A fresh coat of paint, a new piece of pressed-board furniture or a new carpet can off-gas volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are not just unpleasant to smell but also unhealthy to breathe. Several times while I am out in my horse pasture I have smelled cucumbers in an isolated spot (not always the same spot) in the field. It doesn't smell like rotted, mildewed flood debris, though. RELATED: 12 Things Your Plumber Wishes You Knew. It probably is coming from a drain. If you are out and about , suddenly smell cucumbers, look down and around. Actually it IS a myth, and anyone who actually keeps these snakes in captivity will tell you without a doubt that they do NOT have a "cucumber smell". Thx so much for responding fhfchrish! If you don't like what i say when you see my name DON"T READ IT. (If only they knew my spa put cucumber inthe water to help me relax they may have picked another scent). Musty and Dusty. 8. This is true for many other odors, so why not cucumbers? If you stepped on a western diamond back rattle snake and didn't get envenomated, I would go and play the lottery, ask for that big promotion, just go for any big thing that you may have been holding back on. There is an area where they could be, but our cats all 10 of them stalk every critter around, and would be injured or killed likely. my mom said they don't smell like cucumber's. Keep furry friends safe and sound by handling all of these potential hazards, Give ants their marching orders and send mosquitoes moseying, while creating a garden that draws pollinators and helpful eaters, Healthy helpings of salvage and rustic art give a pastureland home free-spirited style, Keep your skin and the environment healthy with a pool that cleans itself, naturally, Learn to think like a raccoon, skunk or squirrel to keep your home safe and your garden intact, This guide will help any gardener get started on growing the freshest warm-season veggies and berries for summer, Cue the joyous soundtrack. I worked out in the field in South Carolina for several years doing research in an area where black racers were very common. When the reptile gets scared, it releases the musky, cucumber-like scent as a defense mechanism. Hopefully the snakes are all denned up for the winter just in case. I live in the woods with them, it is entirely routine. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that consumers use low- or no-VOC paints for home interiors. I guess she was not normal, having a hobby like that. I think now we have to exclude those of us "non-cucumber smellers" from the test since we don't think cucumbers have this particular smell others are describing. Thanks John! I was thinking voles and other rodents.. ( they do seem to thrive in the back in the wooded area with a small pond). A native to the western United States, this perennial/biennial attracts night-flying insects which are drawn to the flower's lovely scent. YES! Till the day I walked out on my porch and stepped on one. There was a Copperhead lying out on a rock above the water where we were fishing. I have no idea how it got there, but it was quite a surprise to see it staring at me when I went to get a box out. Lisa Hallett Taylor is an expert in architecture and landscape design who has written more than 1,000 articles about pool, patio, garden, and home improvement over 12 years. 2. Chances are a plant, not a snake, is producing a cucumber-like smell, and the presence of a snake is a coincidence. I guess someone (Dorothy) telling from personal experience, there must be people that do smell cukes when a copperhead is near, or a big coincidence. Call a licensed professional as soon as possible to have the unit checked and serviced. In the master bedroom of my house there's a strange sewage smell coming from the ground (Atleast I think it is from the ground). I don't mean to be disagreeable, but I first learned about Jimsonweed through an article in the Reader's Digest, around 1980. This Mexican native features clusters of sweet-smelling white flowers that resemble orange blossoms just like orange jasmine. I have heard some people can smell Cyanide, as a smell like almonds taste, and others can't so maybe you are on to something. Black plastic mulch has made all the difference in my garden, and despite persistent low night temperatures, cucumbers, squashes and even melons grow well. A native of Peru, this flower is a summer annual that produces blooms in purples, blues, violets, and whites. H. 