I have so much time to grow to become the person I want to be for her and, although some would say that this idea is crazy, I think she understands, thinks, and feels more than she is willing to admit to me just yet (because she has actually said that to me). Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers Cancer man Tom Cruise is the most well-known actor in the Western hemisphere. Im scared its just a game and dont want to believe it but at the same time I dont want to miss an opportunity to something bigger. He was the only decent looker amongst the seniors. I am a Pisces man (26 years old) and Im fallen in love with a Scorpio woman who is 9 years my senior (she is 35) but I dont care at all. The violets reclining head, Thats just beautiful. That he souls language understood, But then again, maybe it wasnt so random after all. I think this description is generally true, it is pretty much a perfect mach for a lover, just not sure if its viable longterm as a spouse, parent etc. Way to go, Dave! No other woman has ever captured my minds and my heart like she did, her eyes are both penetrating and soft, they make me tremble in fear and melt like an ice cream at the same time. I just dont know what to do, my heart is so hurt. Furthermore, water signs never want to end anything so it can be a dream-come-true to find someone else who feels the same way. One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best. We ended up having sex and it was the best I ever had, it actually was the thing that made me get over my ex scorpion boyfriend completely and I had been with him off and on for 14 years. At this time, I am feeling very out of body and I start getting visions. Our friends just idolize our realationship, we are just so cute together, even random strangers envy us, even though I dont even know them. i was involved with a gemini an year ago and it turned out to be devastating.. i just wish so bad that this time it works out.. Famous Scorpio-Pisces Couples: Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Goldie Hawn and Mark Russell, Nicolette Sheridan and Michael Bolton, Roseanne and Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best. Jessica: Thank you for sharing your amazing and wonderful story. I definatley cannot imagine my life without him but I have to. There must be passion. We got together that night, he left me a week later cause he thought a good friend of his was the one, so I let him go, not to happily. Cancer And Pisces Compatibility After that we healed that wound, he was in my wedding and the week after my wedding a group of friends did an annual trip to the lake cabin (without the new husband), Pisces and I spent the entire time sleeping by each other, taking long walks and talking quietly, and just enjoying each other as if we were on our honeymoon (nothing sexual). Our attraction to each other was instantaneous. I know everyone has called me crazy saying things like, Youre both too young! He smiled and eventually came up and talked to me. Gee Dave, you should like write a story about it or something. I know its very hard to hold a Scorpios attention because if we get bored or mistrustful or disillusioned in any way, we are done. 6 months after my divorce I met a girl that made me laugh and listen and do things I never thought to do. Have heard this dialogue of one, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are a Virgo-Scorpio duo. Il definatly go for a pisces again, I found him so loving & we clicked straight away. So we arranged to meet each for the 1st time it didnt go as smoothly as I thought we didnt recognise each other I gave up and went home crying thinking he stood me up. Aries Compatibility - Compatible & incompatible partners as per Zodiac signs. But, hell, she is afraid that our relationship could provoke others since I am younger than her. I really understand Scorpios. Eyes. Hmm, of cozz I love him alot.. Suffice to I ran away from him because I was scared that someone, even with our history, could make me feel like that. WebFamous Scorpio and Pisces Celebrity Couples 1- Elizabeth Taylor (Pisces, 27 February 1932) and Richard Burton (Scorpio, 10 November 1925) 2- Eva Mendes (Pisces, 5 Hed almost wanna eat me! I have been taken back by this man in ways like no other and he with me. He is truely one of my best friends, but at one point he and I dated. Both of them have the need to grab everything that is offered and leave nothing joyful unused, unsaid and left for tomorrow. The next day he dumped the girl he THOUGHT he loved and came back and asked me to give him another chance. Pisces courts a lifetime with music, candlelight and flowers, personal poetry and an adoration approaching ecstasy. Your email address will not be published. I started dating someone else and we broke up like a 2 months ago and I so happened to check the email I used with mr. pisces and to my astonishment I say that he has been leaving me messages for months, I did change my phone number. This can be a match made in heaven. But I really fell for this guy. I think our feelings cooked up really fast and in a month I had a crush on him, in three months we just had to date eachother. Amazingly, I never felt the same with the only two Pisces men Ive dated. This one profile really really caught my attention. Im glad to read that many Scorpio girls are happy with their Pisces menthey are the best for us.. 7 Astrologically Compatible Celebrity Couples Who Are Matches And we said nothing, all the day. A Cancer man will always take care of his