You decided to join the Army, and you can't pick that bag up? He just said it! Narrator: The first order of business is establishing the code of conduct. Depending on when you were at Fort Benning you will need to contact either Leonard Studios (706) 687-5509 or Basic Video Productions, (210) 695-4979. So, we don't want them frightened; we want them to be comfortable and in a state of mind that is receptive to learning and performing at that level. through a five-phase, 15-week long OSUT. The passes really helped reenergize and motivate people to preform during the week. Narrator: The recruits spend about five minutes inside the gas hut. The installation commander may grant constructive credit to an entire class or an individual soldier for a missed training event. 2022 EDIT: Its been a couples years since posting this and I'm sure things have changed, but if this post has help you at all or you've been through OSUT since 2018 feel free to PM me with your updates and I'll add them here. Ten weeks were allocated to basic military training, and an additional four were reserved for training Infantry-specific skills, Hedrick said. Gen. Kevin Admiral, who took command of the post at that time. We started at Uniform 35 doing day and night iterations in fire teams, then transitioned to Yankee North, the pre-rasp training course, to conduct day, night, and day-night transition courses with buddy teams and finally individually. And right now, they are getting their first taste of what that's like in an urban environment. Drill sergeant: Right side bag, right side bag. Much like parents, each drill sergeant has a different style, so they are the ultimate decision makers when it comes to what your Soldier can and cannot receive. Training during this phase is focused on inculcating Army values, traditions, and ethics, as well as beginning the development of individual basic combat skills and physical fitness training. Both Marine tankers and tank mechanics have transferred to the Army since the deactivation began. The Armor School was next to adopt the changes, beginning its own pilot OSUT extension in October 2019. The most common reason your Soldier may not be receiving your letters is because he's only been in the system for a couple of weeks. By this month, 10 battalions had completed the new 22-week course. Narrator: Recruits are issued uniforms. They are also prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and using tobacco products. The U.S. Army is currently testing and considering extending training to a 22-week OSUT course. It's important for the future soldiers' muscle memory, because they are working as a team with minimal communication, and they have to understand how that coordination works together. Some training moves indoors, like combatives, where recruits learn hand-to-hand self-defense tactics. The Armor School was next to adopt the changes, beginning its own pilot OSUT extension in October 2019. This means they will have a different date for family day and graduation. Soldiers are prohibited from driving privately owned vehicles (POV) and from wearing civilian clothes. We spent a whole week practicing team and squad tactics in Urban operations and briefly touching on Platoon sized tactics in relation to urban assaults. Soldiers look forward to daily mail call. Here is what we did and some of my thoughts after its all said and done. Narrator: Before they go inside, the new recruits learn some basic commands and standing positions. Also, on some of the training, like machine gun week, we would have a host of cadre that would facilitate training instead of the Drills. The best thing you can do is to write as many positive letters as possible, and as often as possible. The one caveat is the gates. That's a long time. More often than not Soldiers can receive these items. Drill sergeant: When I tell you, you will pass your folders to the front. And, more time on the firing range means an increased number of weapons qualifications, Davis said, along with other additional small-unit and individual skills -- each being fundamental reasons for the extended OSUT. Constructive credit authority resides with the TRADOC ATC or installation commander level and may be delegated no lower than the IET brigade commander level. This demands that all soldiers in IET, regardless of rank, strictly adhere to the standards of excellence and commitment. May my Soldier attend college while in the Army? FORT BENNING, Ga. The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the The goal of IET is to transform civilians into technically and tactically competent soldiers who live by the Army's values and are prepared to take their place in the ranks of the Army. khL\[`56F D5qjQjVd$_egAcb(T$Q#";aZ;${)KLn Its worth noting that between shooting iterations we were conducting concurrent training with the contractors on skills like assembling and disassembling machine guns, plotting points on a map, programming radios, and deploying claymores. Under the 14-week program, Soldiers only received one day of training with their assigned vehicle. It is difficult, however, because everything is new, and soldiers don't know what to expect. What is "OSUT"? Zach Brewer, who said he joined the military "much later in life. The last two phases are associated with AIT and the MOS skill portion of OSUT. Upon exiting the gas hut, the recruits are told to flap their arms like birds to remove excess gas from their uniforms. ", The Army Vision, announced in 2018 by then-Secretary of the Army Mark Esper, a former infantry officer himself, was created to position the Army to be "ready to deploy, fight, and win decisively against any adversary, anytime and anywhere.". Narrator: This is the last chance for recruits to change their minds before training begins, like one recruit who decided to stay behind. During the new course, Soldiers assigned to a Stryker or Bradley unit will learn how to drive and perform maintenance on their assigned vehicle. Narrator: After 22 weeks of training, these infantrymen are ready to leave Fort Benning. For the first time in over 43 years, the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, has