But his love for this farm, and for his family, runs deep. Weve had people think we were crazy and yes, weve thought that about others as well. You have such a clear way of writing about important topics. We can learn to savor these blessings. Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites. No regrets and I love to cook with the best! Agree! The Elliott Homestead currently reaches over 100,000 unique visitors each month, averaging around 300,000 page views per month. Meat and eggs should be pastured and purchased from a local producer (hopefully we are those producers!). 20. And it was also quite convicting. Stu has a musical mind and the way it's wired the way it hears things is beautiful. So great to get to know him better. As I nursed Juliette, I sat in silence sipping the morning nectar from my mug and contemplating what I would attempt to accomplish that day. In these areas he allows for great freedom and exhorts both sides of a differing opinion not to pass judgment on one another where Christ has set you free. I share my experiences of success AND failure with them. Smoking and drinking has been one of the most basic of lifes simple pleasures for ages. He's brave. Quick to judge. Two shots were pulled from the espresso machine. I do have envy for that stove. Like, a serious reader. I dont smoke or drink but do enjoy them from time to time as I reminisce about how our forefathers spent their leisure moments in a world much different than ours. The house stays clean. Like the air I breath, I'm accustomed to changing five sets of clothes, wiping bottoms, brushing teeth, preparing a line of plates for supper, and managing the mayhem of working from home. The aroma and the relaxation has to be a part of him Does he enjoy it when he reads ? Some things they love, and some they hate, but thats okaythey learn lifelong lessons every day. Sometimes, I get really ambitious and unsettled. God hasn't bound our consciences with regards to drinking coffee and therefore, as a Christian, I am free to enjoy my morning brew as I wish. and doughnuts? And for the little glimpses into your busy life. As I drove up the road to my friend Laurens house to drop the kids off for a few hours, Me and Pinterest have a love/hate relationship. Take the time to mix it, ensuring that there are no dry flour pockets. I love that about him. Mine is an IT/computer geek I get this dazed look all the time. We werent meant to say goodbye to those we love or to witness the pain and discomfort of death. He doesnt leave it suspended. In some fundamentalists circles they might look at my card playing or cutting a rug as forms of evil, but those are extrabiblical standards that have nothing to do with what God sees as evil and the 1 Thess. Great post, super encouraging! Consideration and attention being the forebears of moderation. People will always find the time and money for the things which they value. Just never let him wear a smoking jacket, that would kill it. teaching other people how to cook, eat, and celebrate from-scratch food. Most folks would not agree with this statement but like you so wonderfully phrased it, Moderation, moderation, moderation. This very issue has come up recently time again and with others I talk to (specifically about my love of pastured pork, ahem), and I have found all the answer I need in Galatians. What an amazing answer! They look so real, like a glimpse through your eyes, the perfect moment captured. the land your home and your stove so dont allow people to make you feel less than. I have a wonderful strong man, 20 yrs married now. The passage you may be referring to is Romans 14 and continuing to chapter 15. I laughed and told him that I'm from the West Coast and that meant nothing to me. His black and whites always seem to be my favorite. Much love from across the pond xxx. My pocketbook won. Whole grains. I completely agree! Tolkien. I dont have a window and I love it. A wee bit back, Stuart and our oldest two littles headed off to North Carolina to visit family. It's hectic to say the least. Viva la friends! Aka: brain food. Your stove is an investment for now and for future generations all wrapped up in classy style! I must say no if someone offers me something that he forbids. I want to go make some luscious soft boiled eggs now. I will even use a coupon at Sonic for a free chocolate milkshake if I've got one. I love the way you see life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Loved this article, made me sad not to see Stuart this year as Im no longer at TRA. Wanna follow Shayne Elliott's net worth? We all have different priorities in life, and I refuse to feel any shame about prioritizing something as important as what I put into my body. Now, one can easily make arguments for the bigger picture (ie: government subsides, organic vs. conventional farming, the long-term-effect of GMOs, white sugar's affect on the body, etc, etc) no doubt. I am right there with ya! It's not like without half the family my days still haven't been