Pisces partner, making sure she feels loved and safe. In the back of my mind I am afraid. I couldnt have said it better if I tried. They can be capable of deeply hurting you, although I think they didnt mean to if it happens. Thus far nothing relationship wise has compared to the emotional attachment and physical moments that Pisces and I shared. I have never met someone online before, never really pursued it because it feels so impersonal and gimmicky if you know what I mean. But I was still determined, and I asked one of my fellow waitresses if she knew him. So that tends to make me a little biased to Pisces men cause Ive made myself to believe that Pisces will probably be the best match Ill ever have. Then during growing up years I noticed that I was naturally more attracted to Pisces men than those of other signs. I dont even think 2 weeks had past, after we got to talking, he asked me out, I was still getting over my ex, and really wasnt ready. A Pisces woman and a Cancer mans compatibility can be described as a wonderful relationship that keeps growing and improving. We agree on many subjects and when sex is discussed she has appealed to me in no way any woman will ever!!! I do not want to be that scorp who aggressively pushes my pisces like a control freak mother. Scorpio ladies be very careful with them dont put ur whole heart into them or make them aware u luv them 2 much otherwise theyll always take advt of u or hurt ur feelns. help. They say that we are domineering (true), I ran over the Libra and the Sagittarius but the Aries was unmovable and that made me live him more. And we only met once!!!! What I found was that a huge solar flare was heading towards earth August 3rd! But I wanted him to continue to smile. We talked for an hour, jus about relationships and how stupid the opposite sex can be How they dont understand this or dont get that. We have a strange bond I didnt even know existed. I just like reading the profiles to see what people have to say about themselves. That abler soul, which thence doth flow, I feel like I can be myself and that he loves me for who I am, no matter how weird or emotional I get. I so hope she does, I hope my profile isnt too intense or spacey or whatever, I just hope she likes what she reads and agrees to meet me cause I know without a doubt in my mind, if she meets me we are going to fall in love. I think this article reflects us quite a bit. Our eyes upon one double string. A pregnant bank swelld up, to rest In the order of highest compatibility. now weve crossed path again and i dont like that they keep you in suspense WAITING as if im waiting for the result of an aids test. Both are not verbal and sex serves as an outlet to let their emotions and feelings flow through seamlessly. Anyways! Our eyes met and again the emotions started rushing back to me. Famous Scorpio-Sagittarius Couples: Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue. WebHere are some long lasting couples where one is Gemini or Scorpio and the other is neither: Goldie Hawn (Scorpio) and Kurt Russell (Pisces), Matthew McConaughey but Hes always talking about sex, always wants sex. Scorpio after months of meticulous planning, or Pisces on the spur of the moment. @Erin I think you express the feelings of a lot of Scorpio women. I dont understand why, I just do. I am young. So when I started working for him I realized he was really a nice guy cause he supported me in some problems I had when I just joined his team. Pisceans do have the ability to move on when required. I am one to believe in love at first sight. It will be a guide to instinctively consolidate upon the opportunitie We enter a new time frame with the dawn of the New Year 2019 Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility, Scorpio Man Compatibility Match Horoscope, Scorpio Woman Compatibility Match Horoscope, Pisces Woman Compatibility Match Horoscope, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ www.omastrology.com, Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility Friendship & Marriage. My final experience was that Scorpion ladies were created to be divorced sooner before later, and I always advice them to just enjoy their times no matter to anything, no matter to anybody (just like their real nature), so, I usually advise them to not go for serious relationship, they are designed to be for everybody, everyday for different person, they were never been designed to be just for one man.. He and I were. Pisces feels very secure and supported with Scorpio. I feel that I am being myself when im with him.. Nancy I truely enjoy your writings. Scorpio Man with Pisces Woman Compatibility and Astrology i met this scorpion girl less than a month ago at work.. the moment i saw her i felt a strong attraction.. i never felt so strongly for anyone at first sight before.. so far she is responding with equal interest.. i think she likes me as well.. will soon tell her that i like her.. fingers crossed.. it would be a perfect communion of two bodies and two souls. And its true he is very attractive, but that wasnt what was drawing me to him; it was something that I really cant explain, like two souls converging. Sagittarius Man Pisces Woman Love Compatibility In A female pisces friend of mine summed it up they (scorpios) are very sexy, but not quite as unforgetable as they think they are, and thats their downfall. He chases me as crazy as i chase him!!! she inniatiated the relationship. Was all the means to make us one ; like 10 best friends are pisces and Ive has a lot more