overhauled One-Station Unit Training for initial-entry infantry soldiers. When they're training in the field, recruits are issued MREs, which stands for "meal, ready-to-eat." Fort Sill, Oklahoma houses the Field Artillery (FA) School as the primary training facility for field artillery soldiers and Marines worldwide. The five phases are Red, White and Blue for basic combat training, and Black and Gold for advanced individual training/military-occupation spe-cialty-specific training. Each training location will follow a similar schedule regardless of location. You treat everybody with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and all other protected categories. Shut up! During this phase and Phase V, DS's should evaluate IET soldier's behavior, and their behavior should be consistent with Army core values. Fortunately, resources and facilities are available at Fort Benning to support the new program, Hedrick said. The first off-post pass will be a day pass only. Depending on the MOS, some trainees will go through One Station Unit Training (OSUT), and not basic training, where training is anywhere from 13-22 weeks long. The Army has a financial assistance program that can help as well. IET soldiers must remain within a 50-mile radius of the post, and all passes must end NLT 2200 hours. The new 22-week OSUT should begin in 2019, sometime between July and October. Your Soldier will let you know on his first call or letter what you are allowed to send him. Additionally, the Infantry School has been working with TRADOC to ensure they have enough drill sergeants in place to meet the 2019 launch date for the new 22-week OSUT. OSUT is like basic for the first 8wks, and then things get a little more relaxed after that- Said every Army recruiter who never went to OSUT. How Air Force pilots fly the controversial $19 million A-10 Warthog, How Navy sailors train to work on $2 billion submarines, Every piece of gear in an Army jungle soldier's 72-hour bag. Kelly Craig Lord: That dynamic changes because we want the soldiers to become more critical thinkers. Be patient. Drill sergeant: Let's go. For active duty, that means direct flight to their next duty station and NOT transportation for leave (vacation) or hometown recruiting. "We think this gets us to the objective of a more expert and proficient Soldier. Under the current 14-week program, three drill sergeants are responsible for training a platoon of 60 Soldiers. By the end of the cycle shooting iterations were split up by platoon so that half the company wasnt waiting around at the range all day. U.S. Army Infantry Soldiers-in-training assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, begin their first day of Infantry one-station unit training (OSUT) February 10, 2017 on Sand Hill, Fort Benning, Ga. At the conclusion of the 22-week pilot, the OSUT team will review the results and determine what parts of the program need to be re-sequenced. Yes, your Soldier will get his mail if you forget to put the symbol or color, but remember he may pay for your mistake with extra push-ups or sit-ups, so follow your Soldier's instructions carefully. I think that's pretty powerful, that I still can find American citizens that want to volunteer to serve their country, when we continue to ask them to go to combat. Their experience and tactical knowledge was a huge component in the cycle because they actually had the time to explain the details of battledrills down to the last man. My Soldier said he isn't receiving my letters. Soldiers are generally given a pass to spend time with family; however, the availability and amount of time is determined by his chain of command. My Fianc's/boyfriend's family is not able to attend the family day or graduation ceremony. Narrator: The recruits grab the snack that's waiting for them inside, consisting of a fruit cup, sunflower seeds, a granola bar, and a juice box. Therefore, only in extraordinary circumstances will constructive credit be granted. This phase is designed to develop and foster the IET soldier's understanding of the importance of teamwork. Introduction to PRT and weapons- immersion program The Red Phase is the foundation . The average length of time between home and being assigned to a basic training unit is 7-14 days. Overall, the additional instructors provide a better student-to-instructor ratio during certain aspects of the course, the commandant said. It's designed to establish "firmer training fundamentals: marksmanship, physical training, land navigation, the ability to medicate, combat lifesaver skills, combat water survival, Soldier discipline, and more" -- all under the leadership of their initial drill sergeant. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. You should be able to fit a slice of pizza in between your toes. In any case, Trainee cell phone use will be under the close supervision of Cadre. In turn, the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and the Infantry School started a combined effort with the 198th Infantry Brigade and the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command to develop an improved 21-week OSUT program. Currently, the U.S. Army Armor School and U.S. Army Engineer School are performing internal analyses of their curricula to determine what resources will be needed to extend their own programs. HtT]o6k}&AIEQNadhi[$~AkA^sf%posV,LRE@%Jw/*79%3MXFA+#OO\n&738(|C_ 1, It does not signify the end or completion of the soldierization process. Some of the motivation to amend the program came from a 2017 study of unit leaders that found soldiers arriving at their first assignments physically unfit for duty and undisciplined. We were familiarized on the BDM and AT4 launchers. They receive a series of immunizations and vaccines. I got the feeling that other cycles dont spend nearly the same amount of time going through these modules. Get your bags up! The second method (used mostly for combat jobs) is called One-Station-Unit-Training, or OSUT. Fort Benning MCOE even us. Reinforcement at the unit level and in the non-commissioned officer education system (NCOES) are essential aspects of the Army's soldierization program. 