In the end, you want to ensure your interviewer that you would join the team at Kaiser Permanente with the utmost integrity and accountability in your work. The lady said she needed the medicine that day, and if she didn't have it that day, she will go to a hospital and send the bill to us. I have been responsible for maintaining supplies on the general surgery ward for five years. I would utilize past experiences and techniques in this role as well to be successful. It is not the ideal situation, but I have always adjusted for the good of the team. As we met for brainstorming and solution ideas, we realized that our new process decisions would affect many other departments. I never let their behavior dictate my response, and I never let it overwhelm or upset me to the point that I couldn't complete my job. The success of Kaiser Permanente thrives on the accuracy of information and organization in all work that they do. It seems you would be a wonderful teammate to have around. It's great that you are working on asking for help from a variety of people when needed. My spouse and I are a foster home for abandoned dogs and we love this aspect of our lives. I am well organized, pay close attention to detail, and strive to maintain accuracy in all that I do, and I feel those skills would transfer well into this role and help me succeed if given the opportunity. One of Kaiser Permanente's primary values is making the communities in which they practice a healthier place. Your interviewer will be looking to hear that you have done your research on Kaiser Permanente and that you'll thrive in their workplace culture. If possible, avoid extreme responses that include speaking negatively of others or naming people. Takes notes when I have to and double-check my work to make sure it's done right like typing prescriptions. I recently attended a pediatric trauma course that really opened my eyes to new techniques I could use in our emergency room. The bonus' cost us less money, in the end than the cost of lowered productivity due to absent employees. "As a newer provider to the community, it will be important for me to get out and introduce myself to others. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. But this is usually just for transitions. Ask The Interviewer: Work From Home Edition, Cover Letters are Hard to Write, But This is Why They Matter. In detail, discuss any hurdles you had to overcome and how you worked with your teammates to handle the challenge. Discuss with the interviewer what you would expect for compensation if offered this position. If possible, pick a weakness that is not a core skill for the position you are interviewing for. I greatly value diversity. I never give up and will work until I have found a solution to whatever problem is at hand. We utilized verbal communication and a team-based messaging app on our phones throughout the two-week period. WebInterview tips for Kaiser Permanente? If you want to make an impact with your answer, research as much as you can on this position with Kaiser Permanente to refer to the immediate needs of the department. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. Kaiser Permanente is an extremely large and diverse organization and their hiring managers are looking to piece together teams that are diverse and well-rounded. I enjoy hiking, reading by the lake, bicycling, and visiting local state parks. ", "I will be successful in this role because I'm responsible, hardworking, learn fast, multitasker, and I'm reliable. I soon found that though each person had their own unique set of experiences, skill sets, and backgrounds, we all shared similar values, and we were supporting the same mission and vision. I am a very energetic, positive person who would like to contribute to a healthy, collaborative team.". One is ABC, and the other is XYZ. In seeking out possible solutions, I also seek feedback and support from others when needed and also plan on how to cope in case of a solution does not go as planned.". I love my job. Every person I care for has a story. When I am under pressure on the job, I focus on the task at hand and make sure not to get distracted with other tasks. Well done! Learn how to get care while youre traveling. You can wrap up your response by sharing how many new hires you've trained and the new skills you've gained along the way that make you a stronger team member. WebKaiser Permanente deals with healthcare, a field that has several challenges. "In my last volunteer role, I supported a fundraiser for the women's shelter. From that experience, I learned that we all perceive people differently, and what may seem like a difficult person to me may be no bother at all to someone else on the team. ", "My team is made up of great communicators, whom I have trained to take every piece of information and break it down to the simplest factor. I have enrolled myself in an evening/weekend workshop for the next six weeks. "While I was in school, I worked at a fast food restaurant, which was very fast-paced. As you answer this question, try to talk about a specific time you had to work with an extremely difficult person during your career. If posed a question like this during your time with them, your interviewer will be looking to hear that your own patient care philosophy is a great match for Kaiser Permanente. Talk to the interviewer about your preference when it comes to teamwork or working individually and be sure to avoid pigeonholing yourself into one particular scenario (ie: I only like to work by myself). Planes de salud de Kaiser Permanente en el pas: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., en el Norte y Sur de California y Hawi Kaiser I make sure to get to know my patients whenever possible and I provide them with the most compassionate care possible. Learn more. I called McKesson and ask them for a specialty same-day delivery and explained the situation to them, I told the patient we will receive it that night and apologized when she came to pick it up, and I make sure we always have it on stock for her.". I let him know that as a senior employee on the team, others look up to him and often follow his lead and attitude. ", "No