept) in the male world. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. The psychic trap of Mars-Pluto begins with masculine energies which are experienced in the early home environment. You may even enjoy your anger, channeling it into power that you use as a tool. You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ones Plutonic anxiety is about Mars themes and principles. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others. Ultimately, you must transform the Mars opposition Pluto energy. Often there are hidden costs to a womans independence that a man would simply not have to consider. Sometimes, people with Mars conjunct Pluto start to feel dissatisfied. Letting down ones barriers and discovering that one does not automatically become a victim of something wicked or predatory may be liberating and transformative and ultimately life-changing, but it does take a different kind of confidence to take that leap of faith, and every sinew of this aspect rebels against it. We live in a world where effectively men are the gatekeepers of womens independence, so it is in a sense a nonsense to expect Mars-Pluto aspects to behave the same in the charts of both sexes. But in the case of Pluto you get only a "one-time shot." It takes Pluto some 240 years to go the 360o distance around your personal wheel. In fact, you probably wont stop until you achieve your goal. You nailed it. Anxiety is itself an amorphous term, so it is best to go deeper and understand the impulse of Pluto which is in part a kind of death-awareness. You learn through your experiences self-control and self-awareness so that you are better equipped to deal with these extremes. I mean, cappy. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly. Mars opposition Pluto makes you have incredibly high expectations, both for yourself and for others. You might be possessive, yet you can be manipulative at the same time, so you can truly devastate your partners. Thus, life can become an exhausting series of battles against an almost existential sense of fear, of imminent danger, of situations and outcomes which might become calamities. In fact, you can share yourself with someone and see them in return, but meet on an equal playing field. With Mars opposition Pluto, you may see your strong will as a strength, yet it can also be a weakness when you use it to antagonize others. Posts: 10057From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012. Youre naturally very resourceful and usually quite persistent when pursuing a goal. Posts: 172From: Virginia BeachRegistered: Apr 2011. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. Click on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Your morals will determine how you treat other people. I can be very aggressive, mostly when I think that something isn't fair, or somebody is being treated unfairly. But abuse is also Neptune energy, the many ways abuse can be seen in the chart. Aries ascendant, Martian dominated chart, Scorpio Mars and Pluto both in 8th house conjunct each other, along with Chiron in Scorpio 8th house conjunct Mars. Working to help others or for a cause that transcends your own narrow, personal interests is satisfying for you. I enthusiastically welcome his voice to the conversation. It was the best of all mars pluto writings i have read so far. Your raw, primal energy and your need to achieve can be transformed so that youre able to help the world instead of only yourself. I dont think I can submit (yes, I used this word lol) to a male who I feel like I have to be the male around, if that makes sense. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. What you make of these moments determines your spiritual future. Mars understands pluto's intensity and considers it to be noble and that of a warrior. he is very easy going, and is very good at finding people's good sides and breaking down people's power trips. A very dangerous combination indeed. I am dialated and my cervix is effacing, so she can show up at any time. This combination is extremely seductive, but with the hard aspects, comes the danger of falling victim to sexual obsessions. But I never noticed because I'm a New Jersey/New York native. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Your ability to commit yourself to a task or goal is tremendous. It's kinda like that with me too, I enjoy lazy pleasures n all but usually I like to stay active - excercise, trainingetc to let the energy out. "This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. She ought to be able to, but if she does, she risks assault. It is not so simple to say that Mars-Pluto results in superhuman force, as though that is the whole story. There could be spiritual warfare, assassinations, poison attacks, ambushes and false flag operations. I have Mars conjunct Pluto in Libra right on my ascendant. Mars opposition Pluto can also mean that you try to control the environment around you. The problem with Mars opposition Pluto is that it combines the combative and aggressive pieces of Mars with the manipulative, depressing, and controlling aspects of Pluto. You will use all the resources at your fingertips to reach your goals. Venus and Mars are the attraction planets. I also have never been one to backdown from arguments. ", Hard Times The Astrology of Charles Dickens, Chiron in Aries through the houses (part 1), When Love is Not Enough: Venus-Pluto in the Male Chart, Chiron in Pisces through the houses: Part 2. ------------------I'm sooo happy! So, you might therefore see, that Plutos anxiety has this paradoxical principle, the fear of loss, of destruction, of ruin is what drives Plutonic anxiety and at the same time it is what reinforces ones sense of both spiritual and material wealth and of ones innate human richness. When someone does have power over you, you can quickly feel resentful. Crude and nonsensical. However, these tendencies are self-destructive in the long run because you arent able to truly be intimate with anyone. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. I have Mars Pluto conjunction in Scorpio. It is one of the less discussed pairings, compared to say, Venus - Pluto, who attracts all sorts of special mentions and lyrical insights by comparison. Quite automatically, you are interested in what motivates and drives others, which can make you a natural psychologist. You may even turn violent or experience violent interactions in your life. When theres a crisis, everyone will want you on their side! Don't know the position of Mars in your natal chart? Sometimes that understanding can come as the result of outright abuse, as in the case of Oprah Winfrey who was raped at the age of 9 and endured repeated sexual assaults between the ages of 10 and 14. I felt like I wrote that myself! A woman must contend with very different pressures than a man with regard to sex and independence. With this reading you receive. For you, it can be all or nothing. This can make you feel as though youre always right. This means that you hurt other people in order to gain your freedom. A friend I've had for yrs has Mars conj Pluto in