0 The Army, however, has no plans to get rid of its tanks. It will not be used to pass marginal soldiers who have not shown the ability to pass a particular training event. This exercise is designed to reinforce the basic combat skills learned in basic training and how they apply to the soldier in the execution of their MOS duties in a tactical field environment. Let's go! An individual may receive constructive credit for a missed training event due to circumstances beyond his or her control (such as illness, injury, emergency leave, etc.). Huh? Drill sergeant: Let's go! It happens here, at Fort Benning, a 182,000-acre military installation that straddles the Alabama-Georgia border about 100 miles southwest of Atlanta. Soldiers may have as many guests (family and friends) as they want to attend these events. Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. We qualified on iron sights and then moved on to qualify on CCOs. 47 0 obj <> endobj No tickets are needed. (The time spent at the reception battalion can vary based upon things such as medical issues.) They may "pay" for them with extra push-ups or sit-ups especially for music/recorded voice cards but they will get to keep them. Soldiers without a guaranteed assignment option are advised of their duty station toward the end of OSUT. Rank(PVT, PV2, PFC, SPC) Last name, First name The Trainees: The Company was made up of 200 all male trainees. Basic Combat Training for all Military Occupation Specialties (MOS) in the Army lasts 10 weeks. More than 114,000 Soldiers pass our way each year and each day about 14,000 of them are in training somewhere on Fort Benning 5,800 in basic training alone. Those pilot programs have now been made permanent. May my Soldier attend religious services? The new 22-week OSUT should begin in 2019, sometime between July and October. Red Cross messages cannot be sent for pay issues. Ricci: It's really just a little shock to the system so we can break them down to build them back up.Drill sergeant: Answer me! White Phase: White phase was almost exclusivly Rifle Marksmanship. Phase III (weeks 7 through 9 of basic training). We spent a day learning and qualifying with the M320. That offer will stay open as long as possible, Admiral said. There are many factors that can move that date. "It is all about conditioning, following commands and working as a unit, so you will see an increasing level of discipline through drill and ceremony," the commandant said. Cell phone use depends on the drill sergeants. WASHINGTON -- In 2019, the Army will extend one-station unit training for Infantry Soldiers from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. Hello r/army, I arrived at Ft. Benning on July 2, and here we are 22ish weeks later after completing the first cycle of the new Infantry OSUT. Off-post day passes on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) may be authorized. Again, it was privates leading privates, but I truly think that it prepared a lot of us to be good team leaders right off the bat. Your Soldier will be assigned to the company he will train with after a week or so of in-processing at the reception battalion. The training cadre informs IET soldiers of the goals and standards for each phase of training. Graduation from OSUT/AIT signifies successful completion of the first five phases of the soldierization process. We did all the team building courses that a regular 14 week cycle would do with the addition of TCCC training and lanes. This lessening of control, expansion of privileges, and focus on MOS skills are all part of the evolutionary process marking the transformation from a civilian to someone who thinks, looks, and acts like a soldier. Spending time with family after graduation Do you understand? No passes are permitted, and IET soldiers are restricted to the company area. Narrator: The minimum age to enlist in the Army is 17, and the maximum age is 35. What time is the turning blue ceremony/family day/graduation ceremony? In addition to the changes to the Infantry School's curriculum, the Army is looking at extending other OSUT programs. This session will be used to establish goals consistent with the soldier's MOS training requirements as prescribed in the appropriate POI and this regulation. This phase encompasses weeks one to three of basic training and OSUT. Who here has actually been through the 22 week OSUT and knows what its like? A period of total control (e.g., continuous cadre supervision, soldiers restricted to company area, limited free time) will be enforced during phase I of IET. The new OSUT program will include expanded weapons training, increased vehicle-platform familiarization, extensive combatives training and a 40-hour combat-lifesaver certification course, said Hedrick. Cell phone use prohibitions include but are not limited to social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. Movie! Uniform for off-post passes is left to the Commander's discretion. Drill sergeant: Shut up! With that volume of Soldiers, who are here for such a short period of time, it would be impossible to photograph them all. FORT BENNING, Ga. -- The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the charge. Before they join the United States Army, all recruits have to graduate from a 22-week program known as One Station Unit Training, also known as OSUT. Short answer is "maybe, but probably not." They get reimbursed at their destination. Waugh: In operations across Afghanistan and Iraq, we are conducting clearance operations, and it's applicable wherever we go. Possibly. Please do not photograph or video any of the access control points as this could be a security threat. It is not recommended that you overnight anything to your Soldier. Yes, just ask his family for the commander letter. We conducted buddy team and fireteam dry/blank/live fire during the day and during the night. By the time of graduation . If a Soldier's plans fall through, they can still receive government transportation to their next duty station up until graduation day.

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