plenty full. But oh, I am so looking forward to his return tonight! Id rather see it, feel it, and be a part of it then skirt that responsibility to someone I dont know. I had to chuckle the other day when a reader commented about the photo of Stuart smoking a pipe (located in the right hand column). He's also a way better hand milker than I am Sally always preferred his technique to mine and thus, gave him more milk and cream. My husband Stuart and I, along with our circus of four children, live on a small two acre homestead in Washington State. Congrats on baby #4 and acquiring a new heifer next spring!! I have all the brochures and I build my day dream stove about once a year. I know this is an older post, but I am so glad to have read it today. We do not live for ourselves but in everything live for Christ. Wonderful post Shaye! Thanks so much for sharing! The wife eats delicious soft boiled eggs with herbs and butter and crusty bread for almost every meal because 1) it's delicious 2) it's nutritious and 3) it makes almost no dishes. Copyright 2023 The Elliot Homestead | Privacy Policy, http://anappetiteforcolor.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/for-the-love-of-baguette/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcHukVMPC88, The HARDEST job in the garden (and full garden tours! Because of your blog I bring out the good dishes. My many baking flops are your gain. But seriously, this fact is important in knowing Stuart. It's quite incredible, as a parent, how used to the noise and activity you become. My husband prioritizes TV because hes a football superfan. Gods law is about putting Him and others first, and if something we are doing looks offensive or may cause another to stumble then we need to be careful and check our motives. I couldnt see through the tears then ..but God placed us in our home now where I get to be around our grands 24 seven. Especially when he makes me lattes. And he's right. Yes, we spoon. Though my lips are sealed on many accounts, we have much on the horizon for the year ahead and there is no one I'd rather share the journey with than Mr. Elliott. We just had a mini vacation to Leavenworth yesterday. And yes, we do eat healthy here on the homestead. It's seen cars seats, toddlers, baby animals, and hay bales. Also it should be noted that the wife was on her second glass of wine. Right on on girlie!!!!!!!!! He's hardworking. Im always on the lookout for new blogs to actually follow, and thanks to this post (and all the others the I read before it) Ill be sticking around and coming back in the future. We have always prioritized our food and done without other things. When we were traveling it was $1500 a month. What DO people spend their time and money on besides food? Just keepin' it real. Sure, a car is helpful when you need to go places, haul groceries, or ya know get to the emergency room or something. Many good memories will come with that stove. The Pharisees, you see, were legalistic. Viva la home defense! Save yourself years of bad loaves. Those danged ol pregnant women. Oysters. What a beautiful tribute to your man. Brought a big smile to my face this morning . As the blog continues to grow, as to my ambitions and ideas for it. Paste: Why did you write Welcome to the Farm? I have interacted with Mr. Staleys teaching before at the request of someone else and and depart from him significantly on this issue. I totally understand what you mean. Peter came to this freeing truth by way of Gods vision to him in Acts 10. We too do without a lot of things to save for what matters most to us. I have been making the same trade since the 70s. Shaye Elliott lives in Central Washington State with her family of six - one bearded husband and four lovely children (Georgia, Owen, William, and Juliette). Aug 27, 2022. I feel as long as walk the walk 90% of the timeI got an A LOL. We're welcoming our new heifer Cecelia onto the farm in early Spring 2016 as well! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); On a homestead, there is no doubt the joy of life and the sadness of death. Hes been gone only one night. Props for sneaking in some romantic comedies. I've faced this before I remember being told that because I was country' I couldn't listen to certain types of music. Shaye Elliott: We started by cooking. Thank you for sharing your life with us. They dont always enjoy it, but that doesnt bother me. It didnt take long to realize that ingredients were most delicious when they were plucked from our own soil. And that encouragement, that support, means more to me than any amount of hay stacking. We would be a much healthier nation if we could flip the prices on refined white sugar and organic grass fed beef. God recognizes and blesses those from all food cultures who belong to the kingdom of God by faith because Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Her husband Stuart took a break from morning chores to ground home-roasted coffee beans with a hand-crank. We'll mix up speciality cocktails