ended in hand-to-hand combat. Kurilla gives a copy of Gates of I asked CSM Prosser if I could go with him to see the Understood? We were searching the area for the source of that automatic weapons fire when Kurilla spotted three men in a black Opel and his sixth sense kicked. Do I look stressed? two soldiers near. He passed by me and I chased, Kurilla leading the way. can make this work. had given me a copy and told me to read it. Moments later, SSG Will Shockley relayed word to us that an American soldier was dead. couldn't hold on well. They have been fighting for two nations, one of which didnt seem to notice. Dont I look okay?. Prosser had beaten the terrorist in the head three times that Prosser went "black" and ran into the shop. Michael Erik Kurilla (born May 16, 1966) [1] is a United States Army general who serves as the 15th commander of United States Central Command since April 1, 2022. opponent of some in the Army's Detention Facilities #DeuceFour was trying to bite Prosser's wrist, but instead he bit If Kurilla gets shot, I'm definitely going to get him. When I came back into the TOC, Major Michael Lawrence who I often challenge to pull-up contests, and who so far has beat me (barely) every time looked me square and professionally, in the direct way of a military leader and asked, Mike, did you pick up a weapon today? We began searching for the shooters near one of the bridges on our side of the Tigris, but they got away. You left the prisoner!For a moment, I nearly ran back out to drag the terrorist behind the Stryker, but then I thought, Nope, he's a terrorist! A few terrorists had already been caught in the first 24 hours. haul him and the terrorist away to the Combat Support As Captain McGrew and I drove through the dusty darkness back to the Deuce Four, the Commander and SGT Lama, along with other wounded and dead soldiers from around Iraq, began their journey home. he called CSM Prosser and asked for a Bible and the for surgery, when LTC Kurilla said, "Tell Major Bieger Amazingly, he was right. The doctors rolled LTC Kurilla and the terrorist into OR and our surgeons operated on both at the same time. After some conversation, the Commander looked over at the next bed and asked, How are you doing SGT Lama?, Good, the Commander said, You are my new PSD. [Personal Security Detachment: Bodyguard. Keep an eye on Yon's blog for the next dispatch. Kurilla is from Elk River, Minnesota, and was commissioned in the Infantry from West Point in 1988. he said "No." But someone gave the Commander a cell phone, and The third bullet pierced a propane canister, which jumped up in the air and began spinning violently. I had only one magazine, so checked that the selector was on semi-automatic. with people downtown. Apparently I turned my head, but kept my finger on the shutter button. smashing his face into the concrete. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Commander, CSM Prosser and I drove back to the unit. FIREBALL! Please keep LTC Kurilla and the rest of Deuce Four in your thoughts and prayers. there; but they hesitated. swarmed the shop. Like the soldiers of Deuce Four, Iraqis have seen too much war to believe in fairy tales. When Recon platoon showed up about a minute later, SFC Bowman asked LTC Kurilla to lie down. But I have it beside me on the table by the map of Iraq. Make no mistake about Kurilla hes a warrior, always at the front of the charge. His other leg was hit and so But Prosser's gloves were slippery with blood so he (2nd LT front-left; radioman near-left; "AH" the interpreter is near-right.) I changed the subject by snapping a photo of CSM Prosser while LTC Kurilla got Mrs. Lama on the Iridium satellite phone. Jim T. posted images on LinkedIn. Then one of the suspects tried to wrestle a weapon from a soldier before all three were detained. The images along with Yons narrative are posted on his Web site: http://michaelyon.blogspot.com. . femur, snapping his leg. citizens in their homes. The one to go back and speak. They also admitted that the terrorist who was shot down was their cell leader, who had been training them for three months. Today we remember Master Sgt. That changed last Friday when Kurilla was shot during close combat. Fire to every new officer and orders them to read it. "What's wrong with you!?" Deuce Four soldiers would have killed every man in that Just a few minutes ago, these three guys were going 105 miles per hour, and outrunning a helicopter. Monday for treatment of wounds he suffered Friday in a firefight in Twenty US soldiers have died in Mosul since 21 December. David Bellavia Medal of Honor Presentation, Photo - Insertion and Extraction Training, National Airborne Day 2015 - The Military Humor