'Gertrude Jekyll'. They are extremely poisonous snakes and they are rapid strikers that you cant dodge. But, then again, we didn't scare it, or aggravate it. My 11yo daughter can catch snakes with her hands. These South American natives are upright growers that can be identified by their large, oval leaves,sticky stems, and foliage. Full disclosure, I cant hear worth a crap. They don't seem to musk like Copperheads, Cottonmouths and the other Rattlesnakes. If something smells fishy in your home, it might not be the lingering odor from last nights tilapia. I just googled "my dog got into something that smells like cucumbers" and couldn't believe all the comments I've stumbled upon here! I wish to have this snake or snakes rehomed please.. or tell me how to get them off my home property. Shasta Daisy. Creamy white blossoms appear in summer, producing a powerful fragrance at night. H. odorous: some are sweet, while others smell "skunky" or have no scent. Actually it IS a myth, and anyone who actually keeps these snakes in captivity will tell you without a doubt that they do NOT have a "cucumber smell". Consider buying and using a small snaking digital inspection camera to peek into walls, behind cabinets and appliances and into other tight spots. We recommend the best products through an independent review process, and advertisers do not influence our picks. If You Smell Any of These Odors in Your House, Beware. A rotten-egg smell might be a potentially dangerous natural gas leak. She's just making a valid point about not smelling cucumbers when seeing an actual venomous snake. I live in a suburban area in Michigan. I have only seen them up in the nearby mountains. But, it's true. It was sunning itself on a rock by the water. Even if you dont see signs of fire, you could have something smoldering in the basement or inside the walls. I can't say to much as to the smell of a rattlesnake . Will try to keep the walkways clear etc.. Otherwise, it could be that a mouse, rat, or other animal may have perished inside your homes walls, ductwork, attic, crawl space, or chimney. I accidentally transported a garter snake in a bucket of gravel from one place to my yard, I get the Heebie Geebies when I think he was in the back of my hatchback in a bucket of gravel. For more details, review our tips on DIY furnace cleaning and maintenance. But, I know parts of it (or all) are desert. I am not sure of the boots.. Both slugs and snails eat plants by chewing through leaves and stems with their radula (a . What do you do between the hours of smell that is different than what you do all day? Must be all the years of wearing headphones, but I can, I realize this smell is random but I just read how dangerous it is! Where are you Dorothy? I had a neighbor who kept rattlers of various species (properly permitted) and all I could detect in his house was a faintly "musky" smell that I associate with reptiles in general. It is a mystery that has tongues wagging and noses sniffing across our area. Ahhh that's better. It's too early for watermelons, unless those people had a heated greenhouse, but, I know I didn't smell cukes, but, it did make me think of this subject. Subscribe & Get Exclusive Home Improvement Guides. This is to make sure you can smell it if there's a leak. you sway like tall grass saying nothing. Sometimes (or to some people) they don't smell like cucumbers. when they (I have more one)are around I swear I feel them so I can usualy scare them away. Plant according to light, water, and soil needs. That way you will at least know if the smell that is terrorizing you is in fact a snake at all. My uncle hates snakes and decided right then and there that Alabama was a No Hunting Zone. The problem might be as simple as a dislodged chimney cap, or there might be cracks in the masonry. Donna Boyle Schwartz, 8 Warning Signs of Dangerously Outdated Electrical Wiring, 7 Signs Your HVAC System is Wasting Energyand What to Do About It, Solved! Even people without feline friends may smell cat urine, especially after it rains, and wonder how to get rid of cat pee smell thats plaguing them. A health worker administers a Covid-19 test in . It makes your breath smell like cucumber of course and someone who loves the same will kiss you joyfully enjoying the taste of it in your mouth. Well there is another odor to be on the lookout for because if you smell it in your house, you could be in danger, and that scent is cucumbers. A glass of wine or cocktail might help you unwind, and a fire pit is nice to gather around for conversation. nope, not near any aptsits a corner house, but i have other houses surrounding. I encourage the rest of you to do the same - be cautious! I have NEVER smelled anything remotely like a cucumber or melon, let alone anything I'd consider "sweet" or flowery, emanating from a snake of any kind! Watery honeydew. The nose knows. The odor comes from their glands. Two times in Summer I have a lovely sweet smell outside my bedroom window at night reminding of at least 5 ladies shedding perfume of Angel or Joy. This week in the garden we saw a big garter snake with a huge bulge in its body. Looking back on the responses there seems to be a couple of clear trends in the "data" so far: 1. Mounding plants that reach heights of threeto four feet, four o'clocks are enjoyed for their variety of colors: yellow, red, pink, white, and variations thereof. If you can't smell something burning on your stove, then a fire might start, and if