Isaiah 59:17 says, He put on righteousness as a breastplate. And while it is true that we put on the righteousness of Christ being sinners, this does not mean wilfully disobeying the law of God. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. I loose myself from all bonds (Psalm 116:16). You must bind and loose daily. Chronic strife or arguments or problems with interpersonal relationships. I loose warrior Holy Angles to attack spoil and destroy all of satans plans over this city, county and nation. Your Word says, Father, that in that day we shall decree (declare, speak) a thing and it will come to pass (Job 2:28). I lose your blessings, favor, grace, and mercy in my life. The Bible is quite clear that the blessings of the Kingdom are for the people of the Kingdom. I bind every Spirit of fear, doubt, and unbelief that may be causing me to doubt your promises and to live in a state of anxiety and stress. /CA 1.0 0 0. I loose the Spirit of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation that can bring unity and harmony to every relationship in my life. The appropriate remedy is the repentance and breaking the curse in the Name of Christ Jesus. There are many other manifestations of curses but I have described the more common and more general manifestations. I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever I bind on Earth is bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on Earth is loosed in heaven ( Matthew 16:19 ). Then suddenly, the victory will be seen. I loose the Spirit of prosperity, abundance, and financial breakthrough that could bring financial freedom and stability in my life. 1 0 obj Therefore, Father, I decree all of these prayers accomplished and brought to pass by trusting faith and expectation, in Christ Jesus Name. Binding the enemy's plans; loosing God's plans. It is . I lose your blessings, favor, grace, and mercy in my life. BECAUSE WE CARE. Bind - To bind means to under gird, heal, hold, persuade, steady, cause . %PDF-1.4 I loose the Spirit of faith, trust, and confidence that could empower me to overcome every financial obstacle and live a life of financial abundance and generosity. Notice, however, the tone of the Lord's teaching. I plead and speak the Blood of Jesus which was your defeat at the cross, against every demonic stronghold and call all strongholds in the life of (name), DOWN in Christ Jesus Name. endobj Common manifestation of curses are as follows: Multiple or repetitive accidents or injuries, particularly of the same type. Misfortunes of the same kind or another keep happening repeatedly. The meaning is that Jesus is stronger than Satan and that the casting out of evil spirits in His ministry proves that fact. I send all curses back to the senders in Jesus name. Inability to conceive children or multiple miscarriages. now the task becomes ours.will we use them ? I take that thought into captivity and cast it down as a vain thought and imagination, cursing it at its roots and render it of no effect, all in Christ Jesus Name., Curses exist and are very real even in this day and age. It measured about four feet by two and a half and was large enough to cover the body. 1. << Such is the power of the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Name above all names. All Rights Reserved. Perform Your Word, Lord, for his/her life and my life, for Your Glory, Lord. We bind the spirits behind organized crime, illegal firearm sales and usage, all black market activity, the illegal drug trade and usage, gambling, corruption, and spirits binding the minds of those who believe not the Gospel. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr NOTE: You can also name individual demonic spirits KNOWN, OR suspected to be present. Suicide. /SMask /None>> %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 1-3, TPT PAssion translation bible), As for this nation right now, there are demonic agendas at every level across every sector. Because this is the key to spiritual warfare for the saints of the Most High! It will look like its over. Saint Paul speaks a curse upon all those who preach another gospel or another Jesus: And again, in the New Testament, we see Jesus cursing the fig tree that bore no fruit. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. I command every negative financial pattern or cycle in my life to be broken, and I loose the Spirit of prosperity, abundance, and financial breakthrough that can bring financial freedom and stability to my life. Give them the desire and the Grace to respond and to reach out, that they may have a revelation of Jesus and who He is. We are doing it and by the help of the Lord Jesus, we will wake up as many people as we can to this spiritual war that is going on. Suspect a generations curse when you see: 1. I lose the Spirit of healing, restoration, and wholeness that can bring health and wellness to every area of my life. . /Width 625 I speak blessing upon (name of person cursed) in the Name of Christ Jesus. (The blessing spoken upon the person should be the opposite of whatever the curse was). The scripture says that the Name of Jesus IS the Word of God. I bind leviathan and all proud spirits arrayed against my life (Job 41:5). I bind the kings in chains and the nobles with fetters of iron (Psalm 149:8). Multiple manifestations of the same kind of physical, circumstantial, or emotional problems in the family line, such as multiple cases of suicide, etc. Devil, we cast you and all your wicked spirits out of the city of ________________ and its suburbs in Jesus Name. A lack of integrity leaves a man exposed to the assaults of the enemy. You can also add at the end of the prayer: I bind and cast you all out directly to the feet of Christ Jesus (or to go wandering in dry places, not to return) (or to go to the pit and await the end of the age), and (NOT TO RETURN) all in CHRIST JESUS NAME. I loose myself from you immediately, completely, permanently, and continually, all in Christ Jesus Name., Download PDF Here Binding + Loosing Warfare Prayer, Your email address will not be published. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. They have made a huge mistake! Paul frequently uses the term of putting on as seen in this passage. Others have said it would be as Lazarus in the grave or Christ in the tomb. The coming of Jesus and the binding of Satan liberates the souls of people who were subject to slavery their whole life. Amen.. Failure to thrive in young infants or sickliness. Matthew 18 needs to be read everyday, daily until you can almost quote it. It is suggested Paul is referring to Isaiah 59:16-17 which says, And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him. They have plotted against You! Self-inflicted curses and curses spoken upon someone by others must be bound, loosed, and broken in the Name of Christ Jesus, binding Satan first. 6 0 obj Leaning completely on God means changing your whole lifestyle. /ca 1.0 It is also passive in that it trusts in God for deliverance. Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up as rulers, and scheme and confer together against You and Your Anointed. I declare that I am a child of God, and I have been given the power to bind every negative spiritual force that may be causing sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life and to loose every positive spiritual force that can bring healing, restoration, and wholeness to every area of my life. I take captive to Christ, bind, break, destroy, and loose (name) from all works of evil and witchcraft, and from all workings through blood pacts, blood covenants, or blood sacrifices or curses spoken over, formed against, or directed at him/ her. when we pray will we trust what jesus said, and use his power to effect the world he created . Justice will come and America will be saved! endobj In. Faith stops the arrows of temptation before they become sin in the soul. our prayers are powerful. Ephesians 6:10-18 he says, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. James 4:7 AMP. Loose those appointed to death (Psalm 102:20). Are righteousness is of him. These prayers should also be prayed with faith and belief, trusting that God will respond to our prayers according to His perfect timing and plan for our lives. Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I take into captivity all of their seedings, works, plans and activities, and call them all canceled, mad null and void, never seeded, never come to pass, cursed and destroyed at their roots and rendered of no effect in his/her life. Printerfriendlypage, But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the. We, the ____________________________________ Church command angels to surround and fill this city and suburbs with the heavenly presence of God, His anointing, mercy, power and grace. Pray something like this: "Father, this day and each and every day to come, I firstly bind Satan, then the ruler spirit, and every principality, power, ruler of the darkness, wicked spirit in high places, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit in all ways, manner, and form in all of their seedings, works . He is now cordoned off with warrior angels of the Lord Christ Jesus and I decree to you that you cannot and you will not have him/her. She was smiling from ear to ear. Dear God, I believe that when I pray according to your will, you hear and answer me. I loose the Spirit of faith, hope, and courage that can empower me to overcome every obstacle and to live a life of victory and abundance. I also bind in the name of Jesus evil spirits and power and loose the spirits of burning, destruction, judgment, and confusion on the demons! Binding and Loosing Prayer. ; the fruits of all acts of witchcraft that they not prosper; the sin and fruits of sin in a persons life, that it not prosper; all opposition, hindrance, interference, or obstructions (at their roots), to the hearing or propagation of the Gospel of Christ. Website Design byADEI Media. I put on the whole armour of God daily, and I do that by changing how I live. I declare that I am a child of God, and I have been given the power to bind every negative spiritual force that may be hindering the growth and progress of my marriage and to loose every positive spiritual energy that can bring healing, restoration, and reconciliation in my relationship. We must stand and declare, The evil spiritual forces that are trying to rule America now will be overruled by the authority of King Jesus! Psalm 2 continues and verses 4-6 tell us, God-Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness! The Christian is vulnerable in many spots and it is often that characteristic he thinks is his strongest turns out under temptation to be his weakest. Your email address will not be published. /CreationDate (D:20210318142006+02'00') 1 2 . /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Bishop Merritt Ministries is dedicated to reaching the city, the nation, and the world for Jesus Christ. If he was to be able to stand the assault, he must have a sure footing. Required fields are marked * Type here.. Are You Under a Curse? As we continue to pray and trust in Gods power and plan for our lives, we can live confidently that He is with us and that His love and mercy will always be with us. I command every negative pattern or cycle in my relationship to be broken. 