This time the kid started fighting them for real. Luckily, Flash was not in that class with them. Ned and Peter headed towards the track, thinking that running was a safer activity than the others. And started splashing water towards Peter, only that it hit Steve and Natasha. Apparently Tony took that chuckle as a yes from him. "SAM i got a hold of him!" The two long time friends and partners stared at each other for a long moment, until Clint gave in. In his lab, one of the only places free of judgement, he couldnt make anything without doubting himself. He smiled upon seeing the two Avengers. You didnt sleep very well, she said simply. And while Tony would like nothing more than to continue arguing, he could admit to maybe, kinda, sort of seeing the point his friend was making. Startling Peter a VERY loud whistle comes from the AI system. If he were dealing with a criminal, hed threaten them with his webs and strength, but these were just high school bullies. "I'll ask you again. I just this is the kind of thing I want you to call me in for, or the other Avengers. We are just never there when something big goes down here, and then you have to go at it alone and I hate that.. The rest of the gym had gone quiet, Peter realized as he dropped down to the mat. Peter punched Clint sending him in the wall of the pool. Right now he would be more happy to hit his head with a brick. So, with having explained my stand on this matter, please see this as blanket permission from me, to make use of anything written in my works of fanfiction you want. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). It's just so.. Bucky lead Steve to the room Bucky used when he had to stay here overnight. Morning came with a dull, throbbing headache. He let Flash push him around too much over the years, listing excuse after excuse on why he should just take the pain. Peter tries hard to focus his attention on his art and NOT get a panic attack from the memories and even worse his nightmares that unwelcomingly flood his dreams at night. Flash lunged for Peter, giving in to his anger. Im not beautiful and we both know it, Buck. Home is the farm, and I feel like that has enough decoration as it is-, Will you stop passive-aggressively telling me you hate the quilt?. You bet your fucking ass this is about last month, punk.. This time Mr.Stark asked. And that time the whole team was in Uruguay chasing down a lead to another Hydra cell, while a crazed scientist made a serum that turned himself into a fucking Lizard person out of my worst nightmares? But Jess got the tip that the two groups were going to throw down that night just before it happened, and we were the only ones close enough at the time. Peter walks into school with a funny grin still on his face. Four. His husband could do sinful things with those long artists fingers, and massaging wasnt where it stopped. Peter and Flash. Tony merely snorted and kept on. As his bar hooked on the second latch, Peter grabbed his bar. It actualy felt nice, a minute ago he felt like he was dying, now he was in heaven. Dont be, kid, and call me Tony. Top Ranks #1 in Field #1 in ted These OneShots will include. And it's not as if Peter is a complete rookie. Thats my bad. Thats not selfish, Peter. Their eyes full of many emotions, pity being the most prominent. as well as The one without all the hard-light holographic technology and force fields and all that other sexy machinery. Nobody dared to intervine now, they felt as they didnt have the right to even listen to this. But Peter was done just taking the pain. Fury told me I had time off, but Im not sure how long that will last. Bucky chuckled, pressing a kiss to the smaller mans temple. Sure, Bucky had told him about it, but Steve had never actually set foot in the place. Though right now this arrangement is temporary and the two might move back into their house in Queens eventually. Tony sighed and took off his sunglasses, fixing Bucky with a look. Flash and his friends. Together.. He also laid down Castle some time ago., (Castle?! There. It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. He was getting nervous and it was showing. The Captain clapped a strong hand on his shoulder. Steve looked around and noticed how plain it was, almost like a hotel room. The teasing smirk on his lips betrayed the fact that Peter wasn't really upset. When I get their please play the Hunger Game whistle at level 150 in Clint's room only.". Clint's Pajamas has a picture of Black Widow on the front, the bottoms are joggers and have guns, numb chucks, and fists on them. Damn right, he mumbled against Steves lips, both of them lost in each others eyes. as well as Percy Jackson's whole torso is littered with scars of ever shape, size and origin. They grabbed him by the shoulders. Look, clearly I worded that poorly. First of all he was a human with arcachnid powers, meaning he couldn't use very cold stuff. Another goon stepped out of the crowd to join the fight. Avengers training (Or, how Spiderman kicks everyone's butts), I'm not doubting your engineering capabilities, Tony.. In my opinion, considering Peters very impressive skill set, Thor would actually be the best training partner for him. But what could he do? So he kept his mouth shut. He gave you his number?! .. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But they didnt, the kid's breath began to pick up and everybody could hear it, as it echoed through the room. "Actually i wasn't planing to swim at all, but that could work." They should have gone in with you! That is just not the way to teach someone how to fight. He looked down at the gawking class and laughed. Tony started swimming towards them, to stop thm. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Tony rambles practically running into the room, a little surprised to see the kid sitting on the couch with a sly smile surrounded by the rest of the avengers, included Clint with a very red face and slight panic. Then Peter deflated. His thoughts were elsewhere. Just like that the shouting stopped and in its place was an awkward, uncomfortable silence. I can feel you staring at me, Buck, Steve mumbled, refusing to open his eyes. Sally Avril peered through the doors window, "Oh. But once Peter started struggling to get himself out of their grip and to scream at them, they quickly became concerned. I would like to try my hand on this. That doesn't matter. I got overwhelmed with work and prior commitments, but thats no excuse. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her). The pool!" left kudos on this work! I'm sorry, dad. Cue Tony doing work like the dad he is 2. this one has Peter sick and trying to hide it from Tony but he fails and Tony takes him back to the tower and to med-bay By the time he went to sleep, he was exhausted. "Wakey, Wakey, Katniss," Peter coos. Don't you think he is too young for that?, They turned to each other at once. They ask if I still have the scars. He doesnt want to give away his suit for something as stupid as missing curfew. Spiderman definitely had nothing to do with taking that guy down before he could turn every citizen in New York into his reptile underlings. It looked to Peter as if Coach Wilson was holding in a smirk. Are you sure you arent free this weekend? Ned asked, his voice bordering on a whine. ), Shout and yell and scream (is your throat raw or bleeding). (in the comics even the continuous fire of a machinegun)His healing factor is acutally better than Steves, as it also grants resistance (and in some cases immunity) to some illnesses and even poisonous substances.His webbing is as strong as steel cable, and people that arent at least at his level of strenghts, shouldnt be able to just rip it apart.He is smart and knows how to think outside the box. I guarantee that it will be all over social media within the hour. (Or sometimes even sad or scary when I'm in a particular mood.). FRIDAY doesn't respond but just does what Peter says. Bucky just sighed, leaning into his husbands touch and finding comfort in the hands, that were slightly calloused from holding pencils and paint brushed, massaging his scalp. You should have hit, with that baseball. Poor Penis Parker, the sad, little orphan. What do you think? Tony asked, eyeing Steve. A soldier, a knight, a god, a monster, an ant, a pixie, a spy, an archer, a spider, and an animal. "I mean I'm fine. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading and voting on my story. Not his best friend Ned or MJ. "Suckers." Tony strides in. And then other times, when one writer takes inspiration from another writer's story, and puts their own ideas and twists into it, they get attacked for stealing the idea. Friday, be a dear and tell Pete to gear up and come to training room 'snooze-fest'.. Fighting about 250 armed criminals definitely ranks in the top 10 justifiable reasons for being hysterical., How the hell did he distract her from something like that? Tony got called away for a mission. Oh, right. Dont worry. Tony and Pepper have a son named Peter Parker Stark. And Mr Castle even apologized to me after. The super soldier decided not to question it and instead waved Peter forward to the training mats. Which one is training room 'snooze-fest'?. He loved Steven Grant Rogers with all of his heart. Peter Parker is trending on Twitter. Tony laughed at Peters wide eyes. The two waved back at the teen. Bucky managed to get through his words, pausing slightly when Steve sat up to work on his back. Steves cooking skills ended with bacon, so Peter was grateful for Bucky to pick up the slack with the meal. He somersaulted over their