you can't smell natural gas, there could be an explosion. A unique trait to the copperhead, some allege, is that it smells like cucumber when it's angry. When you think you have found the source, either call in a repair professional to investigate or replace the appliance if it is approaching the end of its useful life. This product arrived with a small amount of liquid that had run down the outside of the bottle. I recently smelled this when my dishwasher broke. The neighbors have COVID, so we can't ask them to smell it either. Too scary, countrycarolyn. But there are lots of wooded areas nearby that I know there are black racers, Garters and green grass snakes. And not just with candles or incenseyou'll want to go for the real thing. If the smell persists after the firebox has dried following this cleaning, call in a chimney sweep to clean and inspect your chimney. Candles, lanterns, or soft lighting can create a relaxing atmosphere and allow guests to stay outdoors longer but if you really want to tap into the senses, consider introducing wonderful, heavenly scents into your outdoor space. The smell doesn't go away even after several hours.I tried it out on my arm to test for ingredient sensitivities. lol look back Sharon Poaky1 was posting not much to offer here:poaky1. I got a few pics of the Owl Don't say we didn't warn you: The foul scent of the rare and incredible corpse flower may knock your socks off, Work less, help the environment and foster connections by just saying no to typical turf, An unusual scent and lush violet-blue blooms make this heat-loving plant a singular choice for your landscape, Not all pet dangers are obvious. Try as I have I can't seem to not be terrified Of them. and I was so scarred I couldn't find the door knob to bet back in the house case after it slithered away I didn't know where it had gone. Flowering plants depend on birds, insects, or the wind to move pollen from one flower to another. Read: Mold Removal: When to DIY the Job or Hire A Pro. Apply an antimicrobial spray to carpets, curtains and fabric-covered furniture in any room that has high humidity and/or a musty odor. Again, some may say it is a myth, but I know what I smelled (cucumbers) in the woods where there were no cukes - and what I saw on two occasions separated by years - an adult copperhead. Use a digital hygrometer to check the relative humidity of each room in the house. He has made over 200 national television appearances and served as the home improvement expert for CBS's The Early Show and The Weather Channel for over a decade. If you notice a rotten smell in your home, it could be that an old potato has fallen into the back of a cabinet. I will just be more careful!! I'm sooo glad someone IDed that bugger I have one just like him (maybe bigger) in my yard, watch like a hawk to make sure he is not in my way. But, the one time I saw a copperhead while fishing with my husband many eons ago, we didn't smell anything. Gardenias perform well in containers, raised beds, as espaliers, and as low privacy or green screens. A slow-growing, woody vine, H. carnosa does well in hanging baskets on patios and porches. Get them to let you smell a venomous snake (confirm with them that that is the correct smell). Instead, it could be caused by a buildup of bacteria on your heating system coils. If you dont own a pooch but keep getting a whiff of a wet dog, you may have rodents in residence. Cutworms work at night, making catching them before significant harm is done difficult. There are actually several fern species that have a smell similar . But this study is still waiting to be done. It might seem strange but if you smell the vegetable and no one in your home has been cooking it or eating it, then there could be a deadly animal creeping around your house. Yes it's true absolutely true copperheads too. Danny's expertise in home improvement has also led him to be a contributor to popular magazines and websites and the go-to source for advice on everything related to the home. Summer cantaloupe. I think it was when I mowed between my property and the weeds where the neighbors property started (they leave it wild there) so I could'nt see if there was a snake there. The sense of smell is entirely subjective, just like an appreciation of cilantro. I REALLY don't blame her for getting upset BUT I am guessing once the mice are gone the snakes will NOT want to live there anymore. Species that smell good include: Bear's-foot hellebore (H. foetidus) bears clusters of flowers that are light green with purplish-red edges that become foul-smelling (malodorous) if crushed or bruised. RELATED: Buyers Guide: Best Air Fresheners. That's the smell of refineries in Pasedena- and y'all were worried about the toxins in the aerial spraying. One solution is to find and remove the corpse, and thats often easier said than done theres a good chance that it is in a hard-to-reach spot inside your walls, ceiling or floor. NONE! With the right growing conditions, it can reach 20 to 30 feet in just one season. Evening Primrose is a drought-tolerant plant that grows in poor soil or rocky areas and likes full sun. JavaScript is disabled. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Portions of this article originally appeared on Bottom Line Inc. Debbie, Your fear is totally unfounded. If you use poison, additional rodents might die in their hard-to-reach nests inside your home, creating more bad smell. Nothing smells like a dirty, wet dog, but squirrels, raccoons, and rats do give off a similar odor. Formaldehyde turns into a gas at room temperature and the off-gassing produces this strong odor. Remembering my parents' adrenaline-pumped strategy to kill the thing is still a hysterical memory. What to Do About Mold on the Walls, 20 Bad Habits That Could Burn Down Your House, 10 Things You Might Not Realize Have VOCs, 11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Towns Curbside Cleanup Day, How To Get the Funk Out of Old Curtains and Rugs, The Worst Money Mistakes Homeowners Ever Make, 50 Things Every Homeowner Should Know How to Do, 7 Simple Soundproofing Solutions for Your Bedroom, 15 Surprising Things You Can Do with Ashes from Your Fireplace, 10 Cleaning Chores You Should Be Doing Every Month. When the snake feels danger, it releases the cucumber-like smell as a defense. This one is not an emergency, it is just gross. AUSTIN (KXAN) If you're worried about a weird odor in the air outside on Sunday, the Austin Fire Department said it's most likely what they like to . Garter snake=harmless. In fact, you may want to call an electrician ASAP. If you smell rotten eggs you are dealing with one of two things. If you smellcucumbers in your home and no one is making a salad, you could be in big trouble. it can be a lot of things some times it is as easy as a wax ring and you put your nose down at base and it smells strongest, to a trap being dry or siphoned out, to having a vent pipe coming apart in attic,to someone just venting into attic, to one time it was a recessed light against vent pipe and melted a small hole in pipe now that one took a while to find. I'm not too scared of snakes, and they would have been better off letting me try to catch it, but then I would have missed out on one of the most hysterically funny episodes of my childhood. Sometimes when touched, they emit a musk that smells like cucumbers ." Perhaps its a fight or flight thing, or they may be protecting there young, I have wondered. If youve ever described your homes smell as fishy or pickly, for example, you might have a problem on your hands. Also we fixed the wiring problem the same day and there was no problem henceforth.I stay in my bedroom most of the time but I didn't smell anything other time. Since that day we have seen no less than 6 rattlers in our yard and a neighbor in our yard killed one yesterday. The genus includes several ornamental vines, including the sweet potato (edible). I happen to live in an area where copperheads and western diamondbacks are both common and have smelled a lot of both of them. My husband at the time, and I went fishing, and he pointed it out to me quietly, and there was a Copperhead sunning itself on a rock near the river. Problems with smell can indicate a variety of health troubles, including Covid infection, experts say. After painting, deodorize naturally by placing bowls of crushed charcoal, baking soda, or fresh lemons in water around the perimeter of the painted room; leave overnight or until the paint smell dissipates. The most obvious smell that should set off alarm bells is if you notice the rotten-egg aroma of natural gas. Also, deploy rodent traps not rodent poison in the home. Phantom smells may be a sign of trouble. Thank you all. Slugs are mollusks that are typically grayish or brown in color, while snails are hermaphroditic gastropods (a type of mollusk) that can be found in a variety of colors. I could not pinpoint where the burning was coming from but it was strong. Put on rubber gloves, and use a flexible 16-to-18-inch drain-cleaning brush to clear out any gunk from the drain. So yes mam, they do chase people! Condensation on the coils creates the perfect environment for bacterial growth, which produces a distinctive odor. I don't remember what Mojave Rattlesnakes smell like but I have probably dealt with 100 or less of them in my life. Debbie you may want delete this stuff when your sober. But, I guess, if it's rattlers who smell like cukes, the copperheads are off the hook then. You also will have to air out the house to get rid of the odor thats already there. People out her have sand after digging out the roots of the bull grass. Funny stuff, I do wonder why they all jumped like that, I had drove past an area a couple days ago, and smelled watermelon and grass smells. The whole shrub grows quite well, wants . Now ask the others in a double blind situation whether they can smell this on venomous species and we can get to the answer. My