problem. ", "I am a great problem solver because I do not allow stress to cloud my judgment and mute my sound decision making. This accuracy ensures that patient care transitions from one caregiver to the next. I truly enjoy working with the public, I understand the core values of Kaiser Permanente, and I look forward to providing an excellent experience for the patient and their families so they continue to return to us for care. We met a few times, delegated assignments, and planned to meet again in a few weeks. Depending on the role you are interviewing for at Kaiser Permanente, a majority of the work could be in a team-based environment. Being able to adapt to change in the workplace is an essential skill to possess because change is inevitable at Kaiser Permanente. During my training, I worked with community volunteer organizations in Peru, inner-city Chicago, and Russia. I tend to help the pharmacist with a resolution, and at the same time, fill, input, and answer the phone. But I want to be upfront, I have done a full background check before, and there is a possibility you will see a charge for possession of marijuana in the check. Kaiser Permanente was updated by Jaymie Payne on March 5th, 2023. Finally, end your response by talking about the positive outcome. That way, it's easier to transition care, and the patient has all their info in the same place. I would treat each situation with professionalism, care, and compassion and would not let emotions get in the way of me doing my job at Kaiser Permanente either. You can begin with your recent education, family life, volunteer work, or talk about your travels. Having worked in the field in Philadelphia for a few years, I am greatly excited about this opportunity with Kaiser Permanente because of the opportunity to work as part of a larger team and to help make this community a better and healthier place to live. ", "Everyone is emotional to a certain degree, and I would consider myself kind-hearted and open. ", "I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time in college. I have always been great at working behind the scenes with the result being efficiency for others. People feel pretty comfortable with me and often open up about what theyre going through or share their personal lives with me. ", "I work good with minimum supervision, but I also enjoy working with a team. "I believe I could improve on some technical skills including Excel and Word. Be upfront and honest on your career goals with your interviewer and make sure that your interest falls within the realm of the position that you are interviewing for. "I would treat the situation and communication very delicately. In my search for a new position, it was important for me to find a new employer that embraces diversity & inclusion in their workforce and I'm confident I found that here at Kaiser Permanente. I like to manage my time to finish my projects on time. Reiterate to your interviewer that you are aware of the stressors that come with this role. I am an attentive listener and a compassionate caregiver. In addition, I feel my mix of formal education of a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and volunteer experience in healthcare would add value to Kaiser Permanente as well. If I am offered a position with Kaiser Permanente, you will never find me to be disorganized! You've done well by answering diplomatically. Your role with the organization could potentially put you in front of patients, vendors, or family members of patients, and all are considered customers of the organization. Try to do the best I can for patients and remember always to be compassionate with them and treat them like I want my family members to be treated, and go the extra mile helping them.". Interview questions at Kaiser Permanente Scenarios. What strength do you bring to your job? How would you handle a difficult situation in your job? How do you Tell me about yourself, why are you a good fit for the company, tell me more about your work experience, what is good Job related Once this trust is developed, my patients can fully trust me and recommend my services to future patients. Last, I adapt to the individual. It sounds as though you lean on a variety of reputable sources, which the interviewer should be happy to hear. "To be able to provide excellent customer service, I will need the proper training and guidelines to follow so I know what is expected of me. I know in healthcare, you may have similar experiences with patients or caregivers who are angry or upset or who have maybe just had someone they love pass away. Many of those in the shelter relied on me to help them with certain tasks, so it was critical to building trust that I followed through and followed up on my commitments to each person. With some great advice from some mentors in my role, I have harnessed that fear into the ability to go above and beyond for my patients to help ensure that I've done my part to create a great health outcome for them. Know your family history. Here at Kaiser Permanente, I would look forward to being the ideas person on your team and also expanding my confidence and skill set in taking the lead on some projects. I was confident she had only given me a twenty, but I had put the money immediately in the drawer; the store was super busy, and we didn't have surveillance cameras, so instead of pausing to count the drawer, I took her word and handed her the difference. This is important to me because I know it takes many people, from receptionists to providers, to care for patients and ensure they have a positive patient experience. This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and aren't answering vaguely. Kaiser Permanente expects their employees to stay up-to-date on their respective fields, and today's technology makes this reasonably easy! My care reflects on the organization as a whole and with the fact that word of mouth travels fast, I want my patients to come back again and again for their healthcare needs. Instead, I got permission to spend a day in a highly-rated clinic serving the same population. My youngest daughter is involved in volunteering. When the pharmacist noticed