Scorp, she wasn't abused but she did go on to serve in the military cos she's got balls; girl isn't afraid of anything..then again she also has Saturn in Scorp there as well. ", I'm possessive, and I love when my bf is possessive, too (we have a Pluto synastry). You feel that others cant possibly understand you, yet you also feel a bit ashamed of who you are. When difficulties arise you prefer to avoid conflict and confrontation in favor of more peaceful or subtle methods of resolving problems. But at the same time we give each other freedom (he's very air, and I'm very Uranian). More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. I think if that aspect is "afflicted" just like any aspect there may be a tendency to go to the extreme--but that's with ANY aspect good or bad. "Calm down, killer" is something I hear frequently. Looking for interpretations for other aspects? As we shall see this is key. The type of society that we all inhabit in the world today are particularly suited to such methods, indeed, capitalism and the Western model of living is predicated upon the very basic constructs of Mars with Pluto. You will be given many opportunities in your life to figure out new ways of dealing with issues. I have a Scorpio ASC too, so Pluto needs to be controlled. Sometimes, Mars sextile Pluto indicates that you experienced hardships at a young age. I can wind up easily, but then cool down as fast (Uranus placements) I'm controlling it now, thanks to my Libra man PS. You may feel like youre sticking up for yourself or doing what you have to do to survive, but this creates a blockage in your life. You swing back and forth between these two mediums. Typically, Pluto tries to control Mars while Mars tries to break free, but this dynamic will sometimes flip, too. Back to Planetary Aspects When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal Mars, you will feel a kindling of fiery desire from within that will lead you to shed dead skin and initiate vital change. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. However, because you have such good instincts combined with this drive, you can also become manipulative to achieve your goals with Mars conjunct Pluto. With good Mars placement we are assertive, directed and forthright with bad placement we an be impulsive,rash and aggressive. Mars Pluto Aspects: Conjunct Sextile Trine Square Opposition. With time, I'm learning how to pick and choose my battles, but if you step to me, I'll be damned if I don't get right back in your face. Once I've used the energy; i'm a very happy and positive person. Your approach to relationships may be pretty intense. You put your heart into whatever it is you are doing, and although breaking ties or ending things can be challenging, once youve done it, theres no going back. Make sure that you find your own ethics. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. You have an artistic flair and appreciate the colorful, unique, or strange. Generally, whatever effort you make will be well worth your time. Mars sextile Pluto gives you the opportunity to learn how to come up with creative solutions to problems. Even when I'm driving, I'm doing 20-40 above the speed limit, with absolutely no time constraint and nowhere to go. Welcome to Lindaland ( Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Mars conjunct Pluto profile | register | . A womans independence is sadly very often entangled in complex social obligations: many of them jealously guarded by men. Other people probably see you as strong or commanding, and its important to you that no one discovers your vulnerable weaknesses. The self-control is really welcome most of the time to balance out the impulses and aggressiveness of my Aries Moon. And definitely yeah! No one could tell me that I was NOT going to get my MA! Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. Interpretation from our LoveStyles: About Him Report. Find out how you can get your astrology chart positions free with our simple steps. In your love life you do not take rejection well. Sometimes there are brothers who teach uncomfortable lessons about male energy and sexuality, or about male expectation. Regardless, what you decide as the origin, you're not sure when the worst will come out of you to haunt you or hunt after people who provoke you. (Please note that some of Annies interpretations are forthcoming). Your aura is alluring and powerful with Mars conjunct Pluto. Mars alone is impulsive, driven, and combative, but Pluto adds darkness, secrecy, lust for power and control, and the desire to destroy / transform with an almost inhuman strength and a ruthless desire to survive and get by at all costs. You are somewhat magnetic, making it easy for others to believe that theyve fallen in love with you. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. For example, a woman cannot simply walk the city streets after dark. The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Mars square Pluto indicates that you know how to wield power to manipulate others. This underlying energetic theme has long been understood. You are a wonderful person to be around when theres a crisis. i see him as very much a light worker in the world. Sun Conjunct Pluto Transit. LOL. The woman with Mars-Pluto is all too aware of sexual undercurrents, and is at the same time motivated to succeed, and if their consciousness is less robust, then they may not be too concerned with how they get to their exalted position in life. The expression is the same superhuman force but the impressions are entirely Martian if you like. And more importantly than this, what is the triggering dynamic? Generally, the Mars conjunct Pluto synastry is a very powerful and intense aspect. Clearly, I've never killed anyone, but I'm a very intense, passionate person. Mars represents our ambition, energy, action and desire. Perhaps there were brothers (or step or half-brothers) who subtly dominated the matrix of family time and attention. I used to eventually snap quite badly if pushed long enough and hard enough by someone but as I've matured I've learned to manage this energy and to not let other people get to me so that potentially destructive energies don't build up in the first place. Indeed, a 2012 study concluded that the higher ones sense of existential anxiety, the stronger the call of the void, and that paradoxically it occurs as a means of affirming ones appreciation of life. Alternatively, you may try to impose your will on others or resort to physical or verbal abuse. See quincunx, semi-sextile, and the quintile/biquintile. He may as well have been describing the unconscious energy of the emotional body (as described by one's natal Moon) and our deepest compulsions and drives (as described by natal Pluto). As ever, our ideas about stellar combinations do evolve over time, and this is true of both Mars and Pluto, the former because our understanding of gender roles is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the latter because our understanding of Plutonic drives, increasingly nuanced.

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