10. There will be no trust clause in the Global Methodist Church so each member congregation will hold title to all its property (see paragraph 902 of the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline). I do. Missional churches shall be church plants, church re-starts, or churches located in or serving economically disadvantaged communities. Elders Educational Requirements. TRANSFER FROM DISCONTINUED LOCAL CHURCHES, 331. Recognizing that educational opportunities vary based on geography and life circumstance, the Global Methodist Church will accept courses, singly or in combination, from any of the following degree programs, so long as the required courses are successfully completed for the level of ordination being pursued: an approved alternative educational pathway, a bachelors degree program in ministry (for persons residing other than in the United States and Western Europe), a joint Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Divinity program, a program for a Master of Arts or equivalent degree in the practice of ministry, or a Master of Divinity degree program. Additionally, the Board of Directors and pastor of the local church shall ensure that the pews in the Global Methodist Church shall always be free. The layperson assigned is also accountable to the policies and procedures of the annual conference where assigned. A Constituency Roll shall be maintained in each congregation, comprising four categories of persons: (1) Unbaptized infants (Cradle Roll); (2) Individuals over the age of eighteen who have not indicated a desire to become professing members, including the spouses and adult children of professing members, but who are those for whom the local church has a pastoral responsibility; (3) Persons who have attended worship more than twice, or participated more than twice in the ministries of the church, during the previous twelve calendar months (Potential Members); (4) Persons who, though unlikely to join the church due to distance or other faith commitments, nevertheless come under the pastoral care of the congregation and are recognized as part of its wider community (Friends of the Church). In addition to the forty-four, these nine sermons were adopted as standards of doctrine for the American church in 1784. RESTORATION OF PROFESSING MEMBERSHIP, 341. []r6w[,mYMeYw{J{9NtUyWQa~Vi\Utp{8 wCvxU? xUn0{9KTCK2pEe>g3}D8A@WKa$7Y7x`hA#-o^+e$N@ kU@7Zr!`+%sfn.m7Q%oES+ wq k_tM??6HhSu;=(Q G4CFL 12:28). Guard, transmit, teach, and proclaim, corporately and individually, the apostolic faith as it is expressed in Scripture and tradition from a Wesleyan perspective. The purpose of such special session shall be stated in the call, and only such business shall be transacted as is in harmony with the purposes stated in the call. Determine the number of delegates for the convening General Conference and the formula for their allocation to the various annual conferences ( 604). The additional educational requirements specified in 407.4b must be completed within seven (7) years of ordination as elder. 2. The committee shall be nominated by the bishop and elected by the clergy session of the annual conference. 16. 3. The Council of Bishops is a faith community of mutual trust and concern responsible for the faith development and continuing well-being of its members. endobj 3. The Transitional Wesleyan Unity Commission (see 522.2) is charged with exploring the advisability of membership of the Global Methodist Church in other trans-Methodist organizations, such as the Asian Methodist Council, European Methodist Council, Global Wesleyan Alliance, or Pan-Methodist Commission. Protection of assets The Board of Directors may intervene and take all necessary legal steps to safeguard and protect the interests and rights of the corporation anywhere and in all matters relating to property and rights to property whether arising by gift, devise, or otherwise, or where held in trust or established for the benefit of the individual unit of the Global Methodist Church or its membership. Make and fix the appointments in the annual conferences as theTransitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplinedirects ( 508-513). The specific name of the grantor in each deed of conveyance of real estate to the local church; c. An inventory and the reasonable valuation of all personal property owned by the local church; d. The amount of income received from any income-producing property and a detailed list of expenditures in connection therewith; e. The amount received during the year for building, rebuilding, remodeling, and improving real estate, and an itemized statement of expenditures; f. Outstanding capital debts, payoff date, and how contracted; g. A detailed statement of the insurance carried on each parcel of real estate, indicating whether restricted by co-insurance or other limiting conditions and whether adequate insurance is carried; h. The name of the custodian of all legal papers of the local church, and where they are kept; i. Right to Be Heard. Prior to the convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church, interim bishops may begin to meet digitally or in person as an interim Council of Bishops to provide mutual support and to share best practices, but the Council shall have no other responsibilities. The parsonage is to be mutually respected by the pastors family as the property of the church and by the church as a place of privacy for the pastors family. A report to a unit of the Global Methodist Church containing a financial statement that thisTransitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplinerequires to be audited shall not be approved until the audit is made and the financial statement is shown to be correct. When The United Methodist Church was formed in 1968, with the merger of The Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren, both the Methodist Articles of Religion and the Evangelical United Brethren Confession of Faith were accepted as doctrinal standards and deemed congruent articulations of this faith. Defend, communicate, uphold and enforce the order, doctrines and disciplines of the church as provided for in this Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines. 9. Retiring members of the committee shall not succeed themselves. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH OF THE EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. The plan of the merger as proposed to the charge conference of each of the merging churches shall be approved by each of the charge conferences by at least a simple majority vote for the merger to be affected. (13) Will you exercise the ministry of compassion? Cross-racial and cross-cultural appointments are made as a creative response to increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the church and in its leadership. When Holy Communion cannot be offered, the Love Feast provides an opportunity for significant fellowship in a wide array of settings. As soon as the pastor is reliably informed of this change of residence, actual or contemplated, it shall be the pastors duty and obligation to assist the member to become established in the fellowship of a church in the community of the future home and to send to a Global Methodist pastor in such community, or to the presiding elder (district superintendent), a letter of notification, giving the latest known address of the person or persons concerned and requesting local pastoral oversight. If no appeal occurs or if the involuntary disaffiliation is affirmed on appeal, the disaffiliation shall take effect immediately. 1. 4. All persons with vote must be members of the local church. Members shall serve three years and may succeed themselves once. 4. 0:37. Those on involuntary leave shall continue to be amenable to the annual conference for their conduct and shall not participate in any official acts of ministry during the leave. Each member is called to fulfill their vows of baptism and membership, being faithful by participating in the spiritual formation, worship, stewardship, and service opportunities each church provides. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 606 >> Within the Global Methodist Church, certified candidates must first be ordained as deacons and, after ordination as deacons, may be ordained as elders. Constituency Roll ( 325). As local churches are formed into new annual conferences by the Transitional Leadership Council, the new annual conferences shall begin organizing themselves according to the provisions of 611-612, under the guidance and supervision of the Transitional Leadership Council and any transitional bodies at the general church level created by the Transitional Leadership Council. The pastor in charge has the authority to determine the readiness of any person to assume the vows of membership. Suspension. We believe man is fallen from righteousness and, apart from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, is destitute of holiness and inclined to evil. 509.6 was amended to acknowledge the role of bishops in the appointment process and to address different contexts in which appointments are occurring during this transitional season. The trial court shall determine the penalty, which shall require a vote of at least seven members. During the period after the legal formation of the Global Methodist Church until the convening General Conference, the interim Connectional Council on Appeals may grant certiorari to render a declaratory decision as to the meaning, application, or effect of theTransitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplineor any portion thereof or the legality, meaning, application, or effect of any act of Transitional Leadership Council or of proposed legislation upon request by a majority vote of the Transitional Leadership Council. He leads men through faithful response to the gospel into the fellowship of the Church. 5. The offering Christ freely made on the cross is the perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, redeeming man from all sin, so that no other satisfaction is required. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? 8. 1. 9. 1. The structure of episcopal areas, measured by the number of annual conferences, and the overall church membership in all annual, provisional annual, missionary conferences, and missions in episcopal areas. An appointment is finalized only when the bishop has fixed the appointment. The ministry of bishops as set forth in the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline also flows from the Scriptures. From the decision of the bishop presiding in the annual conference to the Connectional Council on Appeals; c. From the bishop presiding in a regional conference to the Connectional Council on Appeals; and. Upon evidence of a renewed life, approval of the charge conference, and reaffirmation of the membership vows, the person may be restored to professing membership. (16) Will you recommend fasting or abstinence, both by precept and example? The local church treasurer or designee shall calculate the amount to be remitted in accordance with 349.3 and .4 by January 30 of each calendar year based on the prior years local church operating income. 2. Promote and support the evangelistic witness of the whole Church. Through Holy Baptism we are united in Christs death in repentance of our sins; raised to new life in Him through the power of the resurrection; incorporated into the Body of Christ; and empowered through the work of the Holy Spirit to go on to perfection. Further, the Board of Directors shall not prevent or interfere with the pastor in the use of any of the local churchs property for religious services or other proper meetings or purposes recognized by the law, usages, and customs of the Global Methodist Church, or permit the use of said property for religious or other meetings without the consent of the pastor or, in the pastors absence, the consent of the presiding elder (district superintendent). Establish working relationships with pastor-parish relations committees, clergy, district lay leaders, and other lay leadership, to develop faithful and effective systems of ministry within the district. 5. 4. The annual conference may add lay members of the annual conference who are serving in conference leadership positions. (In that case, a two-thirds vote shall be required.) This undeserved gift works to liberate humanity from both the guilt and power of sin, and live as children of God, freed for joyful obedience. Article II Of the Word, or Son of God, Who Was Made Very Man. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, disability, current or potential pregnancy, or chronic or potentially terminal illnesses, provided that the individual is able to adequately discharge the duties assigned to her or him. Transitional commissions may also be formed in other areas not named above and assigned responsibility to develop policies and programs related to those other areas. Once accepted as a candidate for ministry by the annual conference board of ministry, a candidate shall undergo a process of ministerial and spiritual formation developed by the annual conference board of ministry. 11. In conducting its work, the committee shall identify and clarify its values for ministry. In the event of a conflict between theTransitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplineand the JPP, theTransitional Book Doctrines and Disciplineshall govern. 