8 . And Paul said in Romans 2:13 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Wilful sin is a sure way to let the enemy have victory in your life. On the other hand, a humble believer that God dwells within, to whom He gives more grace, and hence has submitted themselves to God by continuing to bow to all his decisions and dispensations leaves Satan with nothing to work with, and as such will flee. Noteworthy is the fact that only born-again, Spirit-filled believers can be five from curses. << A Binding and Loosing Prayer for Healing, 7. We are told that if we obey all His commandments (teachings of scripture) that we will be blessed to 1,000 generations and that if we are disobedient we would be cursed to the fourth generation. Father, Jesus said that no man can come to Him unless called by the Father. Binding and loosing prayers are essential aspects of many religious traditions, particularly in Christianity. Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.. Amen. Manipulation and intimidation for the purpose of domination of others (witchcraft in the church (Galatians 3)). I command you to leave in Christ Jesus Name. Sometimes psychic attack occurs in the form of a repetitive mental statement or locution spoken into the mind of the believer. But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. I loose myself from you immediately, completely . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Experiencing Deliverance and ReleasePrayers That Rout Demons are powerful warfare prayers and decrees that come directly from the Scriptures. Because this is the key to spiritual warfare for the saints of the Most High! /Subtype /Image he said so directly to his disciples. Rebuking can be a very powerful form of prayer. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;, In verse 10 Paul gives the secret of victory which is by being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. As previously discussed, the real Biblical binding and loosing meaning is originally a Jewish phrase and is the authority to declare what Gods mind is on a matter of doctrine or practice. By using this authority, we can overcome obstacles and challenges that may be hindering our progress or causing harm in our lives. So the whole armour of God is available for us and the Christian is urged to put it on daily as an army must be fully equipped before it enters battle. Before ever coming against Satan or his demonic spirits. Thank you very much God bless you and your team Kind regards Prophet Nicolaaa Neniels (South Africa ) Reply. 5) May 3, 2011 His Kingdom Prophecy. Matthew 16:19. Tattoos. When Jesus talks about binding and loosing in this context, he is talking about building his church and the kingdom of God. Lord, I need you and I am totally dependent on you. Finally, the following are things which you should speak a curse at its roots upon, in Christ Jesus Name: All the seedings, works, plans and activities of Satan. Bind, loose, and cast them out BY NAME and include them in the prayer. The brightness of Your Glory exposes all the darkness in us and we are undone. So in this passage the idea is to put on a protective armour for the believer. This heavenly authority given to believers can be seen in Matthew 18:18-20 with the principle of "binding and loosing," which means to forbid or to permit. A Command to Evict Spirit, Solomon is a content creator, blogger, minister of the gospel, and husband whose mission is. I BIND Satan, all principalities, powers, ruler spirits, and wicked spirits in high places, and ALL SPIRITS NOT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, loose this place from them all, from my family members, loved ones, and me, and CAST THEM OUT, not to ever return to any of us or this place, ALL IN CHRIST JESUS NAME and for YOUR GLORY, father, AMEN. (Now, ANOINT each room, each wall, middle of floor, around each door and window frame, inside walls and inside doors of each closet, and decree them holy ground, kingdom territory.). In any case, this particular armour belongs to God because He is the one who provides each particular piece of equipment. If they succeed, the America that was, will be no more. I break all curses, hexes, vexes, and spells over myself and (Who ever you may be praying for) in the Name of Jesus. Daily prayer. So under the impact of temptation of any kind it is faith that restores confidence and enables one to carry on the battle. When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. Do not withhold any good thing, Father. 2:38:57. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Todays decree: Christs rod of authority is falling against the coup against America. I receive every financial blessing you have in store for me, and I give you all the glory, honor, and praise. Since the breastplate defends the vital parts of the body, the idea here may be the integrity of life and righteousness of character such as holiness, integrity and purity. The presence of a curse is always discerned through the Spirit. I empty myself and, as an empty vessel, receive you Holy Spirit for the work you would have me do this day for your glory. That is, as a continuous attitude of communion with God. And of course the wicked one referred to hear is the devil and the leader of the assaulting armies. You can join me here as we Appeal to Heaven for America. Come Alive That Resurrection Power is Still Within Us! endobj Forget about those who attack us who are doing what God has told us to do in His word. Thank you Father, I praise and worship you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ! In the Name of Jesus, we the _____Church bind the strongman that has held the City of Detroit in bondage.

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