heads, going into a roll as the three of them regained their composure. There was still a part of me that wanted to be James Barnes, and the arm reminded me of the fact that I didnt have control, Bucky took a deep breath, seeing the concern and understanding in Steves face, I tried to pry the arm off. But oh boy they were wrong, the boy shot a smirk back at them, gesturing to his swim shorts. They make for good sparring partners, okay? But now they've been exposed. St-- Tony, thats okay. The suit is standing before him, face plate down. Pack what youll need for a few days, were going to scare a kid,. And okay, that may not be a fair comparison, considering that the Hulk is pretty overwhelming, but there are still parallels that can be drawn here in highlighting that a higher level of experience can't always be the only thing guaranteeing a win. They all sat on the couch in the living room, since it had the most air conditioners. I have read so many fics where Peter is trained by Natasha or Clint or Steve and they regularly wipe the floor with him, and I just cant wrap my head around this.Again, I get it, experience is a great thing and it certainly can turn an otherwise hopeless battle in your favour, but it is not an almighty tool. Im not sure, he mumbled, almost purring when Steve started to massage his neck slightly. He thought about it for a moment. You take things out of the oven because the heat doesnt bother you. He continued preemptively before Tony could open his mouth to further defend his son. Peter was walking around town when he got a message, interrupting the music he was blasting into his ears through his earbuds. At Coach Wilsons whistle, the group split up for each activity. It was just Steve, something that never changed. spiderman, tonystark, fanfiction. Peter (Parker) POV. Now, how about we talk about that stunt you pulled earlier. He gave Natasha a smile and a nod then went back to eating. Any prompt, plot bunny, vague idea, characteristics explored, circumstances written, or full on story of mine that has been published here; - if you want to write something with the same premise, but different development, - if you want to write something completely different, but want to use one aspect or characteristic featured in the stories, - if you can find any inspiration from any of my works at all. Peter tries hard to focus his attention on his art and NOT get a panic attack from the memories and even worse his nightmares that unwelcomingly flood his dreams at night. He was interrupted when the door to the room opened and Natasha and Clint stepped in. My. But at the end of the day, they are just machines. I used to wish the same thing with my father, and I know how bad it felt when he wasnt there for me. Making him feel worse. There was a reason he never told this story. That hurts. (WARNING THE FIRST CHAPTERS ARE TOTAL CRAP , PLEASE SKIP THE FIRST 7 CHAPTERS , Really, Steve thought, parenthood becomes you, Tony. Pull ups are next. He found himself smiling as Steve pressed his body against Buckys, both of them naked from the previous nights activities. Everything I just said was true, I probably forgot some things, but your arm is a part of you, and I love it just as much as any other part, Steve leaned down and kissed Bucky slowly, pulling away and kissing down his neck and towards his arm, then peppering the whole area with kisses, smiling as tears welled in Buckys eyes. "What are you two dorks laughing about now? Undesirable? While Tony's words did nothing but confuse Steve, something that he should really be used to by now, they seemed to be setting Peter's mind at ease. Who did it?" left kudos on this work! And it always, ALWAYS gets me so irrationally upset when I read this. His eyes started glancing around the room, started tapping on the floor with his heel, he put his arms around hismself that shows he's trying to comfort himself. He chuckled remembering May's reaction to him being a hero. It didnt work out. You never told me how you got these, Steve muttered, tracing the faint pink outlines around the metal shoulder. "Alright then people, change into your swimsuits and come into the right wing of the compound." That's my boyfriend you are talking about.). Dont worry, its just a simple information op, but he didnt get the chance to tell you before Fury took him.. I think it was Flash and his buddies. He has his own schedule, one that doesnt care about anyone elses. 