Edition, "The Wall", "The Shield", "The Team" -The Latest Batch of Commercials Take a Queue from the USMC, August 16th is National Airborne Day 2014. ], Daniel Lama smiled, got out of bed and I shot a photo of him reporting for his new duty.. But all Kurilla saw was LT Flynn stepping off the ramp, and then there was a lot of shooting. "Give me a grenade!" LTC Kurilla likes to call before the Army gets a chance, to tell parents and loved ones the true circumstances. A shooter inside was also having problems with his pistol, but there was no time to reload. It was just a flesh wound. How a New Greatest Generation of American Soldiers is Turning Defeat and Disaster into Victory and Hope. Personal Details: General Kurilla was injured while serving as Commander of the First Infantry battalion (2004-2005) from a car bomb and gunfire during a battle in Mosul against Al-Qaeda. passion for the cause of freedom. It was around 9 PM when I heard Captain Matt McGrew was going to see Kurilla. I was still asleep when medics brought their son Daniel to the Combat Support Hospital, or Cash. Its a familiar place for Deuce Four soldiers, whove seen some of the most sustained and intense urban combat of this war, receiving over 150 Purple Hearts in the process. But Prossers gloves were slippery with blood so he couldnt hold on well. He Comments (18). From what I hear about the news back home. There was a quick and heavy volume of fire. SGT Daniel Lama, who is as much respected as he is liked, was pulling security in an air guard position of his Stryker, when a bullet flew straight at his neck, striking him. Drinking tea with Iraqi When Kurilla keyed in on them, he pointed his rifle at the car and signaled them to get out. Apparently I turned my head, but kept my finger on the [3] He was awarded a Bronze Star with "V" device after a battle in Mosul in which he "was shot three times but continued to fire back at insurgents while directing his troops. He got his wish; and now, Chris Espindola, Kurillas radio man, was down in Baghdad testifying against the two surviving co-conspirators. (2nd LT front-left; radioman near-left; "AH" the LTC Kurilla The soldiers with LTC Kurilla were searching fast, weapons at the ready, and they quickly flex-cuffed two men. alone could not compete with disbelief. Kurilla gives a copy of Gates of Fire to every new officer and orders them to read it. As if offering proof, Chaplain Wilson said: When they rolled Daniel over, the doctor stuck his finger in Daniels butt to check his prostate, and Daniel said, Hey! As he details in the book, his post-Army career (Yon is a Special Forces veteran) ultimately led him to travel the world researching cults, which offered him unique insight into the workings of groups like al Qaeda. LTC Erik Kurilla (front right), the moment the bullets strike. bases, including a map of this base. man's abdomen, splattering a testicle with a fourth, the Meeting proud mothers with new babies. Shot in the arm and leg, Kurilla was taken to a combat hospital and later airlifted to Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma. Iraqi Army and Police officers see many Americans as too soft, especially when it comes to dealing with terrorists. Tuberculosis, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan The Beast, John Batchelor Show on Dominican Republic. There is just no easy way to say, Your son got shot today. And so, according to men here, the calls sound something like this: We are sorry to inform you that your son has been shot in Mosul. Kurilla's men were taking down and before there was no room left to sign, but I found a The terrorist had a Erik! Then, at the funerals of other friends who had died in country, friends finally convinced him to go to Iraq. LTC Erik Kurilla (front right), the moment the bullets As the Stryker dropped its ramp, one of the terrorists pulled a pistol from under his shirt. Comments (28). Last updated: August 23rd, 2005 08:33 AM (PDT). three bad guys boxed, but free. about the fighting until given clearance, and was told that my phones flowery. Do you need me to come get you!" Often when Chaplain Wilson sees me, he will say, Good morning Michael. Did you fire that weapon? In my book, pulled it over his eyes and twisted it. The Commander of Deuce Four, LTC Erik Kurilla, was shot three times in combat yesterday in front of my eyes. On Monday, while conducting operations in west Mosul, a voice came over the radio saying troops from our brother unit, the 3-21, were fighting with the enemy in east Mosul on the opposite side of the Tigris River. As if in reply, the pilot radioed that the Opel was outrunning his helicopter. chain of command, but had otherwise not changed the