3. Certiorari is discretionary and is granted upon the affirmative vote of three members of the Connectional Council on Appeals. Whosoever, through his private judgment, willingly and purposely doth openly break the rites and ceremonies of the church to which he belongs, which are not repugnant to the Word of God, and are ordained and approved by common authority, ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of the church, and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren. Election shall occur without discussion or debate, by ballot and majority vote. In turn, bishops may call and appoint other elders as presiding elders (district superintendents) to give guidance and direction to those serving as clergy within their district, organize new churches, and assist, discipline, and provide sacramental support to laity, deacons, and elders in located ministry. These are the General Rules of our societies; all of which we are taught of God to observe, even in his written Word, which is the only rule, and the sufficient rule, both of our faith and practice. Support for ministries within and beyond the annual conference should not be included in such funding percentage but be raised as mission giving from individuals and local churches. m. Determine the compensation of bishops ( 505). and staff members after receiving recommendations from the Pastor-Parish (or Staff-Parish) Relations Committee or its equivalent body; e) Review the recommendation of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee regarding provision of adequate housing for the pastor(s), and report the same to the charge conference for approval. Name, annual conference membership and biographical information not to exceed 100 words shall be published for review by delegates to the General Conference at least forty-eight hours prior to the time of election. (Those who were not ordained deacon prior to ordination as elder will be granted deacons orders upon beginning their service in the Global Methodist Church. There shall be an administrative review committee in every annual conference composed of three ordained clergy and two alternates who are not members of the cabinet or the Board of Ministry or their immediate family members. 8. Were the charge(s) sustained by clear and convincing evidence? Translation. Determine the boundaries of regional conferences, and where there are no regional conferences, to determine the boundaries of annual conferences. In the event that a respondent fails to appear for supervisory interviews, refuses mail, refuses to communicate personally with the person handling the complaint or their designee, or otherwise fails to respond to supervisory requests or requests from official committees, such actions or inactions shall not be used as an excuse to avoid or delay any church processes, and such processes may continue without the participation of such individual. The Finance Committee shall establish written financial policies to document the internal controls of the local church. The 1787-88 edition of Wesleys sermons included only the forty-four, in keeping with the stipulations of the model deed. While the bishop shall report all pastoral appointments to each regular session of an annual conference, appointments to charges may be made at any time deemed advisable by the bishop and cabinet. 6. The basis of such discipleship of leadership lies in a life characterized by personal integrity, spiritual disciplines, and the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Two Sacraments are ordained by Christ our Lord, namely Baptism and the Lords Supper. 6. 1. Notice of time and place of a regular or special session of the charge conference shall be given at least ten days in advance by three or more of the following (except as local laws may otherwise provide): from the pulpit of the church, in its weekly bulletin, in a local church publication, by email, or by mail. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out. 5. The Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church approved a conditional disaffiliation for 55 churches on Saturday during a virtual session. In such churches, congregants who do not choose to renew their commitment may be placed on the inactive roll of the church ( 320.3-4) for up to two years, after which the charge conference may, with the recommendation of the pastor, remove their names from the membership roll by a two-thirds vote. 4. Holy Communion is normally celebrated in the midst of the congregation, physically gathered to remember and respond to Gods mighty acts of salvation revealed in Holy Scripture. LOCAL CONGREGATIONS ALIGNING WITH THE GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH, 405. If the complaint is against a pastor, the complaint shall be submitted to that pastors presiding elder (district superintendent) and bishop (or to a president pro tempore in the absence of an assigned bishop). 6. c. The administrative review committee shall elect a chair and secretary and organize at the annual conference following its election. It was not one of the Articles of Religion voted upon by the three churches.] These include the following: 1. 2. The bishop shall nominate persons for the committee, in consultation with the Board of Ministry (for the clergy members). 1. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them (for their number increased daily), he gave those advices from time to time which he judged most needful for them, and they always concluded their meeting with prayer suited to their several necessities. 6. The Finance Committee shall be charged with responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the church council. It shall administer the funds received according to instructions from the church council. We are called to improve the quality of life and opportunities for all Gods people as we share the good news to the poor and freedom for the oppressed (Leviticus 19:9-10, Matthew 25:37-40, Luke 6:20-25, James 2:1-5). As we confess that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his apostle, so we judge that the Christian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and charity, so it be done according to the prophets teaching, in justice, judgment, and truth. The votes required may originate in the local church or either of the annual conferences involved and shall be effective regardless of the order in which taken. The effective date of affiliation of annual conferences and local churches under 355.1-3 shall be the date established by the Transitional Leadership Council. 2. When respondent is a bishopThe Transitional Leadership Council shall appoint a global committee on investigation as provided in JPP 5. In addition to coming together for edification, fellowship, and inspiration, the annual conference is charged with the following responsibilities: 1. The financial secretary shall keep records of the contributions and payments. The Connectional Council on Appeals may grant certiorari to determine the legality of any action taken by a body or agency created or authorized by the General, regional, or annual conference upon petition for certiorari by one-fifth of the delegates present and voting of any regional or annual conference.

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