478 guests So you can keep an eye on me?. Not cool, Tony. ten strangers are brought together to handle a menace that threatens the entire world. In this situation, where they had broken the unspoken rules, his first instinct was to even the score, morals be damned. The color drains from the boys face and his eyes are filled with panic. Deadpool loves chimichangas and Spiderman. Stop! Tony rolled his eyes as he answered Clint. He rang the bell and dropped down to the mat, eyes on Flash as he struggled to pull himself halfway. I will, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter and The Avengers, as Seen by Midtown High. God" she exclaimed in her shrill voice, catching the class's attention. His body was covered in scars. If you caught any mistakes don't be afraid to tell me so I can fix them! Immediately he looked somewhere else and increased the speed with which he was tapping the ground. Again, first to ten wins the race.. Bucky, Im not going to give you a bullshit Im sorry this happened to you speech because Im sure youve heard it enough. You mean the one that we all use regularly?. I can take care of myself, you know? He made sure to hide them well. He said a bad language word! Flash gathered himself and tried again. Skins, instead of wearing a gross jersey you will be just taking off you shirt (this is also due to budget cuts) (A/N I think that might be illegal but for the purpose of the story it is not. He rose his head ,as a tear slipped down his cheek, he smiled and simply said a word. - Which now that I think about it, is actually slightly worrying and maybe we should talk about that with the team later on.- He doesn't remember how he got to the couch. Third period passed with only a few spitballs aimed at the back of his neck from Flash and his goons. Bucky couldnt find the right word, but it wasnt something positive. Someone knocked on the door and Bucky opened it to reveal the one and only Tony Stark who eyed the knife in Buckys hand. You got here fast. So Pete, what do you think? I know, kid. He may not have the kind of experience the other members of the team do, but that doesn't mean that he has none.Bruce Banner doesn't have as much fighting experience as the other Avengers do, yet I never see anyone climbing into the ring with the Hulk. Thats the only reason I know about it, he told me when it got too bad. Tony has spilled the beans on live tv about Peter being heir to Stark Industries. Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. Both of them continued for a while, whispering I love yous between the passionate kisses. We didn't interrupt something, did we?. Abe gave him a raised eyebrow but otherwise didnt question him. Since only a percentage of the team is present, you quite obviously didn't miss team training. Peters instincts kicked in, eyes scanning the gym for the threat. Im going to be better for you. It's about time. Steve wasn't sure what reaction he had expected from the kid, but it was definitely not Peter shooting Tony an exasperated look. Knowing Mr.Stark, he won't give up on this idea and would only ask more questions as to why he declined, if he refused, which would only put him in a more difficult situation. Peter rips off his mask and starts rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac. Jessica stopped him and just threw him at me, told me to, and I quote, 'Get the french frying idiot some god donuts medical attention before he croaks like a little butt licorice'. This morning Clint woke me up at four in the morning and told me it was nine. The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Captain America (Movies) Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Peter Parker & Tony Stark James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker & Steve Rogers Steve Rogers & Avengers Team Characters: Steve Rogers James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Peter Parker Natasha Romanov (Marvel) I genuinely don't get this. Oh for the love of god, won't anybody ever let me live that down?), (Look, dad, I had to! He could still do that, he thought to himself, eyeing the equipment set up around him. I hope you all enjoy this! Steve hadnt seen the Avengers compound before. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers do everything in their power to help him. Im going to be better for you. How is that even possible?In fact, every time in the comics that Peter ignored his spidey-sense, was when he got (sometimes badly) hurt. Should have told me from the start, but thats beside the point,. They follow a pre-determined code of defense and attack patterns. Peter bared his teeth in a poor imitation of a smile. Due to the events of the second story in the series (the wounds we see and the scars we don't) May and Peter have also taken up residence in the tower (more specifically on Tony and Peppers floor, where they have their own living spaces). for that. It is going to be a competition. Then Tony suddenly snapped his fingers and fixed the teen with a suspicious glare. It was about more than Ned then, more than a matter of pride, more than the consequences of a broken promise. Well, we better make the most of it, Steve