Today's pop culture doesn't help, either. I live in a big city and jeans, fitted baseball caps, and Timberland boots are everywhere here. Hi Shady - Thank you for your comments and you raise a good point that I failed to mention; I feel more confident when I'm pulled together. And why do women allow their husbands/boyfriends to dress terribly, when they are dressed up? A bald gorilla? Whatever happened to company dress codes? They would judge you because you are not a mindless sheep buying the latest leggings at Victoria's secret or not dressing like a hipster. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs. I doubt people will look back fondly at this decade with how much garbage is being pushed into our kids and teens now. His jacket length was too short in the body, his sleeves also too short. The fashion industry doesn't help by encouraging with the "rags" it comes out with. Apparently there aren't even dress codes for businesses anymore, and anything goes. At least they were clean. My occupation means suits much of the time, or if I'm lucky very samrt casual. Clothes way to tight or to small. I agree with you, Anonymous. It's no different than plastic surgery -- getting a bump smoothed out on your nose is one thing, but transforming yourself with multiple surgeries into a human Barbie (or Ken) doll is quite another. adiClub Members: Extra 33% Off + Free Shipping, Last-Minute Hotel Deals for April 2023 - Up to 60% off, Get an Extra 5% off - exclusive Priceline promo code 2023, 10% off In-App bookings - Hotwire Coupon Code. Hi Pam, I just came across your page and the "class" part is spot on. The examples go on and on, but it is coming to the point where interactions with other people, even as a customer, are lowering to a nadir. Throw them in jail for indecent exposure already! The accompanying photo shoot shows the comedian outfitted like a fourth grader on a sugar high. She wanted to buy a white pair of women's underwear, but we couldn't find any. Fine. Just because they're known to millions of adorers still doesn't impress me with their grunge appeal, and doesn't enhance any fantasy about wanting to be in bed with them. I'm pretty sure that the wait staff probably doesn't like the idea of shortcutting the traditional process, because it could lose them tip money, which is what they are really relying on, since they don't get a high hourly wage. You know, older people here are mature and appropriate, while younger. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. In one image, he stands there in baggy, cornflower-blue track pants with mismatched sneakers and an unzipped cycling jersey. Am I saying that our society needs to return to the way it was 60 years ago? I am sick and tired of this anything goes mentality. All you could find was dotted bras, leopard patterns and colors like orange and green an purple, but notam something as classic as ordinary white. I usually put on a day dress and heels to go to school and get looks from people in their pajamas, it's very strange. Is it because they are trying to imitate little joke ass punks like Justin Bieber? I'd rather see a return of the old "zootsuits" than what I see people wear nowadays--or at least some of the 1960-1970 clothes. This explained all the jamming issues and stoppages they continually experienced during the contact we were engaged in. Contrast this to what we are used to seeing in the US now - baggy jeans with the croth around their knees, t shirts that look about 2 or 3 sizes too large and ugly trainers that look like they were made for walking in space. Its very obviousThey look pleasant and situationally appropriate. I don't wanna be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don't get how guys dress today. And to make my point, all one has to do is watch the Oscars and see how the celebrities turn up at the awards, with their goofy outfits, or with some men wearing SNEAKERS with their tuxedos. I've talked about this before but it's just getting worse as the year goes on. It isn't just all about the men who look bad. I think dressing is a lot of fun and it's sad that more people don't see the fun in it. I couldn't agree with you more Pam. A pair of nice Wrangler jeans (no holes, slashes, not faded or thread-bare), a pair of Vasque hiking boots that are clean and in good shape, and a decent shirt or pull-over fleece sweatshirt (depending on how cold it is). Have you seen what celebs wear in public (when not posing for those magazines, of course) vs. how they used to dress when not filming a movie? I can't believe that this is where being a diner in a service restaurant has come to. I believe such personal values start at home but the catch-22 is if they weren't there or inculcated to begin with. However, I do believe this condition of looking like bums seeming to have little to know pride, is all (Gov.) People today just don't seem to give a s*it about their appearance and the way they present themselves. Also agree with Bill on the tie thing, at least in socal. One cannot help but wonder where are morals and standards are heading to and it's quite sad to see America this "dumbed down". Are these so-called famous people for real, or are they competing for the outlandish awards? Im 