and feature particular local ingredients in our recipes. And he's right. Viva la clean kitchen sink! Paste: What do you think of the recent farm to table trend? Boy? He's a sucker for nostalgia loving to create feelings. Its interesting that I read this post today, as this past week God has been teaching me just how much I and people in general judge each other. I will say though, that not everyone does have a choice. If white sugar was used like it was used when Laura Ingalls was a little girl it would only be beneficial. Its very true that absence truely does make the heart grow fonder. All Rights Reserved. Shaye Elliott is the founder of the blog, The Elliott Homestead. SE: Our kids have no idea how good they have it. I had a choice, I could take out a loan and get a glorious window free Lacanche or pay cash for my low end range. I love your range too. In her latest book, Welcome to the Farm, she outlines everything about her homestead and shares some amazing farm to table recipes. I am so glad we arent the only ones who feel this way and see how legalistic we can get when it comes to food. Bon appetit! Amazing Shaye, I giggled away and second every while the husband is away mine is away every 3 weeks for 3 weeks flying the globe I sometimes add The wife forgets to shave as there is no one who cares, and The wife lies texting the husband all night because hes been away far too long. The wife goes online shopping for new bras because 1) a nursing mother can demolish a bra in no time and 2) her size is constantly changing with her milk supply and 3) she's trying to remember a teeny bit of the saucy young woman she used to be. Im not sure theres anything left to say that hasnt already been said, but I couldnt agree with you more! Thank you! The wife eats delicious soft boiled eggs with herbs and butter and crusty bread for almost every meal because 1) it's delicious 2) it's nutritious and 3) it makes almost no dishes. And as experience is the best teacher, Im here to share with you how to bake better bread at home. Your blog has helped me overcome some of that myself. Thats a lesson Im happy to drive home to my children. And Shaye, how in the world did you decide what color of La Canche to get? My husband has been away for almost a week and I can relate to so much of this! I would be buying a stove instead of a car. The more we grew, the more acclimated our tastes grew to these incredible fresh flavors. But for the most part we drink good coffee every morning, and buy free range eggs. We live in a modest-sized house that we've built up with sweat equity so that I have wiggle room in the budget for pomegranates and saffron. Yes ma'am. and Yes sir. are prevalent in our home. Listening to the financial gurus drone on about how they do it by sacrificing healthy food on the alter of their budget; I just cant. There is just something about southern men.love mine too. THANK YOU! And, dare I say, creme brulee made with white sugar. Y'all, let me just tell you about my bearded husband. I buy real Parmesan in a large chunk (yes, it's expensive) instead of going to the movies. She is a beekeeper, avid gardener, and spends much of her summer preserving a variety of foods for the winter larder. The wife loves her husband more than all these things times a million. The persecution along the way can be considered all joy. from there, my husband told me about r/homestead. For starters, its not exactly a barn, but since this is a farm,. I love this post. Do you know how many times I use my stove a week? I'm not saying we can't have opinions about what we believe to be best. The wife remembers how much she misses his company, companionship, and touch. Its important for people to know that you will make mistakes. You don't have to. Your email address will not be published. ), kitchen remodel, garden harvesting, dTERRA building, animal breeding, nursing baby mode around these parts. Though its far from perfect or easy this is the life we love. It's a bloody miracle. This is my sentiments exactly. There are natural consequences when we forsake laws that He put in place. Stay connected to our journey and stories by subscribing, where new posts and recipes can land in your inbox! Sign up to have it all delivered right to your inbox! On their small farm they raise heritage pigs, sheep, a variety of chickens, geese, and ducks. What I have personally found helpful and the most biblically faithful on this topic is the approach taken in covenant theology. My husband and I have only been married for five years. Shaye Elliott is an old soul that lives in North Central Washington with her husband, Stuart, and their four children. Here I am,sitting in my house in Buckinghamshire,UK and your life is soooo totally different to mine but I LOVE reading your blog. Somewhere in the word it mentions something like this: if Im with someone who doesnt eat meat make them lamboh wait that is from some Greek movie. I agree wholeheartedly. My hope is that the book will give people a comprehensive