smirked as Bucky just hummed in agreement, in too much bliss to talk. They stayed there for a moment until Peter could breathe easy again. Well figure it out. He said hed be done by this morning., Her face softened, eyes roaming over his face. Yes, having a team of people who could fight well and had powers was something he was grateful for, but he loved his quiet life at home, with someone who had always been there for him. Even Flash looked a little down at the sight. He step back into the elevator and yells at FRIDAY to take him to Clint's floor. Peters Spidey-Senses tingled, but after a quick look around he chalked it up to normal anxieties. Nah, I was just skyping with MJ and Ned, but it was nothing important. No response, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. They soon arrived at the lower level training room, and just had to wait a few more minutes for Peter. While Clint had a rather pinched expression on his face. I'm totally okay. I know that's a rather short chapter, but I know that some people have problems reading longer chapters in one sitting, and this was the most agreeable point at which to cut things off. Peter just wants to chill with his bros pool and devil, maybe eat a taco or twelve. "Kid, you are definitely not okay, you are sweating bullets right now. Do you need anything? Pete didnt even got a chance to complaining something. and topic of LGBTQIA warnings will be at the top of chapters. Im okay. He straightened his shoulders. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. Forgive me for any mistakes because I mainly wrote this at like 3 am after not writing for a couple of months. Looking up, Mr.Stark looked hurt. Steve's voice was stern. What the hell is wrong with my specially designed training robots?, For the fifth time, Tony, there is nothing wrong with your robots. You know I didn't do this to worry you. Not even now he would say a thing. The blind guy without a fashion sense knows when to duck and the alcoholic skipped a beer or two. With his mask finally on, he called down for the last time. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter is the bamfest bamf who ever bamfed, To Not Re-Read These Fics is Criminal (Don't be a criminal), Series that I want to read once they are complete, As with all the other fics in the series, Civil War got resolved peacefully (and Ross is out of office), and Infinity War and Endgame did not and, Tony and Pepper share custody over Peter with May. So are you gonna do something about it or-. "Teams, Skins will be, Flash, Tom, Chris, Robert, Evan, and," Peter sucks in a breath please, he prays, not me, not me, not me, "lastly Peter." Then, after Peter has had the chance to really familiarize himself with his fighting prowess and knows how much he needs to pull his punches without loosing his ground by holding back too much, THEN the others can actually teach him some techniques and strategies that he will actually be able to implement into his fighting style. They stopped short, however, when they were greeted with the sight of Peter having pretty much scaled the blond super soldier, crouching on the tall man's shoulders and holding his phone aloft, while Tony was all but grappling with Steve to get at the teenager, as Steve tried to keep the genius at bay and talk him out of deleting The Punisher from the kids contact list. What the hell? he asked, blinking up at Peter. This was not a normal situation. Steve sighed and joined Bucky, flopping down on the bed beside him. I think you can do better than that, Eugene.. Can you at least see where I'm coming from?. Unable to save them all in time, Peter had decided to catch the weight of the building so the people could escape. And obviously that is not Peter's fault.. There has to be something that all of us can do to chill ourselves---I know! On one hand, he didnt want to bother the busy man. Got it, boss. The A.I. The kid isn't even old enough to order a beer yet., They ignored Peter's Beer is nasty, why would I ever order that?, as Natasha countered, He has been doing this for a few years already, and has some impressive fights to show for it. That he should never show his scars to anybody. Go, Coach said from his spot off to the side, signaling the start of the race. Thompson, Coach Wilson said, not bothering to hide his smirk now, hold your accusations. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He pulls his mask over his face and clings to the ceiling above Clint. And it's not like he has taken care of that Vulture guy, who was running around with alien technology. This fic is the last one in the 'Cliche busting' series, but the first one in the 'Bamf Peter' series. Pete? Steves voice called from outside his door, Are you ready for breakfast?

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