50 now, many say i look 35. Appearance is the first thing we all notice, and many people still do use that when making judgments about each other. And its not just at the theater where folks have simply stopped trying: Offenders turn up at the Metropolitan Opera in Crocs. Thank you so much for this article. Burned, frayed, roots grown to their ears, two or three colors at the same time (not to mention all the blues and pinks and purples), long, puffy, messy, uncombed.. But, after looking through the shops, I can offer one reason (among a few) for why people look so terrible--I went looking for dress slacks or chinos for work, and couldn't find one thing. LOL. I have one word for uFly's owner and his decision: huzzah! America definitely needs a renaissance not just in fashion but in general. Sadly, it's probably because things haven't gotten any better, but have instead become worse. In the winter I wear simple jackets or coats. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. To judge from Professor Przybyszewski's students, her one-woman crusade to rescue the nation from its own sloppiness is bearing fruit. I went to Las Vegas (for the first and last time)for a business convention in 1990 and was staggered by how badly everyone in the casinos dressed. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. Shady has it right, you feel better about yourself when you are "looking your best". And Mr. LaBeouf belongs in a loutish league of his own, wearing hot-pink running tights underneath tattered denim cutoffs, ripped-collared hoodies and Uggs. I believe it started somewhere in the 1990sI remember a scene in the movie "Clueless" where Alicia Silverstone's character Cher mentions how boys dress "nowadays": "So, okay. I'm an American professor in Kurdistan and even here, people when they dress casually look put-together and not unclean. This is how one is supposed to pay, by using a machine instead of having the waitress give the bill and then give them money or a card. I remember as a kid we dressed up to go out, even if it was to an A&W. Society needs a generous dose of respectability. I'm not saying that I have a problem with people wearing t-shirts, shorts, etc. People used to take decent care of both dress&their bodies,years ago. Or dressing like "lesser beings" dress. Disgusting. It is disgusting that people just dont care about anything and make sure they dress the part. I am an apple shape and look for clothes that will look nice on me. I cant recall the last time I saw a nicely dressed female in public. :). 2 Feedbacks on "Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs" Surellin. This has, like evey other stupid thing, become endemic to so-called American culture, and it's really annoying to me. Well, its not a political thing so our President has nothing to do with this plague of garbage dressers.liberals are usually the biggest offenders, but hey. Its not just young people. )From my first office job in the mid-1980s up to 2000, I always had one suit in the cleaners, 2-3 "work suits" in my closet & 1-2 "good suits". I had a couple of social justice warriors tell me that I was judgmental and that I had nothing better to do then complain. Just who is the "boss"?You can say the same about "Reality" shows, while a few decent ones, most are junk. Speaking of America, what ever happened to clothes being manufactured in America? I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing! I've bitched about this topic many times. The youngish male weatherman (or meteorologist) appeared on the screen for about thirty seconds to give an update on the weather conditions for the country. She's right, by the way. I am male and am of the larger variety. But I can say this with a shudder: If I were a lesbian, I would not find this type of hideous look the least bit of a turnon. Let's not pass over the fat women slobs out there. The whole process seems counter-intuitive to me, and why do they feel too important now to complete the process for you? Not to mention the hoards of young males with scruffy beards and un-groomed facial hair.I get the feeling many have never heard of such a thing as a belt as well. If I've used a photo, video, etc in one of my posts it means I really dig it! It's been going on now for years and does absolutely nothing to ensure the average American will get noticed for their sense of style and sophistication. I was watching the NBC nightly news not too long ago on a Sunday evening. to look even worse? I see the latest Issue of GQ with the newest sportcoats from top designers and buy an identical one for pennies on the dollar. StillShaving. It isnt limited to certain age groups anymore, either. Speaking of strange body piercings, has anyone seem the disturbing trend online which may or may not be Photoshopped where people are piercing the sides of their faces and expanding the holes so that you can see their teeth? That training reflected in my life. My pet peeve is spandex/clothing out side the gym. This is the reason why sites like People of Walmart get the attention they do--many of the images on there are so unbelievably grotesque and repulsive (breasts, bellies, and butts spilling out of too tight fabric; underwear missing altogether; bodily