I fix my mistake, and from that day, I double-check the quantity in the bottles in case the quantity changes.". The HR Partner and I approached this person to discuss our company culture and how his behavior disrupted the environment. Good answer! As well, a thorough read through of the job description will give you some insight into the type of environment you would be joining at Kaiser Permanente. I like to be on time with my schedule to ensure that our patients are assisted properly. I am always sure that when at home, my family gets my attention first. Being able to communicate within a team and work together to present a project are skills that will transfer to this role and will allow me to add value to the team immediately. Excellent! Instead of scheduling, they had these 'drop-in mornings' with a common waiting room. I take the time to listen and reflect back to ensure that I am providing the best care possible. To help myself on a day-to-day basis, I tried to stay as positive as possible with others and wouldn't be the person to pass along negativity. By consistently rejuvenating in this way, I can give even more energy when I am at work. Patient care is a privilege, and I respect the role I have in clinical care and the part other people have. "I definitely consider myself a compassionate person. I know that Kaiser Permanente values quality and compassionate care for all, and I think my personality and values would align well with the organization. ", "Since my college days, I have taken great pride in my community service by volunteering at the local food pantries and homeless shelters. I was able to do that but showing genuine empathy and compassion for each person, regardless of what led them to their current circumstances. When working with an organization the size of Kaiser Permanente, working as part of a team is a necessity in any position. ", Our Professional Interview CoachRachelle Enns Reviewed the Above Answer. No matter what example you use, make sure that your interviewer walks away from your time together knowing that you have the skills to diffuse a difficult situation and that you realize this is a requirement for the job. Talk to your interviewer about a time when have had to adjust to changes on the job. ", "The people on the frontlines of a business are vital to the success of any organization. Initially, it was set up perfectly because we had four students, and there were four parts to that analysis. Familiarizing yourself with the type of test that you will be taking is essential. When you fill out the online application, you will be given clear directions on finding and taking your tests. However, if you have any questions, you should always reach out to a representative from Kaiser Permanente. I have been working on it by asking for help; if I'm helping the pharmacist, I ask another tech to fill or input.". The program was a success, and upper management chose to keep it implemented for another six months. I've had a lot of success by focusing on building a reputation for consistency and follow-up. As the manager, I knew I could not let this behavior continue. Using a specific example from your work history, talk about a specific time where you had to go the extra mile as part of a team to make a project or task a success. You'll quickly find that I am capable to perform this job with the highest of abilities despite not having the required five years of experience. ", "In all honesty, the thought of a poor outcome with a patient is what stresses me the most. You can consider improving this response by explaining why. Assure the interviewer that you can handle this type of task in a transparent, empathetic, and professional manner. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. Dress and groom for comfort and cleanliness. This could include increasing budgets or improving patient care. In owning up to my mistake, I quickly changed my plans for the day and reported to work to cover the shift. There were about 25 of us on the project, and after reaching out to some of the other volunteers, it appeared no one really understood who was responsible for what, and there wasn't a lot of communication to prepare for the event. At first, I felt a little anxious not knowing anyone and wondering if this group of strangers would be able to work together. "During my time in college, I had to work to find ways to strike that work/life balance between classes and assignments and taking care of myself. I even talk about what they are going through. ", "Outside of my career, my priorities in life are my family and being outdoors. ", Our Professional Interview CoachKevin Downey Reviewed the Above Answer. Truth is always key, so I will be honest and clear when communicating the news. Using a real-life example of how you improved a relationship with a difficult coworker or patient gives the interviewer a glimpse of how your strategy pays off in real-life situations. Written by Jaymie Payne on March 5th, 2023. ", "I have a clean criminal record and am happy to comply with any background check you require of me for this role. My approach is to tune out the negativity and try to figure out why the personality is difficult. I do feel that I can immediately add value though in the area of customer service. Does it help you build trusting relationships with community members? Any hiring authority should feel comfortable putting you in front of their valued customer base. We all come from different backgrounds, different educations, and different points of view and I truly respect the views of all people to help our team function at its best. ", "In 2006 I started working at Giant Eagle pharmacy as an OTC associate. ", "I am usually the 'ideas person' in team projects. How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? ", "I have experience in ordering medical supplies and maintaining inventory. "I feel that I am a great problem solver because I'm a strong critical thinker and I'm very resourceful. Are there shared values that you could also mention? My ideal environment is organized, collaborative, positive, energetic, and encouraging.

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