This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. When the bullet hit that canister, Prosserwho I thought ran over to Kurilla, but hesitated every time. The return address sticker, an American flag on it, was from Jefferson, Pennsylvania. SSG Konkol's men were clearing toward us, leaving the Yon went from obscurity to well-earned recognition as the man on the scene in Iraq. The truest test of leadership happens when the Commander LTC Kurilla was there asking a soldier for the latest report on Sergeant Lama, now in surgery. Wrapped in a ground fight, Prosser could not pull out his service pistol strapped on his right leg, or get to his knife on his left, because the terroristwho turned out to be a serious terroristhad grabbed Prossers helmet and pulled it over his eyes and twisted it. Advanced Home Care Aide Specialist Training Pilot; Health Home Program; Nursing Services BamBamBamBam! The terrorist had a mouthful of watch but he somehow also managed to punch Prosser in the face. About fifteen seconds later our ramp dropped. "[3][10][11] He is a former commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Prosser landed three nearly point blank shots in the They were on a recon of American forces when Kurilla sensed their intent. The chase was on. It was the other leg that was broken, he said. Folks who havent done much urban fighting might take issue with the wild chases, and they might say that people should always stack up and do things this or that way, but men in Delta Force, SEALs and the like, all know that when chasing wild men into the labyrinth, soldiers enter the land of confusion. attacking. I asked to come along. I know a few of them and they all love Michael Yon. An A man just staggered back, regrouped and tried to shoot Bowman would listen with an open mind. He appeared to be shot down and dead. He was shot in the leg and arm but continued shooting and issuing orders until other soldiers arrived and took an insurgent prisoner. Early in 2005, when Id completed my first tour of duty in Iraq, I was searching the Internet for news when I found Yons page. God Bless our Military especially, our WARRIORS. into the light. to call my wife so she doesn't get a call from the Army his left, because the terroristwho turned out to be a I wanted my name on that flag. left. In my book, there is a marked passage, which I thought rather flowery. holster, just as SSG Konkol, Lewis, Devereaux and Muse Sweet life itself, even the desperately sought chance to tell the tale, suddenly seemed unendurable alongside the pain of having to take leave of these whom I had come so to love.. An Angel will hopefully be able to visit LTC Kurilla this afternoon. Strykers are fast, but Opels are faster. I looked back at the two soldiers who were with me outside, and screamed what amounted to Attack Attack Attack! I stood up and was yelling at them. Jose L. Ruiz was killed in action. "One soldier was killed . leader that Americans admire and Iraqis respect. Major Craig Triscari from the 1-17th Infantry from Alaska was with Major Mike Lawrence, Q, and other soldiers, when he noticed a car with its hood up. The Commander and the terrorist were both being prepped for surgery, when LTC Kurilla said, Tell Major Bieger to call my wife so she doesnt get a call from the Army first. But someone gave the Commander a cell phone, and I heard Kurilla talking to his wife, Mary Paige, saying something like, Honey, there has been a little shooting here. pistol, apparently realizing his only escape was by This was happening in seconds. the reason, the result was that less than two weeks It wasnt long before there was no room left to sign, but I found a place to scratch. But it was Yon, 41, a self-published author and former Green Beret, who seemed to earn Kurillas trust. I got hit and there was some minor soft tissue To see pictures and read dispatches about Lt. Col. Erik Kurilla : In a harrowing series of photographs, Yon captures the moment Kurilla fell. Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. That was in December. With his leg mangled, Kurilla pointed and fired his rifle into the doorway, yelling instructions to the soldiers about how to get in there. When Kurilla woke in recovery a few hours after surgery, (left). Ill be fine. Prosser in the face. Required fields are marked *, Join Michael on LocalsFollow Michael on GettrFollow Michael on TwitterFollow Michael on Facebook, Follow Michael on LocalsFollow Michael on GettrFollow Michael on Twitter. One bullet smashed through his femur, snapping his leg. He passed by Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. While we knew of Iraq in our corner of the battlespace, he could move throughout the country and did so. policy. But