fluids leaking onto the aisle floor) they make me throw up in my mouth. Giorgio Armani designer fitted jeans, a fitted Stone Island, Dolce & Gabbana or other designer Italian t shirt, smart trainers such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana or even Adidas Gazelles. Part of looking like you care about yourself,is taking care of both how you dress AND how you take care of the only body you have. I personally feel like the 50s and 60s had the best balance between formal and casual fashion. Casual fashion was just starting to become socially acceptable but not allowed obscenities in public. I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. I really long for a return to the days when men looked somewhat respectable even when wearing what was once considered to be casual clothing. While he was wearing a nice, flannel, striped double breasted suit, he looked ridiculous. Esquire went so far as to proclaim this the Summer of Sleaze, pointing to celebs dressing like high-school drug dealers. Harsh but fair. P.S. La La Land indeed. This was in the beginning of the 2000s. People's fashion changes from state to state or even county to county. And guess whatI can afford my groceries,too. Did you see the recent Academy Awards in HOLLYWEIRD and notice the absurd outfits that the male celebs were sporting, as though they weren't supposed to be ashamed? RARELY do i see a person dressed perfect. I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy. His pants didn't come within two inches of his shoe tops, so that his striped socks were exposed. That suggestion always seemed like the epitome of bad advice to me - to save your money and then travel to the source of western culture, only to dress like you're getting ready to paint your house back home. Its okay to be heavy now, even if that weight gain resulted from a bad diet. I was reminded of a David Sedaris essay where he suggested to North Americans visiting Paris that one shouldn't visit another person's country dressed like they have come over to fix the plumbing. My grandfather used to say that the "pendulum swings." He's on a couple of Board of Directors for various companies and museums and many times times has come home after a big meeting and said he was overdressed. These teachers dress like slobs. Dirty shoes and unwashed hair and these are females!Has anyone noticed these DAY GLOW yellow t shirts? I have written a few comments here about it, and I fear that I am starting to sound like a broken record. About tattoos and piercingsI have a lady friend in Ukraine, and we've both noticed that the younger women in Eastern Europe are now following the American trend of covering themselves with tattoos and getting piercings (nose, lips, etc.) Or if a lady wears attire that isn't masculine based, why, she is an oddity and the feminists will be on her for looking as women should (don't tell the PC police on me!) No one seems interested in it anymore. Apparel is being displaced by travel, eating out and activitieswhat's routinely lumped together as "experiences"which have grown to 18 percent of purchases. I often went beyond this basic requirement and donned a sportcoat as well. She walks with her "family" into the store. I hope this reply helps. Oh, and the "language", notice the level of profanity that is mostly bleeped out, radio, TV, etc..Great topic, Pam! (Sorry for my long ramble). I told my Kurdish husband how I once knew a French professor in her late 60s in DC who always dressed very neatly - casual chic. You can blame the bloated, greedy corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon for contributing to a culture of mass exploitation, and mass production all for the obese masses to consume without thought. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. I'm sure you've noticed how customer service is non-existent these days in just about every field? Now we have fat slobs&sluts,who enjoy(or at least don't mind)making the list,on 'people of walmart',even if they are'nt IN walmart. Shame on them! People should pay attention to keeping up appearances instead of rotting their minds with the unsrestricted use of technology. So I'm thinking that now even dining out has been monopolized completely by technology. I went out today to go clothes shopping, hence being on this site now. Quite frankly I think the latter is a sign of mental illness and that applies to going overboard with tattooing and putting them on very visible body parts like your face. ), baggy shorts or PJ bottoms, their clothes are dirty/stained/ripped/tattered or otherwise inappropriate, look (or smell) like they hadn't bathed in a week, or have poured on a bottle of heavy, oily perfume that will gag anyone two blocks away downwind. I'm tired of it and wish that there would be a return to more conservative times when dressing to at least look presentable was the norm. He must know where he's going. Hey Pam, I'm not American, i'm a young male living in Brisbane Australia but we've picked up the super casual slobby dress here too especially in my generation. The whole bare legged crap with tattoos, scars, birth marks razor cuts, and my ever favorite, that spray on orange crap they use running down their legs! The