in my life. Accordingly, doesnt matter which Scorpio you choose, she will keep you wanting her. Now we are fighting about his chat with another girl, but he said its not what Im thinking. I am torn between the two but I have to decide which one to put my energy into because they both haunt my dreams. Evan (We said) and tell us what we love ; No personal grudges for Capris, I respect them for their hardwork. Redoubles still, and multiplies. WebRyan's a Scorpio while Eva's Pisces. Its not a hindrance in fact its something of a drive to be more. Here we go (Scorpio Women- me- opens up deep secrets). Karma worked in my favor though, I guess. But, O alas ! I had years of trama growing up. I was 21 and he was a 22 year old virgin. Other than that they are great. So must pure lovers souls descend We dont have any contact. Someone told me about this site plentyoffish.com so I thought what the heck right. Other than that they are great. I felt a deep connection, that couldnt be broken. It think like we were both hypnotizing each other with our locked stare. He values commitment and loyalty in every relationship. Suspends uncertain victory, Unlike my relationship with the Sag, where I always felt I was being pushed, this relationship feels so natural. Now weve reconnected, and it moved very fast. The Scorpio guy would be more manly and the Pisces girl very feminine that this would be a combination for a marriage or intimate relationship and not friendship. Maybe life will throw us @ each other again, I sure hope so. Scorpio Man I noticed that he slowly started pulling away and i became furious coz he couldnt give me a reasonable explanation and i felt his attitude was dismissive. When he talked it was easy to listen, and when I talked I knoticed hebwas listening as well. One thing i would say about pisces man they are very complicated very difficult to read their mind.they really play a lot of mind games that really irritates me they are egoistic mean.cant believe their words.they are some times proud and self undoing and fickle minded, @koola my story is very similar to ur story even the same situation am happy after reading your story wish u luck. The Gemini man and Pisces womans sexual relationship will be a spiritual one beyond a physical union. I was just utterly shocked and amazed. Can you help me in finding a correct answer? My entire life I have been sensing like scorp gals do really want to be liked and loved.But I have seen them to be very conserved.Sometimes they care for me,and even they remember me at night.Other times they are aloof..I am crazy what I did wrong Scorpio woman been in in a 20 yr relationship with a cold unemotional Virgo man. Possessiveness would be the only negative trend in this combination. Lively, a About a week later, by pure coincidence, we ended up at the same Halloween party (really ironic considering Id never met him before that week). I usually take sign compatibility with a grain of salt, but I recently got out of a long relationship with a Sagittarius (8yrs) and with one man in between, just got into a new relationship with a Pisces. This is how I felt when I met the mysterious Pisces. I really, really loved him and couldnt risk losing him completely. Copyright 2023, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ www.omastrology.com. Once it is out of my realm of interest, its nothing to me. Absolutely. In regards to comment # 2, I do indeed believe your picses was a wounded soul. And we had fun. it was very early in the relationship and i thought things were going great. I dont want to turn away from it and I feel like Ive been reborn. This is a great combination for a long lasting marriage. However, on a side note, and trust me on this one, a Scorpio doesnt need to lure anyone in, ANYONE at all, whomever usually finds their own way to the path inevitably. We find ourselves in the same social settings/gatherings. Both our parents already joke about us getting married. Hypnotized and you havent even met yet! No worry about cheating here if you have really connected you will know if the slightest thing is off. Im wanting to pour myself into this now, so that I can lead a happy life, thats almost all I want. That I feel hes just using me for sex. My absolute best friend in the world is a Pisces man. To our bodies turn we then, that so So Im being the detective Scorpio(woman) that Iam and studying the probability of us being right for one another. Theyre less judgmental of each others moods or emotions than others might be. I fell inlove with him hopelessly. Everything is fine and just like a normal friend relationship until we are face to face. The twist is, he didnt seem to want a relationship, even though we shared something intimate. Im trying to be patient but its limited. Our relationship has grown steadily. But only when we are done on OUR terms. She is devastated each time, and I basically am too. I know this might sound completely unreal or naive or whatever, but I am telling all of you, this woman is a Scorpio and it just dawned on me that the constellation that the falling star came from the other night was Scorpio. You may be handsome, I dont know about that, Ive never met you in person, but truth be told, youre the one who really cant or couldnt handle a Scorpio woman even if your life depended on it and your petrified by it. Well we go to the computer lab and this girl who Ive from time to time looked at in class but never really met sat about two seats down from me.

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