Americans learn from their mistakes. I had a camera. How can the pilot know its going 105 mph? A defense official confirmed to Military Times on Thursday that. About two weeks ago, word came that Nohes case had been dismissed by a judge on 7 August. Someone you should know: five men earned the Medal of Honor on May 8, Robert "Concrete Bob" Miller - Someone You Should've Known, Arthur J. Jackson - someone you should know, "No Survivors" - The Eagle Flight Anniversary, Casey Sheehan - A Palm Sunday Someone You Should Know, National Airborne Day: The Best Photo of a Paratrooper by an AP Photographer, Daily Beast: Wounded Warrior Project Fights - to Get Rich. This may not be the war some folks had in mind a few years ago. on my door. Dont you understand? Kurilla, though down and unable to move, was fighting having to take leave of these whom I had come so to moving. Kiowas are small, carrying just two people; they fly so low the two flying soldiers are practically infantrymen. The general said they were heading into Hit to have lunch and invited Crissman to join them. In a war where the situation changes depending on what you read, Yon is a man with credibility he has more time embedded with combat units than any other journalist. Apparently, the vigor of his protests had made him an opponent of some in the Armys Detention Facilities chain of command, but had otherwise not changed the policy. I shouted. Im shot three times!. mouthful of watch but he somehow also managed to punch The one to go back and speak. Despite their sworn confessions, Kurilla was left with a young radio operator with little trigger-time. shutter button. The fact that officers trust Yon with access leads to dramatic scenes. Some Strykers were scouting for the shooters, while others were working details at Yarmook Traffic Circle. Bullets were hitting all around Kurilla. What I didnt realize was at that same moment four soldiers from Alpha Company 2nd Platoon were arriving on scene, just in time to see me about to go into the store. Three bullets reach flesh: One snaps his thigh bone in half. Carrying both books, we drove to the Cash. [6][7], Born in California and raised in Elk River, Minnesota, Kurilla received a bachelors degree in aerospace engineering from the United States Military Academy, an MBA from Regis University, and a masters degree in national security studies from the National War College. A pain beyond all previous now seized me. And then LTC Kurilla was shot. -Dan and Connie Lama. A man came forward, trying to shoot Kurilla with a If soldiers dont go fast, the bad guys simply get away. Sleeking around Mosul under moonlight, we prowled through the pale glow until we came upon a pond near a farmhouse. No one but Crissman knew what was about to happen. We still have to discuss what happened today., Writers are not permitted to fight. could be confiscated. Even and especially in places like Mosul, where it takes a special penchant for fighting. fast, weapons at the ready, and they quickly flex-cuffed And then LTC Kurilla was shot. Opels may be faster than Kiowas on straight-a-ways, but when the car made turns, the helicopter quickly caught up. CSM Robert Prosser goes "black." Colonel Kurilla is like my dad. might be dead because of all the blood on his legwas Interfacing with shop owners. Neither had real combat experience. not too much--I start snapping photos as the Commander drags the guy by managed to stop the fleeing car. Just checking. But secretly, every time he asks, I feel a notch better. Really, Daniels okay, and dont worry about it when the Army calls you.. The same facility where Daniel Lama was how to do his job. Soldiers outran and tackled his two associates when they made a run. The Home and Community Services (HCS) Division promotes, plans, develops and provides long-term care services for persons with disabilities and the elderly who may need state funds (Medicaid) to help pay for them. He shares a rarely reported aspect of the American effort in Iraq rebuilding: The American soldier is the most dangerous man in the world, he says, and the Iraqis had to learn that before they would trust or respect us. didn't have the combat experience to grasp the power of The card inside had a picture of an American flag for its cover. President Biden intends to nominate Lieutenant General Michael E. Kurilla as the next head of US Central Command. Michael Yon was there and witnessed this: The operation has begun. It actually went so close to perfect that we could hardly believe it. 23 Jan 2005. There's a risk in that. half. The Iraqis who seethe over the shooting of Kurilla know that the cunning fury of Jihadists is congenite.

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