dress pants that were available were of cheap fabric, studded with rhinestones, and had fake pockets. As I live in a German speaking country I have also noticed that formal greeting is being more and more reduced. We went to a concert at the Beacon (unbelievably ornate) and most of the women, no makeup, bare legs, tattoos, ugly clothes, appalling! Even the mod youth culture of 1960s England was made up of some pretty snazzy dressers(picture via. You are exactly right. During my childhood in the 1950s, the manner of dress was much more formal than it is today. in October 2013 (when Crocs were introduced in the late 90s, Maher quipped that people won't be happy until they can go shopping in a diaper) and I've read numerous blog posts attesting to how our European counterparts dress compared to us (hint: we've really let ourselves go.). Seemingly half of our youths wear those hideous "gauge" earrings that distend their ear lobes, coupled with neck tattoos that used to only be seen on convicts, big chunky necklaces, and baseball hats worn sideways and uncreased, like an escapee from a lunatic asylum. Thank God I always had a job that required me to dress at the minimum nice business casual, no jeans, and I had to learn how to dress. No one would ever consider me overdressedor overeducated, for that matterbut if I am now regarded as well-dressed . Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? Now, if I was on-site somewhere and pulling data cables or working on equipment, I would wear a pair of jeans and work boots and a decent shirt. It has really become pervasive, and I won't go back to eat at a restaurant that operates this way. It gets so old, and it's just another reason why my opinion of society is beginning to drop.Im all for individuality and self-expression, and Im not suggesting that everyone needs to dress to impress when they leave the house. Kylie Jenner may have been wearing a classy Eat Me Out T-shirt, but at least she wasnt at the theater. I'd say it was around the late 1990s that people gradually started slacking off more and more in the wardrobe department, perhaps due to the widespread adoption of casual Fridays in the workplace (which eventually became casual Monday through Friday) and the rise of the dotcom industry, with its laid back company culture (which allowed people to ride scooters inside the office; I worked for one of these places myself.) Even then there were much better choices and styles in menswear and home furnishings, etc. However, the sad part is that we are now supposed to believe that such public obscenities are to be humored, or accept them for what they choose to be. There are comfortable dress shoes! Good for you for making the effort to look nice! Sky News Australia pays tribute to comedy legend Barry Humphries, with friends joining Sky News host Rowan Dean to remember a life dedicated to laughter. I dont wear clothing that's torn up in any way. Too many people now days,either dress like slobs or sluts&I find it apalling,personally. They do not care what they wear and where they sleep on. Yes to the ugly tats. I'm not saying that I think all men should be wearing gray flannel suits or that all women should be wearing Paris dresses like they did in the conformist 1950s. I know that times change, but why can't the so-called fashion people come up with a trend that acknowledges real style and class? But get this: the woman was only wearing skimpy men's boxer shorts under her shirt. I will add it is related to class to some degree. They have ruined their otherwise good looks. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. The wealthier people here dress in a different way than the middle and lower middle class people. It seems nowadays that the only time people make an effort to dress up is when they HAVE to, like at job interviews, weddings, and funerals. A leading question, but I believe that most people today dress less well than the generations before (myself guilty). It's wrong to call it "style" because obviously no thought or effort seem to go into women's hair today. ), I think it repulsive when I see big ugly people wearing their "jammies" to the store, or sagging their grungy pants as if they flaunt being a lowlife. Among the cavalcade of pajama pants, tracksuits, nightgowns, painting rags, and ill-fitting sweatshirts that one encounters in the world's terminals and stations these days, the competently dressed. Style is a matter of knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not givng a damn (Gore Vidal). Visited Europe. One of Spokane's long-embraced myths holds that our attitudes about casual attire are sharply divided along generational lines. China would probably invade us if we cut them off and started manufacturing real clothing of our own again, like we once did. Shortages of drugs like Adderall are growing in the United States, and experts see no clear path to resolving them. Quite absurd and totally devoid of fashion. However, I continually wonder what the hell has happened to our country, with its sham "values" and its embrace of the ugly and hideous, whether it be in fashion, bodies, attitude, politics (don't get me started about Trump!)

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