starting point for their farm, no matter how big or small. And I loved reading Stuarts comments as well as they offered even more insight into the scriptures we often misinterpret. Don't expect the permit to be approved without jumping through . All Old Testament laws point to Christ. At the end of the day you are Responsible and accountable to each other, GOD and teaching your children and what you have steward. I love this, Shaye! Don't sneak into her house at night. Oops Did I just admit that? Love this, great post! But God made other good things and gave us blissful freedom and joyful hearts and I think you were spot on in what you wrote. Throw into that decision the eighty nine animals here reliant on us for their survival (not the least of which is a bull on loan), and it made it a pretty easy decision to stay behind with half the clan and all the barnyard. I love to drool over the pictures of your beautiful stove. Take care. I can TOTALLY relate. Food blogger Shaye Elliott, quit her 9-to-5 to start a homestead in Washington State with her husband and 4 kidsthis woman a foodie farming machine. Stuart is also an artist. and beer? I dont know who you are but definitely youre going to a famous blogger if you arent already Cheers! He sounds so full of great character and talent, what a gift to your sweet family. Actually no. Keep up the good work on all fronts . Just sayin'. *Blessings* ~Brianna. Did they need to become Jewish in order to be Christians? .I think 2010 is the last time I got to watch one of those in peace. You are now trying to impose YOUR standards onto me. I admire you and your family so much for living the life we would have loved if we could have done it when we were younger. Viva la love! And they yell at me and scream at me and throw chicken poo in my face and tell me I'm headed straight for h-e-double-hockey-stick for sipping the java. For about 7 years of our marriage I wanted to smash his laptop. There was no privilege back thenonly hard work. I love this and can totally relate!! Cottage-inspiration from the vegetable and flower gardens, to the small farm and dairy cow, to the from-scratch kitchen, to the still-life photography studio. Ive got my work cut out for me to teach moderation and apologize for going full steam ahead. I cant wait to see what the two of you create up ahead. Paste: Is it hard raising and then butchering your meat animals? Overall, its best to focus on whole ingredients and avoid prepackaged products. This great nation of ours got its legs growing and selling tobacco and later spirits. We are in our 13th year of marriage, with 6 children under 12, in our early 40s. Shaye Elliott. And he slaves over a vision that's in my head for our farm a vision that undoubtedly is difficult for him to see at times through the chores and muck. I would like to say that I enjoyed the peace, but I was a total wreck! Don't expect the plumbers to show up on time. I love your blog, thank you for all you do and all you share. It was very encouraging! I love when mothers have, Itwas a small instance that triggered my emotions this morning. And your health thanks you. They share the land with their dairy cow, bees, and large organic gardens. We plant and harvest, nurture and cull, say hello to newborn animals and goodbye to older ones, and pray that it all comes together from season to season. Now I'm all distracted thinking about being gigantically pregnant again. In fact, the other day my husband told me to go out with the pigs to get right, he knows me too well! In my mind it was simple. ). Shaye spends her days writing, gardening, child and . If Im addicted to sugar then I cannot have that in moderation. Paul exhorts those he is writing to in Rome not to pass judgment on one another over matters of opinion. Its like Im reading a short story. Great post. Im so thankful for this post, it gives me the encouragement to stay the course Ive been on, while still rebuilding. (Ill admit I looked at the starting prices of your stove quite a while ago and nearly fainted but I would certainly drop that kind of money on a number of other things that you probably wouldnt!). and root beer? by Shaye Elliott Paperback $24.95 The Elliott Homestead: From Scratch: Traditional, whole-foods dishes for easy, everyday meals by Shaye Marie Elliott Paperback $34.51 From the Publisher Welcome to our Family Table! I have become a foodie in recent years, but someimtes I lean towards phood Pharisie which is definitly NOT the kind of person I want to be. Vegetables and fruits should be purchased (or grown) as close to our kitchen as possible and we should eat a lot of them. Well I am a bit late to the party but I say amen! It isn't fancy it's a bare bones Suburban that's doubled as a farm truck for many moons. We like to feel good and we enjoy being healthy eating the way we do allows us to enjoy those things. , Also worth mentioning, we have no idea the finan, I love your priorities to family and food!

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