memory seems to be that they are less likely to musk and therefore their smell isn't obvious. Flowers are white, yellow, and pink. I will assume that, as it is the first specimen to grow in my garden, it has not had an opportunity to cross-pollinate or graft, but I will call the cooperative extension tomorrow, just to be on the safe side. 30: Why You Need a Home Inspection and What to Expect, Mold Removal: When to DIY the Job or Hire A Pro, Ask Danny | Ep. He recommended not using poision bait anymore because, he said, you never know where the rodent will finally die. Its important to eliminate mold as quickly as possible. If you smell a strong pickle-like odor in your home, it may be the chemical formaldehyde. Some people just love the smell of freshly painted walls, but for others, fresh paint can cause throat irritation, sneezing, coughing, headaches and dizziness. If the burning smell is coming from a wall switch or outlet, switch off the circuit breaker and call an electrician asap. Check your electrical outlets for sparks or burn marks; call a licensed electrician if the problem persists. Of course Copperheads in the wild can smell like cucumbers or a similar musky smell. Yes, black racers do chase people. Precaution is the best part of safty I always say. When possible, remove new pressed-wood furniture and carpeting from its packaging and let it air out in your garage for at least an hour, and preferably overnight, before bringing it into your home. What a helpful snake! Maybe not all rattlers smell like it but out here they do mikeygraz. Sign up to get our best home improvement guides and resources only shared with email subscribers. Wild snakes that are out in the open, just going about their business, really don't have a detectable smell, regardless of whether they are venomous or not. That instinct comes from somewheresounds like a few folk need to research this subject more. The. As for black snakes some will chase you and some will try to get away. So the fact that captive snakes may not smell like cucumbers is irrelevant. Racers, if cornered, will make a mock "charge" in a person's direction, but will glide right on past and keep going. Bear's-foot hellebore ( H. foetidus) bears clusters of flowers that are light green with purplish-red edges that become foul-smelling (malodorous) if crushed or bruised. When the reptile gets scared, it releases the musky, cucumber-like scent as a defense mechanism. Do not light anything! Question 1 - What do cucumbers smell like? It is likely some small animal is dead inside your walls. Mold and mildew can create severe respiratory problems and can exacerbate allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals. Unless you have a fireplace, the smell of smoke or something burning is definitely dangerous. It's apparent here that You're the troll Wildhorse, If every post on every subject were just cold hard facts and specific answers there would be hardly any communication on any of the threads. And my hubby had to tell me it was a copperhead, the colors were on a juvenile. I live in AZ near the Mexican boarder and when I smell that sent I am always on alert. RELATED: Solved! I got on here today to find out if very many other folks associate the smell of Cucumbers in the woods with the the ideal of there being a Copperhead near . You could put a plastic owl on a stake near the areas and see if that helps. You are right to expect them there in Ga, but the real answer likely lies with the herp people, even calling them and asking questions may help you. Anecdotal reports of people smelling cucumbers and worrying if there were venomous snakes around aren't data. Run water through all drains at least once a month to prevent a sewage smell in the house. The racer was trying to get away instead of chase me, thank goodness, I hear that sometimes they try and chase people. But, anyone who has smelled cukes and seen a snake post please. I do know there are dry bites, and MAYBE when you stepped on it it was early enough for it to be coldish out, and the snake could'nt move fast enough to strike when it was stepped on. The smell of ozone, common during a lightning storm, could mean overheated electrical wires or appliances, overloaded circuits, frayed or loose wiring, or incorrectly sized breakers or fuses. Well I felt that there was one close by soooo I very carefully eye out as far as my eye could see, didn't see anything so I thought to self "she is in a bush somewhere so I'm not going to worry. Here are 16 plants that smell best at night. If a faint rotten-egg smell occurs only when your hot water is running, however, its probably not a gas leak at all but rather a small amount of odorous sulfur in the water. RELATED: 7 Signs Your HVAC System is Wasting Energyand What to Do About It. White to pink blooms are heavy in spring to autumn. Tubular flowers open after dark and on cloudy days and are especially fragrant at night.

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